Americana: livres et cartes, provenant en partie de la collection d'un ancien ministre aux États-Unis. En vente aux prix marquésFrederik Muller, 1896 - 191 pagina's |
Overige edities - Alles bekijken
Americana: livres et cartes, provenant en partie de la collection d'un ... Frederik Muller & Cie Volledige weergave - 1896 |
Americana: livres et cartes, provenant en partie de la collection d'un ... Frederik Muller & Cie Geen voorbeeld beschikbaar - 1896 |
Americana: Livres Et Cartes, Provenant en Partie de la Collection d'un ... Frederik Muller Et Cie Geen voorbeeld beschikbaar - 2018 |
Veelvoorkomende woorden en zinsdelen
account American Amst Amsterdam Asher atlas Bel exemplaire beschrijving Blaeu Boston Brésil British Canada cartes et figures cartes et planches carton centimètres Chili Church city Collection colonies coloriées containing contient Covens Curaçao descriptio description discovery Doncker door Dutch édition ende facsimile Feuilles first folio general géographie Geology Groenland Guiana Haarlem historical history Hollandais Hondius in-fol Indes Occidentales Indes Orientales India Indians Island John John Cotton land life London Magellan mappemonde maroquin maroquin rouge Massachusetts Mexico navigation Néerlande New England New York New-England Niagara Nieuwe North America Nouvelle Néerlande Nova Ohio orbis original ouvrage pages Paramaribo percaline Philadelphia portrait portraits present printed publiée rare Relation reliure rogné royal in-folio Second edition sketches Slavery South States of America Suriname toile tranches dorées Très-bel exemplaire très-rare Tycho Brahe United States veau vélin view Virginia voyages Washington Washington Irving West William Penn world XVIIe siècle years
Populaire passages
Pagina 60 - THE LANDING AT CAPE ANNE; or, THE CHARTER OF THE FIRST PERMANENT COLONY ON THE TERRITORY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS COMPANY. Now discovered, and first published from the ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT, with an inquiry into its authority, and a HISTORY OF THE COLONY, 1624-1628, Roger Conant, Governor. By J. WINGATE THORNTON. 8vo, cloth 2.50. Of " A rare contribution to the early history of New England.
Pagina 66 - History of New York, from the beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty.
Pagina 63 - New England's Memorial ; or, A brief relation of the most memorable and remarkable passages of the providence of God, manifested to the planters of New-England in America ; with special reference to the first colony thereof, called NewPlimouth.
Pagina 121 - Relation abrégée d'un voyage fait dans l'intérieur de l'Amérique méridionale. Depuis la côte de la mer du Sud...
Pagina 138 - MUSTERS' (CAPT.) Patagonians; a Year's Wanderings over Untrodden Ground from the Straits of Magellan to the Rio Negro.
Pagina 42 - Catlin's North American Indian Portfolio. Hunting Scenes and Amusements of the Rocky Mountains and Prairies of America ; from Drawings and Notes of the Author, made during eight years' travel among fortyeight of the wildest and most remote Tribes of Savages in North America.
Pagina 32 - The Journal of a Two Months Tour; with a view of Promoting Religion among the Frontier Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, and of Introducing Christianity among the Indians to the Westward of the Alegh-geny Mountains.
Pagina 38 - Burgoyne, and verified by Evidence; with a Collection of Authentic Documents, and an Addition of many Circumstances which were prevented from appearing before the House by the Prorogation of Parliament.
Pagina 41 - An Account of the Province of Carolina in America. Together with An Abstract of the Patent and several other Necessary and Useful Particulars, to such as have thoughts of Transporting themselves thither. Published for their Information.
Pagina 63 - Booke setting forth, what people are planted there, their prosperity, what remarkable accidents have happened since the first planting of it, together with their Tenents and practise of their Church.