Catalogue of New-York State Library: 1856 : Maps, Manuscripts, Engravings, Coins, &c, Volume 3

C. Van Benthuysen, 1857 - 274 pagina's

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Populaire passages

Pagina x - The judges of the court of appeals and the justices of the supreme court shall not hold any other public office or trust, except that they shall be eligible to serve as members of a constitutional convention.
Pagina 87 - Map of the United States, and their Territories between the Mississippi and the Pacific Ocean, and a Part of Mexico.
Pagina xi - ... for the correction of errors*, or of the senate only, shall be permitted, under proper restrictions, forfeitures and penalties, to take to his boarding-house or private room any book belonging to the library, except such books as the trustees shall determine are necessary always to be kept in the library as books of reference ; but no member of the legislature shall be permitted to take or detain from the library more than two volumes at any one time.
Pagina xi - ... of chapter 381 of the Laws of 1840. 3. Whenever the Library is open, the Librarian and Assistant Librarians shall be in attendance : they shall preserve order, and exclude, if necessary, any disorderly person : they shall prevent smoking, loud talking, and all noise inappropriate to the quietness of a place of study. 4. Any person who wishes to obtain any book for perusal in the General Library, will be furnished at the desk of either of the...
Pagina 142 - Rosecrans' army, or in that direction beyond Nashville? A. LINCOLN. DETAIL OF CB STEWART FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES EXECUTIVE MANSION, October 9, 1863. To whom it may concern: In pursuance of a resolution of the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York, in...
Pagina 64 - American Military Pocket Atlas ; being An approved Collection of Correct Maps, both general and particular, of the British Colonies; Especially those which now are, or probably may be The Theatre of War...
Pagina 106 - Hudson's River, and all the Land from the West side of Connecticut River, to the East side of Delaware Bay...
Pagina 62 - An Accurate Map of North America Describing and distinguishing the British, Spanish and French Dominions on this Great Continent ; According to the Definitive Treaty Concluded at Paris 10th FeV.
Pagina 57 - A Chorographical Map of the Province of New- York in North America, divided into counties, manors, patents and townships ; exhibiting likewise all the private grants of land made and located in that Province : Compiled from actual surveys deposited in the Patent Office at New- York, by order of his Excellency Major General William Tryon, by Claude Joseph Sauthier.
Pagina 25 - Map of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, with the adjacent parts of the United States of America : By Joseph Bouchette.

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