I have consulted the star of his nativity by my own rules, and find he will infallibly die upon the 29th of March next, about eleven at night, of a raging fever ; therefore I advise him to consider of it, and settle his affairs in time. The Life of Jonathan Swift - Pagina 224door John Forster - 1875 - 477 pagina’sVolledige weergave - Over dit boek
 | Jonathan Swift - 1711 - 440 pagina’s
...own. Concerns: It relate? to Partrjefee the Almanack- - r -- maker 5 I have • confulted : the Stars of his Nativity by my own Rules, and find he will infallibly dye upon the a 9thr of March next, about Eleven at night, of a raging Feaver5 therefore I advife him... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1713 - 436 pagina’s
...confulted the Stars of his Nativity by my own Rules', and find he will infallibly dye upon the ipth of March next, about Eleven at night, of a raging Fever; therefore I advife him to confider of it , and fettle his Affair^ in Time. • A THE Month of APRLL will be obfervable... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1735 - 374 pagina’s
...Aftrology are in their own Concerns : It relates to Partrige the Almanack - Maker ; I have confulted the Star of his Nativity by my own Rules ; and find he will infallibly die upon the spth of March next, about eleven at Night, of a raging Fever : Therefore I advife him to confider of... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1742 - 342 pagina’s
...confuted the Star of his Nativity by my own Rules i. and find he will infallibly die upon the 2ejth of March next, about Eleven at Night, of a raging Fever : Therefore, I advife him to cbnfider of it^ and fettle his Affairs in Time. TV £ Month of APR IL will be obfervable... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1752 - 356 pagina’s
...own Concerns : It relateth to Partrige the Almanack-maker ; I have confulted the Star of his Nativky by my own Rules ; and find he will infallibly die upon the 29' h of March next, about Eleven at Night, of a raging Fever : Therefore I advife him to confider... | |
 | Jonathan Swift, John Hawkesworth - 1754 - 440 pagina’s
...THEYEARi7o8. 265 their own concerns : it relates to Partridge the almanack-maker ; I have confulted the ftar of his nativity by my own rules, and find. he will infallibly die upon the 2 Qth of March next, about eleven at night, of a raging fever ; therefore I advife him to confider... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1757 - 412 pagina’s
...are in their own • concerns ; it relates to Partridge the almanack-maker : 1 have confuted the ftar of his nativity by my own rules, and find he will infallibly die upon the zo/th of March next, about eleven at night, of a raging fever; therefore I advife him to confider of... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1761 - 412 pagina’s
...are in their own concerns : it relates to Partridge the almanack-maker ; I have conlulted the ftar of his nativity by my own rules, and find he will...about eleven at night, of a raging fever ; therefore I advife him to confider of it, and iettle his affairs in time. The month of April will be ohfervable... | |
 | Jonathan Swift, John Hawkesworth - 1765 - 334 pagina’s
...are in their own concerns i it relates to Partridge the almanack-maker ; I have confulted the ftar of his nativity by my own rules, and find he will infallibly die upon the 19th of March next, about eleven at night, of a raging fever ; therefore I advife him to confider of... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1765 - 326 pagina’s
...have confulted the ftar of his nativity by my own rules, and finJ he wilt infallibly die upon the ipth of March next, about eleven at night, of a raging fever; therefore I advife him to confidcr of it, and fettle his affairs in time. The The month of April will be obfervable... | |
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