VOL. XXXVII.] ESTABLISHED BY EDWARD L. YOUMANS. [No. 1. II. On Justice. By HERBERT SPENCER...... III. Sumptuary Laws. By WILLIAM A. HAMMOND, M. D......... 33 V. Secondary School Programmes. By GEORGE W. BEAMAN..... 48 VI. Scenes on the Planet Mercury. By G. V. SCHIAPARELLI....... 64 VII. Artificial Honey and Manufactured Science. By ALLEN PRINGLE. 70 VIII. Wallace on "Darwinism." By the LORD BISHOP OF CARLISLE. 75 IX. Cats and their Friendships. By W. H. LARRABEE. (Illustrated.). 91 X. Recent Glacial Work in Europe. By Mrs. K. B. CLAYPOLE.... 103 XI. The Botanic Gardens at Kew. By FREDERIK A. FERNALD..... 106 XII. Sketch of Henry R. Schoolcraft. (With Portrait.). XIII. Correspondence: Agriculture on the Plains.-Public Schools as affecting S MATCHLESS PIANOS. Peabody Museum of American Archmology and Ethnology IN CONNECTION WITH HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESENTED BY the Editor Received April 22.1890, AAAL AA KENAMAIN WAREROOMS, 33 UNION SQ., NEW YORK. IS, SANITAS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, * MAIN OFFICE, 207 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON. VIEW OF A BATH-ROOM FITTED UP WITH * THE SANITAS PLUMBING APPLIANCES. R BRANCHES. * PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. Its superior excellence proved in millions of homes for more than a quarter PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., * Cluett's Cluett Coon Co COLLARS AND CUFFS. FOR GENTLEMEN. FULL DRESS Cluett, Coon & Co. Monarch MANUFACTURERS, TROY, Ν. Υ. MARK. FIXED PRICE SHIRTS SOLD EVERYWHERE AT $2.00, $1.75, $1.50, $1.25, WITH INCREASING POPULARITY. JOSEPH CILLOTT'S Sold by all Dealers throughout the World! For Fine Writing, No. 1, 303, and Ladies, 170. For Broad Writing, 294, 389, and stub point, 849. For General Writing, 332, 404, 390, and Falcon, 878, 908. Other styles to suit all hands. Sample Cards, Price-lists, etc., furnished on application. JOSEPH GILLOTT & SONS, 91 John St., New York. HENRY HOE, Sole Agent. |