years of our common service in Congress, deepened until it became a part of my being. I cannot dwell upon this. Beloved comrade of many years, gallant Virginian chevalier, sans peur et sans reproche, hail and farewell. Hail to your memory, immortal in its beauty; farewell to earthly association, which has passed away with its sweetness. Allen, Charles, 85, 88, 129, 130. Allen, Capt. Charles, 189. Allen, Christopher, 85. Allen, Daniel, 85. Allen, Daniel E., 149. Allen, Elizabeth, 85. Allen, F. L., 228. Allen, Fanny, 188. Allen, Hannah, 85. Allen, James, 11, 85, 111, 132, 197. Allen, John, 41, 85. Allen, John C., 126, 196. Allen, Joseph, 85. Allen, Julius, 134. Allen, Margaret, 85. Allen, Martha, 85. Allen, Mary, 85, 197, 198. Allen, Mrs. Nancy Watson, 126, 131, 196. Allen, P. H., 13. Allen, Patrick, 185, 229. Allen, Patsy, 85. Allen, Sally, 85. Allen, Sarah (Sallie) Watson, 85, 197. Allen, Sims (Simms), 126, 132, 188, Allen, William, 126. Allen's Branch, 128. Ambler, Col. John, 149. Ambler, Mary Cary, 149. Amelia Cavalry, 229. Amelia Circuit Court, 179. Amelia County, 7, passim to 211. Amelia Court, 226, 229, 230, 232, 235. Amelia Court House, 69, 70, 73, 74, 178, 206, 207, 218, 252. Amelia Deed Book, 165. Amelia Minute Men, 154. Amelia Springs, 63, 205, 211, 218. American Eclipse (Race Horse), 250. American Party, 36. American Revolution, 150. American Turf Register, 212. Amherst County, 8. "Ampthill," 42. Anderson, Anderson, Major Anderson, Mrs. —, 94, 149, 271. Anderson, Bob, 254. Anderson, Cary, 192. Anderson, Charles, 85. -, 13, 176. 66, 70. Anderson, Larkin, 119. Anderson, Reynard, 85, 91. Anderson, Samuel C., 36. Anderson, Thomas, 69, 72, 73. Anderson, Dr. W. E., 255. Anderson, W. Henry, 45, 51, 181. Anderson, William A., 215, 217. Anderson's Read, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71. Andrews, Benjamin, 238. Annsville, 173. Anthony, William, 12. Appeals, Court of, for Confederate States, 209. Archer, Elizabeth J., 148. Archer, Fanny, 157. Archer, Field, 85, 114. Archer, Fletcher H., 149. Archer, Mrs. Frances Tanner, 154. Archer, George, 93, 138. Archer, James William, 157. Archer, John, 48, 86, 92, 97, 102, Archer, Major John, 155. Archer, Judith, 163. Archer, Mrs. Judith Cock, 155. Archer, Martha Field, 180. Archer, Martha J., 148. Archer, Mrs. Mary, 85. Archer, Michal, 85. Archer, Miles, 47 (note). Archer, Richard, 147. Archer, William, 47 (note), 85, 115. "Archer's Hall," 180. Arkansas, 176. Armstrong, A. B., 219. Atkinson, John, 86. Atkinson, Lucy, 174, 175 (note). Atkinson, Nancy P. H., 86. Atkinson, Robert, 86. Atkinson, Roger, 41, 86. Atkinson, Thomas, 86. Avery, George, 70. Axson, ——, 253. Ayers, R. A., 213. 262. Aylmer, Mrs. Anne Hill, 199. Aylmer, Edward, 199. Baker, Miss 170. Baker, Mrs. Aurelia Womack, 200. Baker, Isaac, 200. Baker, John, 200. Baker, Jerman (or Jarman), 79, 85. Baker, Mrs. Lida Jane Gibbs, 200. Baker, Miss Mattie, 200. Baker, Searcy, 200. Baldwin, Mrs., 98. Baldwin, Henry, 80. Baldwin, John, 134. Baldwin, Elizabeth, 87. Baldwin, Mrs. Mary Womack, 199. Baldwin, Samuel, 87, 199. Baldwin, Sanney, 13. Baldwin, Wash., 13. Baldwin, William, 68, 72, 87, 112. "Baldwin's," 13. Banks, A. D., 36, 37. Barbour, James, 27, 55. Barbour, John S., 201, 210, 213, 214. Beadel's Mill, 77. Bayard, James A., 22, 44. Beale, James, M. H., 36. Beasley, Ambrose, 79. Beasley, Stephen, 82, 101, 108, 141. Beattie, Henry C., Jr., 290, 291. Beattie, Henry C., Sr., 291. Beauregard, P. G. T., 242, 247. Beaver Dam Creek, Kentucky, 115. Beaverpond Branch, 66, 142, 144. Bedford, W. J. B., 189. Bedford County, 9, 40, 59, 111. Belcher, Jacob, 77. "Belfast," 160, 161, 220. Bell, David, 42. Bell, Mrs. Judith, 42. Bell, Martha, 131. Bell, Polaski B., 58. Bell, William F., 74, 87, 107, 109, 136. Belle Isle, 172. "Bellefont," 212, 257. "Bellevue," 168. "Bellfield," 107, 156, 186, 202, 204. "Bellgrove," 105. Bell's Mill, 78, 79, 87. Bell's Ordinary, 76. Bell's Tavern, 80, 192. Bent Creek, 67, 219. Bentley, Capt. William, 93. 185. Berkeley, Parke Henry Farley, 185 |