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" Council of the Institution of Naval Architects, Associate Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Professor of Applied Mechanics in the Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Medium 8vo. "
Bibliotheca Reuteriana - Pagina 1
door Auguste Julius Clemens Herbert baron de Reuter - 1916
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An Elementary Treatise on Spherical Harmonics and Subjects Connected with Them

Norman Macleod Ferrers - 1877 - 272 pagina’s
...Cambridge, and Principal of King William's College, Isle of Man. With Diagrams. Crown 8vo. Cotterill.— APPLIED MECHANICS: an Elementary General Introduction to the Theory of Structures and Machines. By JAMES H. COTTERILL, FRS, Associate Member of the Council of the Institution of Naval Architects,...
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Introduction to Quaternions: With Numerous Examples

Philip Kelland, Peter Guthrie Tait - 1882 - 288 pagina’s
...WALTER R. BROWNE, MA, late P'ellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Crown 8vo. ios. 6d. Cott.erill. — APPLIED MECHANICS : an Elementary General Introduction to the Theory of Structures and Machines. By JAMES H. COTTERILL, FRS, Associate Member of the Council of the Institutian of Naval Architects,...
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The Bookmart: A Monthly Magazine of Literary and Library ..., Volumes 1-2

Halkett (i.e. Richard Halkatt Lord (ed.)) - 1883 - 602 pagina’s
...meeting, at Bristol, 1875, Boston. ('. H. Whiting. IH84, pp 8-Î, 8vo , pap., 2-;0. Colterlll, JH. Applied Mechanics, an elementary general Introduction to the theory of structures and machines. NY, Mucmillan, 188*, pp. 20x~>84, 8vo, cloth, net, $5. fraddoclt. c. Egliert. \thcrefthe Battle was...
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The Scottish Review, Volume 4

1884 - 474 pagina’s
...Fellow of St. John's Collige, Cambridge. Crown 8vo, 3s 6d. TEXT-BOOKS FOR STUDENTS.— NEW VOLUMES. APPLIED MECHANICS : An Elementary General Introduction to the Theory of Structures and Machines. By JAMES H. COTTSRILL, FRS, Associate Member of the Council of ICE , Prof. Applied Mechanics in Royal...
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A Greek grammar for schools and colleges, revised and in part rewritten by F ...

James Hadley - 1884 - 500 pagina’s
...WALTER R. BROWNE, MA, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Crown 8vo. ios. 6d. Cotterill. — APPLIED MECHANICS : an Elementary General Introduction to the Theory of Structures and Machines. By JAMES H. COTTERILL, FRS, Assouiate Member of the Council of the Institution of Naval Architects,...
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Science, Volume 4

John Michels (Journalist) - 1884 - 668 pagina’s
...meridian. Without acting on this, the conference adjourned till Wednesday. COTTERILL'S APPLIED MECHANICS. Applied mechanics : an elementary general introduction to the theory of structures and machines. By JAMES H. COTTKRILL. London, Utacmillan, 1884. 20 + 584 p. 8°. THE appearance of a new book by the...
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Differential Calculus for Beginners: With a Selection of Easy Examples

Alexander Knox - 1884 - 196 pagina’s
...and Mechanics at University College, London. Parti.— KINEMATIC. Crown 8vo. 7t. 6d. Cotterill.— APPLIED MECHANICS : an Elementary General Introduction to the Theory of Structures and Machines. By JAMES H. COTTERILL, FRS, Associate Member of the Council of the Institution of Naval Architects,...
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Homer's Odyssey: With a Commentary, Boek 9

Homer - 1884 - 152 pagina’s
...WALTER R. BROWNE, MA, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Crown Svo. lew. 6d. Cotterill.— APPLIED MECHANICS: an Elementary General Introduction to the Theory of Structures and Machines. By JAMES H. COTTERII.L, FRS, Assooiate Member of the Council of the Institution of Naval Architects,...
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An Elementary Treatise on Conic Sections

Charles Smith - 1894 - 456 pagina’s
...Mechanics at University College, London. Part I.— KIN EM ATIC. Crown 8vo. Is. dd. Cotterill. — APPLIED MECHANICS : an Elementary General Introduction to the Theory of Structures and Machines. By JAMES H. COTTERILL, FRS, Associate Member of the Council of the Institution of Naval Architects,...
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Lessons in elementary physics

Balfour Stewart - 1884 - 486 pagina’s
...WALTER R. BROWNE, MA, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Crowu 8vo. los. 6d. Cotterill. — APPLIED MECHANICS: an Elementary General Introduction to the Theory of Structures and Machines. By JAMES H. COTTERILL, FRS, Associate Member of the Council of the Institution of Naval Architects,...
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