
NORTON, WILLIAM A. An Elementary Treatise on Astronomy. Containing a systematic exposition of the theory, and the more important practical problems, with tables. New York, 1839. 8vo.

NORTON, CHARLES B. Norton's Literary Advertiser. Vol. 1, [in 8 numbers. Continued under the title of] Norton's Literary Gazette. Vol. 2,3. N. York, 1852-53. Fol. [Continued as] Norton's Literary Gazette and Publisher's Circular: New series, 1854-55. New York, 1854-55. 4°

2 NORTON'S Literary Almanack .; containing important literary information; etc. New York, 1852. 8°

3 NORTON'S Literary Register and Book-buyers' Almanack for 1853. New York, 1853. 12o

4 NORTON'S Literary and Educational Register. New York, 1854. 8°

NORWOOD, ABRAHAM. The Acts of the Elders, commonly called the Book of Abraham; to which is appended, a chapter from the Book of Religious Errors, with notes of explanation. New edition. Boston, 1846.


NOTICES. Mineralogical Notices. N° 4. [From the "American Journal of Science and Arts," vol. 14, pp. 264-280.] [New Haven, 1852.] 8vo.

NOTT, ELIPHALET. An Addrefs Idelivered to the candidates for the baccalaureate, in Union College, at the anniversary commencement, July 24, 1811. Albany, 1811. 8°

NOTT, HENRY JUNIUS, and MACCORD, DAVID JAMES. Reports of Cases determined in the Constitutional Court of South Carolina [from Nov. term 1817 to Nov. term 1820]. Second edition. 2 vol. Charleston, 1842. 8o

NOTT, JOSIAH C. Two Lectures on the natural history of the Caucasian and Negro races. Mobile, 1844. 12°

2 TYPES of Mankind: or Ethnological Researches. gical Researches . . illustrated by selections from the inedited papers of S. G. Morton . . and by additional contributions from. . L. Agafsiz, W. Usher, and.. H. S. Patterson. By J. C. Nott and G. R. Gliddon. London, Philadelphia [printed], 1854. 4to.

NOTT, SAMUEL. Ministers of the Gospel are Earthen Vefsels: a sermon [on 2 Cor. iv. 7] preached at.. the funeral of A. Lee, D.D., Norwich, 1832. 8°

NOTT, SAMUEL, the Younger. On a proper Education for an agricultural people. . delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at its annual meeting, Boston. [Boston, 1835.] 8°

NOURSE, J. D. Remarks on the past and its legacies to American Society. Louisville, Ky. 1847. 12o

NOVANGLUS and Massachusettensis; or, Political Essays, published in 1774 and 1775, on the principal points of controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies, the former by J. Adams, the latter by J. Sewall. Το which are added, Letters by President Adams to the Hon. W. Tudor. Boston, 1819. 8°

NOYES, JOHN. An Oration, de- · livered in Brattleborough, July 4, 1811 [in commemoration of American Independence]. Brattleborough, 1811. 8°

NOYES, WILLIAM CURTIS. Court of Appeals [of the United States]. W. C. Noyes vs. H. Blakeman and A. M. his wife and E. Ruckman. Points on the part of the appellants. [New York? 1845.] 8°

NULLIFIER. Memoirs of a Nullifier, written by himself. [A political fiction.] By a native of the South [Dr. Cooper?] Columbia, 1832. 12°

NUNEZ CABECA DE VACA, ALVAR. The Narrative of Alvar Nu

ñez Cabeça de Vaca, translated [from the Spanish] by Buckingham Smith [with a prefatory notice by G. W. R. Jr. i. e. George Washington Riggs]. Washington, 1851. 4to.

NURSERY BOOK for a Child that Loves to Learn. American Sun

day School Union, Philadelphia, 1832. 120

NURSERY LESSONS designed for children eight or ten years old. American Sunday School Union, Philadelphia [1830?] 12°

NUTTALL, THOMAS. The Genera of North American Plants, and a catalogue of the species for the year 1817. 2 vol. Philadelphia, 1818.

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4 A MANUAL of the Ornithology of the United States and of Canada. The Land-birds. Second edition with additions. Boston, 1840. 12mo.

5 THE NORTH American Sylva; or a description of the forest trees of the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia, not described in the work of F. A. Michaux, and containing all the Mountains, the Territory of Oregon, forest trees discovered in the Rocky

down to the shores of the Pacific and into the confines of California, as well as in various parts of the United States. Illustrated by 122 plates. 3 vol. Philadelphia, 1842-49. 8°

NYSTROM, J. W. A Treatise on Screw Propellers and their SteamEngines... Accompanied with a treatise on bodies in motion in fluid, exemplified for propellers and vefsels; also, a full description of a calculating machine. Philadelphia, 1852. 8vo.

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OBERLIN, JOHN FREDERIC. The Life of J. F. Oberlin. Philadelphia, 1830. 12mo.

OBOOKIAH, HENRY. Memoirs of Henry Obookiah, a native of Owhyhee. Philadelphia, 1830. 12mo.

O'BRIEN, JOHN. A Treatise on American military laws, and the practice of courts martial; with suggestions for their improvement. Philadelphia, 1846. 8vo.

OBSERVATOR. The Observator's Trip to America, in a dialogue between the Observator and his countryman Roger. [Philadelphia,] 1726. 12mo.

OBSERVATOR, Pseud. Thoughts on the increasing wealth and national economy of the United States of America. Washington, 1801. 8°

OBSERVER. An Inquiry into the necefsity and general principles of reorganization in the United States Navy, with an examination of the true sources of subordination. By an Observer. Baltimore, 1842. 8°

OBSERVER (THE) and Repertory of original and selected Efsays, in



verse and prose, on topics of polite literature, etc. (By Beatrice Ironside.) 2 vol. Baltimore, 1806-7. 8vo.

O'CALLAGHAN, E. B. History of New Netherland; or, New York under the Dutch. N. York, 1846. 8°

2 JESUIT Relations of discoveries and other occurrences in Canada and the Northern and Western States of the Union. 1632 to 1672. From the proceedings of the New York Historical Society, Nov. 1847. New York, 1847. 8°

3 THE DOCUMENTARY History of the State of New York. See NEW YORK, No 60. 4to.

4 DOCUMENTS relative to the colonial History of the State of New York, etc. (The documents in Dutch and French. . translated by E. B. O'Callaghan.) See NEW YORK, N°61.

OCCIDENT (THE), and American Jewish Advocate, a monthly periodical, devoted to the diffusion of knowledge on the Jewish literature and religion. Edited by J. Leeser. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 5604 [1845]. 8vo.

OCCOM, SAMSON. A Sermon [on Rom. vi. 23] at the execution of M. Paul, an Indian, who had been guilty of murder. . To which is added a short account of the late spread of the Gospel among the Indians. Also observations on the language of the Muhhekaneew Indians. . By J. Edwards. New Haven, 1788. 8vo.

OCEAN SCENES, or, the perils and beauties of the deep; being ac

counts of the most popular voyages on record, remarkable shipwrecks, etc. New York, 1848. 12mo.

O'CONNELL, JAMES F. A Residence of eleven years in New Holland and the Caroline Islands: being the adventures of J. F. O'Connell. Edited from his verbal narration. Boston, 1836. 12mo.

ODIORNE, JAMES C. Opinions on speculative Masonry, relative to its origin, nature, and tendency. A compilation embracing recent and important documents. Boston, 1830.


OGDEN, GEORGE W. Letters from the West, comprising a tour through the western country, and a residence of two summers in.. Ohio and Kentucky originally written in letters to a brother. New Bedford, 1823. 12°

OGDEN, JOHN C. A Sermon [on Neh. v. 19] delivered before . . the .. Senate and.. House of Representatives of.. New Hampshire, at the annual Election. Concord, 1790. 120

OGILBY, JOHN G. The Catholic Church in England and America: three lectures: 1. The church in England and America, apostolic and catholic. 2. The causes of the English reformation. 3. Its character and results. New York, 1844. 12°

OGLE, CHARLES. Remarks . on the civil and diplomatic Appropriation Bill [with reference to the expenditure of the President, etc.]; delivered in the House of Representatives, April 14, 1840. [Washington, 1840.] 8°

OHIO, State of. The Statutes of Ohio and of the North-Western Territory, adopted or enacted from 1788 to 1833 inclusive. Together with the ordinance of 1787; the constitutions of Ohio and of the United States, and various public instruments and acts of Congrefs: illustrated by a preliminary sketch of the history of Ohio, etc.

Edited by S. P. Chase. 3 vol. Cincinnati, 1833-35. 8vo.

2 STATUTES of the State of Ohio of a general nature in force Dec. 7, 1840; also, the statutes of a general nature passed by the General Assembly, at their thirty-ninth session, commencing Dec. 7, 1840. Collated, with references to . . decisions .. and to prior laws, by J. R. Swan. Columbus, 1841. 8°

3 VIEW of the Ohio State Fair Grounds, 1854 . as prepared for the fifth annual fair of the Ohio State

Agricultural Society. Cincinnati [1854]. s. sh. fol.


NINTH annual Report of the Board of Agriculture of the State of Ohio to the Governor. For the year 1854. Columbus, 1855. 8vo.

OHIO ANNUAL REGISTER (THE), containing a condensed history of the State, with a . . catalogue of all the public officers in the several counties of Ohio, etc. . . for the year 1835. By J. A. Bryan. Columbus [1835]. 12°

OHIO RIVER. Railroad from the banks of the Ohio River to the tide waters of the Carolinas and Georgia. [A series of reports, etc.] Cincinnati, 1835. 8°

OKIE, A. H. Homœopathy: with particular reference to a lecture by Oliver Wendell Holmes. Boston, 1842. 12mo.

OLCOTT, CHARLES. Iron Ships. Specification of Olcott's newly invented self-ballasting iron safety ships. Washington, 1835. 8°

2 Two Lectures on the subjects of slavery and abolition. Massillon, Ohio, 1838. 8°

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