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naturalisation laws, 220, 14, 15—growth of population, 539.

Syndicalism in, 221, 200 -result of the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, ib.-the I. W. W. teachings, 202-riots between the miners and enginedrivers, ib.-views of the Federation of Labour, 203-their series of resolutions, 204-plan for a general strike, 204, 206-attempt to undermine the loyalty of the police, 205-wages of seamen and waterside workers, 206-dispute between the Union Steamship Company and shipwrights, 207-commencement of the strike, 208result of the call for special constables, ib.-treatment of the strikers, 209–212-conclusion of the strike, 212-influence on politics, ib.-cost of the strike, 213-amendment of the Industrial Act, 214.

'New Zealand,' the battle-cruiser, 219, 498, 499.

Newbolt, Henry, 'The Year of Trafalgar,' 203, 621-his poem 'Clifton Chapel,' 208, 123—' A New Depart ure in English Poetry,' 210, 193— lines from, 219, 187.

Newcastle, the Duke of, and the Peelites, 207, 304, 322, 323 - his relations with Pitt, 209, 331. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, medieval fortifications, proposed destruction, 202, 499.

site of, 205, 123. Newfoundland, Fisheries question, 206, 284.

Newfoundland, result of the Naval Reserve Force, 215, 278.

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an island of the sea,' 216, 399

-size, 400.

the forest area, 219, 451. New-Idealism,' philosophy of, 220, 365-characteristics, 368.

Newman, Ernest, 'Gluck and the Opera,' 216, 115 note.

Cardinal, his theory of 'Development,' 205, 211, 214—' On Romanism,' 211-his impressive personality, 206, 369-life of retirement, ib.-succession of apparent failures, 370-372-writings, 371373-their influence, 373—religion and church policy, 374-376—an intellectual leader, 376-obedience to the authorities, 378-contrasted with Cardinal Manning, 379-383his use of the evolution theory in religion, 210, 336–338—'The Development of Christian Doctrine,' 577, 579-review on the book, 771.

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John Henry, 216, 458-Mr Ward's biography, ib.-his emotional temperament, 459-skill in verbal fence, 460-the Oxford Movement, 461-464-war against

Liberalism,' 462-Tractarianism, 463-his moderate learning, 464 -position among Catholics, 465 -official antipathies, 466—a phase of fetishism, 467-'Essay on Development,' 468, 479-his philosophical position, 469 et seq.-complex personality, 471-disillusionment, ib.-discouragement and insults, ib.-depression, 472-views on propaganda, 473-Kingsley's attack, 474-the 'Apologia,' ib.— Papal Infallibility, 475-elevation to the Cardinalate, 477-his position and influence in the Church, 478. compared with Father Tyrrell, 218, 72-on the value of letters, 220, 390.

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Lord, The House of Lords (Reform) Bill,' 206, 432-'Lord Lyons: a Record of British Diplomacy,' 220, 307.

Ney, Marshal, his evacuation of
Galicia, 219, 11. See Peninsular

Niagara Falls, 213, 90, 99-101.
Nibby, A., Analisi Storico-topo-
grafico-antiquaria della carta de
dintorin di Roma,' 211, 441.

Nicaragua, system of paper currency, 220, 471.

Nicarchus, wit and humour of his verses, 215, 41.

Nice, cession of, 216, 391.

Nichiren sect, the worship of, 208, 116, 122.

Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia, his visit to Queen Victoria, 207, 580.

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J. S., History of the English Corn Laws,' 202, 260-A Project of Empire,' 215, 268- The Rise in Prices,' 217, 482-'The Vagaries of Recent Political Economy,' 219, 406-criticism of his article on 'The Vagaries of Recent Political Economy,' 220, 174-176-note by, 176.

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Rupert, on the result of a meet-
ing on Preference, 202, 574.
Nicolas, Sir Harry, contributor to the
'Quarterly Review,' 210, 768.
Nicolay, Mr, on the Civil War in the
United States, 202, 100.
Nicole, Professor, his fragment of
Menander, 208, 338.

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Nicot, Jean, his re-introduction of the tobacco plant into France, 219, 135. Nicoulland, Charles, Memoires de la Countess de Boigne,' 210, 628. Nield, J., A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales,' 206, 25— his translation of 'Science and Religion,' 217, 346, 390.




II, Emperor of Russia, on the importance of law, 202, 584-Niese, Keltische Wanderung,' 205, measures for the freedom of the press, 585-the right to petition, 586-result of his policy, 605, 606 -his reception of the Zemstvo delegates, 203, 304- disbelief in the dangers of civil war, 306– addresses from his peasants, 308succeeds to the throne, 204, 258his policy, ib.-ukase and rescript,

Nietzsche, F., Zarathustra,' 209, 1– his definition of a feeble and strong will, 212, 170 note.

Friedrich, The Philosophy of, 218, 148-character of his writings, 148-152-his use of aphorisms, 149-autobiography,


150-the surface meaning of his doctrines, 152—' immoralism,' 153 -discovery of the problem of values, 153-155-what constitutes the meaning of 'strength,' 156-158 -extract from Will to Power,' 157, 165-process of degeneration, 158-evolution of the 'Superman,' 159-the meaning of pessimism, 160-observations on causal reasoning, 161- Schopenhauer on Education,' 162-truth is false, facts 'fakes,' 163-165-forms of pragmatism,' 164-humanism,'




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Nietzsche, his opinion of St Paul, 220, 46-influence on the drama, 80, 83 -character of his prose writings, 221, 41.

Niger, exploration of the, 213, 87.

Nihilists, assassinations in Russia, 204, 252.

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Nolhac, Pierre de, ' Erasme en Italie,'

203, 420 et seq.; 214, 401-Curator of the Palace of Versailles, 205, 451 -his friendship with Lady Dilke, ib.

Nonconformists, their grievances against the Education Act of 1902, 204, 592-number of, in Wales, 216, 586, 588. See Wales.

Nile, the, 213, 83—a river of mystery, Nordau, Max, 'Degeneration,' ex


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tract from, 220, 223.

Nordenskjöld, Dr Otto, his antarctic expedition, 205, 337.

Nordez, Mons. Le, Bishop of Dijon, unpopularity in his diocese, 205, 268-summoned to Rome, 269. Norman architecture, 215, 149. See Architecture.

North, Lord, character of his administration, 221, 299-his characteristics, 300.

North Sea, fisherman, area of the, 206, 153-amount of fish caught, 159.

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fishing, 218, 439, 440 notedecline in productivity, 441-destruction caused by unrestricted fishing, ib.-legislation for the protection, 443-447-Conference at the Hague, 449.

Nocard, Prof., on the freedom of Northamptonshire Families,' 205,

goats from tuberculosis, 207, 114.

532. See County.



Northbrook, Lord, his mission to Nova Auriga, discovery of, 212, 450.

Egypt, 209, 38.

Northcliffe, Lord, 'Motors and Motordriving,' edited by, 205, 511.

Coronæ, discovery of, 212, 448. Novara, defeat of, 216, 383.

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Northcote, James, The Life of Sir Novati, Francesco,' A Milanese Codex

Joshua Reynolds,' 211, 405. Northumberland, 205, 103-John Hodgson's history, 103-106-character of the work, 104-committee formed to finish the work, 106– markings of the inscribed stones, 108 remains of the Roman Wall, 109-Castle of Bamborough, 110112, 115-Norman conquest, 112 -abbeys, ib.-raids of the Scots, 113-erection of 'peel-towers,' 113, 119-ruin of Dunstan borough, 114| -Alnwick and Warkworth Castles, 116-118 county houses, 119barbarous condition of the country, ib.-destruction from border-raids, 121-townships, 122-farmhouses, ib.-pit-village, 123-coal trade, ib. -characteristics, 124.

Northup, Prof. C. S., Introduction

and Notes to 'Essays and Criticisms by Thomas Gray,' 220, 399, 409. Norway and Sweden, 203, 262. See Sweden.

Norway, salmon-fishing in, 207, 517.

-, system of government, 212, 291. number of socialist members of Parliament, 213, 164.

character of the literature, 215,


percentage of forests to total land area, 219, 442-annual yield, 443-export of timber, 448. Notes, issue of, 221, 528.

of the Lauds of Brother Jacopone,' edited by, 212, 53.

Novel, Historical, Growth of the, 206, 25-publication of the first, ib. -origin of English novels, 26— number of novelists, 27-Elizabethan school of romance, 28-other forms of prose fiction, 29-J. Lyly's 'Euphues,' ib.-Sidney's 'Arcadia, 30-the works of Lodge and Green, ib.-J. Barclay's 'Argenis,' 31H. d'Urfé's' Astrea,' ib.-introduction of real characters, 33-influence of Madame de Rambouillet, 34-transition towards realism, 35 -works of La Calprenède, ib.-M. de Scudéry's 'Artamène, ou le Grand Cyrus,' 36-Madame de La Fayette's Princesse de Clèves,' 37 -Sorel's 'Francion,' 39-Scarron's 'Roman Comique,' ib. - other works, 40-character of English fiction in the seventeenth century, 41-43-Bunyan's 'Pilgrim's Progress,' 43-depiction of low life, 44 -works of Defoe, ib.-Mrs Manley,45,46-Marivaux, 47-Prévost, ib.-reasons for the delay of the historical romance, 48-works between 1750 and 1810, 49-Scott the real creator of historical romance, 50-52.

Novikow, J., 'War and its Alleged

Benefits,' 217, 213-216-his hatred of war, 214-references to England, 215.


Nourrisson, M., on Spinoza's religiousNurrundere,' the being, 203, 459

views, 217, 400.

his titles, ib.

of, 203, 219.

Noury, D., on the reserve ally of the Nyang-tö-kyi-phu, the buried monks

Triple Alliance, 215, 257.

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'Oceana,' work of the salvage steamer, Oehler, R., Nietzsche's Briefe,' ex220, 446. tract from, 218, 150.

Ocellated Turkey, need for the pro- Ogilvie, Rev. J. N., 'Report of the tection, 214, 346.

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Foreign Mission Committee to the
General Assembly of the Church of
Scotland,' 221, 233.

Ogle, A., "The Canon Law in
Medieval England,' 217, 413 et seq.
See Roman Canon Law.
O'Gorman, Mervyn, Airships and
Aeroplanes,' 217, 220.


O'Hagan, Lord, on the work of the
Charity Organisation Society, 206,

Odessa, pogrom,' in, 205, 600-602. Odysseus, The Wanderings of, 202, 344-M. Bérard's theory, ib.— the Odyssey' one of the 'Nostoi,' 345-a ‘Mediterranean Pilot,' ib.— study of topology, 346-the position of Mycenae, ib.-la loi des Isthmes,' 347-the case of Troy, 348-Homeric ships starting in the night, 349-La Course, 350-Oil, Lampeduza and Delos, 351-uncertainty of M. Bérard's theory of Phoenician influence, ib.-the Mediterranean never possessed by one Power, 352-the evidence of Crete, 353-Cyprus, ib.-Palestine and Old and the New Whigs, The, 204,

Egypt, 354-the sea-power of


mineral, substitution for coal, 203, 150.

painting, invention of, 211, 160. Okakura, Mr, the Japanese art critic, 212, 227.

301. See Whigs.

Phoenicia, ib.-Greek words of Old-age Pensions Bill, 206, 69; 210, 566-amendments in the House of

Phoenician origin, 355—' systems

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