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" How few appear in those streets which but some few hours ago were crowded ! and those who appear, now no longer wear their daily mask, nor attempt to hide their lewdness or their misery. But who are those who make the streets their couch, and find a short... "
The citizen of the world; or, Letters from a Chinese philosopher, residing ... - Pagina 261
door Oliver Goldsmith - 1810
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Select British Classics, Volume 2

1804 - 242 pagina’s
...first made them feeble. The rewards of state were conferred on amusing, and not on useful members of society. Their riches and opulence invited the invaders,...which but some few hours ago were crowded ; and those who appear now no longer wear their daily mask, nor attempt to hide their lewdness or their misery....
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The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith, Volume 3

Oliver Goldsmith - 1812 - 520 pagina’s
...made them feeble. The rewards of the state were conferred on amusing, and noton useful, members of society. Their riches and opulence invited the invaders,...destruction. How few appear in those streets, which butsome few hours ago were crowded; and those who appear, now no longer wear their daily mask, nor...
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The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B.: With Memoirs of His Life ...

Oliver Goldsmith - 1816 - 462 pagina’s
...first made them feeble. The rewards of state were conferred on amusing, and not on useful, members of society. Their riches and opulence invited the invaders,...which but some few hours ago were crowded ; and those who appear, now no longer wear their daily mask, nor attempt to hide their lewdness in their misery....
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Tickler, Or, Monthly Compendium of Good Things, in Prose and ..., Volumes 1-3

1818 - 596 pagina’s
...made them feeble. — The rewards of state were conferred onamusing, and not on useful, members of society. Their riches and opulence invited the invaders,...again, conquered by perseverance, and, at last, swept tne defendants into undistinguished destruction. How few appear in those streets, which, hut some few...
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Essays and The Bee, Volumes 1-2

Oliver Goldsmith - 1820 - 514 pagina’s
...made them feeble. The rewards of the state were conferred on amusing, and not on useful members of society. Their riches and opulence invited the invaders,...swept the defendants into undistinguished destruction. Hovy, few appear in those streets which but some few hours ago were crowded ; and those who appear...
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The British Prose Writers...: Goldsmith's essays, and Bee

1821 - 384 pagina’s
...made them feeble. The rewards of the state were conferred on amusing, and not on useful members of society. Their riches and opulence invited the invaders,...which but some few hours ago were crowded; and those who appear now no longer wear their daily mask, nor attempt to hide their lewdness or their misery....
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The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith: Letters from a citizen of the ...

Oliver Goldsmith - 1825 - 514 pagina’s
...first made them feeble. The rewards of the state were conferred on amusing and not on useful members of society. Their riches and opulence invited the invaders,...which but some few hours ago were crowded ! and those who appear, now no longer wear their daily mask, nor attempt to hide their lewdness or their misery....
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The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith: With an Account of His Life and ...

Oliver Goldsmith - 1830 - 544 pagina’s
...conferred on amusing and not on useful members of society. Their riches and opulence invited the invader«, d love so true; The sigh that rends thy constant heart,...Edwin's too." While this ballad was reading, Sophia who appear, now no longer wear their daily mask, nor attempt to hide their lewd ness or then* misery....
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Rural Repository, Volumes 10-11

1834 - 430 pagina’s
...first made them feeble. The rewards of the state were conferred on amusing and not on useful members of society. Their riches and opulence invited the invaders,...which but some few hours ago were crowded ! and those who appear, now no longer were their daily mask, nor attempt to hide their lewdness or their misery....
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The Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B: With a Life and Notes, Volume 3

Oliver Goldsmith - 1835 - 362 pagina’s
...made them feeble. The rewards of the state were conferred on amusing, and not on useful members of society. Their riches and opulence invited the invaders,...which but some few hours ago were crowded! and those who appear, now no longer wear their daily mask, nor attempt to hide their lewdness or their misery....
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