[blocks in formation]

Very well, and how do Fort bien, et vous ?

you do?

Pretty well,

I am very well,

Very well, thank God,


Assez bien.

Je me porte fort bien.

Très-bien, Dieu merci.

How does your father do? Comment se porte Mon

[blocks in formation]

And how is your mother? Et madame votre mère ?

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Whence have you had this De qui tenez-vous cette

[blocks in formation]

That report has proved Ce bruit s'est trouvé faux.


I must go,

Il faut que je m'en aille.

You are in a great hurry, Vous êtes bien pressé ?

Why are you in such a Pourquoi êtes-vous si


pressé ?

I have a great many things J'ai bien des choses à

[blocks in formation]

I thank you for your visit, Je vous remercie de votre

[blocks in formation]

Whence do you come?

I come from my brother's,
I come from church,
I come from home,
I come from walking,
I come from my room,
Will you come with me?

Will he come alone? He will come with his cousin,

D'où venez-vous ?

Je viens de chez mon frère.
Je viens de l'église.
Je viens de chez nous.
Je viens de la promenade.
Je viens de ma chambre.
Voulez-vous venir avec

Viendra-t-il seul?

Il viendra avec son cou


Were you not coming Ne descendiez-vous pas ?

[blocks in formation]
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