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1878. July 13. Organic Law. French text: Treaty of Berlin, art. 4-5. British and Foreign State Papers, lxix: 749.

See also Protocoll. 1, 5, 7 Berlin congress; Hertslet. Map of Europe by treaty, iv; Observations of proposed congress pursuant to treaty of S. Stefano, idem, Art. 7, treaty of S. Stefano, idem; also in British and Foreign State Paper, lxix.

1879. April. Constitution. English text : Staatsarchiv., xxxvi: 353; British and Foreign State Papers, lxx: 1303.

1881. May-July. Constitutional Crisis. Constitution of 1879 suspended May 10, 1881; modifi cations ratified, July 13, 1881; constitution reestablished, Sept. 18, 1883.

See Correspondence, etc., between Great Britain, Russia and Bulgaria, May-July, 1881, (English text), Staatsarch., xxxix: 304; British and Foreign State Papers, lxxii: 1239.

1893. May 1. Constitution. Bulgarian and French parallel text: Constitution de la principauté de Bulgarie... Sophia, 1893. 69 pp. 24°.

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TACHÉ (J. C.) Des provinces de l'Amérique du Nord et d'une union fédérale. Quebec, 1858, (1), iv, 5-252 pp. 12°.

PARLIAMENTARY debates [in the Canadian prov. parlt.] on the subject of the confederation of the British No. American provinces. Quebec, 1865. ix, 1032 pp.


WHELAN (E.) Union of the British provinces. A brief account of the conferences held ... 1864. Charlottetown, 1865, viii, 231 pp. 12°.

CARNARVON (Lord). Confederation of Brit. No. Amer. provinces. Speech in the House of Lords, Feb. 19, 1867. London, 1867. 44 pp. 8°.

WILKINS (M. J.) Confederation examined in the light of reason . . . and the Br. North America Act shown to be unconstitutional. Halifax, 1867. 47 pp. 8°.

CONFÉDÉRATION (La); couronnement de dix années de mauvaises administrations. Montreal, 1867. 48 pp., 1 tble. 8°.

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CORRESP. respecting the complaint of the legislature of Prince Edward Is., that the terms of confederation have not been carried out. Ottawa, 1886. 40 pp. 8°.

BOURINOT (J. G.) Manual of const. history of Canada. Montreal, 1888. xii, 238 pp. 8°.

ASHLEY (W. J.) Nine lectures on the earlier const. history of Canada. Toronto, 1889. 100 pp. 8°.

HOUSTON (W.) Documents illustrative of the Canadian constitution. Toronto, 1891. 338 pp. 8°.

CONFEDERATION: being a series of hitherto unpublished documents bearing on the British North America Act. ed. by J. Pope. Toronto, 1895. viii, 324 pp., 2 facs. 8°.

WHEELER (G. J.) Confederation law of Canada. London, 1896. xl, 1165 pp. 8°.

DE CELLES (A.D.) Les constitutions du Canadaétude politique. 1900. (Proc., etc., Roy. Soc. Canada. Ser. II, v. 6: 3.)

GRIFFIN (W. M.) Federal constitutional development: A contrast. 1900. (Law mag. and rev. xxv: 180.)

LEECE (R. C.) A comparison between the federal constitutions of Canada and Australia. Sydney, 1902. iv (1), 72 pp. 8°. (Beauchamp prize essay. Univ. of Sydney.)

Central America. (1823-39.)

United Provinces of Central America. 1823. Dec. 17. Bases. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xii: 867.

1824. Nov. 22. Constitution. TEXT. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xiii: 725; Spanish text: Somoza. Curso de derecho const. Nicaraguënse, p. 245. COMMENTARY. Arosemena. América central; antecedentes; comentarios. (In: his: Estud, const. (1878). ii: 420.)

1842. July 17. Pacto de Chinandega. Spanish text: Montúfar. Reseña. hist., iv: 266.

Central America (1895-).

Greater Republic of Central America. 1895. June 20. Tratado de union celebrado entre las republicas de el Salvador, Honduras y Nicaragua. San Salvador, 1896. xiv pp. 4°.

United States of Central America.

1898. Aug. 27. Constitution. Spanish text: Constitución política de los estados unidos de CentroAmerica y decrétos de la asamblea constituyente. Tegucigalpa, 1898. 56 pp. 4; Somoza. Curso de derecho const. Nicaraguënse, p. 477.


General Works. Bibliography.

DARESTE. Les constitutions modernes, ii: 523.

Special Federal Constitutions.


1810. Sept. 18. Declaration of Independence. (Junta Gubernativa.) Spanish text: Guia jeneral de C., 1847: 164.

1818 Jan. 1. Declaration of Independence. Spanish text: Guia jeneral de C., 1847: 166; English text (with manifiesto of Feb. 12 and May 5): British and Foreign State Papers, 1818/9: 820; Am. State Papers Foreign Relations, xv: 312, 318.

Constitution. Spanish text: Proyecto de constitución provisoria para el estado de Chile. 1818. Santiago de C. [1818.] (4), 48 pp. 12°.

1822. Oct. 23. Constitution. Spanish text: Chile. Sess. cuerp. legisl., vi: 332.

1823. Dec. 29. Constitution. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, x; 1076.

1828. Aug. 9. Constitution. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xvi: 1045.

1833. Constitution. Spanish text: Arosemena. Estudios Constitucionales (1878), i: 67; Recop. de las leyes...del Ministr. Int. (Chile), 1897: 8; English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xx: 556.

Text in Recop., etc., is followed by citations of acts modifying the constitution of 1833.


AROSEMENA. Antecedentes; observaciones jenerales; particulares. (In his : Estud. const. (1878), i: 103.

ROLDEN. Primeros documentos constitucionales de C. 1901. (Rev. nueva. año ii, t. 5: 5.)


United Provinces of New Granada. 1811. Nov. 27. Confederation Act. Spanish text: Restrepo. Hist. de la rev. Colomb., viii: 221; English text: British and Foreign State Papers, i: 1069.

1814. Sept. 23. Constitution. Spanish text: Restrepo. Hist. de la rev. Colomb., x: 55; English text: British and Foreign State Papers, 1: 1181.

1815. Nov. 15. Constitutional Reform Act. Spanish text: Restrepo. Hist. de la rev. Colomb., x.: 137.

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Republic of Colombia.

1819. Dec. 17. Ley... Fundamental. (Union of New Granada and Venezuela under title of Colombia.) Spanish text: Restrepo. Hist. de la rev. Colomb., viii: 5; Noboa. Recop. de leyes de Ecuador, 1:13; English text: British and Foreign State Papers, ix: 1407; Am. State Papers, Foreign Relations, iv: 832; Moses in his : Const. of C., p. 13.

1821. July 12. Segunda Ley Fundamental; (also Ley Fundamental de la union de los pueblos de Colombia.) Spanish text: Restrepo Hist. de la rev. Colomb., viii: 12; Noboa, Recop. de leyes de Ecuador, 1: 9. 1821. French text: Dufau, etc., Coll. des const., vi: 282; Spanish text: Noboa, Recop. de leyes de Ecuador, 1:15.

Aug. 30.

1827. Aug. 27. Provisional Government. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xv: 1196.

1830. April 29. Constitution. Spanish text: Noboa, 1: 61; English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xvii: 1198.

Granadian Confederation.

1858. May 22. Constitution. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xlviii: 1250. United States of Colombia.

1863. May 8. Constitution. Spanish text: Arosemena. Estud. const., ii: 1; English text: British and Foreign State Papers, iii: 286.

Republic of Colombia.

1886. Aug. 7. Constitution. Spanish text: Constitución de la repub. de Colombia. Bogotá, 1886, 52 pp., 12°; English text: Constitution of the republic of Colombia. Phila., 1893. 70 pp. 8°. (Suppl. Annals Amer. Acad. Polit. and Social Science; Jan., 1893; repr. in U. S. 57 cong., 2 sess., doc. 75.)

See also New Granada.

Congo Free State.

(Formerly Congo International Association.)

1885. Feb. 23. Recognition. French text: Recognition by States participating in Berlin conference. Protocoll 9. Staatsarch. xlv: 8603.

For text of treaties of recognition, etc., between Congo Free State and U. S. see British and Foreign State Papers, General Index, 1873-88; see also Franco-Belgian corresp., 1884-95; Staatsarch. lvii.

1885. April. Belgian Sovereignty authorized. Text of authority: Belg. Parlt. Docs. 1884/5: 116.

Costa Rica.

State of Costa Rica. 1847. Jan. 21. Constitution. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xxxv: 44.

Republic of Costa Rica.

1848. Nov. 22. Constitution. Spanish text: Constitución política de la república de C., dada en 21 de enero de 1847. Reformada en 22 de noviembre de 1848. n. p., n. d. (1) 24 (1) pp. 8°; Same: La Paz, 1850. 38 pp. 8°; English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xxxvii: 777.

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1868. Jan. 10. Règlement Organique (Firman Impérial). English text: British and Foreign State Papers, lviii: 138; Hertslet. Map of Europe by Treaty, iv: 3229; French text: France. Docs. diplomatiques. Affaire de Crète, 1894/97, p. 1.

Relative to application of this organic law see art. 15, treaty of S. Stefano, and art. 23, treaty of Berlin.

1878. Sept. 30/Oct. 12. Pacte de Halépa; Modifying law of 1868. English text: Hertslet. Map of Europe by Treaty, iv: 2810; French text: France. Docs. diplomatiques, Affaire de Crète, 1894/97, p. 5.

1889. Oct. 26. Imperial Firman. French text: France. Docs. diplomatiques. Affaire de Crète, 1894/97, p. 9.

Cretan Autonomy.

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ción colonial de las islas de Cuba y Puerto Rico y leyes complementarías del régimen autonómico establecido por los reales decretos de 25 de Nov. de 1897. [with appendix] Habana, 1897. 310, xxvii, (2) pp. 8°. COMMENTARY. Constitution of the Republic of C., and brief sketches of the Pres. of the Republic and his cabinet. [Wash.] 1898. 8 pp. 8°. (U. S. 55 cong., 2 sess., S. doc. no. 129.)

Spanish Relinquishment.

1898. Dec. 10. Treaty of peace between Spain and U. S., Dec. 10, 1898. U. S. 55 Congr., 3 sess., S. doc. 62.

Independent Republic. Proceedings and Text.

1900. Diario de sesiones de la convención Constitucional. Nos. 1-22, 25-34. Habana, 1900-1901. 4°.

Translation of the proposed constitution for Cuba; the official acceptance of the Platt amendment, and the electoral law. Washington, 1901. 52 pp. 8°. Commentary.

BERNAL (C.) La reforma politica en Cuba y su ley constitutiva. Madrid, 1881. 54 pp. 8°.

New (The) constitutional laws for Cuba. Text of the recent measures for the self government of the island, with comments . . . New York, 1897. (4), 11-168 pp. 8°.

CONSTITUTION of the republic of Cuba and brief sketches of the President of the republic and his cabinet. 1898. [Washington, 1898.] 8 pp. (U. S. 55 cong., 2 sess. S. doc., 129.)

RESOLUTION (Hoar) U. S. Senate (S. Res. 48, 56 cong.), Dec. 20, 1899 [concerning the constitutional rights of people of Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippine Is.] [Washington, 1899.] 3 pp. F°.

"PLATT Amendment," Feb. 25, 1901; amendment proposed to Army Appropriation Bill, 56 cong. [H. R., 14017]; text in Cong. Rec., xxxiii: 2954

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1648. May 8. Great charter of Danish Liberty. English text: Philipps. Fundamental Laws, 1.

1665. Nov. 14. Lex Regia. Danish text: Danmarks Riges Grund Lov... Kiöbenhavn, 1756. 51 pp. ports. 8°; Latin and German parallel text: Lex Regia, oder Königl. Dänische Verordnung... n. p., n. d. 2011. 8°; English text: Philipps. Fundamental laws, p. 19; French text: Dufau, etc., Coll. des constitutions, iii: 226.

Denmark, cont'd.

1848. Jan. 12. Royal Rescript. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xl: 1270.

1849. June 5. Grondwet. French text: British and Foreign State Papers, lviii: 1218.

1863. Nov. 18. Fundamental Law. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, Ivi: 612.

1866. July 28. Grondwet. French text: Constitution du roy. de Danemark du 5 juin 1849. Revisée et promulgée le 28 juillet 1866. n. p. 22 pp. 8°; English text: British and Foreign State Papers, Ivii: 1233.


See Santo Domingo.

Ecuador. (State.)

1830. Sept. 11. Constitution. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, xviii: 1065; Spanish text: Noboa. Recopilación de leyes del Ecuador,

1: 105.

July 30. Constitution. Spanish text:

1835. ibid., 1: 129. 1843. 1845.

March 31. Constitution. ibid., i: 165.


Feb. 25.


Aug. 30.

Dec. 3. Constitution. ibid., 1: 200.
Constitution. ibid., 1: 243.
Constitution. ibid., 1: 285.

1861. March 10. Constitution. Spanish text: Arosemena. Estud. const., i: 467; Noboa. Recop. de leyes del E., i: 333.

1869. June 9. Constitution. Spanish text: Noboa. Recop. de leyes del E.,1:373; English text: British and Foreign State Papers, lix: 1229.

1878. March 31. Constitution. Spanish text: Noboa. Recop. de leyes del E., 1: 409.

1884. Feb. 4. Constitution. Spanish text: Noboa. Recop. de leyes del E., 1:457.

1884. Feb. 13. Constitution. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, lxxvii: 1295.

1897. Jan. 12. Constitution. Spanish text: Noboa. Recop. de leyes del E., i: 512; English text: British and Foreign State Papers, lxxxix: 1095.

Egypt. Bibliography.

DARESTE. Les constitutions modernes, ii: 351.

Special Federal Constitutions.

1883. May 1. Organic Law. English text: British and Foreign State Papers, lxxiv: 1095; French text: Dareste. Les const. mod., ii: 342, Staatsarch., xlii: 8091.

Finland. Text.

1772. Aug. 21. Forme de Gouvernement. French text: Dareste. Les const. mod., 11: 202; La const. du grand-duché de F. 1906, p. 41.

1789. April 3. Acte d'Union et de Sureté. French text: La const. du grand-duché de F. 1900, p. 67.

1869. April. Loi Organique. French text: ibid., p. 73. Commentary, etc.

[ARVIDSSON.] Finlands nuvarande stats-författning. Af Olli Kékäläinen, pseud. Stockholm, 1841. 52 pp. 8°.

CONSTITUTIONAL conflict (The) in Finland By a member of the Finnish diet. 1899. (No. Amer. Rev. clxix; 180.)

CONSTITUTION (La) du grand-duché de Finlande. Recueil des lois fondamentales et autres actes officiels... avec un aperçu du développement historique du droit public de la Finlande et un commentaire aux lois fondamentales de 1772 et de 1789. Paris, 1900. 209 pp. 4°.

STORFURSTENDÖMET Finlands grundlagar Helsingfors, 1877. (1), xviii, 353 pp.

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Supplement till den år 1877 utgifna samHelsingfors, 1882. 12 pp. 12°.


General Works. Bibliography.

DARESTE. Les constitutions modernes, I: 30.

Collections and Commentaries.

DICTIONNAIRE des const. de l'empire français et du royaume d'Italie. Par M. C. L. G. Paris, 1806. 3 v. 8°.

ROELKER (B.) The constitutions of France, monarchical and republican. Boston, 1848. vi, 156 pp. 12°.

KAISER (S.) Französische verfassungsgeschichte von 1789-1852... Leipzig, 1852. xii, 678, cii pp. 8°.

TRIPIER (L.) Constitutions qui ont régi la France depuis 1789 jusqu'à l'élection de M. Grévy ed. 2. Paris, 1879. (3), 681 pp. 12°. HÉLIE (F. A. J.) Les constitutions de la France Paris, 1880. (2), (1), 146 pp. 8°.

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TEXT. French text: Paris: Didot, jeune, 160 pp. 48°; Paris: Prudhomme, 1791. (2), 179 pp. 24°; Dijon: Causse, 1791. (2), 83 pp. 8; London: Debrett, 1791. (1), 77 pp. 8°; Paris: Carréard, 1821. 48 pp. 12°; Dufau, etc. Coll. des constitutions, 1: 97; Duguit, etc. Les constitutions. . . de la France, p. 1; Hélie. Les constitutions, p. 268; Kaiser. Französische verf.geschichte, p. 1. English text: An authentic copy of the French constitution . . . Sept. 3, 1791. London: Debrett, 1791. (1), 84 pp. 8°. German text: Pölitz. Europäische verf., ii: 2.

France, cont'd.

COMMENTARY. A... (D...) Nouveau projet de const. nat., accueilli de plusieurs districts. Paris, 1789. 24 pp. 12°.

BOUCHE (C. F.) Charte contenant la const. franç. dans ses objets fondamentaux. Versailles, 1789. 23 pp. 8°.

BRUN DE LA COMBRE (J. A.) Le point de palliement des citoyens françois, sur les bases d'une const. nat. n. p., 1789. 143 pp. 12°.

CAMBON. Lettre écrite de Versailles par C ... à son frère... au sujet de la const. nat., du 4 août 1789... n. p. [1789.] 7 pp. 12°.

CONDORCET, Marquis de., sur la nécessité de faire ratifier la const. par les citoyens. . . [Paris, 1789.] (1), 41 pp. 12°.

CONSTITUTION (La) intermédiaire... [Paris, 1789.] 16 pp. 12°.

[LAURENS.] Const. franç., 1789. [Paris, 1789.] (1), 25 pp. 12°.

MOUNIER (J. J.) Rapport du comité chargé du travail sur la const. [Paris, 1789.] 16 pp.


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GRAND (Le) dénouement de la const. [Paris, 179-.] 36 pp. 12°.

DAUNOU (P. C. F.) Constitution.



[Signed Leroy

[Paris, 179-.] 18 pp. 12°. DÉCISIONS du comité de const. de Monteely.] [Paris, 1790.] 3 pp. 8°. DEVIRES (J.) Des moyens d'assurer le succès et la durée de la const. Paris, 1790. 32 pp. 12°. RABOUT de St. Etienne (J. P.) Principes de toute const. [Paris, 1790.] 8 pp. 12°. BERGASSE (N.) Réflexions . . . sur le projet de const. Paris [1791]. 46 pp. 8°.

[CARDIER, E.] Discours sur la const. franç. Paris, 1791. 16 pp. 8°.

HERVIER (C.) Discours sur la const. franç. [Paris, 1791.] 16 pp. 8°.

EXCELLENCE (De l') de la const. franç. [Strasbourg, 1791.] (1), 41 pp. 12°.

EXPOSÉ de la nouv. const. de la nation franç. Par un ancien ministre. [Paris, 1791.] 16 pp. 12°. FRENCH (The) const., as presented . . . Aug. 5, 1791. London, 1791. 63 pp. 8.

MALOUET (P. V. de.) Opinion . . . sur les conv. nat. sur la nécessité d'une acceptation libre de la const... [Paris, 1791.] 32 pp. 8°.

SÉGUIER (A. L.) Lettre d'un négociant anglois à un négociant franç., nouv. const... Paris, 1791. 124 PP. 12°.

THORILLON (A. J.) Réflexions sur le projet de la const. Paris, 1791.] 12 pp. 8°.

BACON-TACON (P. J. J.) Plan patriotique, ou idée d'une bonne const. rép. en France. [Paris 1792.] 16 pp. 8°.

BARLOW (J.) A letter to the nat. conv. of France on the defects in the const. of 1791... New York: J. Fellows [1792], 87 pp., 8°; New York: T. Greenleaf [1792], 87 pp., 8°: London: J. Johnson, 1792, 70 pp., 8°.

FLOWER (B.) The French const... London, 1792. viii, 454 (1) pp. 8°

MARCHANT ([F.)]. La const. en vaudevilles... Paris, 1792. (16), 33-160, (1) pp. 48°.

Folies nat., pour servir de suite à la const. en vaudevilles. Paris, 1792. 192 (1) pp. 48°. Le défenseur de la 8°.

ROBESPIERRE. Prospectus. const. [Paris, 1792.] 4 pp.

RAMMELKAMP. The French const. of 1791 and the U. S. const.: a comparison. 1903. (So. Atlantic Quarterly. ii:56.)

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1793. June 24. Constitution. TEXT. French text: Acte constitutionnel... Rouen, 1793. 16, 70 pp., 12; Dufau, etc., Coll. des const., i:135; Duguit, etc., Les const., etc., de la France, p. 67; Kaiser Franz. verf. Gesch., xxiii; English text: An authentic copy of the new const. of France, London: Eaton, 1793. 20 pp., 8°; The new const. of France, London: Ridgway, 1793. 70 pp., 8°; Roelker, The const. of France, p. 57, German text: Pölitz. Europ. Verfass., ii:21.

[ocr errors]

COMMENTARY. An authentic copy of the new plan of the French const., as presented... Feb. 15, 1793... London, 1793. (1), li, 58 pp. 8°. BOURGEOIS (J. F. A.) Plan de const... [Paris, 1793.] 92 Pp. 12°. Const. républicaine...

CHERHAL MONT-RÉAL. [Paris, 1793.] 16 pp. 12°.

CONSTITUTION (LA) de 1793, appliquée à ceux qui l'ont demandée... [Paris, 1793.] 19 pp. 12°. DAUNOU (P. C. F.) Observations sur la manière de dèscuter la const. [Paris, 1793.] 15 pp. 12°. DEBRY (J.) Projet de déclaration des droits de l'homme et de const. Paris, 1793. (1), 20 pp. 8°.

GOSSUIN (C. J. C. E.) Rapp. fait dans la séance du...9 août 1793... au nom de la comm. chargé de réunir les procès verb. d'acceptation de la déclara. tion de droits de l'homme et de l'acte const. Paris, 1793. 7 pp. 8°.


Rapp. sur la const. du peuple franç .. Paris, 1793. 12 pp. 12°.

NIEUWE verklaaring der rechten, zoo als dezelve bij de conventie is aangenoomen 23 junij 1793. [Amsterdam, 1793.] 4 pp. 8°.

PEZTIT (M. E.) Opinion...sur la const. Ire pte. [Paris, 1793.] 15 pp. 8°.

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