INDEX. A. ABERCORN (Lord), 373; ambition to Abercorn (Lady), 403. Admiralty, whig and tory attacks on Agher, rectory of, united with Laracor, Almanza, the disaster of, 231 (and see Ancients and Moderns controversy, 91- Anglesea (Lord), 280, 335, 344, 411; Anne (Queen), 156, 210; character of, 358-9. Antony (Shakespeare's), a resemblance Armstrong (Mrs.), a whig friend of Arundel (Lady), 235 note. Ashe (St. George), Swift's tutor, 28, 41, Athenian Society (Dunton's), 63. 147; succeeded by Yalden as minister 381. B. BARBER (printer), dinner with, 344. Barry (Mr.), 269-70 note. Barton (Mrs.), a favourite with Swift, Bateman's bookshop, 404. Battle of the Books, 43; described, 91- Beaumont (Joe), 185 note, 268, 274, Bedford (Duke of), copy at Woburn of viii. Bedlam, proposed utilization of, 155; Behn (Aphara), 94, 352. Berkeley (Countess of), 111; Swift's Berkeley (Lady Betty), 111; doggrel Berkeley (Lady Mary), 111. Malone's copy of, 78 note. 390-2. Blenheim Palace, Vanbrugh chosen to Bluecoat boys and lottery tickets, 278. Bolingbroke, first Lady. See ST. JOHN, Bolton (Duke of), one of the Lords Bolton (Dr.), 116, 303; gets Derry Boxing-day, a trouble to Swift, 344. Bentley (Richard), 91, 93. for tomb of, 399; marriage of his son, Boyle, Henry (Lord Carleton), turned Middleton), 246, 267. Brown (Dr.), appointed to Cork, 268 note. Brydges (paymaster-general), helping Butler, Lady Mary (Lady Ashburn- Butler (Ophy), dinner with, 389; wife Button's, 158. C. CADOGAN (Earl of), forfeits his civil Capel (Lord), gives Kilroot to Swift, 6, 235-6 note, 261 note. Cato, first night of, 453-4. Chandler (Rev. Dr.), 40. Chetwode (Mr. Edward Wilmot), x. Chetwynd (Mrs.), 229. China, old, Esther Johnson's liking for, Cholmondeley (Lord), removal of from Christmas boxes, a nuisance to Swift, 344. Churches v. theatres, 215. Clogher (Bishop of), 189, 260 note, 264, Cobbe (Dr. Charles), additions to a Cobbett (William), 157 note. with, 275, 291, 374, 397. Combat des Livres (Coutray's), 91, 92 note. Congreve (William), 220-1, 227; a 383. Contests and Dissentions of the Nobles and Commons in Athens and Rome, Convocation, 344, 347, 377. Coote (Mr.), letter to Pope concerning, Courtenay (Mr.), Temple's biographer, Cowper (lord chancellor), 133. christening, 365 and note. Curll's scurrilous Key, 142. D. DALRYMPLE (JAMES), 317. Darteneuf (Charles), Swift's neighbour, 381; rival punster, 282; dinner with, 341 note. Dartmouth (Lord), 335; at the Satur- Davenant (Sir William), 11, 22. Deane (Admiral), the Regicide, 10, 22, De Foe (Daniel), 150; Swift character- Dennis (John), 252. Derry, affair of the deanery, 16, 109- 11. Devonshire (Duke of), turned out, Diaper (Mr.), Swift's interest in, 438. 297, 308; cap made for Swift, 203, 366. Disney (Duke), 450 note. Dodington, George (Irish Secretary), 191, 242; succeeded by Addison, 236. Donegal (Lady), 79. Don Quixote, quoted by Swift, 212 note Dopping (Sam), 291, 343, 368, 374. Dryden (Sir Erasmus and Elizabeth), Dryden (John), 11, 94; harsh judg- Duhigg's History of the King's Inns, Duke, wit and poet, 395. 124; value of, 117 note. E. EASTCOURT (DICK), 202; dinner with, Edgeworth (Col.), 289. |