
livered himself with great clearness and judgment; but also because they were always willing to be convinced and persuaded by him, from the opinion they had of his sincerity and kindness; for he treated afflicted persons with great tenderness and compassion. He first felt their pains, before he attempted their cure; and wept with them, that with him they might afterwards rejoice. And the same charity often engaged him, in composing quarrels and disputes among relations and friends. Most who knew him, desired his assistance in those cases, often leaving their differences to his determination alone: the most opposite interests and tempers agreeing in this, that there could be no partial proceedings where he was concerned.

His management of the duty of reproof.

His management of the duty of reproof, is another instance of his charity to men's souls. He hardly ever omitted to reprove, where he saw it necessary; which shews, considering how hard a duty reproof is, especially to one of his great modesty, that a zeal for God had gained the entire ascendant of his soul, and conquered even his natural temper. But as he seldom neglected to reprove, when it was fit for him to do it; so he had a peculiar happiness in the way and manner of reproving: he did it in such a prudent obliging way, as to gain more friends by his reproofs, than many do by their flatteries: his rebukes were always delivered with that address and concern, that force of argument and persuasive eloquence, as he seldom failed of making the man his convert, but was sure of his friendship and esteem. And I have been assured by his friends, particularly a great man, who

had a long and intimate acquaintance with him; that they have wondered to see passionate and proud men endure such home and cutting reproaches; delivered with such plainness from him, without the least return of resentment: and that his method of reproving was so particular and uncommon, that it is impossible for any, who did not see it often, and the strange effects it produced, to have any just notion of it. Such force there is in prudent and well managed zeal; so different, both in value and success, from the insolent reproofs of the violent and haughty; which only expose such foolish reformers, and harden sinners in their crimes.

His charity

to the poor.

But his charity was not so entirely confined to men's souls, as to neglect their bodies; great was his concern for both and by his bounty to the one, he often made way for success to his charitable endeavours on the other. By the exactest computation his most intimate friends, who were best acquainted both with his fortune and charity, could make, he gave away the eighth part of his yearly income to the poor. And some years, when objects were numerous, he saved nothing at all. His private papers sufficiently shew, what a Christian feeling he had of the sufferings and necessities of the poor; and there are several meditations in them, to move us to compassionate and relieve them. And in one place he prays for charity in this manner : "Give me faith, that will make me dare to be charitable, without fear of wanting myself, by what I lend or give away: that will make me freely commit all my worldly concerns to God, and trust him with

my fortune, my reputation, and life itself: that so I may see myself his care; and under the conduct of his providence, ordering and over-ruling my whole life, and every circumstance of it."

He never heard of any in want, but he generously relieved them; and frequently desired his friends to find out for him poor housekeepers, and such as were ashamed to beg; for such he esteemed the fittest objects of his charity. And to several he gave yearly pensions; that they might not only be comforted with present relief, but the prospect of future supply: and left instructions in his will for the continuance of those pensions; and ordered a considerable sum of money to be laid out in charity for ever.

Nay, his bounty to the poor was so great, and built on such right principles, that neither his being of a sickly constitution, and consequently needing more to support him than if he had been healthy, nor yet the apprehensions of losing his employment in the late king James's reign, were the least restraints upon his charity, as may appear by the following meditation, written in the year 1688, and during a fit of sickness.

"My God, I am unworthy of the least of all thy mercies, much more of these comfortable conveniences which thy fatherly tenderness provides for my repose, while thou thinkest fit to lay thy hand upon me. How dost thou afflict us in measure? Shall then the consideration of my sickliness, that I cannot shift so well, nor live on so little as I might do if I were well, discourage me from imparting of what I now have, to those that need it, (though I have reason

to fear the loss of all I have,) when I see how tender thy goodness and care is in providing for me according to the condition thou puttest me in; and that thou dost not lay on us many troubles, nor at any time more than we are able to bear: it shall not hin-. der me, O Lord, by the aid of thy grace; but as I have freely received, so will I freely give; and do thou deal with me as seemeth good to thee. Amen."

But so great, so generous was Mr. Bon- His charity nell's charity, as to extend even to injuries to enemies. and enemies; insomuch that, I believe, few ever more fully obeyed the command, or imitated the example of our Lord, in loving his enemies, and praying for his persecutors. When he heard that any had spoken reflectingly of him, he was hardly ever known to resent it. And though human nature is hardly ever more provoked, than by injurious or reproachful words; yet so much had grace with him got the mastery of nature, that the use he made of slanders and reflections, was, to examine himself, "If he had never been guilty of detraction towards others; or at least heard them censured, without striving to justify them: if he had, then he hoped what he then suffered, was all the punishment God designed him for it: if so, he cheerfully embraced it."

And when, immediately after the late Revolution, an attempt was made to deprive him of his employment; a gentleman having made great interest for it;. and when things were brought to that pass, that both he and his friends looked upon the employment as lost; yet he was rarely known to speak an angry word against his supplanter. And when others, who

were concerned for Mr. Bonnell, would express themselves with some heat against that gentleman; he commonly pleaded for him, and said every thing that could be offered in his favour. Those designs indeed miscarried, but Mr. Bonnell's charity was still the same. And how little such an attempt discomposed him, the following meditation, composed upon that particular occasion, will shew.


"O my God, I have often solemnly offered up to thee my place; thou now takest me at my word: ought I not to rejoice and be satisfied, that thou acceptest of any thing from me? For me now to be any way troubled or repine at it, would be a childish act between man and man; much more, sinful, between a creature and its God. I bless thee for the entire readiness which thou hast put into me heretofore to offer it up to thee: for this gives me now the greatest comfort, in thy taking it from me.

How happy am I, in having disengaged myself from the world before this difficulty! How gracious has my God been to me, in having led me to it by the hand that I might be light and free from all incumbrances, to follow his blessed will without uneasiness! I thought to have past out of the world, into a nearer attendance on thy service, with ease, joy, and triumph. Thy wisdom hath over-ruled my foolish measures: thou hast thought fit, that this change should not be without some hardship. But should I think worse of it for that? Are not the greatest things brought about by conflicts? To silence all the rest, was not the redemption of the world brought about by the bitter agony of thy dear Son? Shall I be afraid to 8

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