
363 NEALE (John Preston) VIEWS OF THE SEATS OF NOBLEMEN AND GENTLEMEN, in ENGLAND, WALES, SCOTLAND, and IRELAND, both Series complete, comprising 792 highly finished engravings from the author's drawings (FINE IMPRESSIONS), with Descriptions [by T. MOULE], 11 vols. 4to., Large Paper, with PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER of the plates; handsomely bound in hf. polished maroon morocco extra, art-cl. sides, g. e., by Riviere (a choice copy); SCARCE, £16 16s 1818-29

The best general work on the subject, giving a striking idea of the remarkable number of gentlemen's seats in the United Kingdom. In many cases catalogues of the chief features of their picture galleries are included.

364 NISARD (Marie Léonard Charles) HISTOIRE des LIVRES POPULAIRES; ou de la LITTÉRATURE du COLPORTAGE, depuis l'Origine de l'Imprimerie jusqu'à l'Etablissement de la Commission d'Examen des Livres du Colportage (1852); 2e Edition, considérablement augmentée; with numerous fs. woodcuts, some on India paper, 2 vols. post 8vo. hf. calf (nice copy), 12s 6d

Last edition of this interesting history of French chap-books.


365 NOACK (Ferdinand) HOMERISCHE PALÄSTE eine Studie zu den Denkmälern und zum Epos; with 2 plates and 14 text-illustrations, 8vo. new buckram, t. e. g., 2s 6d

Leipzig, 1903 366 NUDE (The) in ART: a COLLECTION of PHOTOGRAVURES reproduced from original Paintings, selected from the best Works of the most famous Painters, with Introduction by CLARENCE LANSING, 45 large plates after Bouguereau, Flameng, Hans Makart, etc. etc., impl. folio, cl., £1. 10s (p. £4. 4s nett) 1896


367 FROEHNER (Wilhelm, Conservateur du Louvre; de l'Institut) Les MÉDAILLONS de l'EMPIRE ROMAIN, depuis le Règne d'Auguste jusqu'à Priscus Attale; with 1310 illustrations, 4to. handsomely bound in hf. crushed purple morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 17s 6d (p. F. 40 nett sewn) 1878

One of the most serviceable of all coin-collector's manuals.

368 GRÄSSE (Johann Georg Theodor; bibliographer) HANDBUCH der ALTEN NUMISMATIK, von den ältesten Zeiten bis auf Constantin d. Gr., nach den besten Quellen bearbeitet; with 72 plates, containing many hundred specimens neatly embossed in bronze, silver, and gold, thick 8vo. hf. pigskin neat, art-cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (FINE COPY); SCARCE, £1. 12s 6d Leipzig, 1854 369 HALKE (H.) EINLEITUNG in das STUDIUM der NUMISMATIK, 2. Auflage; with 8 phototype plates and 2 text-illustrations, 8vo. hf. calf neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (nice copy), 4s Berlin, 1889 370 HENNIN (Michel) MANUEL de NUMISMATIQUE ANCIENNE, contenant les Éléments et les Nomenclatures, avec l'Indication des divers Degrés de Rareté, et TABLEAUX de leurs VALEURS au XIXe Siècle, 2 vols. large post 8vo., with Atlas, containing 70 plates, 8vo.-3 vols. hf. calf neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 10s 6d


371 LENORMANT (François) La MONNAIE dans l'ANTIQUITÉ: Leçons professées près la Bibliothèque Nationale, 1875-7, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. polished crimson morocco, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), £1. ls 1878-9

372 TRÉSOR de NUMISMATIQUE et de GLYPTIQUE; ou Recueil général de MÉDAILLES, MONNAIES, PIERRES GRAVÉES, BAS-RELIEFS, etc., tant anciens que modernes, les plus intéressants sous le Rapport de l'Art et de l'Histoire, gravés sous la Direction de PAUL DELAROCHE, HENRIQUEL DUPONT, et CHARLES LENORMANT; with over 1000 beautifully engraved plates, containing many thousand figures, complete in 20 vols. large folio in 12, hf. French brown morocco gilt, uncut (FINE SET), £12. 12s (p. F. 1260 unbound) 1834-50 CONTENU :-Numismatique des Rois grecs: Nouvelle Galerie mythologique: Bas-Reliefs du Parthénon, etc.: Iconographie des Empereurs romains: Histoire de l'Art monétaire chez les Modernes: Choix historique des Médailles des Papes: Médailles coulées et ciselées en Italie aux XVe et XVIe Siècles: Médailles exécutées en Allemande, XVIe et XVIIe Siècles: Sceaux des Rois et Reines d'Angleterre : des Rois et Reines de France; - des Grands Feudataires de la Couronne de France; des Communes, Communautés, Evêques, Barons et Abbés: Médailles françaises, de Charles VII à 1789, 3 v. in 2: de la Révolution française: de l'Empire français: Recueil général de Bas-reliefs

et d'Ornemens.

373 OESER (Christian) BRIEFE an eine JUNGFRAU über die HAUPTGEGENSTÄNDE der AESTHETIK, 18. Auflage; with 15 fine steel plates (including portraits), and numerous woodcuts, large cr. 8vo. new buckram, g. e., 4s Leipzig, 1875 374 ORIENTAL CARPETS (ANCIENT), by [sic] the IMPERIAL ROYAL AUSTRIAN MUSEUM of ART and INDUSTRY, VIENNA; being a Supplement to the Oriental Carpets, published in 1892-6 by the Imperial Royal Austrian Commercial Museum, Vienna, with Preface by the Editor A. v. SCALA, Introduction by WILHELM V. BODE, and Text by FRIEDRICH SARRE, with 25 BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED PLATES, executed at the Imperial Printing Office, Vienna, from splendid examples on the Continent and in the South Kensington Museum, atlas folio, finely bound in hf. crushed crimson Levant morocco gilt, art-cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), £24.

Leipzig, 1908 This is probably the finest, both as to the originals and as to their beautiful chromolithographic reproductions, of all the few great works on ancient Eastern carpets.

376 ONGANIA (Ferdinando) STREETS and CANALS in VENICE (CALLI e CANALI in VENEZIA) and in the ISLANDS of the LAGOON, both series, with 200 large and most beautiful photogravures of the Palaces, Canals, Alleys, Churches and other Public and Private Buildings of the City, with short Descriptions translated by F. HOME-ROSENBERG, 2 vols. atlas folio, "hf. morocco gilt, cl. sides, t. e. g. (FINE COPY), £6. 6s


377 OOGE (Martin Luther d', Univ. Michigan) The ACROPOLIS of ATHENS, with 9 photogravures, 7 plans, and 134 text-illustrations, 8vo. cl. gilt, t. e. g., 10s 6d (p. 17s nett) New York, 1908

[ocr errors]

378, OVERBECK (Johannes; nephew of the painter) GESCHICHTE der GRIECHISCHEN PLASTIK für Künstler und Kunstfreunde, erste Ausgabe; with 102 woodcuts (including numerous folding and other plates), 2 vols. impl. 8vo. finely bound in olive Levant morocco extra, tooled inside borders, g. e., by Holloway (CHOICE COPY), £1. 1s Leipzig, 1857-8 DRITTE UMGEARBEITETE UND VERMEHRTE AUFLAGE; with 24 plates (some folding), and 136 woodcuts, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. hf. pigskin gilt, cl. sides ( fine copy), 16s 6d (p. M. 32 sewn)





ibidem, 1881-2 VIERTE [NEUESTE] umgearbeitete und vermehrte AUFLAGE; with 38 plates (mostly folding), and numerous other illustrations, 2 vols. cr. 4to. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. crushed purple Levant morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), £1. 10s (p. M. 35 sewn) ib., 1893-4

GRIECHISCHE KUNSTMYTHOLOGIE: BESONDERER TEIL, Band I-III, 1. Lfg.; with 34 plates and 49 woodcuts, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. purple morocco, cl. sides (as good as new), £2. 2s (p. M. 63 sewn) ib., 1871-87 ATLAS DER GRIECHISCHEN KUNSTMYTHOLOGIE, [herausgegeben] mit Unterstützung des königl. Sächs. Ministeriums des Cultus und des öffentlichen Unterrichts; with 26 very large and beautifully executed double lithographic plates on China paper (all very neatly linen-mounted), atlas folio, strongly bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (FINE COPY), £6. 6s (p. M. 232 sewn) ib., 1872 [-87] 383 PALLADIO (Andrea) (EUVRES COMPLÈTES, nouvelle Édition, contenant les Quatre Livres, avec les Planches du Grand Ouvrage d'OCTAVE SCAMOZZI, le Traité des Thermes, le Théâtre et les Églises; le tout rectifié et complété d'après des Notes et des Documents fournis par les premiers Architectes de l'École française, par N. M. J. CHAPUY, ALEXANDRE CORRÉARD et ALBERT LENOIR; with 365 plates (many folding), thick folio, hf. French morocco gilt, uncut, £2. 10s 18[25-142 384 PALUSTRE (Léon) L'ARCHITECTURE de la RENAISSANCE; with 106 illustrations, post 8vo. cl. (fresh copy), 3s [1892]

385 PARIS (Pierre) La SCULPTURE ANTIQUE, nouvelle Édition ; with 178 illustrations, post 8vo. cl. (fresh copy), 3s

s. d. 386 PARKER (John Henry, C.B.)] GLOSSARY of TERMS used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE; FIFTH AND BEST EDITION, with 1700 most beautiful full-page (some COLOURED) and other woodcuts by ORLANDO JEWITT, 3 vols. 8vo. cl., t. e. g. (nice copy); SCARCE, £1. 15s Oxford, apud auctorem, 1850

In addition to its invaluable architectural worth, the 'Glossary of Architecture' is of the greatest interest as a collection of some of the finest woodcuts ever produced. 1907 388 PAULY'S REAL-ENCYCLOPÄDIE der CLASSISCHEN ALTERTUMSWISSENSCHAFT: neue Bearbeitung, unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachgenossen herausgegeben von GEORG WISSOWA, Band I-VI (Aal bis Fornaces); with text-illustrations, 6 very thick vols. roy. 8vo. finely bound in hf. crushed purple Levant morocco, cl. sides (AS GOOD AS NEW), £7. 10s (p. M. 180 sewn)

387 PAULHAN (Fr.) Le MENSONGE de l'ART, 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. F. 5 nett sewn)

Stuttgart, 1894-1909 Together with Daremberg and Saglio's 'Dictionnaire des Antiquités Grecques et Romaines' (q. v. ante) the standard authority on classical archæology.

389 PERROT (Georges), et Charles CHIPIEZ: HISTOIRE de l'ART dans l'ANTIQUITÉ : Égypte, Assyrie, Perse, Asie Mineure, Grèce, Étrurie, Rome; with 149 plates (many coloured), and 3816 text-illustrations, 8 thick vols. impl. 8vo. hf. crimson (v. VII–VIII hf. maroon) morocco, uncut, t. e. g. (AS GOOD AS NEW), £8. 8s (p. F. 240 nett sewn)


390 PERRY (Walter Copland) GREEK and ROMAN SCULPTURE: a Popular Introduction to its History, with 268 fine classical woodcuts, sq. 8vo. cl., uncut, t. e. g. (o. p.), 15s (p. £1. 11s 6d) 1882 391 PETIT (Victor) CHÂTEAUX de la VALLÉE de la LOIRE des XV, XVIe et XVIIe Siècles, dessinés d'après Nature; with 100 large and fine tinted lithographic plates, 2 vols. atlas folio in 1, strongly bound in hf. olive morocco gilt, cl. sides, t. e. g. (FINE COPY), £3. 10s 1861

If France is the land of the great Seignorial châteaux, as of all that is wonderful in architecture, the valley of the Loire is where in number and romance they most abound. The above work illustrates nearly all of them. 392 PETRUCCI (Raphael) La PHILOSOPHIE de la NATURE dans l'ART d'EXTRÊME-ORIENT, illustrée d'après les Originaux des Maîtres du Paysage des VIIIe au XVIIe Siècles; printed on handmade paper, with 4 fine full-page woodcuts by K. EGAWA and S. IZUMI, BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED after the originals by T. TAMURA and T. WADA, and 10 other fine plates (one folding), roy. folio, handsomely bound in hf. purple morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), £1. 12s 6d (p. F. 50 nett sewn) [1910 Of great interest as regards the state of art and feeling for Nature in China and Japan in the Middle Ages of the Christian Era.




A German on Art in Belgium!

394 PHILIPPI (Adolf) Die BLÜTE der MALEREI in HOLLAND; with 209 illustrations: Die BLÜTE der MALEREI in Belgien: Rubens und die Flamländer; with 152 illustrations-2 vols. 8vo. in 1, buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 10s 6d (p. M. 18) Leipzig, 1901-00 Die KUNST der RENAISSANCE in ITALIEN; with 427 illustrations, 6 parts 8vo. original boards, 8s (p. M. 16) ibidem, 1897 ZWEITE [NEUESTE] VERMEHRTE AUFLAGE; with_568_illustrations, including a folding plate (linen-mounted), 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. purple morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 14s ibidem, 1905 Die KUNST des XV. und XVI. JAHRHUNDERTS in DEUTSCHLAND und den NIEDERLANDEN; with 292 illustrations: Die KUNST der NACHBLÜTE in ITALIEN und SPANIEN; with 152 illustrations—2 vols. 8vo. in 1, buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 10s (p. M. 16.50) ib., 1898-1900 398 PIPER (Reinhard) Das TIER in der KUNST, 6. Auflage; with 130 illustrations, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 2s München, 1910 The title suggests a German officer at the destruction of Ypres. 399 PIRANESI (Giovanni Battista) VASI, CANDELABRI, CIPPI, SARCOFAGI, TRIPODI, LUCERNE ED ORNAMENTI ANTICHI; original edition, with 112 very large and beautiful plates in the artist's characteristic grand manner, 2 vols. atlas folio in 1, hf. calf, joints cracked (a few plates slightly mended on margin, but having brilliant impressions and in spotless condition), with the Earl of Sheffield's bookplate, £21. Roma, 1778 'Une des parties les plus recherchées de la collection de ses ouvrages.'-Brunet. 400 PISTOLESI (Erasmo) Il VATICANO, descritto ed illustrato; with upwards of 850 LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINGS (clean impressions) of all the paintings, frescoes, statues, ornaments, etc. etc. in the Palace of the Popes, including all its ARCHITECTURE and Details, 8 vols. roy. folio, hf. morocco gilt (backs slightly rubbed), t. e. g., £4. 10s (p. £60. unbound) Roma, 1829-38 'Description la plus étendue et la plus exacte que l'on ait donnée de la basilique et des palais du Vatican, ainsi que des sculptures et des peintures qui en font partie.'-Brunet.


401 PRISSE d'AVENNES (A. C. T. Émile) L'ART ARABE, d'après les MONUMENTS du KAIRE, depuis le VIIe Siècle jusqu'à la fin du XVIIIe; 200 LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL LITHOGRAPHS, mostly beautifully COLOURED AND HEIGHTENED WITH GOLD AND SILVER, and steel plates on India paper, illustrative of the Architecture, Ornamental Ceilings, Doors, Faïence, Glass Painting, Furniture, Illuminations, etc. etc. of the finest examples of Arab Art in Cairo, 3 vols. atlas folio, with TEXT, containing 34 further plates and numerous woodcuts, roy. 4to.—in all 4 vols., finely bound in hf. crushed olive Levant morocco (FINE COPY); SCARCE, £22. 10s 1877

The beautiful original large edition, published at 1050 francs unbound, and now out of print. Few have any idea of the splendour and extent of the greatest of all non-European art who are unacquainted with this unusually fine work. 402 RACCOLTA de' più belli ed interessanti DIPINTI, MUSAICI ed altri Monumenti rinvenuti negli Scavi di ERCOLANO, di POMPEI, di STABIA, che ammiransi nel MUSEO NAZIONALE, NAPOLI ; with 165 outline plates, 4to. boards, 12s




Napoli, 1874

L'ORNEMENT POLYCHROME: Recueil historique et pratique, avec des Notices explicatives, et une Introduction générale; both series, with 220 BEAUTIFUL COLOURED PLATES, in gold, silver, and colours, comprising many thousand specimens of the various styles of Ancient, Oriental and Medieval Art, including the Renascence and XVII. and XVIII. Centuries, besides numerous text-illustrations, 2 thick vols. roy. folio, handsomely bound in hf. green morocco, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), £8. Ss (p. F. 350 nett in portfolios) F. Didot [1873-87]

The original French edition of the complete work, with best impressions of the plates. The plates contain many thousand different subjects which may be multiplied almost indefinitely by the alterations and combinations which the experience of the artist or manufacturer will be sure to suggest; and as the majority of them exist only in unique specimens, they may be regarded as absolutely novel and hitherto unworked.

The general excellence of the volume, and its value as a book of instruction, are amply proved by its selection as a text. book by the Science and Art Department.

404 RASCHDORFF (Julius C., Technische Hochschule, Berlin), BAUKUNST der RENAISSANCE: ENTWÜRFE VON STUDIERENDEN [an der Technischen Hochschule zu Berlin] unter Leitung von, Jahrgang I-II; with 130 plates, 2 vols. impl. folio in 1, handsomely bound in hf. purple morocco, cl. sides (as good as new), £2. 2s (p. M. 80 in portfolios) Berlin, 1880-1 PALAST-ARCHITEKTUR von OBER-ITALIEN und TOSCANA, vom XV. bis XVII. Jahrhundert: TOSCANA, mit Unterstützung des kgl. preuss. Ministeriums für Handel und Öffentliche Arbeiten herausgegeben, mit Aufnahmen von EMIL V. FOERSTER, A. GNAUTH, OTTO RASCHDORFF u. A.; with 100 large and fine plates (some beautifully COLOURED), impl. folio, handsomely bound in hf. maroon morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g., £4. 4s (p. M. 175 in portfolio) ibidem, 1888

406 RAVAISSON (Félix; de l'Institut) La VENUS de MILO; with 9 illustrative plates from Greek Sculpture, 4to. boards, 3s 6d (p. F. 6 nett sewn) 1892

407 RAYMOND (George Lansing, George Washington Univ.) The ESSENTIALS of ESTHETICS in Music, Poetry, Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, with 82 illustrations, post 8vo. cl. extra, t. e. g., 6s 6d (p. 10s 6d nett)


409 RAPHAEL SANZIO: RAFAEL-WERK: sämmtliche TAFELBILDER und FRESKEN des Meisters, in Nachbildungen nach Kupferstichen und Photographien, herausgegeben von ADOLF GUTBIER, mit erläuterndem Text von WILHELM LÜBKE; with 184 fine heliogravures by M. Rommel, 3 vols. large 4to. cl. super-extra, g. e. (FINE COPY), £1. 17s 6d (p. M. 160) Dresden [1880-1]


ANOTHER COPY, with the margins of Vol. I cropped, 3 vols. (2 vols. 4to. and 1 vol. large 4to.), handsomely bound in hf. purple morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), £1. 15s 411 : RAFFAEL: des Meisters GEMÄLDE, mit biographischer Einleitung von ADOLF ROSENBERG, 3. Auflage; with 203 illustrations (mostly full-page), cr. 4to. cl. gilt, t. e. g., 5s (p. M. 8) Stuttgart, 1906 : MUNTZ (Eugène) RAPHAËL: sa VIE, son (EUVRE et son TEMPS; with 41 plates, and 155 text-illustrations, roy. 4to., Author's Copy, printed throughout on China paper (ONLY A FEW COPIES THUS PRIVATELY PRINTED); finely bound in hf. polished crimson Levant morocco, art-cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (AS GOOD AS NEW), £3. 10s




The above work is uniformly bound with the author's Histoire de l'Art pendant la Renaissance' (q. v. ante). The China Paper edition gives beautiful impressions both of the plates and of the many wood-engravings in the text.

: PASSAVANT (Johann David) RAPHAEL d'URBAIN, et son Père GIOVANNI SANTI; Édition française, refaite, corrigée et considérablement augmentée par l'Auteur sur la Traduction de JULES LUNTESCHUTZ, revue et annotée par PAUL LACROIX ['Bibliophile Jacob']; with fine portrait by Gérard and fs. plate, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. purple morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 10s 6d (p. F. 20 nett sewn)

1860 414 REBER (Franz v., Direktor der bayr. Staatsgemäldegalerien) GESCHICHTE der MALEREI vom Anfang des 14. bis zum Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts, large post 8vo. cl., with neat pencil-marks and notes, 3s 6d (p. M. 7) München, 1894




6s 6d

KUNSTGESCHICHTE des ALTERTHUMS; with 250 woodcuts, large 8vo. hf. brown calf neat, Leipzig, 1871 HISTORY OF ANCIENT ART, revised by the Author, translated and augmented by JOSEPH THACHER CLARKE, with Glossary of TECHNICAL TERMS, 310 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 7s6d (p. 18s) 1883 KUNSTGESCHICHTE des MITTELALTERS; with 422 woodcuts, thick 8vo. hf. German morocco gilt, 10s (p. M. 16 sewn) Leipzig, 1886 418 REINACH (Salomon; de l'Institut) RECUEIL de TÊTES ANTIQUES IDÉALES ou IDÉALISÉES ; with 275 plates, and 18 other illustrations, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. purple morocco, t. e. g. (as good as new), 14s (p. F. 20 nett sewn) 1903 419 REINHARDT (Robert, Technische Hochschule, Stuttgart) PALAST-ARCHITEKTUR von OBERITALIEN und TOSCANA, vom XV. bis XVII. Jahrhundert: GENUA, mit Aufnahmen von H. und F. HALMHUBER, F. SCHÜLE, L. THEYER, und A. WIDMANN; with 100 plates (some folding and others beautifully COLOURED), besides text-illustrations, impl. folio, handsomely bound in hf. maroon morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g. (FINE COPY), £4. 4s (p. M. 150 in portfolio) Berlin, 1886 420 REMBRANDT: des Meisters GEMÄLDE, mit biographischer Einleitung von ADOLF ROSENBERG, 2. Auflage; with 565 illustrations (chiefly full-page), thick cr. 4to. cl. gilt, t. e. g., 9s (p. M. 14) Stuttgart, 1906


: MICHEL (Émile, de l'Institut) REMBRANDT: sa VIE, son ŒUVRE, et son TEMPS; with 343 reproductions from the Artist's works, including 80 beautiful plates (some COLOURED), thick impl. 8vo. hf. brown morocco extra, cl. sides (fine copy), £1. 5s (p. F. 40 nett sewn)


Still one of the best of the numerous biographies of Rembrandt, besides giving brilliant photogravure reproductions of his paintings, etc.

422 REVILLIOD (Alphonse) Le GESTE, l'ATTITUDE et l'EXPRESSION dans les ARTS PLASTIQUES: Conférences faites à la Classe des Beaux-Arts; Préface de GEORGES HANTZ; printed on handmade paper, with portrait, and tinted plates and other illustrations, cr. 4to. hf. purple morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., as good as new (ONLY 300 COPIES PRINTED), 16s (p. F. 25 nett sewn)


423 RÉVOLUTION FRANÇOISE, COLLECTION COMPLÈTE DES TABLEAUX HISTORIQUES DE LA [avec des Discours par l'ABBÉ FAUCHET, CHAMFORT, GINGUENÉ et PAGÈS]; with 222 large and fine plates (mostly proofs before letters) after DUPLESSI-BERTAUX, GIRARDET, DESFONTAINES, and others, including 66 beautiful PORTRAITS, 3 vols. roy. folio, original hf. French morocco (a very fine fresh copy), £21. P. Didot l'aîné, 1804

This is one of the most valuable and lifelike of all the works on the French Revolution, as it gives a most accurate representation of all the greatest of its historical scenes, drawn by great artists on the spot within fifteen years of their happening. It brings not only the Revolution but Old France itself to life before the student's eyes. 'Ce livre très-intéressant, est très-bien exécuté en somme. Les compositions, inventées et gravées par Duplessi Bertaux, surtout sont remarquables.'-Cohen.

424 REYMOND (Marcel) La SCULPTURE FLORENTINE: les Prédécesseurs de l'École Florentine et la Sculpture Florentine au XIV, XVe et XVIe Siècles; with plates and over 800 other fine illustrations, 4 vols: folio in 1, handsomely bound in hf. purple morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), £3. 3s (p. F. 100 nett sewn) Florence, 1897-1900


CONTENU:-1. Les Prédécesseurs d'École Florentine et la Sculpture Florentine aux XIVe Siècle: II-III. Le XVe Siècle: IV. Le XVIe Siècle et les Successeurs de l'Ecole Florentine.

TOME IV: Le XVI SIÈCLE et les SUCCESSEURS de l'ÉCOLE FLORENTINE; with frontispiece and 196 fine text-illustrations, folio, boards, 14s (p. F. 25 nett)

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427 REYNAUD (Léonce, de l'École Polytechnique) TRAITÉ d'ARCHITECTURE, 3e Édition, 2 vols. 4to.; with Atlas, containing 179 plates, roy. folio-together 3 vols. uniformly bound in hf. purple morocco (fine copy), £2. 10s (p. F. 160 nett sewn)


428 RICCI (Corrado, Director General of Fine Arts and Antiquities of Italy) BAROQUE ARCHITECTURE and SCULPTURE in ITALY, with 274 full-page illustrations, 4to. cl., 16s 6d (p. £l. 5s nett)

A style which made Mr. Ruskin ill.


429 RICHTER (Otto) TOPOGRAPHIE der STADT ROM (Handbuch der klassischen Altertums-Wissenschaft), 2. vermehrte Auflage; with 16 plates, 4 folding plans (linen-mounted), and 32 other illustrations, roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. purple morocco, cl. sides (as good as new), 10s (p. M. 15 nett sewn) München, 1901 430 RIDINGER (Johann Elias): An UNUSUALLY EXTENSIVE COLLECTION of his ENGRAVINGS, consisting of 482 large and fine plates (without text or titles), INCLUDING NEARLY ALL HIS BEST WORK, the whole bound up in 6 vols. sm. folio to elephant folio, uniformly bound in hf. green morocco, t. e. g. (FINE SET), £15. Augsburg [1817-c. 45]

A fine set of the reprint of Ridinger's engravings, containing some very good impressions, and including the following works:-I. Contemplatio ferarum Bestiarum ingeniosissimis Carminibus Domini BARTHOLDI HENRICI BROCKES illustrata; 40 plates [Augustae Vindelicorum, 1736]: Die vier Jahreszeiten der Hunde; 4 plates of hunting scenes, n. d.: The Creation; 12 plates; Le Nouveau Manége, représentant un Homme de Cheval parfait dans tous ses Exercises, Iere Partie; 18 plates, Augsbourg, 1734: Hunting Scenes [probably: Fürstenlust.. Parfaite et exacte Représentation des Divertissemens des Grands Seigneurs, cu parfaite Description des Chasses de toutes Sortes de Bêtes], 44 plates, s. a. II. Genaue und richlige Abbildungen der wundersamsten Hirchen, welche von grossen Herren selbst gejagdt und geschossen wurden; frontispiece and 100 plates, Augsburg, 1740[-68]. III. Abbildung der jagtbaren Thiere, mit derselben angefügten Fährten und Spuren, u. s. w. ; 23 plates, Augsburg [1740]: Nach der Natur entworffene Vorstellungen wie alles Hoch und Niedere Wild, samt dem Feder Wildpräth auf verschiedene Weise mit Vernunft, List und Gewalt lebending oder tod gefangen wird; 28 plates, Augsburg, 1750: 2 plates (Fight between an Eagle and a Wild Cat, and Stags killed by Lightning), n. d.: 4 Plates of Dogs, n. d. 6 Plates representing wild beasts fighting, n.d.: 8 fine Plates of Stags and Hunting Scenes, the first entitled ' Der Thier-Garten', s. d.: Die Vier Jahreszeiten des Jägers; 4 plates, o. J.: 2 Plates; Owls and Cats and Foxes and Dogs, 1777: 4 fine Plates of Stags, s. a.: 4 Plates of Fighting Wild Animals, s. a. IV. Die von verschidenen Arthen der Hunden behazte Jagtbare, Thiere; 22 plates (but wanting Plates II and IV), 1761 : 4 Plates of Hawks, Vultures, and Owls, s. d.; 2 Plates of Hunting Scenes, s. a. Description du Cheval selon ses Poils principaux, et leurs diverses Divisions; 28 plates, s. d,: Four Plates of Wild Birds, 1749: Four Plates of Stags, s. a. : 2 Plates of Wild Ducks, s. a. : 2 Plates of Lions (Leo a tergo; Leo prædæ inhians) s. a. Türkischer Pferdeaufputz; plates I-IV (out of 36) [1752]: V. Neues Zeichnungs Buch, darinn wilde und zahme Thiere; 12 plates, 1748: Entwurf einiger Thiere, wie solche nach ihren unterschiedenen Arten, Actionen und Leidenschaften, nach dem Leben gezeichnet [Parts I-V], 90 plates [1738-40]. VI. Gründliche Beschreibung und Vorstellung der wilden Thiere; 8 large and fine plates (mounted), 1733: Die Par Force Jagd eines Hirschen und eines Wild-Schweins; 2 very large and fine plates, o. J.

431 RIEGEL (Herman) Die BILDENDEN KÜNSTE: kurzgefasste allgemeine Kunstlehre in ästhetischer, künstlerischer, kunstgeschichtlicher und technischer Hinsicht, 4. [neueste], völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage; with 77 illustrations, large 8vo. hf. German morocco gilt (fine copy), 6s 6d (p. M. 10) Frankfurt a M., 1895 432 RITTERSAAL (Der): eine GESCHICHTE des RITTERTHUMS, seines Entstehens und Fortgangs, seiner Gebräuche und Sitten, artistisch erläutert von FRIEDRICH MARTIN VON REIBISCH, historisch beleuchtet von FRANZ KOTTENKAMP; with 62 plates (many folding), of knightly armour, weapons and combats, horses' trappings, etc., ALL BEAUTIFULLY HANDCOLOURED, and HEIGHTENED WITH GOLD AND SILVER, oblong 4to. cl. gilt (some pp. of Text foxed, but a FINE COPY); SCARCE, £4. 4s Stuttgart, 1842

433 RODIN (Auguste; sculptor) Les CATHÉDRALES de FRANCE; Introduction par CHARLES MORICE; printed on handmade paper, with 100 fs. plates (some coloured or tinted) of Rodin's original sketches, thick 4to. handsomely bound in half purple morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), £1. 10s


'Ce livre n'est pas un ouvrage de science, un traité d'archéologie ou d'architecture. Le point de vue de l'auteur, ses procédés d'observation, ses moyens d'expression sont tout autres que ceux des érudits.-Avertissement. Who knew what was before the Cathedrals of Eastern France when this book was published in the Spring of 1914? 434 ROGER-MILES (L.) ANTHOLOGIE des ARTS DÉCORATIFS: Architecture, Décoration et Ameublement pendant le XVIIIe Siècle, Tome I (seul parû): RÉGENCE et LOUIS XV; with 200 plates and 54 text-illustrations, large impl. 8vo. original figured boards extra, uncut (fresh copy), £1. 1s (p. F. 40 nett) [1900]


COMMENT DISCERNER les STYLES du VIIIe au XIXe SIÈCLE: Caractères et Manifestations des Formes en Architecture et Décoration, 2o Édition; with 110 plates and 229 text-illustrations, large impl. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. purple morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 16s 6d (p. F. 25 nett sewn)


436 ROME, painted by ALBERTO PISA; Text by M. A. R. TUKER and HOPE MALLESON, with 70 fine coloured plates, 4to., EDITION DE LUXE (only 250 numbered copies thus); figured cl., uncut, t. e. g., 17s 6d (p. £2. 2s nett) [1905] 437 ROSENGARTEN (A.) HANDBOOK of ARCHITECTURAL STYLES, translated by W. COLLETTSANDERS; new Edition, with 639 illustrations, post 8vo. buckram, 33 6d (p. 7s 6α) 1889

438 ROSINI (Giovanni) STORIA della PITTURA ITALIANA esposta coi Monumenti; first and best edition, Text, with portrait and 368 beautiful outline engravings, 7 thick vols. 8vo., and Atlas, with engraved title, and 254 outline plates, 2 vols. roy. folio-in all 9 vols. in 7, uniformly bound in hf. red morocco extra, uncut, t. e. g., £5. 5s Pisa, N. Capurro, 1839-55

'Whoever desires to make a study of Italian Painting must have Rosini's great work as a handbook. This edition contains the original large plates, which in the subsequent edition are reduced to octavo size. The outline engravings are executed with delicacy and spirit. Anyone who has visited the Art Galleries of Europe or intends to see them, will find Rosini a most precious acquisition.'

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