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Founded in Little Tower Street, City, in 1816.



THE beginning of the year 1916 may perhaps be noted here as completing the first hundred years' existence of the Firm. It was in 1816 that MR. THOMAS SOTHERAN, having come up in 1812 from the city of York, where his forebears had already been booksellers in the Eighteenth Century, to become an assistant to the old Quaker booksellers JOHN and ARTHUR ARCH in Cornhill, set up for himself at No. 2, Little Tower Street, the then narrow thoroughfare which led from Eastcheap to Tower Hill. Here in 1820 his son HENRY SOTHERAN was born, the father of the writer of these lines. As a boy he had walked over the London Bridge built by FATHER PETER OF COLECHURCH in A.D. 1176, he was present at the burning of the old Royal Exchange, and died in 1905.

The year of the founding of the firm was the morrow of Waterloo. Its Hundred Years' Mind finds England and nearly all civilized Europe fighting the battle of humanity against a criminal power infinitely more degraded than the Committee of Public Safety, whose victory would mean the end of a free and hopeful world for generations to come. As that long-prepared triumph

of the German anti-God will never come about, it is both amusing and useful to mark its vain boasting now.

January 31st, 1916.

President of Reuter's Telegram Co., Ltd.:

containing DICTIONARIES, ATLASES, and Works in HISTORY;



* To prevent disappointment, Customers are advised to address their orders to H. S. & Co. direct. Telegraphic and Cable Address: BOOKMEN, LONDON. Codes: UNICODE and A. B. C Telephones: (STRAND), CENTRAL 1515. (PICCADILLY), MAYFAIR 3601.

CONTRACTIONS: Bp., bishop; C. M. H., Cambridge Modern History; cl., cloth; cr., crown D. N. B., Dictionary of National Biography; fs., facsimile; g. e., gilt edges; o. p., out of print O. T. F., Oriental Translation Fund; p., published at; pr., priest; sm., small; sq., square; T. C. D. Trinity College, Dublin; t. e. g., top edges gilt.

Of books not otherwise noted, all in English bear the imprint of London, and all in French, of Paris.

1 SKEAT (Walter William, pr., Prof. A.-S., Cantab.) ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY of th ENGLISH LANGUAGE, new [latest] Edition, revised and enlarged, 4to. (pp. xliv + 780), strongl and handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, buckram sides, uncut, t. e. g., £1. 12s 6d (p. £1. 18s 6d net in cl.) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 191


MESO-GOTHIC GLOSSARY, with Introduction, Outline of Grammar, and List of Anglo Saxon and English Words connected with Moso-Gothic, cr. 4to. cl. (scarce), 8s 186 3 SMITH (Charles John, Archdn. of Jamaica) SYNONYMS DISCRIMINATED: a Dictionary o Synonymous Words in the English Language, illustrated with QUOTATIONS from Standar Writers; BEST EDITION, with the Author's latest Corrections and Additions, edited by H. PERC SMITH, pr., large post 8vo. (pp. 781), hf. black morocco neat (as good as new), 7s 6d (p. 14s in cl.) 188 4 SMITH (Sir William), and Theophilus D. HALL: COPIOUS and CRITICAL ENGLISH-LATI DICTIONARY, large 8vo. (pp. 964), brown morocco neat (nice copy), 9s


This really good dictionary is not confined to the English equivalents of Classical Latin, but includes all terms theological, scientific, or general interest needed by an educated man.

5 SPIERS (Alexander) NEW FRENCH-ENGLISH and ENGLISH-FRENCH GENERAL DICTIONARY compiled from the French Dictionaries of l' Académie, Bescherelle, Littré, etc. etc., 29th Edition entirely remodelled and largely increased by H. WITCOMB, 2 thick vols. roy. 8vo. handsomel bound in hf. purple morocco, cl. sides (as good as new), 14s (p. £1. 1s in cl.) 188

6 VIVIEN de ST. MARTIN (Louis), et Louis ROUSSELET: NOUVEAU DICTIONNAIRE d GÉOGRAPHIE UNIVERSELLE, contenant la Bibliographie, 7 vols. Supplément conduisan jusqu'en 1900, 2 vols.—in all 9 vols. roy. 4to. original half green morocoo, cl. sides (AS GOOD A NEW), £7. 10s (p. F. 339) 1879-190

The largest gazetteer issued in any language or country. There is nothing like it in England at all. 7 WEBSTER (Noah) NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE, based o the International Dictionary of 1890 and 1900, now completely revised in all Departments including also a GAZETTEER and other Appendixes. W. T. HARRIS, Editor in Chief; F. STURGE ALLEN, General Editor, with portrait of Webster, coloured plates of arms, and many thousan text-illustrations, thick 4to. (pp. 2620), handsomely and very strongly bound in hf. pigskir buckram sides, £1. 17s 6d (p. £2. 10s nett in sheepskin)

This, the latest edition of this well-known dictionary, contains 442,000 defined words.



ANDREE (Richard) ALLGEMEINER HANDATLAS, 2. vermehrte Auflage; numerous fine coloured maps on 122 pp., mit alphabetischem Namenverzeichnis, roy. folio, original hf. morocco (rubbed and slightly damaged) 6s 6d (p. M. 28)

The rival of Stieler, q. v. infra.

Bielefeld, 1887 BARTHOLOMEW (John George, F.R.S. E.) The ROYAL ATLAS of ENGLAND and WALES, REDUCED from the ORDNANCE SURVEY, 70 double coloured maps, with Index of 35,000 Names, folio, hf. morocco (rubbed), 10s (p. £1. Is nett) [1901] BERGHAUS (Heinrich) PHYSIKALISCHER ATLAS: Geologie, Hydrographie, Meteorologie, Erdmagnetismus, Pflanzenverbreitung, Tierverbreitung und Völkerkunde; dritte [neueste] Ausgabe, herausgegeben von DR. HERMANN BERGHAUS; 75 coloured maps, with Descriptions, roy. folio, hf. russia gilt, £2. 10s (p. M. 100 unbound) Gotha, 1892 OROYSEN (Johann Gustav) ALLGEMEINER HISTORISCHER HANDATLAS, mit erläuterndem Text; 96 coloured maps on 88 pp. (linen-guarded), folio, hf. morocco, 14s (p. M. 25) Bielefeld, 1886 An excellent and still one of the most popular historical atlases. ERCKERT (Roderich v., russischer Generalleutnant) WANDERUNGEN und SIEDELUNGEN der GERMANISCHEN STÄMME in MITTELEUROPA, von den ältesten Zeiten bis auf KARL DEN GROSSEN; with 12 large coloured maps, atlas 4to. stiff covers, 7s (p. M. 12)

Last edition of the best physical atlas ever produced.

Berlin, 1901

Indispensable for a proper understanding of the great folk-wanderings for the first six centuries of the Christian Era.
KIEPERT (Heinrich; Prof. Geography, Berlin) ATLAS ANTIQUUS; 5th Edition, enlarged, with
12 coloured maps, folio, boards (loose), with Baron de Reuter's auto., 3s
Berlin [1869]

GERMAN EDITION [mit NAMEN-VERZEICHNIS]; 12 coloured maps, folio, cl., 3s ibidem [1876] NEUE BERICHTIGTE AUSGABE; 12 coloured maps, folio, boards, 38 6d ib. [1902] MEYER'S GEOGRAPHISCHER HAND-ATLAS, 3. neubearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage; with 115 double or folding coloured maps; mit alphabetischem REGISTER aller Namen, roy. 8vo. original hf, morocco, 6s (p. M. 15) Leipzig, 1905 VIERTE [NEUESTE] NEUBEARBEITETE UND VERMEHRTE AUFLAGE; with 121 coloured maps (double or folding); mit alphabetischem REGISTER, thick impl. 8vo. original buckram, 98 (p. M. 15) ibidem, 1912 HISTORISCHER HANDATLAS; with 62 coloured maps, roy. 8vo. original buckram, 4s ib., 1911 A very useful historical atlas, with very copious historical text. It includes a map of the operations in the ROTHENBURG (Franz Ritter v.) SCHLACHTEN-ATLAS [von der Schlacht bei Augsburg, A.D. 955 bis zur Schlacht von Ostrolenka, 1831]; 120 COLOURED MAPS, very finely engraved on copper, oblong folio, hf. German morocco (rubbed); SCARCE, £l. 1s Wien, 1842

(p. M. 6)

Boer War.

The only extensive battle-atlas ever produced. It treats especially fully the Silesian and the Napoleonic Wars, and must always keep both historical and practical value even in the days of trench-fighting.

MITH (Sir William), and Sir George GROVE: ATLAS of ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY, BIBLICAL and CLASSICAL, to illustrate the Dictionary of the Bible and the Classical Dictionaries; the Biblical Maps from recent Surveys, and the Classical Maps drawn by CHARLES MÜLLER, 43 double coloured maps, with Indexes and descriptive Text, roy. folio, hf. black morocco, cl. sides (back rubbed), £2. 2s (p. £6. 6s)

ANOTHER COPY, hf. morocco (back damaged), £2.



'For ancient geography, the largest and best atlas is Smith's.'-C. K. Adams. PRUNER (Karl v.) ATLAS ANTIQUUS; 27 double coloured maps, with Descriptions, folio, cl., Gothæ, 1850


HAND-ATLAS für die GESCHICHTE des MITTELALTERS und der NEUEREN ZEIT; dritte [neueste] Auflage; 90 coloured maps, oblong folio, hf. calf gilt (slightly rubbed), £2. 10s (p. M. 85.60 unbound nett) ibidem, 1880 The best of all historical atlases is the great German atlas of Spruner.'-C. K. Adams. HISTORICO-GEOGRAPHICAL HAND ATLAS, 3rd English Edition, with 27 coloured maps, oblong folio, cl., 4s

ib., 1872

TIMES' ATLAS (The), new Edition, with 196 coloured maps on 132 pp., with Index to 130,000 Names, folio, hf. morocco, g. e., 16s (p. £2. 2s nett)


Made in Germany, and the beginning of the remarkable series of acrobatic performances in Printing-House Square.

ATLASES, continued

31 STIELER (Adolph) HAND-ATLAS, herausgegeben von JUSTUS PERTHES' geographischer Anstalt
in Gotha, 9. von Grund aus neubearbeitete und neugestochene Auflage; 100 coloured double maps,
including 162 subsidiary ones, large folio, original hf. morocco extra, cl. sides (as good as new),
£1. 10s (p. M. 42)
Gotha, 1905
Last edition of the most extensive and trustworthy atlas ever produced, including the results of the most recent
geographical discoveries.


ANOTHER COPY, original hf. morocco extra (somewhat rubbed), £1. 7s 6d


33 ABBOTT (Evelyn, Balliol Coll.) HISTORY of GREECE [to the Fall of the Thirty at Athens,
445-403 B.C.], 2nd Edition of Vols. I and II, 3 vols. post 8vo. cl. (o. p.), £1. 10s


'Admirable alike for its learning, sound judgment, and simple and lucid style. The sceptical view of the 'Iliad' and
'Odyssey', which regards them as purely works of poetical imagination, has nowhere been more ably represented.'-
D. N. B.
31 ALEXANDER VI. [Papst] und sein HOF, nach dem Tagebuch seines Zeremonienmeisters
BURCARDUS, herausgegeben von LUDWIG GEIGER, post 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 4s 6d (p. M. 6 sewn)
Stuttgart [1912]
35 ALISON (Sir Archibald) HISTORY of EUROPE, from the Commencement of the French Revolu-
tion to 1852; BEST LIBRARY EDITION, with numerous fine engraved portraits, 23 v., with the
ATLAS, by A. K. JOHNSTON, F.R.S.E., consisting of 108 maps and battle-plans-in all 24 vols. 8vo.
cl., uncut (sound set), £3. 17s 6d



PEOPLE'S EDITION [to the Restoration of the Bourbons], with INDEX, with frontispieces,
13 vols. cr. 8vo. cl., 15s (p. £2. 11s)
Edin., 1853-6

This does not include the life of Ferdinand of Bulgaria.

Written from a High Tory standpoint, but 'still the most complete source of information for the main facts of the
period when all European history took its direction from the action and policy of France.'-Gardiner and Mullinger. L
'The most valuable history in our language on the period described.'-C. K. Adams.
37 ANDLAW (Franz Freiherr v.) Die BYZANTINISCHEN KAISER, ihre Palast- und Familien-
Geschichten, ihre Schicksale u.s.w., post 8vo. buckram, 3s
Mainz, 1865
38 ANNALS of IRELAND (The), by the FOUR MASTERS [the O'Clery's, Tiege of the Mountain,
Peregrine O'Duigenan, and O'Mulconry, from the earliest Period to 1616], translated from the
Irish by OWEN CONNELLAN, with Annotations by PHILIP MACDERMOTT and the Translator,
coloured frontispiece and large folding map (linen-mounted), 4to. hf. green morocco gilt, cl. sides,
t. e. g. (SCARCE), £2. 10s
Dublin, 1846

In connexion with the yet earlier Irish history [ante Giraldum Cambrensem], almost the only printed source of
authentic information is the fragmentary records known as the Annals of Ireland, which supply a disjointed narrative
of the achievements of the princes of Ossory and Leix, with those of their kinsman, the Ui Neill.-Gardiner and
39 ARBOIS de JUBAINVILLE (Henry, de l'Institut) Les CELTES depuis les Temps les plus
Anciens jusqu'en 100 avant notre Ere, post 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 3s 6d
40 ASCHBACH (Joseph) GESCHICHTE der OMMAIJADEN in SPANIEN, nebst einer Darstellung
des Entstehens der spanischen christlichen Reiche, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 3s 6d Frankfurt a. M., 1829-30
41 ASSMANN (W.). GESCHICHTE des MITTELALTERS, von 375-1517, 2. [neueste] umgearbeitete
Auflage von ERNST MEYER (Bd. III 3. Auflage von L. VIERECK), 3 vols. 8vo. in 2, hf. black
morocco neat, cl. sides, as good as new (partly o. p.), £1. 10s
Braunschweig, 1875-1906
INHALT:-I, Bis zum Anfange der Kreuzzüge: II. Das Zeitalter der Kreuzzüge: III. Die letzten beiden Jahrhunderte
des Mittelalters: Deutschland, die Schweiz und Italien, von R. Fischer, R. Scheppig und L. Viereck.


BAND I und II, 2 vols. hf. cl., 12s 6d

ibidem, 1875-9
'Of peculiar merit. . . . The most conspicuous characteristic of the author's method is the care with which he has
studied the sources of information, and the judicious manner in which he has presented them. As a guide for the
most thorough study of the Middle Ages, therefore, the book has qualities of great excellence.'-C. K. Adams.
43 AULARD (François Victor Alphonse, de la Sorbonne) HISTOIRE POLITIQUE de la RÉVOLUTION
FRANÇAISE: Origines et Développement de la Démocratie et de la République (1789-1804), thick
roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. purple morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 8s 6d
(p. F. 12 nett sewn)


44 BACHMANN (Adolf; Univ. Prague) GESCHICHTE BÖHMENS, Band I-II (bis 1526; soweit
erschienen); with folding pedigree, 2 thick vols. 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as
new), £1. 2s 6d (p. M. 32 sewn)
Gotha, 1899-1905
45 BANCROFT (Hon. George) HISTORY of the UNITED STATES, from the Discovery of the Con-
tinent [to 1789]: BEST EDITION, in large type, with steel portrait, 6 thick vols. 8vo. cl., £2. 2s
New York, 1883 5
'The author has made extensive changes in the text, condensing in places, enlarging in others, and carefully revising.
It is practically a new work, embodying the results of the latest researches.'
"By far the most elaborate and the most carefully prepared history of the Colonial and Revolutionary periods yet
published.'-C. K. Adams.

Siècles, 8vo. buckram, 5s

47 BEDE (The Venerable, pr., O.S.B., monk of Jarrow) ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY of ENGLAND:
revised Translation, with Introduction, Life, and Notes, by A. M. SELLAR, with map, post 8vo.
cl., 2s 6d (p. 5s)

What do the ethnologasters who have been belittling our English ancestry because of modern German savagery make
of the gentle name of Bede?

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