
CHAP. he is my brother, and my sister, I know all my parables? The sow- CHAF and mother."

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Again, Jesus began to teach by the side of the lake, and a great Parable of multitude was gathered together the sower, unto him, so that he went into a vessel and sat in it in the lake, and the whole multitude was near the 2 lake on the land. And he taught them, as usual, many things by parables; and as he taught them he 3 said unto them, "Hearken, be4 hold a sower went out to sow; and as he sowed, some seed fell by the way-side, and the birds came, and 5 ate it up. And some fell on a rocky place, where it had not much earth, and it sprang up soon, because it 6 had not depth of earth. But when the sun was risen, it was scorched, and because it had not root, it wi7 thered. And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it, and it yielded no fruit. 8 And other fell on good ground, and yielded fruit which sprang up, and increased, and brought forth, some thirty-fold, some sixty, and some 9 an hundred." Then he said, " He that hath ears to hear, let him hear."



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er soweth the word. Those by the
way-side have indeed the word 14
sown in them, but as soon as they 15
have heard it, Satan cometh and
taketh away the word sown in their
hearts. They likewise who are 16
sown in stony places, are those
who on hearing the word immedi-
ately receive it with gladness, but 17
have no root in themselves, and en-
dure but a little time, for when af-
flictions or persecution arise be-
cause of the word, they immedi-
ately fall away. And they that are 18
sown among thorns are such as
hear the word; but the cares of 19
this life, and the deceitfulness of
riches, and other lusts, coming up-
on them, choke the word, and it be-
cometh unfruitful. And they that 29
were sown on the good ground are
such as hear the word, and receive
it, and bear fruit, some thirty-fold,
some sixty, some an hundred."


to be al

ways hid

He said also unto them, "Is a 21 lamp brought to be put under a Truth not measure or under a couch? Is it not brought to be set on a stand? den. For there is nothing hidden that 22 will not be brought to light: and nothing kept secret, that will not appear openly. If any man hath 23 ears to hear, let him hear."

When he was in private, they who explained. were about him with the twelve, asked him concerning this parable. 11 And he said unto them, "Unto He said also unto them, "Con- 24 you it is given to learn the hitherto sider what ye hear; what measure Necessity unknown doctrine of the kingdom of attention ye give, with the same of attention of God, but unto them that are will knowledge be measured out to without, all these things are spc-you. For whosoever hath much, 25 12 ken in parables; for they see clear- to him shall be given; and from him ly, but perceive not, and hear who hath little, even that little will plainly, but understand not, so as be taken." to turn to me, and have their sins 13 forgiven them." Then he saith unto them, "Do not ye know this parable? How then will ye

He said also," So is the king- 26 dom of God as if a man should cast Parable of seed sown; seed into the ground, and while he sleepeth by night, and riseth by 27

The mixed multitude who were unwilling to make a right use of the opportunities offered them.

* Sown as ground is, not as seeds are, for the hearers are compared to different sorts

of ground.
3 My doctrine may
be compared to a lamp
upon a stand, for it is designed to be general-
ly made known.

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He said also, "To what shall of mustard we liken the kingdom of God? or what comparison shall we make 31 concerning it? It is like a grain of mustard-seed, which when it is sown in the ground is one of the least of all the seeds that are sown 32 in the ground. But after it is sown, it shooteth up, and becometh one of the greatest of all herbs, and spreadeth out great branches, so that the birds of the air can roost under the shadow of it."


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Then Jesus and his disciples CHAP. crossed the lake, and came to the country of the Gadarenes.


And when he had crossed back 21 again in the vessel to the other side, Jairus's a great multitude came together to daughter him, and he continued by the lake. And behold, there cometh one of 22 the rulers of the synagogue, named Jairus; and when he saw Jesus, he falleth down at his feet, and earnestly besought him, saying, "My 23 little daughter is at the point of death: Come, lay thy hands on her, that she may recover and live." And Jesus went with him, and a 24 great multitude followed him and thronged him.

And in many such parables he and others. spake the word to them, as theying, " 34 were able to understand. But without a parable he spake not unto them; and he explained every thing in private to his disciples.


Now the same day, when the Jesus stills evening was come, he saith unto he waves. them,Let us cross to the other side 36 of the lake." So having left the multitude, they take him with them in the vessel (other little vessels also 37 were with it). And a great storm of wind ariseth, and the waves beat into the vessel, so that it was now 38 growing full of water. And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow and awaking him, they say unto him, "Teacher, carest thou not that we perish?" 39 Then he awoke, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, 40 Peace, be still." And he said unto them, " Why were ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no 41 confidence in me ?" And they

And messengers came from the 35 ruler of the synagogue's house, sayThy daughter is dead, why troublest thou the teacher any further?" But as soon as Jesus heard 36 these words, he saith to the ruler of the synagogue," Be not afraid, only believe." And he suffered no 37 one to accompany him but Peter, and James, and John the brother of James. Then he cometh to the 38 house of the ruler of the synagogue, and seeth the people in the house in confusion, weeping and howling greatly. And entering in, he saith 39 unto them, "Why are ye making this disturbance and lamentation? the child is not dead, but ' asleep." And they laughed at him. But when 40 he had sent them all out, he taketh the father and mother of the child, and the three disciples, and goeth into the place where the child was laid; and taking the child by the 41 hand, he saith unto her, "Talitha cumi," which means "Little maid, arise." And the young damsel 42

1 Meaning, that as he intended to raise than a sleep. her to life, her death would appear no more




thiness; and they went out and CHAP.
preached repentance; and cast out
many demons, and anointed with 13
oil many that were sick, and cured

CHAP. immediately arose, and walked, for she was about twelve years old; and they were astonished with great 43 astonishment. And he charged them much to let no one know it ; and ordered them to give her something to eat.


in his na

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But 16

Now king Herod heard of Jesus (for 14 his name was spread abroad) and Herod's Jesus departing thence came to said, "John the baptist hath been opinion of Nazareth, his own town, with his raised from the dead, and therefore Jesus dis disciples. And when the Sabbath- these mighty works are wrought by respected day was come, he began to teach him." Others said, "It is Elijah," 15 tive place. in the synagogue, and many as and others said, "It is a prophet, 2 they heard him were amazed, say- or like one of the prophets.' ing, "Whence hath this man when Herod heard of him, he said, these things, and what wisdom is" It is John, whom I beheaded, he this which is given him, and whence hath been raised from the dead :" are such mighty works wrought by for this Herod had sent and appre- 17 3 his hands? Is not this the carpen- hended John, and bound him in ter, the son of Mary, and the bro- prison, for the sake of Herodias, ther of James and Joses, and Judas, his brother Philip's wife, whom and Simon? and are not his sisters Herod had married. For John was IS here amongst us ?" And they re- frequently saying to Herod, "It is 4 volted at him. But Jesus said unto not lawful for thee to have thy brothem, "A prophet is not without ther's wife; so that Herodias was 19 honour, except in his own country, enraged at him, and desirous of and among his kinsmen, and in his killing him, but was not able; for 20 5 own family." And he could not Herod reverenced John, knowing with propriety do any mighty work him to be a righteous and holy there, except that he put his hands man, and greatly respected him, 6 upon a few sick, and cured them; and did many things by his inand he wondered at their unbelief. struction, and heard him gladly.



And Jesus went round about the Now on a convenient day, the 21 Instructs towns teaching; and calling unto birth-day of Herod, when he was John bethe twelve him the twelve, he began to send giving a supper to his nobles, and apostles. them forth two by two, and gave captains, and great men of Galilee, 22 them power over unclean spirits, the daughter of Herodias came in, 8 and commanded them to take no- and danced, and pleased Herod and thing for their journey, but a staff his guests so much that the king 9 only, no bag, no food, no money in said to the damsel, "Ask of me their purse, but to have sandals on whatsoever thou wilt, and I will their feet, and not to put on two give it thee." And he sware to her, 23 10 coats. And he said unto them, " In Whatsoever thou shalt ask of me, what place soever ye enter into a I will give it thee, even unto the house, there remain till ye depart half of my kingdom." And she 24 11 from that place. And whosoever went out, and said to her mother, shall not receive you, nor hearken" What shall I ask?" and her moto you, when ye go thence, shake ther said, "The head of John the off the dust of your feet for a testi- baptist." So she immediately came 25 mony unto them of their unwor-in with haste to the king, and ask



1 In compliance with ancient custom, not wise than miraculous.

as if they thought that the cures were other



CHAP, ed, saying, "I desire that thou fishes;" and he commanded them CHAP. VI. wouldest without delay give me to make all the people sit down by upon a dish the head of John the companies on the green grass, and 40 26 Baptist." And the king was very they sat down in companies by sorry; yet because of his oaths and hundreds and by fifties; and when 41 of his guests he would not refuse he had taken the five loaves and the 27 her. And immediately the king two fishes, he looked up to heaven sent an executioner, and ordered and blessed God, and brake the his head to be brought : so the man loaves, and gave them to his diswent and beheaded John in the ciples to distribute, and divided the 28 prison, and brought his head upon two fishes amongst them all; and 42 a dish, and gave it to the damsel, all ate, and were filled; and they 43 and the damsel gave it to her mo- took up twelve panniers full of the 29 ther. And when his disciples fragments of the bread and the heard of it, they came and took fishes; and those who had eaten of 44 away the dead body and laid it in a the loaves were about five thousand sepulchre.

return from

30 And the apostles come together Apostles unto Jesus,and tell him every thing, 'both what they had done, and what preaching. they had taught. And he said, 31" Come ye yourselves apart into a lonely place, and rest yourselves awhile, (for so many were coming and going that they had no op32 portunity even to eat); and they went away in a vessel to a lonely place 33 privately. But the multitudes saw them go, and many distinguished him among them, and ran together by land, accompanied by others from all the cities, to that place, and 34 came thither. And when Jesus went out of the vessel he saw a great multitude, and pitied them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.

and fed



And at a late hour of the day, ive thou- his disciples came up to him, saying, "This is a lonely place, and Dusly. it is now a late hour; send them 36 away that they may go into the country round, and the villages, to buy themselves bread; for they have 37 nothing to eat." But he answered, "Give ye them to eat ;" and they say unto him, "Shall we go and buy bread for two hundred denarii, 38 and give them to eat?" He saith unto them, "How many loaves have ye? go and see." And when they knew, they say, "Five, and two


walks on

the lake;

And immediately he compelled 45 his disciples to go into the vessel, Jesus and to go before him across to Bethsaida, while he sent the multitude away; and after parting from 46 them, he went up a mountain to pray. And in the evening the ves- 47 sel was in the midst of the lake, and he was alone on the land; and 48 he saw them harassing themselves with rowing, for the wind was against them; and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh to them walking on the water, and was intending to pass by them. But when they saw him walking on 49 the water, they, supposing him to be an apparition, cried out; for they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he spake to them, 50 and said, "Take courage, it is I, be not afraid." And he went up 51 into the vessel to them, and the wind was still; and they were struck with exceedingly great astonishment; for they were not brought 52 to a right understanding of him by the miracle of the loaves, because their heart was blinded.

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which thou mightest have been CHAP
profited by me is Corban (that is, a
gift,)' and suffer him not to do any 12
thing for his father or his mother;
thus making void the word of God 13
by your tradition; and many such
things as these ye do." And hav- 14
ing called all the multitude unto
him, he said unto them, "Heark-

stand. Nothing from without a 15
man by going into him can defile
him, but the things which come
out of him are those that defile a
man. Whoso hath ears to hear, 16
let him hear."

And when Jesus was gone into 17
a house from the multitude, the Nature
disciples asked him concerning that defilemen
saying. And he saith unto them,

of moral

Then the Pharisees and some of the Scribes, who had come from Jewish tra- from Jerusalem, resort unto Jesus; and upon seeing some of his disci-en ye all unto me, and underples eat bread with defiled, that is, with unwashen hands, they found 3 fault; for the Pharisees, and all the Jews, never eat, unless they wash their hands diligently, holding the 4 tradition of their forefathers. And when they come from the market, unless they wash their hands, they eat not; and many other such traditions they observe, as the washing of cups, and measures," Are ye also thus without under- 18 and brazen vessels, and couches. standing? Do ye not perceive that 5 Then the Pharisees and the scribes whatever entereth into a man canask him, "Why walk not thy not defile him; for it goeth not into 19 disciples according to the tradition the heart, but into the stomach, and of the elders, but eat bread with passeth out into the vault, which 6 unwashen hands?" And he an- cleanseth all food, by carrying off swered, "Well hath Isaiah pro- the grosser parts of it." And he 20 phesied of you hypocrites, as it is said, "What cometh out of a man, written, This people honoureth that defileth a man ; for from with- 21 me with their lips, but their heart in, out of the hearts of men, come 7 is far from me;' but in vain do evil thoughts, adulteries, fornicathey profess a religious veneration tions, murders, thefts, excessive de- 22 for me, teaching doctrines which sires, maliciousness, deceit, unchasare the commandments of men.tity, an envious eye, evil speaking, 8 For ye lay aside the command-pride, arrogance. All these evil 23 ments of God,. and hold the tradi-things come from within and defile tion of men, as the washing of a man." measures and of cups, and many And he arose, and departed thence 24 other such things as these ye do." towards the borders of Tyre and Syrophen 9 He said also unto them, "Ye Sidon; and being desirous that no entirely set aside the command-man should know of him, he went healed. by Jesus. ment of God, that ye may keep into a house; but he could not be your own tradition. For Moses hid. For a woman, whose little 25 10 said, Honour thy father and thy daughter had an unclean spirit, mother, and whoso revileth father heard of him, and came and fell at or mother, he shall be put to death.' his feet, (now the woman was a 26 11 But ye teach, that a man may say Greek, a 3 Syrophenician by birth) to his father or mother, That by and besought him to cast the demon



As many as Jesus permitted to come
near him, and thought worthy to be cured.
• A Gentile.

a The same as Matthew calls a Canaan


itish woman, the country being called some-
times Canaan, and sometimes Phenicia. Sy-
rophenicia was a part of Phenicia, subject to
the government of Syria.

cian's daughter

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