[blocks in formation]


If any of yow wol, of devocioun,
Offren, and han myn absolucioun,
That thee is sent, receyve in buxumnesse, 15
Cometh forth anon, and kneleth heer The wrastling for this world axeth18 a fal.

[blocks in formation]

Prees hath envye, and wele 10 blent1 overal; Savour12 no more than thee bihove shal; 5


Unto the world leve now to be thral;
Crye Him mercy that of His hy goodnesse
Made thee of noght, and in especial
Draw unto Him, and pray in general
For thee, and eek for other, hevenlich
mede; 21

And trouthe shal delivere, hit is no drede.


To you, my purse, and to non other wight22
Compleyne I, for ye be my lady dere!
I am so sory, now that ye be light;
For certes, but23 ye make me hevy chere, 24
Me were as leef be leyd up-on my bere;
For whiche un-to your mercy thus I crye:
Beth25 hevy ageyn, or elles mot I dye!


Now voucheth sauf this day, or26 hit be night,

That I of you the blisful soun may here, Or see your colour lyk the sonne bright, 10

1 wallet. 2 to absolve. advise.

each one.

⚫ uncertainty. 10 wealth.

13 advise.

3 high.
the crowd.
11 blinds.

4 low.
8 truth.
12 have relish for.

17 subdue.

14 peace.
18 asks.

21 reward.
25 be.

22 person.

15 resides.
19 spirit.
23 unless.

16 kick.

20 cease.

21 appearance. 20 before.

[blocks in formation]

hem monye,

Have mynde up-on my supplicacioun!






For love of ur 46 lorde lyveden 47 ful streite,
In hope for to have hevenriche8 blisse;
As ancres 19 and hermytes that holdeth
hem50 in heore51 celles,

In a somer sesun whon softe was the Coveyte not in cuntre 52 to cairen 53 aboute,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

That I was in a wildernesse wuste 23 I never where;

And as I beheold into the est an heigh 24

For non likerous 54 lyflode 55 heore licam 56

[blocks in formation]

to the sonne,

40 destroy. 41 pride.

42 clothed.

43 outward appearance.

44 prayer.

45 many. 46 our.

47 lived.

1 guide.

2 down.

a close.


5 art.

48 happiness of the kingdom of heaven.

6 have power to.

7 clothed.

8 garment.

49 nuns. 50 keep themselves.

51 their.

52 country.

⚫ shepherd.

10 went.

11 hills.

53 wander. 54 luxurious.

55 diet.

56 body.

12 happened.

13 wonder. 14 enchantment.

57 trade.

58 prosper.

59 amusements.

15 tired with wandering.

16 brook.

17 leaned.

60 know how.

61 glee.

62 fools.

18 sounded.

19 merry.

20 did.

63 buffoons. 64 feigned.

65 tricks.

21 dream.

22 dream.

66 at command.

23 knew.

24 on high.

68 what.

67 work if it pleased them.

69 prove, explain.

[blocks in formation]

Therefore, Noah, my servant free, That righteous man art, as I see, A ship soon thou shalt make thee

Man that I made I will destroy,
Beast, man, and fowl that fly,
For on earth they do me annoy,
The folk that are thereon;
It harms me so hurtfully,
The malice now that does multiply,
That sore it grieveth me inwardly
That ever I made man.



Of trees dry and light;


1 beggars.

2 went.

3 crammed.

4 shammed.

at the.


7 ribaldry.

8 these robber.

• follow.

10 plighted.

11 seek.

12 bellies.

13 interpreting.

14 as it pleased them.

15 covetousness.

16 construe.

30 reached, got.

31 bull.

32 your.

17 many.

20 money.

24 ignorant.

7 banged.

18 may.

19 as they please.

33 rascals.

34 practise.

35 ears.

21 merchandise. 22 as if.

25 believed.

28 letter of indulgence.

23 shrive.

36 all the fault of.

37 but.

26 kissed.

38 poor people.

39 if it were not for them.

29 eyes.

40 foe.

41 cease.

[blocks in formation]

1 be not slack. • destroy.

2 take.
5 vex.

• prepared.

7 chopping-block.

8 pitch.


10 all together.

11 prepare.

12 wet weather.


[blocks in formation]

They stand nigh together.


* noise.

3 mate.

& quickly.

6 ready.

7 skunk.


1 counsel.


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