
Holiness, the Pope, kissed his great toe; or, as are the ignorant savages, who present the most costly sacrifices to the bad spirit, whose enmity is the subject of the greatest dread. To distress our bodies and afflict our souls, as an expiation of our transgressions is, " to change the glory of the incorruptible God, into an image made like corruptible man." Behold the man, whose bowels ever move

With gen'rous pity and with tender love;
That man sees mercy in his God above.

But view the wretch whose breast no pity knows,
That stares, and smiles at scenes of human woes;
No pity dwells in him, to whom he bows.


In the famous address delivered by Mr. Ward, before the "Wesleyan Missionary Society in London, after his return from the United States," he has the following remarkable passage, in his description of the character of the Hindostans or Indians.

the world."

"As Missionaries, we were received with a frown; and yet, for hospitality, friendship, and every thing else which is dignified, India will bear a comparison with any country in Boston Recorder, Aug. 4, 1821. After the disinterested author of these words had reaped the United States with the sickle of Hindostan barbarity, sufferings and degradation, and secured in his Missionary garner ten thousand dollars, he frankly acknowledges that the people, in whom they intend to work a “radical change,” are renowned for hospitality, friendship and every other dignified virtue. Suffer us to inquire, what constitutes the moral character of a nation, unless it be their conduct towards each other; especially, in relation to hospitality, friendship,truth, honesty,love of order,attachment to virtue, and every thing else which is dignified? Should our Missionaries effect a change in their moral character, must it not, according to Mr. W.'s report, making them unfriendly, inhospitable and every thing else which is contemptible? If we have misunderstood Mr. W. we are willing to hear wherein. He has led us to conclude that in point of moral character, and all which is con

sistent with the dignity of our nature, the Indians will compare with any other people! Is all this true, and are we to expend millions to make them renounce a religion, which produces hospitality, friendship and all dignified conduct?

Mr. W. says, " they are prejudiced, ignorant and superstitious." See his account of

PREJUDICE. "If our gracious King, GEORGE the FOURTH, should go to that country, and the lappet of his robe should happen to touch the food of an Indian, he would throw it away, if he were dying for hunger."

Of IGNORANCE. "They have not a word for "Conscience," in their language; when you speak of God, they think you mean one of their deities, Vishnoo or Ram, or some other. Talk about heaven, they think you mean the heavens of their gods.'

Of SUPERSTITION. They can boast of Martyrs to their religion; women sacrificing themselves on the funeral pyres of their husbands. They form different societies, which are forbidden to intermarry.'

Reader, who would not compass sea and land to make proselytes among a people, guilty of such heinous crimes, though, for every thing dignified, comparable with any other? Can the Hindoos be saved, if they would refuse to eat food, which had been touched by the robe-lappet of a GRACIOUS KING, such as George the fourth? Of what avail would be their friendship, hospitality and dignity of conduct towards him, if thus prejudiced!

The writer of these remarks, and all who attentively read the "Recorder," may now see the change which Missionaries produce among Heathens. They add nothing to their moral character, by which it is dignified; but learn them to respect "Gracious Kings," like GEORGE the FOURTH; explain the word "Conscience," though it is not in their language; they tell them that the word God, does not mean "Vishnoo," nor Heaven his residence. They also strive to prevent Martyrdom.

Note. Would not those who support Missionaries have been offended, if the Editor had said as much in favor of the Hindoos, as did Mr. W. in the Report above noticed!


A liberal, sociable Clergyman, pleasantly invited a woman, whose husband was a Universalist, to join a " Female Cent Society," observing, it was "only a cent per week to send eternal life to the poor heathens, who are entirely destitute of all means of salvation." He asked her husband if he was willing she should join a society to save the poor creatures. When the Minister made his report to the Missionary Board, having obtained about twenty-five dollars, they gave him thirty, as a reward for his extraordinary exertions. Soon after, a friend called on the Universalist, observing, "Well, Mr., the money which was raised for the benefit of the Heathens, never reached them; our Minister has got it all and more too." Indeed, replied the Universalist, then it came as nigh reaching the character for whom it was intended, as it could, and miss. For what is more Heathenish, than for a Minister thus to accept of money, which he pretended was raised for the salvation of immortal souls!


RICHARDS altered.

SUPREME JEHOVAH, most sublime!
High thron'd in glory's radiant clime;
Behold thy Church, on bended knee,
Conven'd, in love, to worship thee!
And as 'tis thine with open ear,
The suppliant voice of prayer to hear,
Grant thou, O LORD, this one request,
Let Christians be, in blessing, blest.
O give thy Church, a mild control,
The feeling heart, the humble soul,
The gen'rous breast, the lib'ral hand,
Compassion's balm, and Mercy's band,
With Charity, that pours around,
The wine and oil, on mis'ry's wound,
And heals the Widow's, Orphan's heart,
Deep pierc'd by sorrow's poignant dart.
Then to thy throne, the Church shall raise,
One ceaseless song of grateful praise,
And Christian's all, in chorus join,
To hymn the power of Love divine :
That love supreme, thy Love, O God,

Which thou, thro' CHRIST, hast pour' abroad;
"Till Light, Life, Peace, adorn the vale,
And Angels, Men, pronounce, "All Hail."

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"Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the high God? shall I come before him with burnt-offerings," &c. MICAH, vi. 6, 7.


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To worship, adere and serve Jehovah, from pure and dignified motives, inspires the soul with a serenity and glory, to which the ignorant, superstitious and bigotted aré real strangers. Enlarged and exalted views of the Divine character, with corresponding exercises of devotion, will naturally soften the feelings, regulate the affections, and influence the conduct of christians. Devotion, springing from such principles, will be voluntary, solemn and sanctifying; bowing down the loftiness of the proud, and bringing to naught the haughtiness of the terrible. Bringing its numerous votaries to a level, pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father," imparts a mildness, benevolence and reciprocity of disposition, which the wise and prudent would ever wish to enjoy, in common with all rational creatures. Such a disposition would prove an heavenly opiate, soothing the pains, and woes and sufferings, to which all are in some measure incident, in a valle of tears. Real adoration, so far from "shooting arrows dipped in wormwood and gall,” “brings to the soul the balm of Gilead," healing to the wound inflicted by cruelty's envenomed dart. So far from demanding a wreath of thorns to deck the brow and distort the natural expression of the countenance, crushing the christian with the burthen of present distress, or distracting him with the apprehension of impending, interminable wrath, it requires him to love the Lord with all his soul, and his neighbor as himself.

the desires, feelings and thoughts of imperfect and sinful creatures; to encourage and strengthen the disposition to virtue, and suppress, overcome and eradicate every propensity to vice. What, but a realizing and impressive sense of the divine Omnipresence, will expose to their own inspection, the iniquitous designs of the ungodly and hypocritical, and pursue them through the labyrinth of excuses and cavils, till they are destitute of a retreat? The ways of wicked men, like the serpent's meandering path, are mysterious, crooked and difficult to be discovered. As well might we follow the serpent on the rock or in the water, unseen, as to explain the motives of the grossly wicked, in the frequent violation of laws, obedience to which is consistent with reason, religion and common sense. In the secrecy and solemnity of devotion, when the mind is disengaged from the cares of the world, and the soul is enlarged by divine contemplations, and the light of immortal truth and love, measurably illuminates the intellectual region, lasting impressions are not unfrequently made on the heart, and the worshipper is lead to discoveries, to which he was before a stranger; his numerous sins and iniquities are set in order before him, and, humbling himself in dust and ashes, it is his penitential prayer that his transgressions may be forgiven. A new determination is formed in the soul; celestial virtue is preferred to detestable vice, and all are led to rejoice in the fruits of so glorious a reformation. Then is the convert seen rejoicing in that benevolence which shines and speaks in every object around us, and acknowledges the condescension and goodness of God, in requiring us to deal justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly in his presence. This is a developement of the mysterious object of christian worship; and a succinct and comprehensive answer to the interrogation in the text, "Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the high God?" For the encouragement and support of the charitable and rational, it may be observed, that it has the sanction of that Being, in whom angels and all holy beings confide. By this exposition of religious duty, variety is regulated, apparent contradictions harmonized and mysteries resolved. Truth divine, in full orbed-splendor, illuminates the pathway of the sincere inquirer for Zion.

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