


A'BECKETT G. A. 281. 282. 321.
Able-bodied adult paupers, number
of, 13.

in London, number of, 42.
and total number of paupers
receiving out-door relief, number of,

18. 378.

— men receiving relief on one day
and during the half year, number of,



paupers in a quarter, number of
paupers and, (1842—48), 14.;
these returns inaccurate, as includ-
ing vagrants, 15.; but useful as ap-
proximating to the number of pau-
pers in a year, 16.; inferences drawn
from them by the Poor Law Board
unfounded, 17.

Accident, persons chargeable on ac-
count of temporary sickness or, are
not to be removed, 276.
Acland, T. D. 298.
Administrative reform, Poor Law
Amendment Act was an important
step, but was little more than, 265.

Adult paupers, number of, 13.

women form the largest part of,

"Adventures Advenues en France, Les,"

161 n.

Agricultural and manufacturing coun-
ties, amount of poor-rate in the
pound in, 73.

comparison of crime in, 82.
in Scotland, proportion of pau-
pers to inhabitants in, 60.

number of insane paupers in, 126.
number of paupers in, 76.; ap-
portionment of them, 78.

number of paupers and of ille-
gitimate children in union work-
houses in, 120. 393.

population, value of property

and net rental of real estate per head
on population in, 66. 69.
Agricultural and manufacturing coun-
ties, proportion as to average of Eng-
land of illegitimate births in, 121.392.

proportion as to the average of
England of men who sign the mar-
riage register with marks in, 89.


-, proportion of criminals in, 83.
proportion of paupers to inhabit-
ants in, 76.

and England, acres of land per
head on population in, 70. 388.

and England, proportion of lu-
natic and idiot paupers to population
in, 126.

London and England, average
mortality in, 69. 388.

Middlesex, Surrey, and England,
number of lunatic and idiot paupers
in, 126. 394.

Agricultural counties, and in four
other agricultural counties, number
of prisoners committed for trial per
thousand on the population in, 86.

and in London, poor-rate per head
on population in, 74. 79.

and three towns, comparison of
pauperism in two, shown by rate
per head on population of expend-
iture for relief, 79. 390.

-, charities in, 70.

-, comparison of pauperism in, and
in Scotland, 79.

comparison of pauperism in, and
in Ireland, 80.

(four), expenditure for relief per
head on population in, 86.
ignorance in, 88.

in 1844 and 1845, expenditure
for relief in, and increase per cent of
the latter, 132. 395.

Agricultural counties, land is in large Army and Navy, effects of intem-
properties in, 128.

number of landowners in, 68.
number of occupiers and la-
bourers in, 66.

proportion of juvenile criminals
to population in, 88.

selected, and grounds for se-
lection, 65.
Agricultural districts, disregard of edu-
cation in, 92.

-, incompetency of schoolmasters
in, 92.

increase in value of, 62.

in other countries are less bur-
dened with pauperism than manu-
facturing and commercial districts,
58.; France, 60.; Scotland, 60.;
Switzerland, 60; Wurtemburg, 61.
Agricultural labourers careless about
education, 96.

Agricultural unions and eastern dis-
trict of London, population, net
rental, expenditure for relief, &c. in,
75. 389.

Albert, Prince, Model cottages of, a
declaration that the wealthy should
make some better provision for the
poor, 290.
Allowance system, degrading tendency
of, 246.

resolutions of Justices of Berk-
shire adopting the, 257.
Almoner, Lord, still exists, 157.
Almoners, kings, abbots and bishops
had their, 156.

Alnwick Union, inequality of poor-
rates in the, 332.
Anastasius, 141.

Anglo-Saxon Church. See " Church.”
Annual value of property. See "Net

Antioch, Council of, (A.D. 341) 146.
Apostolical Canons, 145, 146 n.
Appeals against orders of removals,
provisions of 8 & 9 Will. 3. c. 30. as
to the trial and costs of, 241.
Appellants against order of removal
should be required to give notice to
the parish in which they intend to
set up subsequent settlement, 262.
Apprenticeship, settlement by, present
law of, 267.; reasons for abolishing
it, ib.; Commissioners for inquiring
into poor laws (1834) pointed out
absurdities in, 266.
Aquisgranense Concilium, (A.D. 816)

145 n.
Ariphro of Sicyon, 288.

perance in the, 105.

Assessed for different purposes, net
rental as, tithe commutation rent
charge, and expenditure for relief, in
thirteen parishes in Bedfordshire,
348. 398.

Assessment for poor-rate on tithe
commutation rent charge is on full
value, but on land, usually about 25
per cent below, 348.
Assessments Act, Parochial, is insuffi-
cient to effect its object, 349.
"Assises de Jerusalem," 165_n.
Athalaric, 142.

Augustine, St. 135 n. 143.
Austin, Mr. 291.

Austria, crime in town and country
provinces of, 84.

number of children of age to
attend, and number attending school
in provinces of, 115. 392.

number of illegitimate births in
town and country provinces of, 122.
official statistics of, 19. 84. 115.
122. 379. 392.

[ocr errors]

population and number of sol-
diers in several provinces of, 19.

provision for education in, 115.
Author's proposal of repeal of law of
settlement, and new mode of raising
funds for relief, 356.; no oppressive
change in the incidence of poor-rate
would follow its adoption, 359.;
it would sufficiently remove the
present inequality in the burden of
pauperism, 362.; probable effects of
its adoption, 368.

Bacon, Lord, 212. 386.

opinion of, in favour of small
properties of land, 214.
Bacon, R. N. 64.

Badge (P), 8 & 9 Will. 3. c 30, di-
rected the poor to wear, 240. 305.
Bailey, Rev. H. H. 305.
Baluze, 145 n. 153 n, 154 n.
Bancroft, G. 113.

Barrington, Daines, 218, 219.
Barton, J. 86 n. 128.
Bastards, first provision as to the affili-
ation of, 199.

Bastardy clauses in Poor Law Amend-
ment Act, 201.
Bastardy law, Commissioners for in-
quiring into poor laws (1834) re-
commended repeal of 199.

Bastardy law, demoralising and inju-

rious influence of, 123. 199.

Beaumanoir, 165 n.

Bedford, Duke of, 291. 296 n.

"Bureau des Longitudes, Annuaire

du" (1851), 127 n. 387.

Buret, M. 20. 379.

Burn, Dr. 177. 239. 248. 266.

Bedford Union, inequality of poor- Burnet, Bishop, 177. 185. 242.

rates in the, 332.

Beg, licenses to. See "Justices."
Beggars. See "Vagrants."
Belgium, and Departement du Nord,
France, sum distributed by Bureaux
de Bienfaisance in, and rate per
head on population and on paupers
of same, 387.

Bequest "to Christ," was, under Justi-
nian, to be distributed to the poor,

Berkshire, Resolutions of justices of,
adopting the allowance system, 357.
Beugnot M. 152 n. 165 n.
Bill for establishing parochial manu-
factories, House of Commons in
1704, passed a, 243.

Birmingham, expenditure for relief,
and number of in-door and out-door
paupers in, 72. 390.

income of, and number of per-
sons relieved by charities in, 72.
Birth, settlement by, absurdity
present law of, 269.


settlement by, Commissioners
for inquiring into poor laws (1834),
recommended the adoption of, ex-
lusively, 265.

Bishops were, by the Canon Law, to
administer relief to the destitute,
145. 148.

Blackstone, Sir W. 99, 100. 183 n.

Board of Trade, Report from, to the

Lords Justices (1696), 235.
Boards of Guardians. See "Guar-


Boccaccio, 161n.

Bodkin, W. H. 278.

Boehmer, 147 n.

Book of Common Prayer of Church of
England, 159.

"Bread for the Poor," 237.
"British and Foreign Medico-Chi-
rurgical Review," 99.

"British Association, Transactions of
the," 45. 47.

Brodie, G. 179 n.

[blocks in formation]

Cecil, Mr. Secretary, 210. 213.
"Central society of education, third

publication of," (1839) 116 n.
Certificates to settled paupers to re-
move into other parishes, 8 & 9 W. 3,
c. 30, gave power to parish officers
and two justices to grant, 238; they
became practically useless by 35
Geo. 3, c. 101. 252.

de Chamborant, C. G. 209.
Channing, Dr. 130.

Chargeability, actual, a necessary con-
dition to removal of the poor, by 35
Geo. 3, c. 101. 252.

removal not to take place until
after 21 days' notice of, sent, 262.
Charges, establishment, or union. See
"Union charges."

Charities, income of, and number of
persons relieved by, in Birmingham,


income of in agricultural coun-

Brooke, Mr. 252.

Brussel, 234 n. 350 n.

Bryant, Mr. 335.

Buller, Mr. Charles, 227. 280. 307.

[blocks in formation]

Minute prepared by, (4th Aug., -, parochial and other in Eng-

1848) as to vagrancy, 363.

land, 2.

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