


ABERCORN (Lord), 373; ambition to
obtain dukedom of Chatellerault, 420

Abercorn (Lady), 403.
Abingdon (Lord), 453-4.
Acheson (Sir Archibald), viii.
Addison (Joseph), 220, 245, 260;
Macaulay's paper on, 70 note, 265
note; exalted opinion of Swift, 130,
240; under-secretary of state, 133;
fac-simile of handwriting of, 160;
his marriage referred to, 163 note;
Baucis and Philemon altered at re-
quest of, 164; his sister's garden
at Westminster, 183, 288; intimacy
with Swift, 159, 229, 239, 262, 263,
270, 305, 343, 374 (and see 388, 401);
at St. James's coffee-house, 161, 278,
366; opinion of Swift's Project, 216;
dinners with Swift, 221, 278, 289,
290, 291, 301, 401; part taken by, in
Bickerstaff jest, 225; Irish secretary,
235-6, 239 (and see 252), 263, 265;
keeper of the Irish records, 252;
what Swift and he said of each other,
and Mackintosh of both, 240; letters
from, 257, 271; Swift's letters to,
269, 272; recalled to England, 271;
out of office, 286; popularity of,
285; Esther Johnson's interest in,
265, 306; salutary teaching of, 353;
rehearsal of Cato, 453-4.

Admiralty, whig and tory attacks on
the, 207.

Agher, rectory of, united with Laracor,
111; receipts from, during 1703,
117 note.

Almanza, the disaster of, 231 (and see

Ancients and Moderns controversy, 91-

Anglesea (Lord), 280, 335, 344, 411;
admitted to the Saturday dinner,

Anne (Queen), 156, 210; character of,
132; difficult to tories as well as
whigs, 132-3; her favourite 'Mrs.
'Freeman' and rise of Mrs. Masham,
133 and note; not manageable,


Antony (Shakespeare's), a resemblance
to in Tale of a Tub, 97 note.
Arbuthnot (Dr.), beginning of his in-
timacy with Swift, 422 (and see 158);
concerned in an April-day jest, 453.
Argument to prove the Inconvenience of
Abolishing Christianity, 213-16.
Argyle (Duke of), at the Saturday
dinner, 359; Swift's memorial to for
Bernage, 391.

Armstrong (Mrs.), a whig friend of
Swift's, 355; a silly trick, 404.

Arundel (Lady), 235 note.
Ashburnham (Lord), 179, 305.
Ashe (Dillon), vicar of Finglas, 189 note,
190, 194, 235 note; puns by, 196
(and see 193, 444-5); dinner with,
453-4; marriage of, 421 note.

Ashe (St. George), Swift's tutor, 28, 41,
190, 271. See CLOGHER, BISHOP OF.
Ashe (Tom), 189, 190 note; Nichols's
description of, 185 note; inveterate
punster, 194, 196, 235 note, 451; his
'Dying Speech,' 196 note (and see

Athenian Society (Dunton's), 63.
Atterbury (Francis), 395; part taken
by, in the Ancients and Moderns
controversy, 91; on the Tale of a Tub,

147; succeeded by Yalden as minister
of Bridewell, 225 note; Swift de-
scribes, 347-8; contributes to the Ex-
aminer, 328; rumoured promotion,



BARBER (printer), dinner with, 344.
Barrett (Dr.), essay by, on the Earlier
Part of the Life of Swift, 28, 32-36,
40, 42.

Barry (Mr.), 269-70 note.

Barton (Mrs.), a favourite with Swift,
229; fortune bequeathed to, by Lord
Halifax, ib.; Swift's fit of giddiness
at house of, 253; correspondence
with, 269; dinners with, 281, 369;
'nasty jest' about, 370; visits to,
374, 398.

Bateman's bookshop, 404.
Bathurst (Mr.), Deane Swift's Essay
published by, 1.

Battle of the Books, 43; described, 91-
95; transcript of, made for Temple, 142.
Baucis and Philemon, Goldsmith's
favourite, 164-174; altered at Addi-
son's request, 164; discovery of MS.
of first version, 163-4; original and
alteration compared, 167-174.

Beaumont (Joe), 185 note, 268, 274,
402, 436-7; Swift's interest in, 185,
299, 418; the Queen to be solicited
for, 297; his wife, 394.

Bedford (Duke of), copy at Woburn of
Swift's poems transcribed by Stella,


Bedlam, proposed utilization of, 155;
visit to, 374.

Behn (Aphara), 94, 352.
Benson (afterwards Chanceller of Ex-
chequer), 317.

Berkeley (Countess of), 111; Swift's
Project inscribed to, and Meditation
on Broomstick written for, 219; in-
vitation from, to Swift, 279, 282 (and
see 302).

Berkeley (Lady Betty), 111; doggrel
verse by, 112. See GERMAINE.

Berkeley (Lady Mary), 111.
Berkeley (Lady Penelope), Swift's liking
for, and early death, 112.
Berkeley's (Monck) Literary Relics,

Malone's copy of, 78 note.
Bernage (Lieut.), Swift's interest in,


[blocks in formation]

Blenheim Palace, Vanbrugh chosen to
build, 162 note.

Bluecoat boys and lottery tickets, 278.
Bolingbroke (Viscount). See ST. JOHN,

Bolingbroke, first Lady. See ST. JOHN,

Bolton (Duke of), one of the Lords
Justices of Ireland, 16.

Bolton (Dr.), 116, 303; gets Derry
deanery and resigns living of Laracor,
111 (see 116).
Bowyer (Mr.), 31.

Boxing-day, a trouble to Swift, 344.
Boyle (Charles), part taken by, in
Ancients and Moderns controversy,
91. See ORRERY.

Bentley (Richard), 91, 93.
Berkeley (Earl of), one of Irish Lords
Justices, Swift appointed chaplain,
16 (and see 109-124); recall of, 124;
Swift familiar in his house, 197;
contemplated journey to Vienna,
237-8; death of, 283; inscription | Brodrick (Alan C. J., afterwards Lord

for tomb of, 399; marriage of his son,

Boyle, Henry (Lord Carleton), turned
out of office, 279 (and see 332).
Brent (Mrs.), imposed on, 53 note;
Swift's housekeeper, 410, 427-8, 440.

Middleton), 246, 267.
Bromley (Speaker), 336.

Brown (Dr.), appointed to Cork, 268


Brydges (paymaster-general), helping
in First Fruits business, 280.
Buckingham (Duke of), 279.
Bull (Mr.), Ludgate-hill haberdasher,
dinner with at Hampstead, 279.
Bull (Bishop), death of, 280.
Burnet (Bishop), Swift's Dissentions
ascribed to, 128-9 (and see 136).
Bury-street, Swift's lodgings in, 383.
Butler (Lady Betty), 404.

Butler, Lady Mary (Lady Ashburn-
ham), 179.

Butler (Ophy), dinner with, 389; wife
of, 278.

Button's, 158.


CADOGAN (Earl of), forfeits his civil
employment, 340.
Cadogan (Mrs.), 340, 374.
Campbell's (Lord) strange misstate-
ment, 403.

Capel (Lord), gives Kilroot to Swift,
15 (and see 72 note, 77, 79).
Card-playing, 370, 375, 389, 414,
416-17, 422, 440, 442; with lord-
treasurer, 87; with Esther Johnson,
194 note, 199, 270 note; at Manley's,
199, 299-300; with Sir A. Foun-
taine, 269 note, 444, 449; with Dean
Sterne, 269 note, 447; with Dr.
Pratt, 442, 455; entries showing
Swift's gains and losses, 269-70 note.
Carlyle (Thomas), allusion to, 144 note.
Carteret (Lord), 193, 228, 411.
Castilian language, specimens of, 193-

6, 235-6 note, 261 note.
Castle Knock, a Lilliputian rectory,
188 note.

Cato, first night of, 453-4.
Caudre (Mrs. de), 200.
Caulfield (Colonel), 375.

Chandler (Rev. Dr.), 40.
Cheese-cake house, Hyde Park, 434.
Chelsea hospital, altar at, 452.
Chetwode (Knightley), Swift's friend,
x, 49, 273.

Chetwode (Mr. Edward Wilmot), x.

Chetwynd (Mrs.), 229.

China, old, Esther Johnson's liking for,
202, 295.

Cholmondeley (Lord), removal of from
office, 454-5.

Christmas boxes, a nuisance to Swift,


Churches v. theatres, 215.
Churchill (Admiral), 207.
Clergymen, Swift's advice to, 44, 218
(see 227).

Clogher (Bishop of), 189, 260 note, 264,
354; punning propensities, 190, 194,
235 note; at Drury-lane theatre, 190;
Swift's esteem for, 190, 341 note;
intimacy with Addison, 265; Swift's
losses at cards with, 269 note; letters
to and from, 269, 275, 301, 309, 412;
the collected Tatler, 272 (and see
278, 369); his wife, 297, 455;
shows a libellous pamphlet to Esther
Johnson, 340; spectacles for, 365,
366; his opinion of Swift's Shower and
Morning, 369; dispute about Laracor
bells, 373; ill chance for the vice-
chancellorship, 377; at court, 440;
dinner with, 453; visit to, 455; on
'the debt,' 458 note. See ASHE, ST.

Cobbe (Dr. Charles), additions to a
Swift MS., 4.

Cobbett (William), 157 note.
Cockburn (Dr.), 297, 394; dinners

with, 275, 291, 374, 397.
Collier (Jeremy), Swift's sympathy
with his assault on the indecency of
the stage, 100.

Combat des Livres (Coutray's), 91, 92


Congreve (William), 220-1, 227; a
schoolfellow of Swift, 26; at the
Rose in Covent-garden, 67-8; Swift's
poem to and fondness for, 68-9;
opinion of the Tale of a Tub, 147;
at Will's coffee-house, 154, 158;
contributes to the Bickerstaff jest,
225; blindness of, 288, 377, 383;
dinners with, 291, 371, 395; at a
'blind tavern,' 290; good nature of,


Contests and Dissentions of the Nobles

and Commons in Athens and Rome,
125; described, 128-9; ascribed to
Burnet, 128; Swift avows author-
ship of, 129.

Convocation, 344, 347, 377.

Coote (Mr.), letter to Pope concerning,
285 note.

Courtenay (Mr.), Temple's biographer,
99 note (see 266 note).
Cowley (Abraham), Pindar and, 94;
love-verses of, 43 (and see 249).

Cowper (lord chancellor), 133.
Cox (Sir Richard), 365.
Cranford, Swift at, 213.
Cromwell (Oliver), daughter of, at a

christening, 365 and note.

Curll's scurrilous Key, 142.
Curry (Mrs.), 295, 410.


Darien colony, the, 207.

Darteneuf (Charles), Swift's neighbour,

381; rival punster, 282; dinner with,

341 note.

Dartmouth (Lord), 335; at the Satur-
day dinner, 359.

Davenant (Sir William), 11, 22.
Davenant (Dr. Charles), 142, 147;
piece written by, 290 note.

Deane (Admiral), the Regicide, 10, 22,

De Foe (Daniel), 150; Swift character-
ised by, 148; Swift characterises,
250; Pope's couplet, 250 note.
Delany (Dr.), Observations of, cited, 29,
42, 159, 164 note, 167, 192.
Delaval, the Portugal envoy, 282-3,
284, 291, 311, 371-2.

Dennis (John), 252.

Derry, affair of the deanery, 16, 109-


Devonshire (Duke of), turned out,

Diaper (Mr.), Swift's interest in, 438.
Dingley (Mrs.), Esther Johnson's friend
and companion, 85, 125, 134, 184,
187, 199-204, 294; at Farnham, 107,
125; in Ireland, 126; in London,
131, 230, 267, 274, 276; tobacco for,

297, 308; cap made for Swift, 203,
311 (see 380); her spectacles, 365,


Disney (Duke), 450 note.
Dobbs (Mr.), 80, 83 note.

Dodington, George (Irish Secretary),

191, 242; succeeded by Addison,


Donegal (Lady), 79.

Don Quixote, quoted by Swift, 212 note
(and see 252).

Dopping (Sam), 291, 343, 368, 374.
Drogheda (Lord-justice), 114.

Dryden (Sir Erasmus and Elizabeth),
22 and note.

Dryden (John), 11, 94; harsh judg-
ment of cousin Swift, 67.
Dryden (Jonathan), profits of Goodrich
living received by, 9, 22 note.
Dublin ladies' club, members of, 187;
broken up, ib.; puns for, 197.
Dudley (Sir Mathew), visits to, 251,
275, 291 note; dinners with, 287,
349, 373, 410-11; death of his butler,

Duhigg's History of the King's Inns,
Dublin, 20 note.

Duke, wit and poet, 395.
Dunciad, a great prose, 151.
Dunlavin, Swift's prebend of, 116 note,

124; value of, 117 note.
Dunton the bookseller, 63, 64.
Dupplin (Lord), 315.


EASTCOURT (DICK), 202; dinner with,

Edgeworth (Col.), 289.
'Eliza,' Swift's letters to, 83 note.
Erick, Abigail (Swift's mother), 11;
annuity settled upon at marriage, 19
note; branches of her family, 11, 12
Eugene (Prince), at Court, 411.
Evening Post, the, 157 note.
Examiner, started by St. John, 328;
its career, 329 note; writers con-
nected with, 328-9; Mrs. Manley
takes charge of, 329 note; St. John's
famous letter to, 330; Swift's first

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