I hate life when I think it exposed to such accidents ; and to see so many thousand wretches burdening the earth, while such as her die, makes me think God did never intend life for a blessing. The Life of Jonathan Swift - Pagina 180door John Forster - 1875 - 477 pagina’sVolledige weergave - Over dit boek
 | Select collection - 1782 - 342 pagina’s
...it expofed to fuch accidents ; and to fee fo many thoufand wretches burthening the earth, while fuch as her die, makes me think God did never intend life for a bleffing." Fr6m thefe cxpreffions, Dr. Hawkelworth well obferves, and thofe he ufes m the account of... | |
 | John Bell - 1789 - 416 pagina’s
...him now he has lost all that was valuable in his possession : yet I think he used her pretty well. I hate life, when I think it exposed to such accidents ; and to see so many thousand wretches burthening the earth, while such as her die, makes me think God did never intend life for a blessing."... | |
 | 1789 - 202 pagina’s
...hate life, when I think it exposed to such accidents ; and to see so many thousand wretches burthening the earth, while such as her die, makes me think God did never intend life for a blessing." — From the manner in which the Dean here mentions Lord Ashburnham, it is evident, that even his softest... | |
 | John Bell - 1789 - 398 pagina’s
...hate life, when I think it exposed to such accidents ; and to see So many thousand wretches burthening the earth, while such as her die, makes me think God did never intend life for a blesting." — From the manner in which the Dean here mentions Lord Ashburnham, it is evident, that... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1801 - 452 pagina’s
...him, now he has lost all that was valuable in his possession ; yet, I think he used her pretty well. I hate life, when I think it exposed to such accidents...me think God did never intend life for a blessing. Farewell. • From these expressions, and those he uses in the account of the duchess of Hamilton's... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1801 - 452 pagina’s
...him, now he has lost all that was valuable in his possession ; yet, I think he used her pretty well. I hate life, when I think it exposed to such accidents...me think God did never intend life for a blessing. Farewell * From these expressions, and those he uses in the account of the duchess of Hamilton's affliction... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1808 - 448 pagina’s
...him, now he has lost all that was valuable in his possession ; yet I think he used her pretty well. I hate life, when I think it exposed to such accidents...the earth, while such as her die, makes me think God never did intend life for a blessing. Farewell. LETTER LVIII. LONDON, JAN. 4, 1712-13. .l ENDED my... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1813 - 432 pagina’s
...all that was valuable in his possession ; yet I think he used her pretty well. I hate life, when 1 think it exposed to such accidents ; and to see so...the earth, while such as her die, makes me think God never did intend life for a blessing. Farewell. * From .these expressions, and those he uses in the... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1813 - 386 pagina’s
...that was valuable in his possession ; yet I think he used her pretty well. I hate life, when I thiok it exposed to such accidents ; and to see so many...the earth, while such as her die, makes me think God pever did iniend life for n blessing. Farewell. * From these expressions, and those he uses in the... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1814 - 462 pagina’s
...him, now he has lost all that was valuable in his possession; yet I think he used her pretty well. I hate life, when I think it exposed to such accidents...me think God did never intend life for a blessing. * Farewell. * This is the reflection of nature, and therefore always affecting. In the extinction of... | |
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