THE INDEX. A A. BIGAILS, (male) in Fashion among the Ladies, Absence in Conversation, a remarkable Instance of it in Will. Honeycomb, N. 77. The Occasion of this Abfence, ibid. and Means to conquer it, ibid. The Character of an absent Man, out of Bruyere, ibid. Acrostick, a Piece of false Wit, divided into Simple and Compound, N. 60. Act of Deformity, for the use of the Ugly Club, N. 17. Advertisements, of an Italian Chirurgeon, N. 22. From St. James's Coffee-house, 24. From a Gentlewoman that teaches Birds to speak, 36. From another that is a fine Flesh-Painter, 41. Advice; no Order of Persons too confiderable to be advised, N. 34. Affectation, a greater Enemy to a fine Face than the Small-Pox, N. 33. it deforms Beauty, and turns Wit into Absurdity, 38. The Original of it, ibid. found in the wife Man as well as the Coxcomb, ibid. The way to get clear of it, ibid. Age, Age, rendered ridiculous, N.6; how contemned by the Alexander the Great, wry-neck'd, N. 32. Americans, their Opinion of Souls, N. 56; exemplifyed Anagram, what, and when first produced, N. 60. April (the first of) the merriest Day in the Year, N.47. Arietta, her Character, N. 11; her Fable of the Lion Arsinoe, the first musical Opera on the English Stage, Avarice, the Original of it, N. 55. Operates with Lux- Audiences at present void of Common Sense, N. 13. Author, the Neceffity of his Readers being acquainted B B. ACON, (Sir Francis) his Comparison of a Book vy, 19. Bags of Money, a sudden Transformation of them into Sticks and Paper, N. 3, Baptist Lully, his prudent Management, N. 29. Beaver, Beaver, the Haberdasher, a great Politician, N. 49. Bell (Mr.) his ingenious Device, N. 28. Blackmore, (Sir Richard) his Observation, N. 6. Blank Verse proper for Tragedy, N. 39. Bouhours, (Monfieur) a great Critick among the French, Ν. 62. Bouts-Rimez, what, N. 60. Breeding, fine Breeding distinguished from good, N.66. Bruyere, (Monfieur) his Character of an absent Man, Bullock and Norris, differently habited, prove great Helps to a filly Play, Ν. 44. 44. Butts described, N. 47; the Qualifications of a Butt, ibid. C C. ÆSAR (Julius) his Behaviour to Catullus, who Caligula his Wish, N. 16. Cenfor of small Wares, an Office to be erected, N. 16. Cicero, a Punster, N. 61. The Entertainment found in his Philofophical Writings, ibid. Clarinda, an Idol, in what manner worshipped, Ν. 73. Clubs, Nocturnal Assemblies so called, N. 9. Several Names of Clubs, and their Originals, ibid. &c. Rules prescribed prescribed to be Observed in the Two-penny Club, ibid. An Account of the Ugly Club, 17. The Sighing Club, 30. The FringeGlove Club, ibid. The Amorous Club, ibid. The Hebdomadal Club: Some Account of the Members of that Club, 43; and of the Everlafting Club, 72. The Club of Ugly Faces, 78. The Difficulties met with in Erecting that Club, ibid. Commerce, the Extent and Advantage of it, N. 69. Confciousness, when called Affectation, N. 38. Conversation most straitned in numerous Assemblies, Ν. 68. Coquets, the present numerous Race, to what owing, Ν. 66. Coverley (Sir Roger de) a Member of the Spectator's Club, his Character, N. 2; his Opinion of Men of fine Parts, 6. Courtiers Habit, on what Occafions Hieroglyphical, Ν. 64. Cowley abounds in mixt Wit, N. 62. Crab, of King's College in Cambridge, Chaplain to the Club of Ugly Faces, N. 78. Credit, a beautiful Virgin, her Situation and Equipage, N. 3. a great Valetudinarian, ibid. Cross (Miss) wanted near half a Tun of being as handsome as Madam Van Brisket, a great Beauty in the Low-Countries, N. 32. DANCING Death, the time and manner of our Death not known to us, N. 7. Deformity, no Cause of Shame, N. 17. Delight and Surprize, Properties effential to Wit, N. 62. Dignitaries of the Law, who, N. 21. Divorce, what esteemed to be a just Pretension to one, Ν. 41. Donne (Dr.) his Description of his Mistress, N. 41. Dull Fellows, who, N. 43; their Enquiries are not for Information but Exercise, ibid. Naturally turn their Heads to Politicks or Poetry, ibid. Dutch Dutch more Polite than the English in their Buildings, and Dyer, the News Writer, an Aristotle in Politicks, N. 43. NVY: Ε. E The ill State of an envious Man, N. 19; his Relief, ibid. The way to obtain his Favour, Ephesian Matron, the Story of her, N. 11. Epitaphs, the Extravagance of some, and Modesty of Eubulus, his Character, N. 49. Eudofia, her Behaviour, N.79. F F. ABLE of the Lyon and the Man, N. 11. Of the tryman, 25. Falfhood, (the Goddess of) N. 63. Fame, generally coveted, N. 73. Fashion, the Force of it, N. 64. Fear of Death often Mortal, N. 25. Fine Gentleman, a Character frequently misapplied by Flutter, (Sir Fopling) a Comedy; some Remarks upon it, Fools, great Plenty of them the first Day of April, N. 47. Ν. 2. French Poets, wherein to be imitated by the English, N. Friendship, the great Benefit of it, N. 68. The Me- G. |