MATHEMATICS, continued: 15732 BERTRAND (Joseph Louis François, de l'Institut; F.R.S.) CALCUL des PROBABILITÉS, roy. 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. ( fine copy), 8s 6d (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1889 A standard work. It includes a preface of 50 pp. on the laws of chance. 15734 15733 TRAITÉ de CALCUL DIFFÉRENTIAL et de CALCUL INTÉGRAL; with diagrams, 2 vols. 4to. hf. calf gilt (SCARCE), £4. 17s 6d 1864-70 The first volume, which contains a very interesting introduction on the history of the differential calculus (pp. 44), is out of print and VERY SCARCE. A number of 11. of writing paper are bound up with v. II of the 2nd copy, the first 8 pp. containing a MS. 'Recueil d'Intégrales: Formules fondamentales, ou usuelles, et auxiliaires'. ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. hf. French red morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g., £5. 15735 neat, 4s 15736 et Henri GARCET: TRAITÉ d'ALGEBRE, 8e Édition, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. French morocco 1873-4 DIX-HUITIÈME ÉDITION, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (fine copy), 7s 6d 1904-00 15737 15743 1900 II PARTIE, à l'Usage des Classes de Mathématiques spéciales; nouvelle Édition, 8vo. buckram, 38 15738 BIANCHI (Luigi; Univ. Pisa) VORLESUNGEN über DifferentialgEOMETRIE ; autorisierte deutsche Übersetzung von MAX LUKAT, large 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. crushed purple Levant morocco, cl. sides (fine copy), 14s (p. M. 22.60 sewn) Leipzig, 1899 15739 ZWEITE [NEUESTE] VERMEHRTE AUFLAGE; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 18s (p. M. 22.60 sewn) ibidem, 1910 15740 BIERENS de HAAN (D.; Univ. Leyden) NOUVELLES TABLES d'INTÉGRALES DÉFINIES, thick 4to. (pp. 734), hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy); o. p., 16s (p. £1. 5s nett) Leide, 1867 15741 BIERMANN (Otto, Deutsche Technische Hochschule, Brünn) ELEMENTE der HÖHEREN MATHEMATIK: Vorlesungen zur Vorbereitung des Studiums der Differentialrechnung, Algebra und Functionentheorie, large 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 7s 6d (p. M. 10 sewn) Leipzig, 1895 15742 THEORIE der ANALYTISCHEN FUNCTIONEN, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy); SCARCE, 15s ibidem, 1887 VORLESUNGEN über MATHEMATISCHE NÄHERUNGSMETHODEN; with 35 diagrams, large 8vo. buckram, 6s (p. M. 8 sewn) Braunschweig, 1905 15744 BINDER (Wilhelm) THEORIE der UNICURSALEN PLANCURVEN IV.-III. ORDNUNG in synthetischer Behandlung; with 65 diagrams, including 2 folding plates (linen-mounted), roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (nice copy), 9s (p. M. 12 sewn) Leipzig, 1896 15745 BLIND (August) LEHRBUCH der GLEICHUNGEN des 2TEN GRADES (Quadratische Gleichungen) mit einer, zwei und mehreren Unbekannten, mit Aufgaben und Resultaten; with diagrams2 vols. large 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 8s 6d (p. M. 14 sewn) Bremerhaven [1890-5] 15746 BLUTEL (E.) LEÇONS de MATHÉMATIQUES SPÉCIALES; with numerous diagrams, 2 thick vols. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 12s 15747 BLYTHE (W. H., Jesus Coll., Cantab.) On MODELS of CUBIC SURFACES, with illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 4s Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1905 15748 BOBEK (K. J.) LEHRBUCH der WAHRSCHEINLICHKEITSRECHNUNG, mit Aufgaben und Ergebnissen; with diagrams, large 8vo. buckram, 3s 6d (p. M. 6 sewn) Bremerhaven [1890] ANOTHER COPY; also: LEHRBUCH der AUSGLEICHSRECHNUNG nach der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate, mit Aufgaben und Ergebnissen; with diagrams-2 vols. large 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 6s 6d (p. M. 11 sewn) ibidem [1890] 15750 BÔCHER (Maxime, Prof. Mathematics, Harvard Univ.) INTRODUCTION to HIGHER ALGEBRA, prepared for Publication with the Coöperation of E. P. R. DUVAL, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 8s nett) 15749 15751 1914 New York, 1907 REPRINT, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 6s (p. 8s nett in cl.) ibidem, 1912 15752 BOEHM (Karl, Univ. Heidelberg) ELLIPTISCHE FUNKTIONEN; with 39 diagrams, 2 vols. large cr. 8vo. cl., 9s (p. M. 13.60) Leipzig, 1908-10 15753 BÖGER (Rudolf) EBENE GEOMETRIE der LAGE; with 142 diagrams, large cr. 8vo. cl., or, buckram, 3s (p. M. 5) Leipzig, 1900 15754 BOIS-REYMOND (Paul du; Prof. Mathematics, Berlin) Die ALLgemeine FuncTIONENTHEORIE, I. [einziger] Theil: METAPHYSIK und THEORIE der MATHEMATISCHEN GRUNDBEGRIFFE: Grösse, Grenze, Argument und Function, 8vo. red buckram, 5s (p. M. 8 sewn) Tübingen, 1882 15755 BOLYAI (János) The SCIENCE ABSOLUTE of SPACE independent of the Truth or Falsity of Euclid's Axiom XI (which can never be decided a priori), translated from the Latin by GEORGE BRUCE HALSTED, Univ. Texas; 4th Edition, with diagrams, large post 8vo. cl. (scarce), 8s 6d The Neomon, Austin, Texas, 1896 The only English translation of this classic-and the author's only-contribution to science, which made him, together with Gauss and Lobachevsky (q. v.), the founder of non-Euclidean geometry. v. ENGEL, and FRISCHAUF, post. MATHEMATICS, continued:— 15757 BOLZA (Oskar, Univ. Chicago) VORLESUNGEN über VARIATIONSRECHNUNG, umgearbeitete und stark vermehrte deutsche Ausgabe der Lectures on the Calculus of Variations'; with 117 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 724), cl., 13s (p. M. 20) Leipzig, 1909 15758 BOLZANO (Bernard) PARADOXIEN des UNENDLICHEN, herausgegeben aus seinem schriftlichen Nachlasse von FR. PŘIHONSKY; with diagrams, large post 8vo. cl., 2s 6d (p. M. 4 sewn) Berlin, 1889 15759 BONNEL (Joseph Florentin) Les ATOMES et HYPOTHESES dans la GÉOMÉTRIE; 3o [dernière] Édition, augmentée; with 27 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 3s (p. F. 5 nett sewn) 1999 15760 ESSAI des DÉFINITIONS GÉOMÉTRIQUES, 2 vols. large 8vo. in 1, buckram (scarce), 5s 1870-4 15761 BOOLE (George, F.R.S.) The MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS of LOGIC: an Essay towards a Calculus of Deductive Reasoning, Svo. buckram, t. e. g. (VERY SCARCE), 18s Cambridge, Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan, 1847 Very interesting as containing the leading principles afterwards elaborated in the Laws of Thought, and of importance for having created symbolic and mathematical logic. It is also a witness to the appreciation of power in a young writer already characteristic in his early publishing days of Daniel Macmillan. 15762 15763 £1. 1s On the THEORY of PROBABILITIES, 4to. (pp. 28), sewn (scarce), 5s 1862 TREATISE on the CALCULUS of FINITE DIFFERENCES, 2nd [final] Edition, edited [and greatly enlarged] by JOHN FLetcher Moulton [Lord MouLTON], post 8vo. cl., uncut (SCARCE), 1872 One of the very few treatises on its subject in existence. A so-called 'third edition' is a verbatim reprint of that of 1872. 'Of very high merit, and including much original research,'-D. N. B. 15764 TREATISE on DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS; 4th [last] Edition [edited by ISAAC TODHUNTER, F.R.S.], with plate, post 8vo. buckram (SCARCE), 15s 1877 'A standard text-book on Differential Equations, including original matter on integrating factors, singular solutions, and especially on symbolical actions.'-Prof. Cajori. 'To a certain extent these [the above two] works embody the more important discoveries of their author. In the 16th and 17th chapters of the Differential Equations we find, for instance, a lucid account of the general symbolic method, the bold and skilful employment of which led to Boole's chief discoveries, and of a general method in analysis, originally described in his famous memoir printed in the Philosophical Transactions for 1814. Boole was one of the most eminent of those who perceived that the symbols of operation could be separated from those of quantity and treated as distinct objects of calculation.'-Professor Stanley Jevons. 15765 BOREL (Émile, de la Sorbonne) ÉLÉMENTS de la THÉORIE des PROBABILITÉS, large 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 3s 6d (p. F. 6 nett sewn) 15766 15767 15768 DEUXIÈME [DERNIÈRE] EDITION, large 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 4s 1909 1910 INTRODUCTION GÉOMÉTRIQUE à quelques THÉORIES PHYSIQUES, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 38 6d (p. F. 5 nett sewn) 1914 LEÇONS sur la THÉORIE des FONCTIONS (voir en bas); with diagrams, 6 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copies), 15s (p. F. 23 nett sewn) 1898-1905 CONTENU :-Théorie des Fonctions, '98: Fonctions entières, 1900: Séries divergentes, '01: Séries à Termes positifs, rédigées par R. d'ADHÉMAR, '02: Fonctions méromorphes, rédigées par L. ZORETTI, '03: Fonctions des Variables réelles, et les Développements en Séries de Polynomes, rédigées par M. FRÉCHET, '05. 15769 BOSET (A.) TRAITÉ de GÉOMÉTRIE ANALYTIQUE, précédé des Éléments de la Trigonométrie rectiligne et sphérique; with 322 diagrams, 8vo. hf. morocco, 5s (p. F. 12 nett sewn) BRUXELLES, 1881 15770 ANOTHER COPY, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 6s ibidem, 1878 15771 BOUASSE (Henri, Univ. Toulouse) COURS de MATHÉMATIQUES GÉNÉRALES, spécialement écrit pour les PHYSICIENS et les INGÉNIEURS; with 323 illustrations, roy. 8vo. (pp. 646), hf. black morocio neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (nice copy), 14s (p. F. 20 nett sewn) [1911] et E. TURRIÈRE: EXERCICES et COMPLÉMENTS de MATHÉMATIQUES GÉNÉRALES, faisant Suite au Cours de Mathématiques Générales, comprenant, outre l'Étude des Courbes et Transformations usuelles, les Éléments de la Géométrie du Compas, les Systèmes articulés, du Calcul des Séries, du Calcul des Différences finies, du Calcul des Probabilités, du Calcul Vectoriel; with 375 illustrations, large 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), 12s (p. F. 18 nett sewn) [1912] 15772 15773 BOUCHARLAT (Jean Louis) ÉLÉMENTS de CALCUL DIFFÉRENTIEL et INTÉGRAL; 9o [dernière] Édition, revue et annotée par H. LAURENT; with 5 folding plates (neatly linen-mounted), 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 5s 6d (p. F. 8 nett sewn) 1891 15774 BOURLET (Carlo) LEÇONS de TRIGONOMÉTRIE RECTILIGNE, 2o Édition, augmentée; with 64 diagrams, large 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. F. 6 nett sewn) 1905 15775 BOUSSINESQ (Joseph, de l'Institut) COURS d'ANALYSE INFINITÉSIMALE, à l'Usage des Personnes qui étudient cette Science en Vue de ses Applications mécaniques et physiques; with diagrams, 2 thick vols. large 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, £1. 7s 6d (p. F. 40.50 nett sewn) 1887-90 15776 BOWDEN (Joseph, Adelphi Coll., Brooklyn) ELEMENTS of the THEORY of INTEGERS, cr. 8vo. buckram (o. p.), 5s New York, 1903 MATHEMATICS, continued: 15780 1907 15778 BOWLEY (Arthur Lyon; Prof. Statistics, Univ. London) ELEMENTS of STATISTICS, 3rd [latest] Edition; with folding tables (linen-mounted), and diagrams, large post 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), 8s (p. 10s 6d nett in cl.) 15779 BOWSER (Edward Albert, Rutgers Coll.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on ANALYTIC GEOMETRY, embracing Plane Geometry, and an Introduction to Geometry of Three Dimensions; 22nd Edition, with numerous diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. $1.75) New York, 1905 ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS, with numerous Examples; 21st Edition, enlarged by 640 additional Examples, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 6s ibidem, 1905 15781 BOYMAN (Johann Robert) LEHRBUCH der MATHEMATIK, I. Teil: GEOMETRIE der EBENE, 23. Auflage von Dr. Vering; mit Lösung der Aufgaben von HEINRICH FÜCHTJOHANN; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (fine copy), 6s (p. M. 9.80 sewn) Bonn, 1901-Düsseldorf, 1906 15782 BRAHY (Édouard, de l'Athénée Royal de BRUGES) EXERCICES MÉTHODIQUES de CALCUL DIFFÉRENTIEL, 8vo. red buckram, 3s Bruxelles, 1867 NOUVELLE ÉDITION, entièrement revue: EXERCICES MÉTHODIQUES de CALCUL INTÉGRAL-2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 6s 6d (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1898-Bruxelles, 1895 15784 NOUVELLE [TROISIÈME et DERNIÈRE] ÉDITION, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 8s 1905-3 15785 BREITHOF (N., Univ. LOUVAIN) COURS de GÉOMÉTRIE DESCRIPTIVE: SURFACES, COURBES; neatly autographed, with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. roy. 4to. hf. cl. (scarce), 158 LOUVAIN, 1875 15786 BRIOSCHI (Francesco, Univ. Pavia) THEORIE der DETERMINANTEN und ihrer Anwendungen, übersetzt von PROF. SCHELLBACH, 4to. hf. bound, 3s 6d Berlin, 1856 The first scientific and complete exposition of the theory of determinants. 15787 BRIOT (Charles Auguste Albert, de la Sorbonne) ÉLÉMENTS de GÉOMÉTRIE: THÉORIE, 7e Edition; with 479 diagrams, 8vo. red buckram (o. p.), 3s 15783 15788 15789 1875 LEÇONS d'ALGÈBRE, 130 et 16o Éditions, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat (partly o.p.), 7s 6d 1891-2 1896-7 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 12s 6d 15790 THÉORIE des FONCTIONS ABÉLIENNES; with 13 diagrams, 4to. hf. olive morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (fine copy), 9s (p. F. 15 nett sewn) 1879 et Jean Claude BOUQUET: COMPLÉMENT de GÉOMÉTRIE ANALYTIQUE; with 120 diagrams, 8vo. hf. French olive morocco neat (scarce), 4s 1864 15791 15792 15793 1890 LEÇONS de GÉOMÉTRIE ANALYTIQUE; 14e Édition, revue et annotée par PAUL APPELL; with numerous diagrams, 8vo. hf. maroon morocco, cl. sides, 4s 6d DIX-SEPTIÈME ÉDITION, revue et annotée par PAUL APPELL, de l'Institut; with numerous diagrams, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 6s (p. F. 8.75 nett sewn) s. d. LEÇONS de TRIGONOMÉTRIE, 6o Édition; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. maroon morocco 15794 neat, 2s 6d 15795 15796 15797 15798 1873 1887 s. d. DIXIÈME ÉDITION; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 2s 6d ANOTHER COPY, hf. red morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 3s ûd DOUZIÈME ÉDITION; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 3s TREIZIÈME ÉDITION; with diagrams: SERRET (J. A.) TRAITÉ de TRIGONOMÉTRIE, 9e [dernière] Edition; with diagrams-2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 5s s.d.-1908 15799 THÉORIE des FONCTIONS ELLIPTIQUES, 2e [dernière] Édition; with diagrams, 4to. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (FINE COPY); SCARCE, £1. 5s 15800 The standard work on the subject, 'extending and connecting the investigations by A. Cauchy and J. Liouville.' 1875 et Édouard Jean Baptiste GOURSAT, de la Sorbonne: LEÇONS d'ALGÈBRE, IIe PARTIE, à l'Usage de la Classe des Mathématiques spéciales, 18e Edition; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, 6s (p. F. 8.50 nett) s. d. 15801 et Charles VACQUANT: ÉLÉMENTS de GÉOMÉTRIE: APPLICATIONS, 6o Édition; with 4 folding plates and text-illustrations, 8vo. red buckram, 3s 15802 1884 ÉLÉMENTS de GÉOMÉTRIE DESCRIPTIVE, 5e Edition; with 7 plates (neatly linen-mounted), 8vo. buckram, 3s 15803 1881 1887 SIXIÈME ÉDITION; with 7 plates, 8vo. red buckram, 3s 15804 BRISSE (Charles) RECUEIL de PROBLÈMES de, GÉOMÉTRIE ANALYTIQUE: Solutions des Problèmes donnés au Concours d'Admission à l'École Centrale depuis 1862; 2o [dernière] Édition; with diagrams, 8vo. cl., or, buckram, 3s (p. F. 5 nett sewn) 1892 15805 BROMWICH (Thomas John I'Anson, F. R.S., St. John's Coll., Cantab.) INTRODUCTION to the THEORY of INFINITE SERIES, with diagrams, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 12s (p. 15s nett in cl.) 1908 ANOTHER COPY, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 11s 6d QUADRATIC FORMS and their CLASSIFICATION by Means of INVARIANT FACTORS, with diagrams, 8vo. sewn, 2s 6d (p. 3s 6d nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1906 15806 15807 15810 MATHEMATICS, continued : 15809 BRÜCKNER (Max) Die ELEMENTE der VIERDIMENSIONALEN GEOMETRIE, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der POLYTOPE; interleaved, 8vo. cl., 3s Zwickau, 1894 VIELECKE und VIELFLACHE: Theorie und Geschichte; with 12 folding plates and 113 text-illustrations, 4to. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g., 12s 6d (p. M. 16 in boards) Leipzig, 1900 15811 BURALI-FORTI (Cesare, Académie militaire, Turin) INTRODUCTION à la GÉOMÉTRIE DIFFÉRENTIELLE suivant la Méthode de H. GRASSMANN ; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 3s 1897 15812- et Roberto MARCOLONGO, Univ. Naples: ANALYSE VECTORIELLE GÉNÉRALE (I. Transformations linéaires. II. Applications à la Mécanique et à la Physique), traduit par P. BARIDON, 2 vols. large 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 7s 6d (p. F. 11 nett sewn) Pavie, 1912-13 15813 ÉLÉMENTS de CALCUL VECTORIEL,, avec des nombreuses Applications à la Géométrie, Mécanique et Physique mathématique; Édition française, augmentée d'un Supplément par S. LATTES: with diagrams, roy. 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 5s (p. F. 8 nett sewn) 15814 1910 ANOTHER COPY, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 6s 15815 BURCKHARDT (W.). und C. L. BLANK: MATHEMATISCHE UNTERRICHTSBRIEFE zum SELBSTSTUDIUM: with numerous diagrams, complete in 2 vols. sq. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, t. e. g., £1. 7s 6d (p. M. 60 sewn) Gera [c. 1900] 15816 BURG (Adam) AUSFÜHRLICHES LEHRBUCH der HÖHERN MATHEMATIK, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Zwecke des practischen Lebens; with 12 plates, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. cl., 4s Wien, 1832-3 15817 BURKHARDT (Heinrich, Univ. Zürich) EINFÜHRUNG in die THEORIE der ANALYTISCHEN FUNKTIONEN einer KOMPLEXEN VERÄNDERLICHEN, 2. teilweise umgearbeitete Auflage; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 3s 6d (p. M. 6.20 sewn) Leipzig, 1903 15819 15818 FUNKTIONSTHEORETISCHE VORLESUNGEN; with numerous illustrations, 3 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 12s 6d (p. M. 21.40 sewn) ibidem, 1899-1903 INHALT:-I. 1. Algebraische Analysis, '03 I. 2. Einführung in die Theorie der analytischen Funktionen einer komplexen Veränderlichen, 2. umgearbeitete Auflage, '03: II. Elliptische Funktionen, 1899. VORLESUNGEN über die ELEMENTE der DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRALRECHNUNG und ihre Anwendung zur Beschreibung von Naturerscheinungen; with 38 illustrations, roy. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. M. 6) ib., 1907 15820 BURN (J.), and E. H. BROWN, Prudential Assurance Co.: ELEMENTS of FINITE DIFFERENCES, also Solutions to Questions set for Part I of the Examinations of the Institute of Actuaries, 8vo. buckram, 5s (p. 7s 6d nett) 1902 15821 BURNSIDE (William, Pembroke Coll., Cantab.; F.R.S., Prof. Mathematics, Royal Naval Coll., Greenwich) THEORY of GROUPS of FINITE ORDER, with plate and illustrations, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g., 7s 6d (p. 15s in cl.) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1897 15822 BURNSIDE (William Snow), and Arthur William PANTON, Fellows T.C.D.: The THEORY of EQUATIONS: with Introduction to the Theory of Binary Algebraic Forms; 3rd Edition [enlarged], thick 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 15s) 15823 Dublin, 1892 FIFTH [LATEST] EDITION [greatly enlarged]. 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g. (fine copy), 14s (p. £1. 1s in cl.) ibidem, 1904 15824 BYERLY (William Elwood, Harvard Univ.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on FOURIER'S SERIES and Spherical, Cylindrical, and Ellipsoidal Harmonics, with Applications to Problems in Mathematical Physics, with diagrams, large 8vo. cl., 7s 6d (p. 12s 6d) Boston [Mass., 1893] 15825 ELEMENTS of the DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, with Examples and Applications, diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 4s 6d (p. 8s 6d) ibidem, 1901 15826 15827 ELEMENTS of the INTEGRAL CALCULUS, with KEY to the Solution of Differential Equations, with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 4s 6d (p. 8s 6d) ib., 1889 Including 'A Short Table of Integrals,' and a chapter on integration, taken from the author's 'Differential Calculus.' HARMONIC FUNCTIONS, 4th Edition, enlarged, large 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 4s 6d nett) New York, 190615828 CAHEN (Eugène; de la Sorbonne) ÉLÉMENTS de la THÉORIE des NOMBRES: Congruences, Formes quadratiques, Nombres incommesurables, Questions diverses, roy. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 8s 6d (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1900 15829 CAIN (William, Prof. Mathematics, Univ. N. Carolina) BRIEF COURSE in the CALCULUS; 2nd Edition, with diagrams, large cr. 8vo., buckram, 4s (p. 6s nett) 1909 Intended for the student without a teacher, who hopes to acquire some knowledge of the working principles of the Calculus in a short time.'-Preface. 15830 CAJORI (Florian, Colorado Coll.) INTRODUCTION to the MODERN THEORY of EQUATIONS, with diagrams, large cr. 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 4s 6d (p. 7s 6d nett) New York, 1904 15831 CALINON (A.) ÉTUDE sur la SPHÈRE, la LIGNE DROITE et le PLAN; with diagrams (pp. 51), '88: INTRODUCTION à la GÉOMÉTRIE des ESPACES à TROIS DIMENSIONS; with diagrams (pp. 25), '91: La GÉOMÉTRIE à DEUX DIMENSIONS des SURFACES à COURBE CONSTANTE; with diagrams (pp. 47), '95-3 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, buckram, 5s 1888-95 MATHEMATICS, continued:- 15833 CALLET (François) TABLES PORTATIVES de LOGARITHMES des Nombres de 1 à 108,000 et 'One of the most complete and practically useful collections of logarithms published, and peculiar in giving a centesimally divided canon.'-J. W. L. Gluisher, F.R.S. 15834 CANTOR (Georg Ferdinand Louis Philippe; Prof. Mathematics, Halle) Ein BEITRAG zur MANNIGFALTIGKEITSLEHRE, 4to. (pp. 18), cl., 2s 6d Berlin [1877] 15835 CANTOR (Moritz; Univ. Heidelberg) VORLESUNGEN über GESCHICHTE der MATHEMATIK, von den ältesten Zeiten bis 1799; NEUESTE AUFLAGEN (Bd. I 3. A. und Bd. II–III 2. A.); with plate and 551 diagrams, 4 thick vols. large 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (AS GOOD AS NEW), £4. 4s (p. M. 107 sewn) The standard work on the history of mathematics, indispensable to any good scientific library. contributions by V. BOBYNIN, A. v. BRAUNMÜHL, F. CAJORI, T. GÜNTHER, V. KOMMERELL, G. G. VIVANTI, and C. R. WALLNER. Leipzig, 1900-8 1913 15836 CAPITO (Charles A. A., M. I. Mech. E.) TEXT-BOOK of MATHEMATICS and MECHANICS, with numerous diagrams, cr. 8vo. buckram, 8s (p. 12s 6d nett) 15837 CARLL (Lewis Buffett) TREATISE on the CALCULUS of VARIATIONS, presenting in all important Particulars a complete View of the present State of the Science, 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), £1. 1s New York, 1881 The most comprehensive and best account of the subject in English. It is now out of print and scarce. 15838 CARNOT (Lazare Nicolas Marguerite, de l'Institut; the Organiser of Victory'; grandfather of President Carnot) RÉFLEXIONS sur la METAPHYSIQUE du CALCUL INFINITÉSIMAL, 4e Edition; with plate, 8vo. hf. cl. (scarce), 8s 6d 1860 'Il y prend partie contre la réforme qu'avait tentée Lagrange par sa méthode des variations. Il souhaite qu'on s'en tienne à la marche si simple, si lumineuse de Leibniz, qui se prête d'ailleurs mieux aux applications. Les mathématiciens ont suivi ses conseils, sans goûter toutefois ses raisonnements.'-J. Boyer. In spite of the splendid achievement of German mathematicians, as evidenced by this catalogue, they have not produced their Organiser of Victory. But then they have had to serve NAPOLEONUNCULUS. 15839 CARNOY (Joseph; Univ. LOUVAIN) COURS d'ALGEBRE SUPÉRIEURE: Principes de la Théorie des Déterminants; Théorie des Équations; Introduction à la Théorie des Formes algébriques, 2e [dernière] Edition, large 8vo. hf. black calf neat, cl. sides (o. p.), 10s 6d Louvain, 1900 The imprint of every worthy Belgian book will mark German learning for a century to come with the brand of Cain. COURS de GÉOMÉTRIE ANALYTIQUE (I. Géométrie Plane, 6o Éd. II. Géométrie de l'Espace, 5o Ed. augmentée); with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. large 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, 12s 6d (p. F. 22 nett sewn) 15840 15841 ibidem, 1899 DERNIÈRE ÉDITION (T. I 7e et T. II 6e Éditions); with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. large 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 17s 6d (p. F. 25 nett sewn) ib., 1904-5 Bound up with this copy is: ÉLÉMENTS de la THÉORIE des DÉTERMINANTS, avec des nombreux Exercices, par P. MANSION, 6e [dernière] Edition, 1900. v. MANSION, post. 15842 CARON (J.) COURS de GÉOMÉTRIE DESCRIPTIVE. I. Droite et Plan, 6e Édition. II. Cones, Cylindres, Sphère, 3e Édition. III. Géométrie Cotée; with numerous diagrams, with Atlas, containing 36 plates-5 vols. 8vo. in 2, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (fine copy); partly o. p., 11s (p. F. 17 nett sewn) 15845 1895-1901 1912 15843 CARONNET (Th.) COURS de TRIGONOMÉTRIE; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 3s 15844 CARR (G. S.) SYNOPSIS of ELEMENTARY RESULTS in PURE and APPLIED MATHEMATICS, containing Propositions, Formula, and Methods of Analysis, with abridged Demonstrations, with Index to the Papers on Pure Mathematics in the principal Journals and Transactions of the Learned Societies, English and Foreign, of the present Century, with 20 folding plates and numerous diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 971), hf. maroon morocco neat (fine copy); SCARCE, £1. 15s 1886 : DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS (pp. 257-440), roy. 8vo. buckram, 6s [1886] 15846 CARSLAW (Horatio Scott, Prof. Mathematics, Sydney) INTRODUCTION to the THEORY of FOURIER'S SERIES and INTEGRALS, and the MATHEMATICAL THEORY of the CONDUCTION of HEAT, with illustrations, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 10s 6d (p. 14s nett in cl.) 1906 Pp. 411-29 contain Bibliographies. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY, with the SOLUTIONS of the QUESTIONS, with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 7s 6d (p. 11s nett in cl.) 1913-15 15848 CATALAN (Eugène Charles; Univ. LOUVAIN) COURS d'ANALYSE à l'Université de LIÉGE: Algèbre, Calcul différentiel, Ire Partie du Calcul intégral; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. morocco, 5s Bruxelles, 1870 REMARQUES sur la THÉORIE des MOINDRES CARRÉS, roy. 4to. (pp. 42), sewn, 2s THÉORÈMES et PROBLÈMES de GÉOMÉTRIE ÉLÉMENTAIRE, 5o Édition, revue; with 18 plates, 8vo. hf. brown morocco, 4s 1872 15847 15849 15850 [ibidem], 1878 15851 4s 6d 15852 SIXIÈME ÉDITION, augmentée; with numerous diagrams, large 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 1879 |