Jennytoe. Daniel Coleman, surveyor of road from Captain Jones's Quarter to Wintercomake in room of Robert Coleman. William Jackson surveyor of the road in place of John Leverett. On petition, Samuel Jordan, that the bridge near Nottoway formerly built by him being on a public road and out of repair, etc., ordered that Charles Irby let it to bidder, etc. Henry Anderson surveyor from Anderson's Road into Mr. Booker's Road to the River Bridge and naming persons, etc. Lodwick Tanner appointed surveyor of road to be cleared from Granger's path into the road to the Bridge and hands named, etc. Robert Ferguson surveyor of the road from the Harricane into Jordan's Road in the room of Jackson. Ordered a road to be cleared from a little below John Winn's into Fisher's cart path and from there to Jordan's Bridge. County levy: 16 wolf heads; 1185 tithables at fifteen lbs. tobacco per head. 1742: George Avery surveyor of the road from Ward's Quarter into Anderson's Road; Ward's, Mrs. Anderson's and Wilkerson's hands to do the same. Thomas Covington to clear the road from Ward's Quarter to the foot of the hills the other side Flatt Creek at Craddock's Bridge. Petition for a bridge over Appomattox at Captain Hudson's Quarter where David Lyle lately dwelt, granted, and Commissioners appointed to consult Goochland. Petition, William Westbrook, to erect mill on Lee's Creek (opposite land owned by Richard Dennis). Samuel Jordan appointed surveyor of the road from Nottoway Chapel to Prince George County Line; John Thomas from Jordan's Branch to Cock's Road; Arthur Leigh from Nottoway Road to the fork of Nottoway; William Evans from Jordan's Bridge to Great Nottoway; Charles Irby from his house to West Creek; John Benson from West Creek to the Court House; William Jackson from Great Nottoway to the county line of Prince George and the Church Road up to the Harry Cain; Robert Ferguson from the Harricane to the Chappell; James Anderson from Dandy's Race Paths to Captain Starke's new Quarter; William Yarbro up to the ridge of Nottoway; George Bagley from Spinner's to Dandy's Race Paths; Major Richard Jones from Spinner's to Wintercomake; Daniel Coleman from Wintercomake to Namozain Bridge; William Dunifant from Knibb's Creek to the bridge over Appomattox River; Thomas Brooks from Anderson's Road down to bridge over the River; Robert Ferguson from Comb's Bridge over Flatt Creek to Court House; Samuel Cobbs from fork Burton's Road to Knibb's Creek; Henry Anderson from Knibb's Creek to Mrs. Anderson's Bridge [?] and to Booker's Road. Christopher Robertson, old and infirm and hardly able to support himself, made levy free. Bathol. Archer surveyor of road to be cleared from Appomattox River near Colonel Richard Randolph's Quarter up to Hill's Fork on Vaughan's Creek. Henry Dawson surveyor of road to be cleared from Echols Road on Stock's Creek up to the ridge at fork of Sandy Creek. Bridge ordered to be let over Deep Creek at Green's and that a road be cleared from said bridge into the main road the best way to Burton's Bridge, and Abraham Green, gent., appointed surveyor of same. Ordered Edward Robertson and Robert Rowland be paid for building bridge over Deep Creek at Peter Jones's Quarter. Frederick Ford surveyor bridle road from Nottoway Road to Rocky Run Chappell. John Childrey surveyor from Saylor's to Sandy Creek. County levy: 1120 pounds tobacco for wolf heads at 140 pounds each. 1394 tithes at nine pounds tobacco per head. 1743: Christopher Hinton surveyor of a road from said Hinton's into the main road below Rocky Run Chappell. Thomas Markham surveyor from Lyle's Ford in room Thomas Burton. Abraham Cock, gent., surveyor of the road from John Thomas's to the bridge from Nottoway and to the ridge path near the race paths and has agreed it shall be through the field by his peach orchard, the persons to clear are Henry and William Batts, Edward Cox, Laugh. [?] Flyn, William Cross and said Cox's male tithables. Arthur Leigh surveyor from Thomas's to Main Nottoway; the same hands as before excepting those on Cock's and others convenient. Commissioners report that a bridge from William Booker's [?] land in this county to George Williamson's land in Goochland near Jennytoe is the most convenient place for a bridge above Flatt Creek and were authorized to confer with Goochland. Ordered a road to be cleared from the Ridge Road to the place where it is believed a bridge will be built at Bass's. John Nash, gent., appointed surveyor of a road from Bush River Branch across Saylor's Creek into Walker's Road. William Marshall surveyor from the Lawyer's Path into Anderson's Road; the persons employed, Roger, Davis, and Stephen Neale, Josiah Tatum, Robert Thompson, Peter Thompson, John Osborne, William Clarke, William Hatchett, John Pride, William Marshall and Hugh Chambers. Josiah Motley with his gang is ordered to clear a bridle way out of Bush River Road above Mr. Read's into Nottoway Road. Anthony Griffin su surveyor of the road from Watson's musterfield along the ridge to the first branch of Snale's Creek; the persons employed, Sell Johnson, Henry Johnson, Daniel Dejarnett and Captain Watson. Abraham Green surveyor from the fork of Booker's Road to lower bridge over Appomattox, the persons employed, Francis, Robert and Samuel Mann, Samuel Morgan, Thomas Reams, John Perdue, Abraham Burton, Essex and Thomas and Daniel Bevill, Mr. Botts, Ralph Perkinson and Samuel Pitchford and they are also to clear a road from Deep Creek Bridge to the River Bridge as near Burton's and Bevill's lines as possible. John Blanchett surveyor of the road from Booker's Fork to the fork of the road leading to the upper River Bridge. Report of Commissioners that Goochland Justices re be fuse to join in building bridge near Jennytoe and directing suit against them. Lewis Vaughan surveyor from West Creek into Bush River Road in room of William Mayes; the persons employed, Robert Vaughan, Jeremiah Childrey, William Baldwin's Quarter, Edmund Covington, William Mayes, John Ellis. Watson's Road comes into Flatt Creek; Jackson's Road comes into Church Road at Nottoway Road from Yarbrow's to Woody Creek, crossing Irby's Road. County levy: 23 wolves, bounty for. 1558 tithables, twelve pounds tobacco per head. 1744: Order letting bridge over Nottoway River in conjunction with Brunswick. Mr. John Hull to have liberty to clear a road from Deep Creek into the road near James Anderson's. Edward Thweatt apponted surveyor of road to be cleared beginning at James Anderson's and so into Butterwood Road at or near Leith's Creek. Petition of Richard Jones, Jr., for one acre of land on West Creek for Mill, land opposite side himself belonging to George Steegal. Commissioners appointed to agree with Henrico to let to "build or rebuild a bridge over Appomattox River at Abraham Burton's." Major Richard Jones surveyor of road over the head of his mill in room of George Bagley. Thomas Bevill surveyor of road in place of Abraham Green. Robert Rowland authorized to open a bridle way out of Anthony Griffin's Road to Sandy River Chappell. Petition of Francis Anderson to have road cleared to Clement's Mill, etc. Co. levy: 1766 tithables at twelve pounds tobacco per poll. 9 wolf heads paid for. 1745: Commissioners report they have let Burton's Bridge to be built by Thomas Anderson and kept in repair seven years. Commissioners appointed to view a cart way from Henry Robinson's house to his mill. On motion of William Watson, gent., it is ordered that a bridleway be opened from the New Road at head of Lazaretto to Nottoway Chapple and that said Watson, Matthew Cabiness, James Olive, Edward and Nathaniel Robertson and Isham Vaughan and their tithes clear the same and that Matthew Cabiness be surveyor thereof. James Olive surveyor of the New Road from Mallory's Creek to the Race Paths below Watson's and that Peter Jones's tenants, Watson's and all others convenient to said road clear the same. Robert Vaughan surveyor of the Fork Road from Irby's Courthouse Road into Bush River Road. Richard Hix ordered to clear the road from where Irby's Road crosses the road to Mayes's down to Deep Creek. Ordered that a road be cleared from Rev. Mr. John Overby's to Dandy's Race Paths. William Dandy, William Short, Thomas Williams, Ephrim West, John West, John Clark, William Hardwrarthe [?] and their tithes work same and William Dandy be surveyor. John Mayes surveyor of road from Dandy's Race Paths into Thomas Jones's Road. Ordered a road be cleared from Mallory's Creek along the Ridge to Randolph's Road at the head of Bush el and Meherrin rivers, and that Anthony Griffin, hands of Colonel Richard Randolph's Quarter where Harding is overseer, and Captain John Nash's Quarter, etc., etc., open and clear the same. Order granting Henry Robertson leave to clear the cart path applied for before. Order appointing surveyors to clear Appomattox River mentions that there were below Flatt Creek an upper and lower bridge (the former must have been at Goode's). Ordered that a road be cleared beginning against Edward Jones and to cross West Creek near Tully's Branch and from there between Wilkinson's Quarter and Ward's the best and nearest way to the Court House. Edward Jones, John Osborn, Stephen Bentley and their tithes-both the Wilkinson's, Ward's and Mr. Hardaway's tithes to clear the same, and Mr. Hardaway be surveyor. Thomas Anderson reports he had built the bridge over Appomattox at Burton's and Commissioners authorized to receive the same and pay him fifty pounds, Amelia's proportion. William Barnes ordered to clear road from or near Whitworth's in Saylor's Creek Road below the Race Paths, and the tithes of Mr. Meredith and Thomas Whitworth, Jr., to be employed. William Yarbrough permitted to clear a road from his house into Captain Irby's Road to the Court House. John Tally surveyor road from Namozain Bridge to James Coles's Spring Branch and Robert Tucker from that point to Wintercomake. Daniel Coleman surveyor from Wintercomake to Rocky Run; Thomas Booth from Rocky Run to Spinner's Branch. Abraham Green, gent., granted leave to clear bridleway from his house to Rocky Run Chapple. County levy: 17 wolf heads allowed. 1886 tithes at nine pounds tobacco per poll. 1746: Bridge on Flatt Creek near William Craddock's and Comb's Bridge on Flatt Creek ordered repaired. Report that the bridge over Appomattox is much out of repair and Commissioners appointed to confer with Henrico on subject of rebuilding said bridge (Goode's probably?) Ordered a road be cleared from Stock's Creek to Sandy Creek and John Moulden surveyor. Orderer to let the rebuilding of the bridge over Appomattox at Goode's. 2056 tithables. 1747: Order to clear a road from Henry Robertson's mill path to Crenshaw's Ford over Little Nottoway into Jordan's Road below the chappell. 1748: Bridge ordered on Little Nottoway where Yarborough's Road crosses it. Petition for dividing Raleigh Parish presented in court and ordered certified. John LeNeve70 recommended for deputy clerk. 1749: Raleigh Parish had been divided in two by April Court, but I find no order of division. John LeNeve qualified as deputy clerk. 70 Now spelled Leneave. Amelia Order Book [no number given] 1780: John Howson applied for water grist mill on Deep Creek opposite Stephen Johns's. P. 30, John Howson got order to build grist mill on Deep Creek opposite Stephen Johns's. James Anderson surveyor road from Watson's Old Ordinary to the county line in place of Bagley; Dickerson Jennings, from Jennings Ordinary to Watson's Old Ordinary in place of Richard Bradshaw. 1782: William Bell got permission to erect his mill on Flatt Creek. P. 99, Peter Stanback granted ordinary license at the Court House of this County. P. 163, Petition of John and Joseph Jennings to build water grist mill on Deep Creek below mouth Cabin Branch, they having lands on both sides creek. P. 98-100, Divides the county into several districts for overseers of the poor, naming many roads, creeks, etc. 1792: Edwin Booker, Sheriff. 1795 [?]: Richard Ogilby, Coroner [?] of Amelia, 1790. Land Book, Amelia, 1787.71 Francis Epes charged with 993 acres; Francis Epes charged with 816 acres; Francis Epes charged with 1738 acres; Francis Epes charged with 400 acres; Peter Epes charged with 1175 acres; Robert Fitzgerald charged with 277 acres; William Fitzgerald charged with 1098 acres; William Fitzgerald charged with 21811⁄2 acres; Francis Fitzgerald charged with 766 acres; Francis Fitzgerald charged with 21811⁄2 acres; James Oliver's Est. charged with 150 acres; Isaac Oliver charged with 548 acres; Richard Oliver charged with 100 acres; Richard Oliver charged with 450 acres; Richard Pryor charged with 150 acres; Luke Pryor charged with 150 acres; Philip Pryor charged with 324 acres; John Royall charged with 1370 acres; John Royall charged with 110 acres; Little B. Royall charged with 535 acres; Little B. Royall charged with 167 acres; Benjamin Ward, Jr., (heir or heirs) charged with 527 acres; Benjamin Ward, Jr., (heir or heirs) charged with 705 acres; William Watson charged with 1556 acres; Sherwood Walton charged with 400 acres. 71See Land Book, no. 5, Amelia, 1782-1801 (Archives Dept., Virginia State Library). CHESTERFIELD COUNTY. Chesterfield County Court Order Book, No. 1. 1749: Among the first justices to hold first court were Richard Eppes, Seth Ward, Richard Royal, John Baugh, William Eppes, etc. 1750: Edward Watson, a witness, paid for attendance upon March Court-p. 92. |