with Directions. Sold only at Mr. Payn's Toyshop at the Angel and Crown in St Paul's Churchyard near Cheapside.' 'For Sale by the Candle, 'On Friday next, the 25th Instant, at Lloyd's Coffee-house in Lombard-Street ' at 4 a Clock in the Afternoon, only 1 Cask in a Lot, viz. 74 Buts, 22 Hogsheads and 3 'quarter Casks of new Bene-Carlos Barcelona Wine, very deep, bright and strong, extra'ordinary good and ordinary, at 10l. per But, 51. per Hogshead and 25s. per Quarter Cask; 'neat, an entire Parcel, lately landed, now in Cellars on Galley Key (fronting the 'Thames) between the Coffeehouse and Tower Dock. To be tasted this Day the 23rd, 'and to Morrow the 24th Instant, from 7 a Clock to 1, and from 2 to 7, and all Friday 'till the Time of Sale. To be sold by Tho. Tomkins Broker in Seething-lane in Tower street. 'Loss of Memory or Forgetfulness, certainly Cured, By a grateful Electuary, 'peculiarly adapted for that End; it strikes at the Prime Cause (which few apprehend) of Forgetfulness, makes the Head clear and easie, the Spirits free, active and undisturb'd ; corroborates and revives all the noble Faculties of the Soul, such as Thought, Judgment, Apprehension, Reason and Memory; which last in particular it so strengthens, as to render that Faculty exceeding quick and good beyond Imagination; thereby enabling those whose Memory was before almost totally lost, to remember the Minutest Circum'stance of their Affairs, &c. to a wonder. Price 2s. 6d. a Pot. Sold only at Mr. Payne's 'at the Angel and Crown in St. Paul's Church Yard near Cheapside with Directions.' : : An Entertainment of Musick, consisting of a Poem called The Passion of Sappho Written by Mr. Harison. And the Feast of Alexander Written by Mr. Dryden ; as they are set to Musick by Mr. Thomas Clayton (Author of Arsinoe) will be performed at his House in York-Buildings to Morrow the 29th Instant: Beginning at 8 in the Evening. Tickets at 55. each, may be had at Mr. Charles Lillie's, the Corner of BeaufordBuildings, and at Mr. Elliott's, at St. James's Coffee-house. No Money receiv'd, or Tickets given out at the House. 'This Poem is sold by Jacob Tonson, at Shakspear's Head over against Catherinestreet in the Strand.1 'Any Master or Composer, who has any Piece of Musick which he desires to bring in Publick, may have the same perform'd at Mr. Clayton's by his Performers; and be re'warded in the Manner as the Authors of Plays have Benefit Nights at the Play-house. The Letter subscribed A. A. May the 25, is received.' (No. 76.) To be Disposed of at a very reasonable Rate, a Compleat Riding Suit for a 'Lady, of Blue Camlet, well laced with Silver, being a Coat, Wastecoat, Petticoat, Hatt 'and Feather, never worn but twice; to be seen at Mr. Harford's at the Acorn in Yorkstreet, Covent-garden.' "The Delightful Chymical Liquor, for the Breath, Teeth and Gums, which in a Moment makes the most Nauseous Breath smell delicately Fine and Charming, and in very little Time infallibly Cures, so than an offensive Breath will not return; It certainly makes the blackest and most foul Teeth perfectly White, Clean and Beautiful to a 'Miracle; Cures the Scurvy in the Gums, tho' never so inveterate, making the Flesh grow again, when almost Eaten away, and infallibly fastens loose Teeth to Admiration, even in Old People, who too often falsly think their Age to be the Occasion: In short, 'for delightful Perfuming, and quickly Curing an ill scented Breath, for presently making 'the blackest Teeth most excellently White, certainly fastening them when Loose, effectually preserving them from Rotting or Decaying, and assuredly Curing the Scurvy in 'the Gums, it has not its Equal in the Universe, as Abundance of the Nobility and 1 So also after the Drury Lane advertisement of the play of the night, is usually advertised : 'This Play is sold by Jacob Tonson,' &c. 'Gentry throughout the kingdom have Experienced. Is sold at Mr. Payn's, a Toyshop ' at the Angel and Crown in St. Paul's Churchyard, near Cheapside, at 2s. 6d. a Bottle 'with Directions.' In Dean Street, Sohoe, is a very good House to be Lett, with a very good 'Garden, at Midsummer or Michaelmas; with Coachhouse and Stables or without. 'Inquire at Robin's Coffeehouses near St. Anne's Church.' 'This Day is Publish'd 'A Representation of the Present State of Religion, with regard to the late 'Excessive growth of Infidelity, Heresy, and Prophaneness: Unanimously agreed upon by 'a Committee of both Houses of Convocation of the Province of Canterbury, and afterwards 'pass'd in the lower House, but rejected by the upper House. Members of the Com'mittee. The Bps. of Peterborough, Landaff, Bangor, St. Asaph, St. David's, Dr. Atter'bury, Prol. Dr. Stanhope, Dr. Godolphin, Dr. Willis, Dr. Gastrel, Dr. Ashton, Dr. Smalridge, Dr. Altham, Dr. Sydel, Archdeacon of Bridcock. Printed for Jonah Bowyer at 'the Rose in Ludgate-street. Price 6d. At the same time will be Publish'd a Repre'sentation of the present State of Religion, &c., as drawn up by the Bishops, and sent 'down to the Lower House for their Approbation, Price 6d.' ་ 'The Vapours in Women infallibly Cured in an Instant, so as never to return 'again, by an admirable Chymical Secret, a few drops of which takes off a Fit in a Moment, dispels Sadness, clears the Head, takes away all Swimming, Giddiness, Dimness of 'Sight, Flushings in the Face, &c., to a Miracle, and most certainly prevents the Vapours ' returning again; for by Rooting out the very cause, it perfectly Cures as Hundreds 'have experienc'd: It also strengthens the Stomach and Bowels, and causes Liveliness and settled Health. Is sold only at Mrs. Osborn's Toy-shop, at the Rose and Crown ' under St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street, at 2s. 6d. the Bottle, with Directions.' (No. '120.) 'An Admirable Confect, which assuredly Cures Stuttering or Stammering in Children or grown Persons, tho' never so bad, causing them to speak distinct and free, without 'any trouble or difficulty; it remedies all manner of Impediments in the Speech, or disorders of the Voice of any kind, proceeding from what cause soever, rendering those Persons capable of speaking easily, free and with a clear Voice, who before were not 'able to utter a Sentence without Hesitation; its stupendious Effects, in so quickly and 'infallibly curing Stuttering, Stammering, and all disorders of the Voice and difficulty 'in delivery of the Speech are really Wonderful. Price 2s. 6d. a Pot, with Directions. 'Sold only at Mr. Osborn's Toyshop at the Rose and Crown, under St. Dunstan's Church, 'Fleet Street.' Mr. Payn had also in his Toyshop an Infallible Electuary for Coughs and Colds,' an 'Incomparably Pleasant Tincture to Restore the Sense of Smelling,' and 'an Assured 'Cure for Leanness,' as well as 'The famous Bavarian Red Liquor : 'Which gives such a delightful blushing Colour to the Cheeks of those that are White or Pale, that it is not to be distinguished from a natural fine Complexion, nor per'ceived to be artificial by the nearest Friend. Is nothing of Paint, or in the least hurtful, 'but good in many Cases to be taken inwardly. It renders the Face delightfully handsome and beautiful; is not subject to be rubb'd off like Paint, therefore cannot be dis'covered by the nearest friend. It is certainly the best Beautifier in the World.' INDEX. [The figures refer to Numbers of Papers, n. adds references to Notes. Abbey, Westminster, 26, 329 Abigails (male) for ladies, 45 Abstinence, 174, 195 Alabaster, Dr., 221 Albertus Magnus, 56 n. Almanza, battle of, 7 n. Acosta's defence of Jewish cere- Alms, 232 Acrostics, 60 n. Action, 116, 292, 541, 588; the, Adrian, Emperor, Pope on his Eneid in rhyme, 60 Alnaschar, the Persian glass- Altar, poem in shape of an, 58 433, 434 Americans, who used painting for Arabian Nights, 195, 535 Araspas and Panthea, story of, Arcadia, Sidney's, 37 n. Arguments, management of, 197, Anacharsis, the Corinthian drunk- Aretino, 23 n. Ancients, the, 61, 249, 358 Eschylus, Prometheus Bound Andromache, 57 of, 357 n. 610 Angels, 610 Animals, structure and instincts Annihilation, 210 Anthony, Mark, his witty mirth, 239 Argus, 250 Arietta, the agreeable, II Aristenætus, letters of, 238 Arithmetic, political, 200 Artillery, Milton's, 333 Assurance, modest, 75, 166, 185, Astræa, D'Urfe's, 37 n. Atheists, 237, 381, 389, 483 Atticus, his genius, 150; as a Audience at a play, 13, 290, 502 Babblers, 218 Babes in the Wood, 85 Bachelors, an inquisition on, 320 Bags of money transformed, 3 sophical use of a shrew, 482 Bareface, his success with the Barn Elms, 91 Barnes, Joshua, 245 neur des, 513 n. Basil Valentine and his son, his- Bastile, a prisoner in the, 116 Baxter, 84, 445, 498 ary, 92 n., 121 N., 198 n. Bear garden, visited, 436, 449; Beaumont and Fletcher's Scorn- Beaver, the haberdasher and Behn, Aphra, 22 n., 51 n. Bel and the Dragon, 28 n. 470 Birch, Dr. Thomas, 364 n. dom in construction of the, 543 Boleyn, Anne, her letter to Bonosus, a drunken Briton, 569 Bow, English use of the, 161 554 Bracton's law of Scolds, 479 n. British Ladies and Picts, 41; Brooke and Hellier, 362 n. Brunetta and Phillis, 80 Buck, Timothy, answers the chal- Budgell, Eustace, 67 n., 517; Bullock, the Comedian, 36 n., 44 Bury Fair, 154 n. Button-makers' petition, 175 n. Byrom, John, 586 n., 603 n. Cacoethes scribendi, 582 Boar killed by Mrs. Tofts in Cæsar, Julius, 23 n., 147, 169, Armida, 22 n. Board-wages, 88 514 Bodily exercises, 161 231, 224, 256, 374, 395; edi- Bar, oratory of the English, 407 Boccalini, Trajan, 291 ., 355, Cairo, Spectator at, 1, 69 Barr, Mr., 388 Calamities, 312, 483, 558, 559 Barreaux, Jacques Vallée, Seig- Body, human, transcendent wis. Caligula, 16, 246' Callipædia, Claude Quillet's, Charles I., book of Psalms in a Camillus, behaviour of, to his 566 Canidia, an old beauty, 301 Capacities of children to be con- Carbuncle, Dr., his dye, 52 Carneades, his definition of Beauty, 144 Cartesian theory of ideas, 417 Casimir, Liszinski, a Polish atheist, punishment of, 389 Cat, a contributor to harmony, Cat, old and young, speculations on, 626 Catcall, a dissertation on the, Cato, 243, 255, 446, 557 Cave of Trophonius, 598, 599 Celinda on female jealousy, 178 Censorship of the press, 445 n. Chair, the mathematical, 25 picture of, 58 Charles II., his familiarities, 78, Charles II. of Spain, 62 n. Cheerfulness, 143, 381, 387 Children, 157, 246, 307, 426, 500 Child's Coffee-house, I n. Chocolate-house, Cocoa tree, In.; Christian religion, 186, 213, 574, Christian hero, Steele's, 37, 356 Christmas, 268 Cibber, Colley, 48 n., 370, 546 Cleanthes misapplies his talents, Cliff, Nat., advertises for a lot- Clubs, 9, 474, 508; the Amorous, 9 n.; Lazy, 320; Lawyers', Coachmen, Hackney, gentlemen Coat, fine, when a livery, 168 Collier, Jeremy, 361 n. Comparisons in Homer and Mil- Confidants, 118 Confidence dangerous to ladies, 395 |