
never struck me before-see what it is to have younger eyes—a mitre, a mitre, it corresponds in every respect. >>

The resemblance was not much nearer than that of Polonius's cloud to a whale, or an ouzel; it was sufficient, however, to put the Antiquary's brains to work. « A mitre, my dear sir,» continued he, as he shewed the way through a labyrinth of inconvenient and dark passages, and accompanied his disquisition with certain necessary cautions to his guest-« A mitre, my dear sir, will suit our abbot as well as a bishop-he was a mitred abbot, and at the very top of the rolltake care of these three steps- I know MacCribb denies this, but it is as certain as that he took away my Antigonus, no leave asked—you'll see the name of the Abbot of Trotcosey, Abbas Trottocosiensis, at the head of the rolls of parliament in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries-- there is very little light here, and these cursed womankind always leave their tubs in the passage-now take care of the corner-ascend twelve steps and ye are safe.»

Mr Oldbuck had, by this time, attained the top of the winding stair which led to his own apartment, and opening a door, and pushing aside a piece of tapestry with which it was covered, his first exclamation was, « What are you about here, you sluts » A dirty bare-footed chambermaid threw down her duster, detected in the heinous fact of arranging the sanctum sanctorum, and fled out of an opposite door from the face of

her incensed master. A genteel-looking young woman, who was superintending the operation, stood her ground, but with some timidity.


Indeed, uncle, your room was not fit to be seen, and I just came to see that Jenny laid every thing down where she took it up. >>

«And how dare you, or Jenny either, presume to meddle with my private matters? (Mr Oldbuck hated putting to rights as much as Dr Orkborne or any other professed student.) Go sew your sampler, you monkey, and do not let me find you here again, as you value your ears. assure you, Mr Lovel, that the last inroad of these pretended friends to cleanliness was almost as fatal to my collection as Hudibras's visit to that of Sidrophel, and I have ever since missed

'My copperplate, with almanacks
Engraved upon't, and other knacks;
My moon-dial, with Napier's bones,
And several constellation stones;
My flea, my morpeon, and punaise,
I purchased for my proper ease.'

And so forth, as old Butler has it."

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The young lady, after curtesying to Lovel, had taken the opportunity to make her escape during this enumeration of losses. « You'll be poisoned here with the volumes of dust they have raised, » continued the Antiquary, « but I assure you the dust was very ancient, peaceful, quiet dust, about an hour ago, and would have remained so for a hundred years, had not these gypseys disturbed it, as they do every thing else in the world,»

It was, indeed, some time before Lovel could, through the thick atmosphere, perceive in what sort of den his friend had constructed his retreat. It was a lofty room of middling size, obscurely lighted by high narrow latticed windows. One end was entirely occupied by bookshelves, greatly too limited in space for the number of volumes placed upon them, which were, therefore, drawn up in ranks of two and three files deep, while numberless others littered the floor and the tables, amid a chaos of maps, engravings, scraps of parchment, bundles of papers, pieces of old armour, swords, dirks, helmets, and highland targets. Behind Mr Oldbuck's seat, (which was an ancient leathern-covered easy-chair, worn smooth by constant use,) was a huge oaken cabinet, decorated at each corner with Dutch cherubs, having their little duck-wings displayed, and great jolter-headed visages placed between them. The top of this cabinet was covered with busts, and Roman lamps and pateræ, intermingled with one or two bronze figures. The walls of the apartment were partly clothed with grim old tapestry, representing the memorable story of Sir Gawaine's wedding, in which full justice was done to the ugliness of the Lothely Lady; although, to judge from his own looks, the gentle knight had less reason to be disgusted with the match on account of disparity of outward favour, than the romancer has given us to understand. The rest of the room was panelled, or wainscotted, with black oak, against which hung two

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or three portraits in armour, being characters in Scottish history, favourites of Mr Oldbuck, and as many in tie-wigs and laced coats, staring representatives of his own ancestors. A large oldfashioned oaken table was covered with a profusion of papers, parchments, books, and non-descript trinkets and gewgaws, which seemed to have little to recommend them, besides rust and the antiquity which it indicates. In the midst of this wreck of ancient books and utensils, with a gravity equal to Marius among the ruins of Carthage, sat a large black cat, which, to a superstitious eye, might have presented the genius loci, the tutelar dæmon of the apartment. The floor, as well as the table and chairs, was overflowed by the same mare magnum of miscellaneous trumpery, where it would have been as impossible to find any individual article wanted, as to put it to any use when discovered.

Amid this medley, it was no easy matter to find one's way to a chair, without stumbling over a prostrate folio, or the still more awkward mischance of overturning some piece of Roman or ancient British pottery. And, when the chair was attained, it had to be disencumbered, with a careful hand, of engravings which might have received damage, and of antique spurs and buckles, which would certainly have occasioned it to any sudden occupant. Of this, the Antiquary made Lovel particularly aware, adding, that his friend, the Rev. Doctor Heavysterne from the Low Countries, had sustained much injury by

sitting down suddenly and incautiously on three ancient calthrops, or craw-taes, which had been lately dug up in the bog near Bannockburn, and which, dispersed by Robert Bruce to lacerate the feet of the English chargers, came thus in process of time to endamage the sitting part of a learned professor of Utrecht.

Having at length fairly settled himself, and being nothing loth to make enquiry concerning the strange objects around him, which his host was equally ready, as far as possible, to explain, Lovel was introduced to a large club, or bludgeon, with an iron spike at the end of it, which, it seems, had been lately found in a field on the Monkbarns property, adjacent to an old buryingground. It had mightily the air of such a stick as the Highland reapers use to walk with on their annual peregrinations from their mountains. But Mr Oldbuck was strongly tempted to believe, that, as its shape was singular, it might have been one of the clubs with which the monks armed their peasants in lieu of more martial weapons, whence, he observed, the villains were called Colve-carles, or Kolb-kerls, that is, Clavigeri, or club-bearers. For the truth of this custom, he quoted the chronicle of Antwerp and that of St Martin, against which authorities Lovel had nothing to oppose, having never heard of them till

that moment.

Mr Oldbuck next exhibited thumb-screws, which had given the Covenanters of former days the cramp in their joints, and a collar with the

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