
Applications...Reproductive...Arts, cont'd. Book Plates: Regional, continued. book-plates, compiled by J. F. Verster. Amsterdam: J. van Dokkum [1900?). 44 p. 8°. MDBV

Avery collection.


Wang, Otto. En dansk Ex-libris Kunstner, Ebbe Kormrup. København: Erslev & Hasselbalch, 1914. 15 p. illus. 8°. MDVK Danske Ex-libris. København: Hertz, 1915. 6 1., 12 pl. sq. 8°.


Gruel, Léon. Les ex-libris français à l'époque de la terreur révolutionnaire. Macon: Protat frères, 1901. 13 p. fo. + MDV Repr.: Archives de la Soc. français d. collect. d'ex-libris. Avery collection.

Hamilton, Walter. French book-plates: a handbook for ex-libris collectors. London, 1892. 12°. MDVK

Poulet-Malassis, Auguste. Les ex-libris français depuis leur origine jusqu'a nos jours. Nouvelle éd., très augmentée. Paris, 1875. pl. 8°. MDVK


Braungart, Richard. Neue deutsche Exlibris; mit einleitendem Text. München: F. Hanfstaengl [1913). 45(1) p., 84 pl. 8°. (Die Kunst unserer Zeit.) MDVK

Hantz, Georges. Ex libris Georges Hantz. Leipzig: K. W. Hiersemann, 1908. 5 1., 25 pl. f°. +MDVK

Courtlandt Palmer memorial collection.

Heinemann, Otto von. The Ex-libris collection of the Ducal Library at Wolfenbuettel: 160 selected book-plates from the 15th to the 19th century... London, 1895. 4°. MDVF Hildebrandt, Ad. M. Heraldic bookplates: ex-libris invented and drawn by MDVK A. M. H... London, 1892. 8°.

Leiningen-Westerburg, Karl Emich zu, Graf. German book-plates: an illustrated hand-book of German & Austrian exlibris. Translated by C. R. Dennis. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1901. xix, 531 p., 5 pl. 12°. (Exlibris series.) MDVK

Rheude, Lorenz M. Bibliothekzeichen. Zweiunddreissig Ex libris. Gezeichnet von L. M. Rheude. Mit einem Vorwort von L. Gerster. Zürich: F. Amberger, 1902. 14 p., 31 pl. 8°. MDVK

Sattler, Joseph. Durcheinander. Allerlei Zeichnungen und Skizzen von Ex-libris,


Titelblätter, Zierleisten, Vignetten, u. s. w. im Laufe der letzten Jahre gefertigt von J. Sattler... Berlin: J. A. Stargardt, 1897. 3 p.1., 106 p. fo. Avery collection. Teske, Charles. The book-plates of Ulrick, duke of Mecklenburgh; woodcuts by L. Cranach and other artists, besides several Ex-Libris of some other members of the Mecklenburg dynasty. Berlin, 1894. 4°. †MDVK

Warnecke, Friedrich. Die deutschen Bücherzeichen (ex-libris) von ihrem Ursprunge bis zur Gegenwart. Berlin, 1890. 4°. †MDVK Rare book-plates (Ex-Libris) of the 15th and 16th centuries. London, 1894. 8°. MDVK Zur Westen, Walter von. Ex-libris. (Bucheignerzeichen.) Bielefeld: Velhagen & Klasing, 1901. 3 p.1., 103 p., 6 pl. 4°. (Sammlung illustrierter Monographien, [Bd.) 4.) MDVC


Bertareille, Achille, and D. H. PRIOR. Gli ex libris italiani... Milano: U. Hoepli, 1902. 3 p.1., 470 p., 9 pl. 4°. †MDVK

Gelli, Jacopo. 3500 ex libris italiani, illustrati con 755 figure e da oltre 2000 motti, sentenze e divise che si leggono sugli stemmi e sugli ex-libris. Con 840 incisioni. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli, 1908. xii, 535 p., 70 pl. 16°. (Manuali Hoepli.) MDVK


Antoshevski, I. К. Русскіе книжные знаки (Еx-Libris). St. Petersburg: I. K. Antoshevski,, 1913. 30 p. illus. f°. †MDVK


Allen, Charles Dexter. American bookplates; a guide to their study, with examples. By C. D. Allen. With a bibliography by E. N. Hewins... New York: Macmillan and Co., 1894. xiv, 437 p., 32 pl. illus. 12°. (Ex-libris series.) MDVK Bibliography, p. 389–420.

A classified list of early American book-plates, with a brief description of the principal styles and a note as to the prominent accompany an exhibition at the Grolier Club., Oct., 1894. New York: The Grolier Club, 1894.1 p.l., 11-88 p., 1 pl. 8°.

One of 350 copies printed.



Banning, Kendall. Book-plates designed, engraved and printed by the Triptych

[blocks in formation]


Book-plates of well-known AmeriPrinceton, N. J.: University Press, 1911. 45 p., 2 pl. illus. 12°. MDVK Bookplates mounted on blank pages.

no. 167 of 250 copies printed, each signed by the author.

Fincham, Henry W. Artists and engravers of British and American bookplates. A book of reference for bookplates and print collectors. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1897. xvi, 135 p., 22 pl. 4°. +MDVK

Franks, Sir Augustus Wollaston. Ellis's catalogue of British and American bookplates (ex-libris), collected by Sir A. W. Franks. Part 1-6. London: Ellis, [Holdsworth & Smith). 1906-1909. 2 v. 8°. MDVF

Franks bequest. Catalogue of British and American book plates, bequeathed to the trustees of the British Museum by .A. W. Franks. By E. R. J. Gambier Howe. v. 1-3. London: The British Museum, 1903-4. 3 v. pls. 4°.


Goodhue, Bertram Grosvenor, 1869. A book of architectural and decorative drawings, by Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue. New York: Architectural Book Pub. Co., 1914. 5 p.1., 3-104 p., 15 1., front. illus. fo. † MQWO

Part 2. Decorative designs, mainly typographical; printer's devices, book-plates, and the like [with an introduction]: As to types and the decoration of books, by H. Ingalls Kimball.

Lichtenstein, Richard C. Early New England and New York heraldic book plates. Boston: D. Clapp & Son, 1886. 8 p. 8°.

Avery collection.


[blocks in formation]

Wyer, Malcolm Glenn, 1877-. Bookplates in Iowa, by Malcolm G. Wyer. With a chapter on the pleasures of collecting, by T. Henry Foster. Cedar Rapids, Ia.: Torch Press, 1914. 56 p. illus. 8°. MDVK


Ashbee, H. S. An iconography of Don Quixote, 1605-1895. London: Bibliographical Society, 1895. 2 p.l., v-xi, 202 p. 23 pl., 1 port. 4°. (Bibliographical Society, Illustrated monographs, no. 3.) † NPT

Bayard, Émile. L'illustration et les illustrateurs. Ouvrage orné de vignettes des principaux artistes et de portraits par l'auteur. Avec une préface de Henry Havard. Paris: C. Delagrave, 1898. X1, 2 1., 384 p., 37 pl., 31 ports. 4°. † MDT

Bilderbuch, Das. (Decorative Kunst Jahrg. 5, no. 8. München, 1902. 4°.)

† MDT Bouchot, Henri. Le livre l'illustration la reliure. Paris. 1886. 8°. (Bib. de l'enseign. des beaux-arts.) * I

Butsch, A. F. Die Bücherornamentik der Renaissance... Leipzig, 1878–81. 2 v. fo. †† * IS

Cobden-Sanderson, T. J. Ecce mundus; industrial ideals and the book beautiful. [London:] Hammersmith Pub. Society, 1902. 19 1. 8°.


Crane, Walter. Of the decorative illustration of books old and new. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1896. xii, 355 p. illus. sq. 12°. MDT

Ex-Libris Series.

Duplessis, Georges Victor Antoine Gratet. Les livres a gravures du XVI. siècle. Les emblèmes d'Alciat. Paris, 1884. 8°. (Bibl. internat. de l'Art.) MLY

Esswein, Hermann. Moderne Illustratoren. München: R. Piper & Co., 1905-'06. 8 v. Bd. 1-8. illus. fo. † MDG

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Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. - Dept. of Prints. Catalogue of a loan exhibition of book-plates and super-libros held by the Club of odd volumes, at the Museum .April 25th to June 5th, 1898. Boston: A. Mudge & Son, 1898. 2 p.1., xxviii, 189 p.. 21 pl. 8°. MDV no. 45 of 61 copies, edition de luxe. Cover bound Avery collection.


One page of bibliography. Typewritten letter with author's autograph inserted.


Applications...Reproductive...Arts, cont'd. Illustration of Books, continued.

Great Britain. Education Board, Secondary Branch. Catalogue of the loan exhibition of modern illustrations held at the Victoria and Albert museum, South Kensington, 1901. London: W. Clowes & Son [1901. 176 p. pap. 8°. MDT Harper, Francis P. Colored plate books and their values... Selected from recent English and American catalogues of reliable dealers in rare books with prices of each lot. To which is added the remarkable library of colored plate books collected by the late W. C. Dulles of Philadelphia...with their prices. A guide for librarians, collectors and booksellers. Edited by F. P. Harper. Princeton, N. J.: F. P. Harper, 1913. viii, 215 p. 12°. (Book collectors series. no. 1.) MDC

Bibliography, p. v-vi.

Hess, Georg. Livres illustrès du XVIIIe siècle. Illustrierte Bücher des xvIII. Jahrhunderts. München [1914?). 1 p.l., (1)6– 134 p., 1 l., 1 pl. 8°. MDT

Holme, Charles, 1848-, editor. The art of the book; a review of some recent European and American work in typography, page decoration, & binding.

Universelle de 1900. Recueil précédé d'une notice historique par L. Layus. Paris: Cerele de la Librairie, 1900. 2 p.1., 100 p., 196 1., 16 pl., 2 port. 4°. MDT

Libri-Carucci Dalla Sommaia, Guglielmo Bruto Icilio Timoleone, count. Monuments inédits ou peu connus...qui se rapportent à l'histoire des arts du dessin considérés dans leur application à l'ornement des livres. Londres: Dulau & Cie., 1862. 14 p., 1 1., 60 pl. fo. Stuart 210

Text in French and English. Monthly, The, Illustrator. (1893-Sept. 95.) New York, 1893-96. v. 1-5. 8°. * DD & †† * DD

v. 1-3, 1-9 entitled: Quarterly Illustrator. Oct. 1895 absorbed by Home and Country.

Niedling, A. Bücher Ornamentik_vom 4. bis 18. Jahrhundert. Weimar: B. F. Voight, 1895. 29 fold. tables, partly colored. sq. 4°. +*ISM

[blocks in formation]

mer, 1824. 1 p.l., (1)6–15 p. 8°. Charles

Holme, editor. London: "The Studio,' Ltd., 1914. vii, 276 p. pl. fo. (Internat. Studio. Special spring no. 1914.) † MDT

Humphreys, Henry Noel. Masterpieces. of the early printers and engravers. A series of facsimiles from rare and curious books, remarkable for illustrative devices, beautiful borders... &c. London: H. Sotheran & Co., 1870. iv, 53 1., 70 pl. fo. +* ID

Jucker, Bernard. [Scrap books of ornamentation: containing initial and illuminated letters, ornaments and borders, reproductions from old and rare books of illuminated and illustrated pages; with many hand-colored initial letters.] 5 v. fo. * IS Bound in duck and ornamented.

Kautzsch, Rudolf. Die neue Buchkunst. Studien im In- und Ausland. Weimar: Gesellschaft der Bibliophilen, 1902. 7 p.1., 200 p. 8°.


[blocks in formation]

Pollard, Alfred William. Early illustrated books...the decoration and illustration of books in the 15th and 16th centuries. London: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1893. xvi, 256 p., 1 pl. illus. 8°. (Books about books.) MDT

Rosenthal, J. Book illustration in the Middle-ages and in modern time until the 16th century. Munich: J. Rosenthal [1901?, 1 p.1., viii, 192 p., 20 pl. 4°. (In his: Catalogues, Munich (1901?). 4. no. 27.) MDT

Sieurin, J. Manuel de l'amateur d'illustrations. Gravures et portraits pour l'ornement des livres français et étrangers. Paris: A. Labitte, 1875. viii, 242 p. 8°. MDT

Specimen des livres illustrés du XVIIIe siècle réimprimés à petit nombre. Extrait du catalogue général. London: Hachette et Cie., 1881. v.p. 8°. * IS p. box 1

Thoré, T., and P. LACROIX. Catalogue d'aquarelles, tableaux et dessins, des principaux artists vivants. Paris, 1842. 8°. (Alliance des Arts.) MAY (Alliance)

Tuer, Andrew W. Pages and pictures from forgotten children's books brought together and introduced to the reader by A. W. Tuer. Four hundred illustrations. London: The Leadenhall Press, 1898–9. 510 p. 12°. *GBP

Volkmann, Ludwig. Iconografia Dantesca: The pictorial representations to Dante's Divine comedy; revised and aug

Applications...Reproductive... Arts, cont'd. Illustration of Books, continued.

mented by the author, with a preface by Charles Sarolea... London: H. Grevel & Co., 1899. xx, 234 p., 17 pl. 4°. NNG

White, Gleeson. Children's books and their illustrators. n. t.-p. New York: J. Lane, 1897. 68 p., 2 pl. illus. 4°. (International Studio, special winter no. 189798.) † MAA


Barritt, Leon. How to draw; a practical book of instruction in the art of illustration. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1904. 4 p.l., 107 p. illus. ob. 8°. MDY

Brown, F. H., and H. A. RANKIN. Simple pictorial illustration. London: Sir I. Pitman & Sons, Ltd. [1913?, xii, 13-178 p. illus. 8°. MBB

Harper, Charles G. A practical handbook of drawing for modern methods of reproduction. London: Chapman & Hall, 1894. xii, 161 p., 1 pl. 8°. MDR

Hodson, James Shirley. An historical and practical guide to art illustration, in connection with books, periodicals and general decoration; with numerous specimens of the various methods. London: S. Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1884. 4 p.1., 224 p., 24 pl. 8°.


Pennell, Joseph. Pen drawing and pen draughtsmen. Their work and their methods. A study of the art to-day with technical suggestions. London: Macmillan & Co., 1889. xxiv, 318 p., 13 pl. f°. † MDT

Provost, Charles Hope. Simplified illustrating; a self-instructing art course. With study-plan and half-tone illustrations from drawings. South Orange, N. J.: M. R. Provost [1911]. 95 p., 24 1., 1 pl. illus. 8°. MDT Modern methods of illusLondon: E. Stock, 1887. (Book-lover's Library.)

Wood, H. F. trating books. vii, 247 p. 12°.

Same. 1890.




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Harper, Charles G. English pen artists of to-day, examples of their work with some criticisms and appreciations. London: Percival & Co., 1892. xxii, 300 p., 5 pl., 1 port. 4°. MDT

Holme, C. Geoffrey, and E. G. HALTON, editors. Modern book illustrators and their work; edited by C. Geoffrey Holme, and Ernest G. Halton. Text by M. C. Salaman. London: "The Studio," Ltd., 1914. viii, 192 p. illus. (partly col'd) 4°. † MDI

Kitton, Frederic G. Dickens and his illustrators, Cruikshank, Seymour, Buss, "Phiz," Cattermole, Leech, Doyle, Stanfield, Maclise, Tenniel, F. Stone, Landseer, Palmer, Topham, M. Stone and L. Fildes... London: G. Redway, 1899. xvi, 256 p., 56 pl., 13 port. 4°. † MDT

North, Ernest Dressel. Catalogue of an exhibition of original drawings by famous illustrators... New York: E. D. North, 1905. 1 p.1., 38 p. 12°. 3 MDT

Prideaux, Sarah Treverbian. Aquatint engraving. A chapter in the history of book illustration. Illustrated by an original aquatint, two collotype plates and numerous half-tone plates. London: Duckworth & Co. [1909. xv, 434 p., 24 pl., 1 port. 8°.


Sketchley, Rose Esther Dorothea. English book-illustration of to-day; appreciations of the work of living English illustrators, with lists of their books, by R. E. D. Sketchley, with an introduction by A. W. Pollard. London: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co., Ltd., 1903. xxix(i), 175(1) p., MDT 2 pl. illus. 4°.

Bibliography, p. 121-173. Repr.: The Library. Weitenkampf, Frank. On some illustrators of Dickens. [New York, 1899.1 p. 103-114. 8°.

Fragment of the Book Buyer Mch.. '99.

White, Gleeson. English illustration; "the Sixties": 1855-70. With numerous illustrations by Ford Madox Brown, A. Boyd Houghton [and others]. Westminster: A. Constable & Co., 1897. xix, 204 p., 133 pl. 4°. MDT


Bouchot, Henri. Les livres à vignettes du XVe au XVIIIe siècle. L'histoire et l'art dans le livre. Idée d'une collection documentaire. Moyens d'y parvenir. Paris:

Applications... Reproductive... Arts, cont'd. Illustration of Books: Regional, continued. E. Rouveyre, 1891. 1 1., 94 p., 11., 1 pl. 12°. (Bibliothèque des connaissances utiles aux amis des livres.) MDT

Les livres à vignettes du xixe siècle. Du classique et du romantique. Le livre à vignettes sous Louis-Philippe; sous le second empire; et de 1870 à 1880. Paris: É. Rouveyre, 1891. 102 p., 1 1. 12°. (Bibliothèque des connaissances utiles aux amis des livres.) MDT

Brivois, Jules. Guide de l'amateur: bibliographie des ouvrages illustrés du xix siècle... Paris, 1883. 4°. MDT

Champfleury, pseud. of Jules Fleury. Les vignettes romantiques, histoire de la littérature et de l'art 1825-1840. 150 vignettes par C. Nanteuil, T. Johannot, Devéria, Jeanron, E. May, J. Gigoux, C. Rogier, A. Allier, suivi d'un catalogue... des romans, drames, poésies, ornés de vignettes de 1825 à 1840. Paris: E. Dentu, 1883. viii, 438 p., 10 pl. fo.

no. 56 of 125 copies printed. Avery collection.


[blocks in formation]

Amsterdam. 1890. 4°.

Cortissoz, Royal. French illustrated books in the eighteenth century. London: 1904. 287-300 p. illus. 4°. MDT Excerpt: The Lamp, Nov., 1904.

Dilke, Lady Emilia Francis Strong. French engravers and draughtsmen of the xviiith century. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1902. xix, 228 p., 39 pl., 9 port. 4°. MDBF

Fragonard, Jean Honoré. Fragonard, Moreau le Jeune, and French engravers, etchers, and illustrators of the later XVIII. century. London: W. Heinemann, 1913. 15(1) p., 65 pl. 8°. (Great engravers.)


Girardin, Fernand de, comte. Iconographie des œuvres de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, pour faire suite à l'iconographie de Jean Jacques Rousseau suivie d'un addendum à cette iconographie. Paris: Morel, C. Eggimann, succ. [1910.) 3 p.l., (i)x-xii, 262 p., 1 1., 10 pl., 2 port. 4°. AOT

Hausenstein, Wilhelm. Rokoko; französische und deutsche Illustratoren des

achtzehnten Jahrhunderts... München: R. Piper & Co., 1912. 139 p., 1 1. illus. 4°. (Klassische Illustratoren. [Bd.] 8.) MDT Bibliography, p. 129-135.

Odero, Alexandre-V. Bibliothèque de M. A.-V. Odero. Livres illustrés français depuis le XVIIe siècle jusqu'a nos jours. Partie. Paris: E. Paul & Fils et Guillemin. v. 8°. MDT

Partie 3. Livres contemporains (1871-1900).

Petit, Georges, Galerie. Catalogue illustré de l'exposition de dessins, peintures, aquarelles et gravures des principaux artistes modernes pour l'illustration des oeuvres de Molière, V. Hugo, Balzac, G. Sand, P. Mérimée, etc. Paris: E. Testard, 1891. viii, 146 p., 3 1., 15 pl., 1 port. 4°.


Portalis, Roger, baron. Les dessinateurs d'illustrations au 18° siècle. Paris, 1877. 2 v. 8°. MDT French en

Scribner's, Charles, Sons. graved books of the eighteenth century. On exhibition at C. Scribner's Sons, 1907. (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1907. 68 MDT p., 11., 7 pl. 4°.

Partial list of a unique exhibition of the work of the French illustrators of the eighteenth century, included in an exhaustive collection of books of that period. On view from November 16th to 23d, 1904. New York, 1904. 1 p.1., 62 p., 11 pl. 8°.


Sieurin, J. Collection J. Sieurin. Suites de vignettes pour illustrations par les plus grands artistes du xviiie siècle, gravures diverses, dessins...portraits, livres illustrés, anciens et modernes... Vente...1879. [Paris, 1879? 2 p.l., vii, 234 p. 8°. MDT

Voll, Karl, 1867-. Frankreichs klassische Zeichner im XIX. Jahrhundert. Von Karl Voll... München: Holbein-Verlag, 1914. 57(1) p., 1 1., 64 pl. illus. 4°. + MEL Each plate preceded by numbered guard leaf, with


Bibliography, p. 53-55.


Arabesque & other ornaments in typographical use at Zurich in MDLIX. By W. S. Maxwell. London: privately printed, 1868. iv, 32 p. fo. MLD

Buchhandel, Der, und die graphischen Künste Deutschlands auf der Weltausstellung zu Philadelphia im Jahre 1876. Hrsg. von dem Ausstellungscomité in Leipzig. Leipzig, 1876. viii, 128 p. 8°. * IIE 1

Davies, Hugh William. Bernhard von Breydenbach and his journey to the Holy Land 1483-4; a bibliography comp. by Hugh Wm. Davies. London, J. & J. Leigh

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