This made them more than usually attentive to his motions ; and one evening, as Mr. Addison and the rest were observing him, they saw him cast his eyes several times on a gentleman in boots, who seemed to be just come out of the country, and at last advance... The Life of Jonathan Swift - Pagina 162door John Forster - 1875 - 477 pagina’sVolledige weergave - Over dit boek
 | Jonathan Swift - 1801 - 574 pagina’s
...them, was that of the mad parson. This made them more than usually attentive to his motions ; and one evening, as Mr. Addison and the rest were observing...just come out of the country, and at last advance toward him as intending to address him. They were all eager to hear what this dumb, mad parson, had... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1803 - 336 pagina’s
...was that of " the mad parspn." This made them more than usually attentive to his motions ; and one evening, as Mr. Addison and the rest were observing...seemed to be just come out of the country, and at last advanced toward him as intending to address him. They were all eager to hear what this dumb, mad parson,... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1808 - 658 pagina’s
...was that of " the mad parson." This made them more than usually attentive to his motions ; and one evening, as Mr. Addison and the rest were observing...seemed to be just come out of the country, and at last advanced toward him as intending to address him. They were all eager to hear what this dumb, mad parson,... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1814 - 676 pagina’s
...Tub, which was first published in 1704. made them more than usually attentive to his motions ; and one evening, as Mr Addison and the rest were, who seemed to be just come out of the country, aad at last ad. ranced toward him as intending to address him. They were all eager to hear what this... | |
 | Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott - 1814 - 688 pagina’s
...attentive to his motions ; and one evening, as Mr Addison and the rest were observing him, they eaw him cast his eyes several times on a gentleman in...seemed to be just come out of the country, and at last ad. vauced toward him as intending to address him. They were all eager to hear what this dumb mad parson... | |
 | Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott - 1826 - 334 pagina’s
...mented by the appearance of that celebrated work, The Tale of a Tub, which was first published in 17 evening, as Mr Addison and the rest were observing...his eyes several times on a gentleman in boots, who seetned to be just come out of the country, and at last advanced toward him, as mtending to address... | |
 | sir Walter Scott (bart [prose, collected]) - 1827 - 560 pagina’s
...was that of " the mad parson." This made them more than usually attentive to his motions ; and one evening, as Mr Addison and the rest were, who seemed to be just come out of the .country, ;md at last advanced toward him as intending to address him. They were all eager to hear what this... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1829 - 380 pagina’s
...them, was that of " the mad parson." This made them more than usually attentive to his motions; and one evening, as Mr. Addison and the rest were observing...several times on a gentleman in boots, who seemed to he just come out of the country, and at last advanced toward him as intending to address him. They... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1834 - 558 pagina’s
...them, was that of " the mad parson." This made them more than usually attentive to his motions; and one evening, as Mr Addison and the rest •were observing...seemed to be just come out of the country, and at last advanced toward him as intending to address him. They were all eager to hear what this dumb mad parson... | |
 | 1840 - 838 pagina’s
...was that of ' the mad parson.' This made them more thau usually attentive to his motion» ; and one evening as Mr. Addison and the rest were observing him, they saw him cast his eye« several times on n gentleman in boots, who seemed to be just come out of the country, and at... | |
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