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A NOVEL. By BEATRICE WHITBY. 12mo. Paper, 50 cents. Julius Courtney; or, Master of his Fate. By J. MACLAREN COBBAN. Reprinted from Blackwood's Magazine. The Gainsborough Series. 12mo. Paper, 25 cents. This remarkable novelette illustrates some new and startling phases of hypnotism. It has attracted much attention in course of its publication in Blackwood. Lily Lass. By JUSTIN MCCARTHY. The Gainsborough Series. 12mo. Paper, 25 cents. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 1, 3, & B Bond Street, New York. Educational Announcements, May, 1890. The Spiritual Sense of Dante's "Divina Commedia." By WILLIAM T. HARRIS, LL. D. Price, $1.00. TABLE OF CONTENTS: SECTION 1. Introduction.-2. Dante turns from Politics to Literature.-8. In what sense Hell is Eternal.-4. Punishment of the Pusillanimous.-5. Why Infants and Heathen Sages are in the Limbo.-6. The Punishments of the Incontinent.-7. The Relation of Sloth to Anger among the Mortal Sins.-8. What Form of Heresy is a Daughter of Sloth?-9. The Punishment of the Violent.-10. The Daughters of Envy: Ten Species of Fraud.-11. The Circles of Treachery, the Daughter of Pride.-12. The Spiritual Sense of Purgatory.-13. The entrance to Purgatory.-14. Church and State.-15. The Purgatorial Stairs.-16. The First Terrace: Purification from Pride.-17. Second Terrace: Purification from Envy.-18. Third Terrace: Dante's Purification from Anger.-19. Fourth Terrace: Sloth and its Relation to the Other Mortal Sins.-20. Fifth Terrace: Purification from Avarice.-21. Sixth Terrace: Purgation of the Intemperate.-22. Seventh Terrace: Dante's Purification from Lust.-28 The Terrestrial Paradise.-24. The Spiritual Sense of "Lethe." -25. The Ascent to Paradise.-26. The Heaven of the Moon. The Ritualists.-27. The Heavens of the Imperfect Wills.-28. The Pusillanimous, the Procrastinators, and the Formalists.-29. The Heaven of Mercury. The Ambition for Fame.-30. The Heaven of Venus. Love as Limited to Special Persons.-31. The Heaven of the Sun. Theology.-32. The Heaven of Mars. True Heroes.-33. The Heaven of Jupiter. Just Rulers. -34. The Doctrine of Salvation.-85. The Heaven of Saturn. Faith, Hope, and Charity.-36. The Heaven of the Fixed Stars.-37. The Highest Heaven, the Empyrean. The Rose of Paradise and the Vision of God.-88. The Angelic Knowing.-39. The Poetic Mythos. What it Embodies?40. The Sun Myth. Its Spiritual Significance as Physical Description of Mind.-41. Homer's Mythos of Hades.-42. Plato's Threefold Future Life Described in the "Phædo."-43. Plato's Mythos of Er. The Purgatory.-44. Virgil's "Eneid." Descent of Eneas to Orcus.-45. Metempsychosis versus Eternal Punishment in Hell.-46. Dante's Mythos of the Formation of the Inferno and the Purgatorial Mountain. 47. Dante's Mythos of the Roman Empire.-48. The Minotaur and the Labyrinth in the Light of this Mythos. -49. Minos as Judge in the Light of the same Mythos. -50. Other Mythologic Figures used by Dante.-51. The Mythos of Dante's "Purgatorio."-52. The Mythos of Dante's "Paradiso." Gnosticism and Neoplatonism.-53. This Mythos Developed in the "Celestial Hierarchies."-54. The Heretical Tendency of this Mythos.-55. The Doctrine of the Trinity a Symbol of the Highest Truth. Practical Hints for the Teachers of Public Schools. By GEORGE HOWLAND, Superintendent of the Chicago Public Schools. 12mo, 198 pages. Price, $1.00. Vol. XIII, International Education Series, edited by WILLIAM T. HARRIS, LL. D., United States Commissioner of Education. The International Education Series designs to cover (1) the history of education, (2) critieisms and reforms, (3) the theory or science of education, and (4) the art or practice of teaching. The present volume falls in the fourth division; it treats of details of management. The author has chosen nine topics, which he discusses in this volume, and that he has selected these topics with eminent practical wisdom is evident from the following mention of their general bearings: 1, Moral training; 2, The character of the teacher; 3, The memory-how much or how little shall it be trained in school work; 4, Methods of inciting self-activity in the child of the primary school; 5, The ideal of scholarship; 6, The demeanor of the teacher-a subject treated by the author with eminent sagacity; 7, How the school develops character; 8, The class recitation; and, 9, The matter of supervision-the relation of the head teacher to his subordinates. "It is a great work, grandly performed, by the one man who could do just this thing satisfactorily." Journal of Education. "A book that ought to be in the hands of every teacher in the land." - Philadelphia Times. |