MATHEMATICS, continued: 16306 LIPSCHITZ (Rudolph Otto Sigismund; Univ. Bonn) LEHRBUCH der ANALYSIS (I. Grundlagen. II. Differential- und Integralrechnung), 2 vols. 8vo. hf. cl. (nice copy); SCARCE, 15s Bonn, 1877-80 16307 LISTING (Johann Benedict; Univ. Göttingen) VORSTUDIEN zur TOPOLOGIE; with woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 68), sewn (scarce), 6s 6d Göttingen, 1848 'Various researches have been brought under the head of analysis situs. The subject was first investigated by Leibniz, and was later treated by Gauss, whose theory of knots has been employed by J. B. Listing.'-Prof. Cajori. 16308 LOBATSCHEWSKY (Nicolai Ivanovitch) GEOMETRICAL RESEARCHES on the THEORY of PARALLELS, translated [with Introduction, and Appendix on Elliptic Geometry], by GEORGE BRUCE HALSTED, Univ. Texas, with 37 diagrams, roy. 8vo. cl., or, buckram (scurce), 10s 6d Austin, Texas, 1891 The only English translation of the author's celebrated researches on the theory of parallel lines-the foundation of hyperbolic geometry. 'What Vesalius was to Galen, what Copernicus was to Ptolemy, that was Lobatschewsky to Euclid'.- Professor Clifford. 16309 ÉTUDES GÉOMÉTRIQUES sur la THÉORIE des PARALLÈLES, traduit [avec Préface] par J. HOÜEL, suivi d'un Extrait de la Correspondance de GAUSS et de SCHUMACHER; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 46), sewn (scarce), 68 [Bordeaux, 1866] v. ENGEL, ante. The first French translation. 16310 LOCK (John Bascombe, pr., Caius Coll.) TREATISE on ELEMENTARY and HIGHER TRIGONOMETRY; with Key to the Elementary Trigonometry by HENRY CARR, of Lagos, with diagrams, 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. and post 8vo. buckram, 8s (p. 16s) [1910] TREATISE ON HIGHER TRIGONOMETRY [4th and last Edition, enlarged], with numerous diagrams, cr. 8vo. buckram, 2s 6d 1909 16311 16312 ANOTHER COPY, also: TREATISE on ELEMENTARY TRIGONOMETRY, with illustrations -2 vols. cr. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 5s 6d (p. 9s in cl.) 1909-12 16313 LODGE (Alfred, Prof. Pure Mathematics, Cooper's Hill) DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS for BEGINNERS, with Introduction by SIR OLIVER JOSEPH LODGE, F.R.S., with diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 2s 6d (p. 4s 6d) 1902 16314 LONEY (Sidney Luxton, Roy. Holloway Coll.) The ELEMENTS of COORDINATE GEOMETRY, 2nd (latest) Edition [revised], with diagrams, with the Solutions, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. in one, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 9s (p. 13s 6d nett in cl.) 1906 or '12 16315 PLANE TRIGOMETRY, with diagrams, with Solutions, 2 thick vols. cr. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 11s (p. 18s in cl.) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1907-1896 16316 LONGCHAMPS (G. de) COURS d' ALGEBRE, 2o [dernière] Édition; with diagrams: SUPPLÉMENT (Trigométrie ; les Infiniment Petits; les Quadratures; Mécanique), 3o [dernière] Édition, entièrement refondue; with numerous diagrams-2 thick vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (nice copy), 10s (p. F. 17.50 nett sewn) 1889-93 16317 COURS de GÉOMÉTRIE ANALYTIQUE à DEUX et TROIS DIMENSIONS; with numerous diagrams, 2 thick vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (nice copy), 10s (p. F. 17.50 nett sewn) 16318 16319 1884 COURS de PROBLÈMES de GÉOMÉTRIE ANALYTIQUE; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. in 2, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. t. (as good as new), 16s 6d (p. F. 22.50 nett sewn) 1898-9 VOLS. I AND II ONLY, with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, buckram, 7s (p. F. 12.50 nett sewn) 1898-9 16320 LORENTZ (Hendrik Antoon, Univ. Leyden) LEHRBUCH der DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRALRECHNUNG, nebst Einführung in andere Teile der Mathematik, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bedürfnisse der Studierenden der Naturwissenschaften, unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers übersetzt von G. C. SCHMIDT, 2. [neueste] Auflage; with 123 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 8s 6d (p. M. 12 sewn) Leipzig, 1907 16321 LORIA (Gino; Univ. Genoa) Die HAUPTSÄCHLICHSTEN THEORIEN der GEOMETRIE in ihrer früheren und heutigen Entwicklung, ins Deutsche übertragen von FRITZ SCHÜTTE, mit Vorwort von R. STURM, 8vo. buckram, 3s Leipzig, 1888 und TRANSCENDENTE EBENE KURVEN: Theorie und Geschichte, autorisierte, nach dem italienischen MS. bearbeitete deutsche Ausgabe von FRITZ SCHUTTE; with 17 folding plates (finely LINEN-MOUNTED), thick 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 15s (p. M. 26 sewn) ibidem, 1902 ZWEITE [NEUESTE] AUFLAGE; with 20 folding plates (all neatly LINEN-MOUNTED), 2 vols. large 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (fine copy), £1. 5s (p. M. 29 sewn) ibidem, 1910-11 16324 16322 16323 SPEZIELLE ALGEBRAISCHE VORLESUNGEN über DARSTELlende GeomeTRIE, autorisierte, nach dem italienischen MS. bearbeitete deutsche Ausgabe von FRITZ SCHÜTTE, II. Teil: Anwendungen auf ebenflächige Gebilde, Kurven und Flächen; with 146 diagrams, large 8vo. cl., 7s 6d (p. M. 12) ib., 1913 16325 LORMEAU (E.), et P. MERLET: PROBLÈMES de GÉOMÉTRIE, donnés aux Examens de Baccalauréat, 1904-8: ENONCÉS et SOLUTIONS; with numerous diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 3s [1909] MATHEMATICS, continued: 16327 LÜBSEN (H. B.) AUSFÜHRLICHES LEHRBUCH der ARITHMETIK und ALGEBRA zum Selbstunterricht, 26. Auflage, 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. M. 4 sewn) 16328 Leipzig, 1906 AUSFÜHRLICHES LEHRBUCH der ANALYTISCHEN und HÖHERN GEOMETRIE zum Selbstunterricht; 15. Auflage neu bearbeitet von A. DONADT; with 105 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. M. 4 sewn) ibidem, 1908 16329 AUSFÜHRLICHES LEHRBUCH der EBENEN und SPHÄRISCHEN TRIGONOMETRIE zum Selbstunterricht, 17. Auflage; with 58 diagrams: AUSFÜHRLICHES LEHRBUCH der ANALYSIS zum Selbstunterricht, 10. Auflage; with diagrams-2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 4s 6d (p. M. 6 sewn) ib., 1900-2 EINLEITUNG in die INFINITESIMAL-RECHNUNG (Differential-und Integral-Rechnung) zum Selbstunterricht, mit Rücksicht auf das Notwendigste und Wichtigste, 8. Auflage; with 54 diagrams, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 6s (p. M. 8 sewn) ib., 1899 16330 16331 · MATHEMATISCHE LEHRBÜCHER, zum SELBSTUNTERRICHT mit Rücksicht auf die Zwecke des praktischen Lebens; with numerous diagrams, 4 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 12s (p. M. 18 sewn) ib., 1899-1904 INHALT:-Ebene und sphärische Trigonometrie, 18. A. von A. DONADT, 1904: Analytische und höhere Geometrie, 14. A., 1899: Analysis, 10. A., 1902: Infinitesmal-Rechung, S. A., 1899. 16332 LUCAS (Édouard) RÉCRÉATIONS MATHÉMATIQUES (Tome I 2e [dernière] Édition); with numerous illustrations, 4 vols. large cr. 8vo., 'PAPIER DE HOLLANDE EDITION; red buckram, £1. 5s (p. F. 45.50 nett sewn) 1883-94 16333 The best French modern work of the kind. THÉORIE des NOMBRES, TOME Ier [seul paru]: Calcul des Nombres entiers et rationnels. Divisibilité arithmétique; with illustrations, roy. 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 10s 6d (p. F. 15 nett sewn) 1891 16334 LÜROTH (Jakob; Univ. Freiburg i. B.) VORLESUNGEN über NUMERISCHES RECHNEN ; with 14 diagrams, large 8vo. buckram, 5s 6d (p. M. 8 sewn) Leipzig, 1900 16335 LUTZ (Eugen) ANALYTISCHE GEOMETRIE der EBENE: elementares Lehrbuch; with 132 diagrams, roy. 8vo. cl., 6s (p. M. 9) Karlsruhe, 1909 16336 MCAULAY (Alexander; Univ. Tasmania) OCTONIONS; a DEVELOPMENT of CLIFFORD'S BI-QUATERNIONS, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 10s 6d) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1898 16338 16337 MCCLELLAND (William J.) TREATISE on the GEOMETRY of the CIRCLE, and some Extensions to CONIC SECTIONS by the Method of Reciprocation, with numerous Examples, numerous diagrams, large 12mo. buckram, 3s (p. 6s) 1891 and Thomas PRESTON, F.R.S. TREATISE on SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY, with Applications to Spherical Geometry, and numerous Examples, 3rd Edition (of Part I), with diagrams, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. in 1, buckram, 4s (p. 8s 6d) 1890-86 16339 ANOTHER COPY (Pt. I 6th and Pt. II 2nd Edition), with diagrams, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. in 1, cl., 5s (p. 8s 6d) 1900 16340 MCDOWELL (J., F.R.A.S.) EXERCISES on EUCLID and in MODERN GEOMETRY; 4 [last] Edition, with numerous diagrams, post 8vo. cl., or, buckram, 3s 6d (p. 6s) Cambridge, 1892 16341 MACÉ de LÉPINAY (A.) COMPLÉMENTS d'ALGEBRE et NOTIONS de GÉOMÉTRIE ANALYTIQUE, 4e Edition; with 224 diagrams, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 38 6d 16342 CINQUIÈME [DERNIÈRE] ÉDITION; with 224 diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, 38 6d 16343 ANOTHER COPY, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (nice copy), 4s 16344 MACH (Ernst, Univ. Vienna) SPACE and GEOMETRY in the Light_of_ PHYSIOLOGICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, and PHYSICAL INQUIRY, from the German by THOMAS J. MCCORMACK, with 25 diagrams, large cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 5s nett) 1906 16345 MAGNUS (Ludwig Immanuel) SAMMLUNG von AUFGABEN und LEHRSÄTZEN aus der ANALYTISCHEN GEOMETRIE des RAUMES, cr. 4to. red buckram, 3s 6d Berlin, 1837 16346 MAILLET (Edmond Théodore; École des Ponts et Chaussées) INTRODUCTION à la THÉORIE des NOMBRES TRANCENDANTS et des PROPRIÉTÉS ARITHMETIQUES des FONCTIONS, roy. 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 7s 6d (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1906 1898 s. d. 16347 MANGOLDT (Hans v.; Prof. Mathematics, Danzig) ANWENDUNG der DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRALRECHNUNG auf KURVEN und FLÄCHEN [aus Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenchaften]; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 104), buckram, 3s [Leipzig, 1902] 16348 EINFÜHRUNG in die HÖHERE MATHEMATIK für Studierende und zum Selbststudium; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (fine copy), £1. 12s 6d (p. M. 40 sewn) ibidem, 1911-14 INHALT:-I. Anfangsgründe der Infinitesimalrechnung und analytischen Geometrie: II. Differentialrechnung: III. Integralrechnung. 16349 MANNHEIM (Col. Amédée, de l'École Polytechnique) PRINCIPES et DÉVELOPPEMENTS de GÉOMÉTRIE CINÉMATIQUE, contenant nombreuses Applications à la Théorie des Surfaces; with 186 diagrams, 4to. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy), 16s 6d (p. F. 25 nett sewn) 1894 MATHEMATICS, continued :— 16352 MANNING (Henry Parker, Brown Univ.) GEOMETRY of FOUR DIMENSIONS, with diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 5s 6d (p. 8s 6d nett) New York, 1914 16353 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Boston [Mass.], 1901 16354 MANNOURY (G., Univ. Amsterdam) METHODOLOGISCHES und PHILOSOPHISCHES zur ELEMENTAR-MATHEMATIK; with diagrams, sq. 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 4s 6d Haarlem, 1909 16355 MANSION (Paul, Univ. GHENT) ÉLÉMENTS de la THÉORIE des DÉTERMINANTS, avec de nombreux Exercises, 4e Edition: CARNOY (Joseph, Univ. LOUVAIN) COURS de GÉOMÉTRIE ANALYTIQUE GÉOMÉTRIE PLANE, 5e Édition; with numerous diagrams-2 vols. 8vo. in 1, buckram, 16s 6d 1883-Louvain, 1891 16356 NOTICE sur les RECHERCHES de M. DE TILLY en MÉTAGÉOMÉTRIE [avec Notes bibliographiques], 8vo. (pp. 12), sewn (scarce), 4s s. l. [c. 1895] v. CARNOY, ante. 16357 MARC (Ludwig) AUFGABEN aus der HÖHEREN MATHEMATIK, TECHNISCHEN MECHANIK und DARSTELLENDEN GEOMETRIE bei der Vorprüfung an der K. Technischen Hochschule zu München von 1901 ab, mit Lösungen; with 19 plates, besides diagrams, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. in 1, buckram, 6s (p. M. 8 sewn) München, 1907 16358 MARIE (Léon, actuaire de la Compagnie 'le Phénix') TRAITÉ MATHÉMATIQUE et PRATIQUE des OPÉRATIONS FINANCIÈRES; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 578), buckram (o. p.), 12s 1890 16359 MARKOFF (Andrej Andrejevitch; Univ. Petrograd) DIFFERENZENRECHNUNG, autorisierte deutsche Übersetzung von THEOPHIL FRIESENDORFF und ERICH PRÜMM, mit Vorwort von R. MEHMKE, roy. 8vo. buckram, 5s 6d (p. M. 7 sewn) Leipzig, 1896 16360 WAHRSCHEINLICHKEITSRECHNUNG, nach der 2. Auflage des russischen Werkes übersetzt von HEINRICH LIEBMANN; with 7 diagrams, roy. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl., uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 10s (p. M. 12 sewn) ibidem, 1912 16361 MARTUS (Hermann C. E.) MATHEMATISCHE AUFGABEN, mit den ERGEBNISSEN und ÜBUNGSBUCH, 11. und 2. Auflage; with portrait, 4 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 12s (p. M. 19.40 in cl.) Dresden, 1903-6 16362 ANOTHER COPY (I–II 12. A., III 3. A., IV 2. A.); with portrait, 4 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy), 14s (p. M. 19.40 in cl.) ibidem, 1906-13 BAND III und IV, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 4s 6d (p. M. 9.20) 16364 MATHEWS (George Ballard, F.R.S., Univ. Coll., Bangor) PROJECTIVE GEOMETRY, with diagrams, thick post 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. 5s) 1914 16363 16365 THEORY OF NUMBERS, Part I (all published), 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 12s) ib., 1901 Cambridge, 1892 v. GRAY (A.), ante, and SCOTT (R. F.), post. 16366 MATTHEWS (G. F.) MANUAL of LOGARITHMS, treated in Connexion with Arithmetic, Algebra, Plane Trigonometry, and Mensuration, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 5s nett) 1890 16367 MATTHIESSEN (Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig, Univ. Rostock) GRUNDZÜGE der ANTIKEN und MODERNEN ALGEBRA der LITTERALEN GLEICHUNGEN, 2. [neueste] Ausgabe, 8vo. (pp. 1017), handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (fine copy), 7s 6d Leipzig, 1896 Pp. 964-1001 contain a valuable bibliography. 16368 MAUPIN (Georges) QUESTIONS d'ALGÈBRE, avec Préface de C. A. LAISANT; with diagrams and large folding table, large 8vo. hf. roan, or, buckram (o.p.), 5s 1895 16369 MELLOR (Joseph William, D.SC.) HIGHER MATHEMATICS for STUDENTS of CHEMISTRY and PHYSICS, with special Reference to Practical Work; 2nd [latest] Edition, enlarged, with 189 diagrams, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (as good as new), 12s (p. 15s nett in cl.) 1905 A standard work on chemical mathematics, including an introduction to the Calculus. 16370 MERAY (Charles; Univ. Dijon) LEÇONS NOUVELLES sur l'ANALYSE INFINITÉSIMALE et ses APPLICATIONS GÉOMÉTRIQUES, 4 vols. large 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), £1. 5s (p. F. 40 nett sewn) 1894-8 16371 CONTENU:-1. Principes généraux: II. Étude monographique des principales Fonctions d'une seule Variable: III. Questions analytiques classiques: IV. Applications géométriques classiques. NOUVEAUX ÉLÉMENTS de GÉOMÉTRIE, 3e Édition : Réduction et Refonte partielle de l'Édition de 1903; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. F. 6 nett sewn) Dijon, 1906 16372 MERRIMAN (Mansfield, Lehigh Univ.) The SOLUTION of EQUATIONS, 4th Edition, enlarged, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 4s 6d nett) New York, 1906 16373 TEXT-BOOK on the METHOD of LEAST SQUARES, 8th [latest] Edition, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 8s 6d nett) ibidem, 1907 16374 and Robert Simpson WOODWARD, Carnegie Inst., Washington: HIGHER MATHEMATICS: a Textbook for Classical and Engineering Colleges, with diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new); o. p., 10s 6d ib., 1902 16375 METGER (Conrad) LEHRBUCH der GLEICHUNGEN 3. und 4. GRADES, nebst trigonometrischer Auflösung der Gleichungen 2. Grades, large 8vo. buckram, 3s 6d (p. M. 6 sewn) Bremerhaven [1892] MATHEMATICS, continued: von 16377 MEYER (Antoine, Univ. LIÉGE) EXPOSÉ ÉLÉMENTAIRE de la THÉORIE des INTÉGRALES DÉFINIES, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), 6s Bruxelles, 1851 16378 VORLESUNGEN über WAHRSCHEINLICHKEITSRECHNUNG, deutsch bearbeitet EMANUEL CZUBER, with diagrams, 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 68 6d (p. M. 12 sewn) Leipzig, 1879 "Cet ouvrage de Meyer est un résumé très-complet des plus importants travaux de Bernoulli, Moivre, Laplace, Poisson, Gauss, Encke, Bienaymé, etc., sur le calcul des probabilités; et l'on peut hardiment affirmer qu'il n'existe aucun traité aussi vaste sur la matière, si l'on excepte la Théorie analytique des probabilités.'-F. Folie. 16379 MEYER (Friedrich Wilhelm Franz; Univ. Königsberg) ALLGEMEINE FORMEN- und INVARIANTENTHEORIE, I. [einziger] Band: BINÄRE FORMEN, large cr. 8vo. cl., 6s (p. M. 9.60) 16380 16381 Leipzig, 1909 DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRALRECHNUNG; with 49 diagrams, 2 vols. large er. 8vo. cl., ibidem, 1901-5 12s (p. M. 19) DASSELBE (Bd. I 2. erweiterte Auflage); with 49 diagrams, 2 vols. large cr. 8vo. buckram, 13s (p. M. 19) ib., 1912-5 16382 Über die THEORIE BENACHBARTER GERADEN und einen VERALLGEMEINERTEN KRÜM MUNGSBEGRIFF: eine Ergänzung zu den Lehrbüchern über Differentialgeometrie; with 5 diagrams, roy. 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 6s (p. M. 8 sewn) ib., 1911 16383 MEYER (Gustav Ferdinand, Univ. Göttingen) VORLESUNGEN über die THEORIE der BESTIMMTEN INTEGRALE zwischen REELLEN GRENZEN, mit vorzüglicher Berücksichtigung von P. GUSTAV LEJEUNE-DIRICHLET'S Vorträgen über bestimmte Integrale; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy); SCARCE, 12s Leipzig, 1871 16384 MICHEL (François) RECUEIL de PROBLÈMES de GÉOMÉTRIE ANALYTIQUE: Solutions des Problèmes donnés au Concours d'Admission à l'École Polytechnique, 1860-1900; with 70 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 4s (p. F. 6 nett sewn) 16385 MILINOWSKI (A.) ELEMENTAR-SYNTHETISCHE GEOMETRIE der KEGELSCHNITTE; with 195 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 3s 6d (p. M. 8 sewn) 16386 16389 16390 16391 (p. 10s 6d) 16392 ANOTHER COPY; also: 1900 Leipzig, 1882 ibidem, 1882-3 der GLEICHSEITIGEN HYPERBEL; with diagrams -2 vols. 8vo. in 1, buckram ( Hyperbel' o. p.), 5s (p. 12.40 sewn) 16387 MILLET (L.) PRINCIPALES MÉTHODES de la GÉOMÉTRIE MODERNE ; lithographed throughout, with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 5s Laval, 1870 16388 MILNE (John James, pr., St. John's Coll., Cantab.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on CROSSRATIO GEOMETRY, with historical Notes, 129 diagrams, er. 8vo. buckram, 3s 6d (p. 6s) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1911 WEEKLY PROBLEM PAPERS, with Notes, for the Use of Students preparing for Mathematical Scholarships, etc., with diagrams, 16mo. cl., 2s 6d (p. 4s 6d) 1891 COMPANION to the WEEKLY PROBLEM PAPERS, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. buckram, 4s 1888 SOLUTIONS of the WEEKLY PROBLEM PAPERS, cr. 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. 10s 6d) 1885 and R. F. DAVIS: GEOMETRICAL CONICS: the Parobola, and the Central Conic, with 103 diagrams, 2 parts cr. 8vo. cl., 2s 6d (p. 4s 6d) 1890-4 16393 MINCHIN (George Minchin: Cooper's Hill), and John Borthwick DALE, K.C.L.: MATHEMATICAL DRAWING, with 102 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 7s 6d nett) 1906 16394 MINIFIE (William) TEXT BOOK of GEOMETRICAL DRAWING, in which the Definitions and Rules of Geometry are familiarly explained, the practical Problems are arranged from the most simple to the more complex, etc. etc., with Essay on the Theory of Color: revised Edition, with 56 plates, roy. 8vo. cl., 10s (p. $4.00) New York, 1903 16395 MINKOWSKI (Hermann, Univ. Göttingen) DIOPHANTISCHE APPROXIMATIONEN: eine Einführung in die Zahlentheorie; with 82 diagrams, large 8vo. cl., 5s (p. M. 8) GEOMETRIE der ZAHLEN, large 8vo. buckram, 7s (p. M. 9 sewn) 16397 MÖBIUS (August Ferdinand; Prof. Astronomy, Leipzig) GESAMMELTE WERKE, I. Band, herausgegeben [mit Lebensbeschreibung (pp. 16)] von R. BALTZER; with fine steel portrait and numerous diagrams, thick roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 12s 6d (p. M. 16 sewn) Leipzig, 1885 16396 16398 Including Der barycentrische Calcul. Leipzig, 1907 ib., 1910 Der BARYCENTRISCHE CALCUL: ein neues Hülfsmittel zur analytischen Behandlung der Geometrie dargestellt und insbesondre auf die Bildung neuer Classen von Aufgaben und die Entwickelung mehrerer Eigenschaften der Kegelschnitte angewendet; with 4 folding plates, 8vo. hf. black calf neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (SCARCE), 10s 6d ibidem, 1827 A classic of analytical geometry. 'His calculus is the beginning of a quadruple algebra, and contains the germs of Grassmann's marvellous system.'-Prof. Cajori. 16399 MONTEIL (Lt.-Col. Parfait Louis) THÉORIE du POINT: Géométrie rectiligne et curvi ligne, contenant les Solutions de la QUADRATURE du CERCLE, la TRISECTION de l'ÅNGLE, et la PROPOSITION de FERMAT, Édition nouvelle, considérablement simplifiée; with folding plate (linenmounted), 4to. buckram, 4s 6d 1912 MATHEMATICS, continued: 16401 MOIVRE (Abraham de; de l'Institut; F.R.S., friend of Newton) The DOCTRINE of CHANCES; or a Method of Calculating the PROBABILITIES of EVENTS in PLAY; third Edition, fuller, clearer, and more correct than the Former, with medallion portrait by J. Dassier, and vignette, roy. 4to., LARGE PAPER; old hf. calf (name cut off title), £1. 5s 1756 The last and best edition; dedicated to Lord Carpenter, the victor over the Old Pretender. He introduced the principle that the probability of a compound event is the product of the probabilities of the single events composing it, and the whole subject, Todhunter remarks, 'owes more to him than to any other mathematician, with the single exception of Laplace'.'-Miss Agnes M. Clerke. 'His work on the theory of probability surpasses anything done by any other mathematician except Laplace. His principal contributions are his investigations respecting the Duration of Play, his Theory of Recurring Series, and his extension of the value of Bernoulli's theorem by the aid of Stirling's theorem.-Prof. Cajori. A very full account of the above third edition will be found in Todhunter's History of the Theory of Probability. 16402 MONTESSUS [de BALLORE] (Vicomte Robert de; Univ. LILLE) LEÇONS ÉLÉMENTAIRES sur le CALCUL des PROBABILITÉS; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. bückrám, úncut, t. e. g., 4s 6d (p. F. 7 nett sewn) 1908 16403 MONTFERRIER (Alexandre André Victor Sarrazin de) DICTIONNAIRE des SCIENCES MATHÉMATIQUES pures et appliquées [avec le SUPPLÉMENT]; with woodcuts and 80 plates, 3 vols. colombier 8vo. hf. French maroon morocco neat (SCARCE), £1. 1s 1835-40 'Cette onvrage résume par ordre alphabétique l'histoire de toutes les découvertes faites dans ces sciences, leurs procédés actuels et leur application aux arts industriels, ainsi que la biographie des hommes qui ont aggrandi le cercle des connaissances positives'.—Biogr. Gén. 16404 MOORE (Eliakim Hastings; Univ. Chicago), Ernest Julius WILCZYNSKI, ejusdem Univ., and Max MASON, Wisconsin Univ.: The NEW HAVEN MATHEMATICAL COLLOQUIUM: Lectures before the American Mathematical Society, roy. 8vo. cl., 9s (p. 13s 6d nett) New Haven, 1910 CONTENTS:-Fundamental Closure and Dominance Properties of Classes of Functions of a General Variable: Fundamental Composition Properties of Classes of Functions of a General Variable: Projective Differential Geometry: Selected Topics in the Theory of Boundary Value: Problems of Differential Equations. 16405 MORGAN (Augustus de; F.R.S., Prof. Mathematics, Univ Coll., London) The DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS, containing Differentiation, Integration, Development, Series, Differential Equations, Differences, Summation, Equations of Differencies, CALCULUS of VARIATIONS, and Definite Integrals, with Applications, and with ELEMENTARY ILLUSTRATIONS, 8vo. (pp. 869), hf. morocco neat, uncut, 10s 6d [1842] Still a standard work, and containing much that is original with the author.'-Prof. Cajori. A work of great ability, and noticeable for the rigorous treatment of infinite series.'-W. W. R. Ball. 'The child of an artisan exercising any of the more ingenious manual arts, or of a savage in the state of life in which arts have made the progress which is possible without division of labour, might perhaps be considered as being most advantageously situated in this respect [of considerations connected with number and magnitude entering the mind in connexion with some application to the rough purposes of life] but we think it beyond question that the children of the middle and upper classes in England, it may be throughout Europe, are in as unfavourable a position as any of their species'.-Introduction. 16406 ESSAY ON PROBABILITIES, and on their Application to Life Contingencies and INSURANCE OFFICES, with vignette by Finden, and diagrams, fcap. 8vo. cl., or, buckram, 4s [1838] A work of well-known excellence. 'The best popular, and at the same time most profound English work on the subject of probability is De Morgan's 'Essay on Probabilities'.-Prof. Stanley Jevons. 16407 (scarce), 10's TRIGONOMETRY and DOUBLE ALGEBRA, with frontispiece and diagrams, post 8vo. cl. 1849 'His 'double algebra' was the forerunner of quaternions, and contained the complete geometrical interpretation of √1'.-R.A.S. Monthly Notices. Sir W. R. Hamilton acknowledged the suggestions he received from the above work in inventing Quaternions in his Lectures on Quaternions. 16409 'Double algebra means algebra in which each symbol stands for an object of thought having two distinct and independent qualities'.-Preface. 16408 MOSNAT (E.) PROBLÈMES de GÉOMÉTRIE ANALYTIQUE [avec les Solutions] (T. I 3o et T. II-III 2e Edition); with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 15s (p. F. 21 nett sewn) [c. 1910] ANOTHER COPY, Tomes I et II, 2o Édition; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 12s (p. F. 21 nett sewn) 1894-1905 16410 MOUCHOT (A.) Les NOUVELLES BASES de la GÉOMÉTRIE SUPÉRIEURE (GÉOMÉTRIE de POSITION); with 90 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 3s 6d (p. F. 5 nett sewn) 1892 16411 MUIR (Sir Thomas, F.R.S.; Supt.-Gen. Education, Cape Colony) The THEORY of DETERMINANTS, in the HISTORICAL ORDER of DEVELOPMENT [to 1860], Vol. I in 2nd [latest] Edition, with 2 folding tables (linen-mounted), 2 thick vols. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g., £1. 7s 6d (p. £1. 14s nett in cl.) 16412 1906-11 The only work on the history of determinants published in any language. TREATISE on the THEORY of DETERMINANTS, with Graduated Sets of Exercises, cr. 8vo. buckram (o. p.), 6s 1882 16413 MÜLLER (Aloys) Das PROBLEM des ABSOLUTEN RAUMES und seine Beziehung zum allgemeinen Raumproblem, large post 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. M. 4 sewn) Braunschweig, 1911 16414 MÜLLER (E. R.) LEHRBUCH der PLANIMETRISCHEN KONSTRUKTIONSAUFGABEN gelöst durch geometrische Analysis; with numerous diagrams, 3 v.: CRANZ (Heinrich) Das APOLLONISCHE BERÜHRUNGSPROBLEM und verwandte Aufgaben; with diagrams-4 vols. large 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 10s 6d (p. M. 17 sewn) Bremerhaven [18901 |