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Nota. Le recueil précédent donne des renseignemens généraux sur le commerce de l'imprimerie dans la ville de Paris, et sur les produits moyens d'une année pour cette branche d'industrie.

Census of Paris.


In 714,000 inhabitants, there are 446,300 men, and

267,700 women.

340 high public functionaries.

70,000 national guards.

490 persons in the law.

1140 members of the institute and the uni


18,460 clerks.

47,000 students.

19,000 soldiers in garrison.

77,200 inscribed indigent poor; but the office of

charity relieves nearly 90,000.

80,000 servants.

266,000 living on their incomes.

290,800 day labourers.

13,700 sick, infirm, or old, iu the hospitals.

12,160 foundlings.

12 parishes.

27 chapels of ease.

38 religious establishments.

2 basilics.

19 libraries.

23 royal schools.

9 royal colleges.

269 pensioners of both sexes.

26 theatres.

84 barracks.

10 prisons.

16 gates.
11 markets.

4 aqueducts.

210 fountains.

3,900 grocers.

600 bakers.

2,000 wine shops.

9 cemeteries.

12 mayoralties forming twelve divisions.

48 wards.

1,190 streets.

120 blind alleys.

13 enclosures.

130 arcades.

73 squares.

33 quays.

20 bridges.

98 toll-houses.

23 boulevards.

8 palaces.

The annual expenditure of Paris is estimated at 894,032,893 francs, equal to about 36,000,000l. which on a population of 875,000 gives an average of about 1,120 frs. a head; and this division forms the basis for that calculation I have given from M. Millot. The annual consumption of food and drink in Paris is about 12,349,800l., giving each individual for his share 147. 1s. 11d.



Questions of the British Commissioners concerning the Workmen of Paris.

1. What has the fall in salaries or wages been during the last five years ?

2. How many days in the week do workmen, in general, labour? and how many hours in the day ?

3. In what trades is it customary to take apprentices?

4. At what age, and on what terms is that done?

5. Do workmen, in general, spend the whole of

their income?

6. Do they frequently place their savings in the savings' banks ?

7. On what day of the week do they receive their wages?

Answers given by an intelligent Parisian Workman.

1. The fall in prices was but immaterial during the three years preceding the Revolution; it has only been important since that epoch, and has even yet much affected only trades of luxury, such as jewellery, carving, gilding, cabinet-work, engraving on gems, watch and clock-making, coach-making, &c. In these trades the fall has been from 1 fr. to 3 fr. per day; in others it has been but from 50 c. to 1 fr., and in some, but a small number it is true, no fall has taken place.

2. In general,* workmen labour all the week, and in some trades even half the Sunday. About one-eighth part of the whole may be excepted, -for those who have contracted the habit of making holidays of Sunday and Monday. The time of work is twelve hours per day for builders such as masons, locksmiths, carpenters; in other trades thirteen hours, from which, however, two hours are to be deducted for meal-times.

3. Masons and stone-cutters are the only trades that do not take apprentices at Paris: workmen of these classes coming from the country sufficiently acquainted with their business. All others receive apprentices.

4. Boys are put out as apprentices from the age of 12 to 14. In some trades they were formerly boarded in the master's house, but this system is almost abolished. The time of apprenticeship is three years in easy trades, and four years in those of greater difficulty; during this term the apprentice receives no pay.

5. Workmen generally expend all they earn.

6. We may safely affirm that hardly one-sixth of


I believe the words 'in general' to be incorrect.

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