
Railway systems, result on canals,
93-salient features, 93-96-speed
of a goods train compared with a
canal, 100.
Railway Nationalisation, 153-in
Belgium, Prussia, Switzerland,
Italy, and Japan, ib.-in France,
154-Prussian arguments in favour,
ib. conclusions of the Italian
Royal Commission, 155-in the
United States, 156-Canada, 157,
174-176-condition of the English
railways before the war, 157-under
State control, 158-total revenue,
159-rise in working expenses, ib.
-increase in revenue from the
natural growth of traffic, 160-
passenger fares, 161-reduction of
expenses, ib.-need for drastic
changes in method, 162-wages of
porters and the train services, ib.
-methods of the Government
management, 163-the Clearing-
House map, 164-co-ordination of
the railway canals, 165-systems of
ports and docks, ib.-reasons for
the failure of reforms, 166-interim
policy of nationalisation, ib.—The
Ways and Communications Bill,
167, 173-out-and-out purchase or
by guarantee, 168-investments of
shareholders, ib.-owners of Trust
securities, 169-reorganisation of
the material property, 170-172-
of the staff, 172-policy of unifica-
tion, 172-174-system in Germany
and Mexico, 174.

Railways, subsidy, 512.

Rait, Prof. R. S., Queen Victoria
and France,' 1.

Revenue, 507-509.

Rogers, Prof. Thorold, History of
Agriculture and Prices in England,'

Romanones, Count, Prime Minister
of Spain, 122-appoints an 'extra-
Parliamentary Commission,' 124-
resignation, 130.

Rovira y Virgili, Señor, El nacion
alismo catalan,' 125.

Russia, Public Debt, 499.


St Bartholomew's Hospital, 110-
Sir N. Moore's History,' ib.-two
periods, 112-constitution, ib.--

development, 113-a medical centre
during the Middle Ages, 114-re
lations between the priory and
hospital, 115-history of the pro-
perty, ib.-indenture between the
hospital and William of Rainham,
117-hospital accounts, 118.

Saintsbury, George, A History of
of the French Novel,' 318-320.
Sand, George, variety of her works,

Sankey, Mr Justice, scheme for the
administration of mines, 428-432-
Report of the Commission, 437-440
-recommendation of nationalisa-
tion, 438-reasons, 439-on the
loss of incentive, 440-diminution
of strife, 441.

Schleswig, Duchy of, decision of the
Peace Treaty, 252.

Serbia, translations of English works
333-335-insurrection, 349.

Shadwell, A., The Battle of the
Mines,' 424.

Shakespeare, More Doubts about,
194-J. Greenstreet's three papers
on the authorship, 194–196—A.
Lefranc's Sous le Masque de
William Shakespeare,' 196-206.
'Shareholders' Charter' Act, 170 note.
Shipping Prospects, 471-Mercan-
tile Marine, ib.-share in effecting
the change from war to peace, 472
-losses, 473-476-increase in the
American Mercantile Marine, 475,
477-comparison between the rela-
tive positions of the United King-
dom and the United States, 476–
effect of the war on the world's
Merchant Marine, ib.-output in
the United Kingdom, 477-tonnage
under construction, 478-high
freights, 479-cost of shipbuilding,
ib.-effect of continuance of con-
trol, 480-482-time-charter rates,
481-policy of the Ministry of
Shipping, 482-inadequacy of pas-
senger accommodation, 483-fleet
of steamers owned by Australia,
484-construction in the United
States, 486-development of the
Japanese Mercantile Marine, 487.
'Shock,' conditions, 293.

Sidgwick, Prof. Henry, essays on
'National and International Right
and Wrong,' 57 note.

Singapore and

Sir Stamford
Raffles, 265-centenary of the
British possession, ib.-result of
the Treaty of Vienna, 267-retro-
cession of Malacca, 267, 270-Sir
S. Raffles the founder, 268-effects
on British trade, 270-result of
Major Farquhar's mission, 271-
relations between Raffles and Col
Bannerman, 273- British
hoisted, 275-treaty with Tunku
Hussan, 276-Lord Hastings de-
nounces action of Col Bannerman,
277-criticism on the policy of
settlement, 279-increase in the
trade, 279, 281-features of the
city, 281-population, ib.-trade of
'British Malaya,' 282-four periods,


Smillie, Mr, on nationalisation of
mines, 431.

Smith-Dorrien, General Sir Horace,

in command of the II Corps, 353-
relations with Lord French, ib.-
battle of Le Cateau, 355-obliga-
tions to General Sordet, 356.

State Morality, 57-the foreign
policy of States, 58-character of
international policy, 59-moral re-
sponsibility of individuals acting
for the State, 60-negative and
positive side of Duty, ib.-relation
of the State to the claims of mor-
ality, 61-the national State, 62-
fundamental law of charity, 63—
the principle that might is higher
than right, 64-self-assertion ver-
sus self-sacrifice, ib.-application
of Charity begins at home' for
the State, 65-case of the recon-
quest of lost territory, 66-defence
of a policy of conquest, 68-70-
existence of a commumity-egotism,
70-difference between a superman
and a superstate, 71.

Stendhal, Le Rouge et le Noir,'
328-undertone of disillusion, 330.

Switzerland, railway nationalisation,

Switzerland after the War, 207—
le terme de germanophile,' 208-
économiquement, la concurrente
de l'Allemagne, ib.-l'origine de
cette sujétion, 209-la Convention
du Gothard, 210, 221-républicain
et démocrate, ib.-le gouverne-
ment et la presse, 211-l'entrée de
l'Italie et les Etats-Unis dans la

guerre, 212-l'armistice ne fut pas
un jour de fête, ib.-diminution
des importations et la nécessité de
mesures de restriction, 213-mé-
contentement causé dans la classe
ouvrière, ib. le dépotoir de
l'Europe, 214-l'interdiction d'em-
ployer les déserteurs, 215-la pro-
pagande révolutionnaire, ib.-
anormale proportion d'étrangers,
216-les préoccupations financières,
ib.-le danger politique, 217-les
prochaines élections au Conseil
National, ib.-un pays fédératif,
218-les 'pleins-pouvoirs,' ib.—con-
cessions du Conseil Fédéral, 219–
le traité de paix, 220-la Commis-
sion du Rhin, ib.-le tunnel du
Saint-Gothard, 221-la question
des zônes, 222-224-les sujets de
de la neutralité et de la Société
des Nations, 223-225-le Traité de
Vienne, 225-le territoire du
Vorarlberg, 225-227.


Thomas, J. Lynne, 'Peripheral Shock
and its Central Effects,' 289 note.
'Times, The,' scheme of federalisa-
tion of Ireland, 467-470- Financial
Editor, on the value of the pound
sterling, 503.

Tolman, W. H., 'Safety,' 384.

Tolstoy, Leo, 'War and Peace,' 325.
Trade, International, 504-506.
Trades Union Congress, endorsement
of nationalisation of mines, 443.
Transport, Inland, The Econo-
mics of, 90-five classes, 91-traffic
of the coal trade, 92-construction
of canals, 93-railways, ib.-salient
features, 93-96-treatment of the
subject of canals, 96-advantages
of water-carriage, 97, 100-unifica-
tion of canal management, 98-
form of traction, 99-use of mules,
ib.-speed of a goods train com-
pared with a canal, 100-navigable
waterway of East Anglia, 101-
provision of a new sea-port in the
Wash, 102-main objects to be at-
tained, 103-result of State owner-
ship, ib.-increase in working ex-
penses, 124-functions of a Board
of Control, 104-106-allotment of
funds for new methods of traction,

106-Government grants to the
reconstruction and equipment of
canals, and roads, 107-experi-
ments on traffic inflicting the
greatest injury, ib.-result of the
transport of goods in a half-manu-
factured state, 108-'combination'
and amalgamation,' 109.

Turkish Rule and British Admin-
istration in Mesopotamia, 401.
See Mesopotamia.


Unemployment Dole, 512.

United States, German Business
Methods in the, 16. See German.
United States, investigations into
State Ownership of Railroads, 156.
United States, Reconstruction in
the, 177-problems of readjust-
ment, 178, 184-President Wilson's
estimate of the situation, 178-
existing agencies, 179-plan for
the demobilisation of the army,
179-181-demobilisation of war in-
dustries, 181-termination of the
contracts, ib.-work of the Federal
Employment Service, 182-sale of
stores of supplies and removal of
restrictions, ib.-regulations of the
War Trade Board, 183-Capital
Issues Committee disbanded, ib.
-series of reconstrnction confer-
ences, 184-organisation of a Re-
construction Research Division, ib.
-problem of the railroads, 185–187
-Telegraphs and Telephones, 187—
Mercantile Marine, ib.-disposition
of ships, 188-increase in trade,
189-development of foreign com-
merce, 190-expansion of indus-
tries, 191-agriculture, 192-de-
velopments in the field of labour,
ib.-control of immigration, 193-
effort to Americanise' the alien,

United States, number of industrial
accidents, 384-adoption of 'safety'
methods, 384, 395-shipping losses,
473-increase in the Mercantile
Marine, 475, 477-construction of
wooden ships, 475-tonnage under
construction, 478, 486, 502-claim
German liners, 486-note circula-
tion, 497-Public Debt, 499-out-
put of pig iron, 502.


Vernon, H. M., 'Industrial Acci-
dents: their Causation and Pre-
vention,' 381.

Victoria, Queen, and France, 1—
German relations, ib.-French re-
lations by marriage, 2-affection
for her Uncle Leopold, ib.-rela-
tions with Louis Philippe, 3-5-
visits to France, 4, 7, 15-relations
with Louis Napoleon, 5-7-dis-
approval of his policy, 7-indigna-
tion at the policy of Prussia, 8-
letter from the Princess Royal, 9
-distrust of Bismarck, 10-inter-
vention on behalf of France, 10-15
-on the provocations of Germany
to Europe, 14.

Vienna, Treaty of, 267, 270.
Villard, Léonie, Jane Austen: as
vie et son œuvre,' 315-317.


Wages, changes in the rates, 494-
496, 517.

War and Mental Disorders, 284—
effects on individuals, ib.-recu-
peration of the tissues during
sleep, 285-hunger, 286-'psychic
trauma,' ib.-influence of fear, 287
-influence of high explosives, 288
-concussion, ib.-liberation of
gas, 289-injuries of the head and
brain, ib.-wounds, 290-classifi-
cations on mental disorders, 291—
the term 'neurasthenia,' 292-
conditions of 'shock,' 293-treat-
ment, ib.-nervous exhaustion
under altered conditions, 294-
influence of alcohol, ib.-confu-
sional state, 295-premature de-
mentia, ib.-increase in epilepsy,
296-mental defectives, ib.-at-
tempts at suicide, 297-cases of
self-mutilation and malingering,
ib.-treatment of the insane, 298
-by suggestion, 299-psycho-ana-
lytic method, ib.

Ward, Sir Adolphus William, 'Ger-
many, 1815-1890,' 364 et seq.
Wash, the, provision of a new sea-
port on, 102.

Ways and Communications Bill, 159,
167, 172.

William II, Emperor of Germany,
abdication, 235-trial, 257-cha-
racter of his policy, 378.

Wilson, President, views on recon-
struction, 178-on foreign trade,
190-negotiations for peace, 229-
236-Fourteen Points, 234, 240—
character of his diplomacy, 236–238.
Wiltshire, Dr H., The Etiology of
Shell-shock,' 290 note.

Women, The Economic Future
of, in Industry, 73-responsibility
of Government, ib.-latent capa-
cities for production, 74-opposition
of men's trade organisations, ib.—
meaning of the phrase 'Industry,'
76-their position before the war,
76-79-during the war, 79-82-
number employed, 79-efficiencies,
80-defects, 81future sphere
in industry, 82-three master-
principles, 83-modernisation of
'women's shops,' 84-new trades
and admission into men's trades,
ib.-three radical physiological dif-

ferences, 85-susceptibilty to en-
vironment, 86-wages and working
conditions, ib.-danger of under-
cutting men, 87-claim of 'equal
pay for equal work,' ib.-relative
efficiencies of men and women, 88
-case of 'piece-work,' ib.
Wordsworth, William, 'Intimations
of Immortality,' 144-compared
with L. Binyon, 152.

Wright, Arnold, Singapore and Sir
Stamford Raffles,' 265.

Wyndham, George, 'Essays in Ro-
mantic Literature,' 318.


Ypres, battle of, 361.


Zola, Emile, 'La Débâcle,' extract
from, 286 note.




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