
his importunity; for pity is but a short-lived passion. He soon therefore began to view mankind in a very different light from that in which he had before beheld them; he perceived a thousand vices he had never before suspected to exist: wherever he turned, ingratitude, dissimulation, and treachery, contributed to increase his detestation of them. Resolved, therefore, to continue no longer in a world which he hated, and which repaid his detestation with contempt, he retired to this region of sterility, in order to brood over his resentment in solitude, and converse with the only honest heart he knew, namely, with his own.

A cave was his only shelter from the inclemency of the weather; fruits, gathered with difficulty from the mountain's side, his only food; and his drink was fetched with danger and toil from the headlong torrent. In this manner he lived, sequestered from society, passing the hours in meditation, and sometimes exulting that he was able to live independently of his fellow-creatures.

At the foot of the mountain an extensive lake displayed its glassy bosom; reflecting on its broad surface the impending horrors of the mountain. To this capacious mirror he would sometimes descend, and, reclining on its steep banks, cast an eager look on the smooth expanse that lay before him. "How beautiful," he often cried, " is Nature!" how




lovely even in her wildest scenes! How finely "contrasted is the level plain that lies beneath me, "with yon awful pile that hides its tremendous head "in clouds! But the beauty of these scenes is no way comparable with their utility; hence an hundred rivers are supplied, which distribute health "and verdure to the various countries through which they flow. Every part of the universe is beauti"ful, just, and wise, but man: vile man is a solecism





"in nature; the only monster in the creation. Tempests and whirlwinds have their use; but vicious ungrateful man is a blot in the fair page of univer"sal beauty. Why was I born of that detested species, whose vices are almost a reproach to the "wisdom of the divine Creator! Were men en'tirely free from vice, all would be uniformity, harmony, and order. A world of moral rectitude "should be the result of a perfect moral agent. Why, why then, O Alla! must I be thus con"fined in darkness, doubt, and despair!"




Just as he uttered the word Despair, he was going to plunge into the lake beneath him, at once to satisfy his doubts, and put a period to his anxiety; when he perceived a most majestic being walking on the surface of the water, and approaching the bank on which he stood. So unexpected an object at once checked his purpose; he stopped, contemplated, and fancied he saw something awful and divine in his aspect.



"Son of Adam," cried the Genius, "stop thy "rash purpose; the Father of the faithful has seen thy justice, thy integrity, thy miseries, and hath "sent me to afford and administer relief. Give me "thine hand, and follow without trembling wherever "I shall lead; in me behold the Genius of Conviction, kept by the Great Prophet to turn from their "errors those who go astray, not from curiosity, but a rectitude of intention. Follow me, and be wise." Asem immediately descended upon the lake, and his guide conducted him along the surface of the water; till coming near the centre of the lake, they both began to sink; the waters closed over their heads; they descended several hundred fathoms, till Asem, just ready to give up his life as inevitably lost, found himself with his celestial guide in another world, at


the bottom of the waters, where human foot had never trod before. His astonishment was beyond description, when he saw a sun like that he had left, a serene sky over his head, and blooming verdure under his feet.


"I plainly perceive your amazement," said the Genius; "but suspend it for a while. This world "was formed by Alla, at the request, and under "the inspection, of our great Prophet; who once "entertained the same doubts which filled your mind "when I found you, and from the consequence of which you were so lately rescued. The rational "inhabitants of this world are formed agreeable to your own ideas; they are absolutely without vice. "In other respects it resembles your earth, but "differs from it in being wholly inhabited by men "who never do wrong. If you find this world more "agreeable than that you so lately left, you have "free permission to spend the remainder of your days "in it; but permit me for some time to attend you, "that I may silence your doubts, and make you "better acquainted with your company and your new "habitation!"


"A world without vice! Rational beings with"out immorality!" cried Asem in a rapture; " I "thank thee, O Alla, who hast at length heard my petitions; this, this indeed will produce happiness, esctacy, and ease. O for an immortality to spend it among men who are incapable of ingra"titude, injustice, fraud, violence, and a thousand "other crimes, that render society miserable!"



"Cease thine acclamations," replied the Genius. "Look around thee; reflect on every object and "action before us, and communicate to me the re"sult of thine observations. Lead wherever you "think proper, I shall be your attendant and in66 structor." Asem and his companion travelled

on in silence for some time, the former being entirely lost in astonishment; but at last, recovering his former serenity, he could not help observing, that the face of the country bore a near resemblance to that he had left, except that this subterranean world still seemed to retain its primæval wildness.





"Here," cried Asem, "I perceive animals of prey, and others that seem only designed for their "subsistence; it is the very same in the world over our heads. But had I been permitted to instruct our Prophet, I would have removed this defect, "and formed no voracious or destructive animals, "which only prey on the other parts of the crea"tion." "Your tenderness for inferior animals is, I "find, remarkable," said the Genius smiling. "But "with regard to meaner creatures this world exactly resembles the other, and indeed for obvious reasons; for the earth can support a more con"siderable number of animals, by their thus becoming food for each other, than if they had lived entirely on her vegetable productions. So that "animals of different natures thus formed, instead "of lessening their multitude, subsist in the greatest "number possible. But let us hasten on to the in"habited country before us, and see what that offers "for instruction."




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They soon gained the utmost verge of the forest, and entered the country inhabited by men without vice and Asem anticipated in idea the rational delight he hoped to experience in such an innocent society. But they had scarcely left the confines of the wood, when they beheld one of the inhabitants flying with hasty steps, and terror in his countenance, from an army of squirrels that closely pursued him. "Heavens !" cried Asem," why does he fly? What can he fear from animals so contemptible?" He had scarcely spoken when he perceived two dogs








pursuing another of the human species, who with equal terror and haste attempted to avoid them. This," cried Asem to his guide, "is truly surprising; nor can I conceive the reason for so strange an action." Every species of animals," replied the Genius, "has of late grown very power"ful in this country; for the inhabitants at first thinking it unjust to use either fraud or force in destroying them, they have insensibly increased, "and now frequently ravage their harmless frontiers." "But they should have been destroyed," cried Asem; "you see the consequence of such neglect." "Where "is then that tenderness you so lately expressed "for subordinate animals?" replied the Genius smiling; "you seem to have forgot that branch of jus"tice." "I must acknowledge my mistake," returned Asem: "I am now convinced that we must "be guilty of tyranny and injustice to the brute creation, if we would enjoy the world ourselves. "But let us no longer observe the duty of man to "these irrational creatures, but survey their con"nexions with one another.


As they walked farther up the country, the more he was surprised to see no vestiges of handsome houses, no cities, nor any mark of elegant design. His conductor, perceiving his surprise, observed, that the inhabitants of this new world were perfectly content with their ancient simplicity; each had an house, which, though homely, was sufficient to lodge his little family; they were too good to build houses, which could only increase their own pride, and the envy of the spectator; what they built was for convenience, and not for show. "At least, then," said Asem," they have neither architects, painters, "nor statuaries, in their society; but these are idle "arts, and may be spared. However, before, I spend much more time, you should have my

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