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Titles of Articles are printed in heavier type. The names of authors of
articles are printed in italics.]


ga Khan, H.H. the, 'India in
Transition,' 404.

Allbutt, Sir Clifford, 'System of
Medicine,' 357 note.

Allies, War Council, 250-disposi-
tions of the reserve, 250-252-
numerically inferior, 252-system
of the restricted offensive, 254-
local successes, 255-causes of the
Successful operations, 504, 519–522.
America's First Year of War, 89——
Sources of opposition to participa-
tion, ib.-disappearance of German
propaganda, 90-hostility of Irish
Americans to England, 91-views
on the Irish question, ib.—views of
the Pacifists, 92-the Socialists,
92-94-result of elections, 93-pro-
cess of educating the people, 94-99
German peace intrigues, 96
diplomatic offensive' of President
Wilson, 97-extent of American
participation in the War, 100-
programme of construction, 101-
increase of the Navy, 102-the
Army, ib.-Aviation Service, 103—
Shipping, ib.-Food requirements
of the Allies,104-Railroad Systems,
nd the raising of Funds, ib.-
Causes of the failure to complete
ts programme, 105-108-creation
f the Council of National Defence,
07-failure of the transportation
ystem and construction of ships,
-system of government, 108—
organisation, ib.-method of con-
cription, 109.

Vol. 230.-No. 457.

Ammianus, Marcellinus, the History
of, 39. See Latin.

Archer, William, India and the
Future,' 418, 422.

Armas, José de, 'Spain and Gibral-
lar,' 182.

2 M


Army, British, military operations
on the Western Front, 236-246,
504-519 in Italy, 246-248-in
Palestine, 248-Mesopotamia, 249
-number of prisoners and guns
captured, 514-defeat of the Turks
in Palestine, 523-at Archangel,

Asquith, Rt. Hon. H. H., on the rise
in food prices, 149,

Austria-Hungary, military operations
against Italy, 246-248.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Brooke, Rupert, 'The Soldier,' 386.

Brown, Horatio F., 'The Ideals and
Aspirations of Italy,' 131-"The
English in the Levant,' 257.

Bucarest, The Four Treaties of,
166 the first Treaty, ib. — the
second, 167-170-the third, 170-175
-the fourth, 175–181.

Bulgaria, defeat of the army, 522–
proposals for an armistice, 523-
surrender, 528.

Burghley, William Cecil, Lord,
policy of foreign trade, 258.

Burrows, Dr, on the third Treaty of
Bucarest, 171.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

-cases of conviction, 344-
cipline of the benches of jury-co
345-'misdirections,' ib.-Res
able,' 346-appeal against co
tion, 347-types of cases, 3
'mixed' verdicts, 349-award
punishment, 350-power of mi
tion in cases, 351-remission
penalties, 352-misreception of
dence, 353-case of Palmer, 3
"Three Brides,' ib.-influenc
'similar acts,' 355-value of
work of the Court, 355, 360-tr
ment of the habitual criminal, 3
the mentally affected,' 358-3
Is the Court to have the powe
ordering a new trial? 358-facil
to poor prisoners,' 359.
Curtis, Lionel, 'Letters to the Pe
of India,' 410.

[blocks in formation]


Fayle, C. Ernest, 'The Principles of
Reconstruction,' 319.

Finance, British, During and
After the War, 190-national
wealth and trade, ib.-increase in
the power of production, 191-war
expenditure, ib.-war Budgets, 192
table of Receipts and Expendi-
tara, 193-taxation, 195-amount
of the National Debt, 196-cost of
the war, 197-expenditure after
the war, 198-alternative methods
of meeting the charge, 199-assess-
ment of farmers, 200-institution
of a small annual tax on capital,
201-estimate of the income and
expenditure for the years 1907 and
1917..202-need for increased pro-
duction, 203-advantages and dis-
advantages of the old economic
policy, 204-waste in the produc-
tion and consumption of food, 205
output of steel, ib.-report of
the Labour Party on reconstruc-
tion, 206-cost of demobilisation,
207-foreign investments, 208-
food imports, ib.-development of
trade, 209-amount borrowed

abroad, 210-position of shipping,
211-re-transfer from War Loans
to oversea enterprises, 212-emi-
gration, ib.-co-operation between
Capital and Labour, 213.

[ocr errors]

Fisher, Bt Hon. H. A. L., 'The Last
of the Latin Historians,' 38.
Food Problem, 1914-1918, 145-
appointment of a Cabinet Com-
mittee on Food Supplies, 146–
Defence of the Realm Act, 147-
Sugar Commission, ib.-Committee
on Grain Supplies formed, 148-
rise in shipping freights, ib.-in-
crease in the food prices, 149, 154,
156 submarine menace, 150, 154,
158-question of increased home
production, b.-report of Lord
Milner's Committee, 151- the
Licensing Committee, 152-Requi
sition Committee, b.-Port and
Transit Committee, 153-Shipping
Control Committee, ib.-campaign
for National Economy, 155-short-
age of labour, 156-demands of the
Trade Union Congress, 157-short-
age of wheat, 158-Reports of the
Food Prices Committee, 159, 162
-Royal Commission on wheat

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Gentz, Friedrich von, Fragments
upon the Balance of Power,' 294.
German Propagandist Societies,
70-the D. U. Transozean, 70-74
publications, 73-two separate
companies, ib.-Hamburg Colonial
Institute,. 74-War Combine of
German Industries, ib.-Union for
Germanism in Foreign Countries,
75-German-Bulgarian Society, ib.
-German-Balkan and Turkish
Societies, 76-German-Asia Minor
Society, 78-Levant Association,
ib.-German-Asiatic and Persian
Associations, 79-German-Chinese
Society, ib.-Indian Association,
80-the Frankfort Bureau, 80-82-
German-South American Institute,
82-84-Hamburg Iberian-American
Society, 84-86-number and cost,
86-futility of the propagandist
efforts, 87.

Germany, ident

'Germania,' 132-134.
Germany and Sinn Fein, 214. See
Sinn Fein.

Germany, military operations on the
Western front, 236-246, 504-519-
tactical methods, 254-inactivity a
confession of failure, 255-evacuate
Lens, 514 loss of men and guns,
ib.-rapidity of retreat, 522-mili-
tary operations in Northern Russia
and Siberia, 524-527.

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Hooker, Sir Joseph: A Great
Naturalist, 453-expedition in
the 'Erebus,' 454-association with
Lyell and Darwin, ib.-with Hux-
ley, 455-marriage, ib.-founds the
'X Club,' 456-letters, 457-a great
botanist, 458-organisation of the
gardens at Kew, ib.-contributions
to scientific botany, 459-editor of
the Icones Plantarum' and the
'Botanical Magazine,' 460-publi-
cation of other works, 460, 466-
geographical distribution of plants,
461-463, 465-Essay on the Origin
of Species, 463-means and causes
of the migration of plants, 464-
experiments on Pitcher Plants,
467-morphological work, ib.-in-
vestigations on 'Welwitschia,' 467-
469-work as President of the
Royal Society, 469-characteristics,
470, 472-influence of his father,
470-views on education, 471—
habits and tastes, 472-friends,


Huxley, Leonard, 'The Life and
Letters of Sir Joseph Dalton
Hooker,' 453.

Huxley, T. H., voyage in the 'Ra
snake,' 455-friendship with
win and Hooker, ib.


India, Constitutional Reform
401-extracts from the Mont
Chelmsford Report, 401 et s
'Conditions of the Problem,'
-demand for radical changes
-'politically-minded classes,'
407-'the voiceless millions,' 4
local self-government, 408-
vincial spheres, 409-'the reser
and transferred subjects,'
disadvantages of the schem
'Joint Address,' 410-subjects
can be transferred,' 411-co
tution of the new electorate,

communal representatives,' 4
proposed Legislative Assembly
Council of State, 413-abolitic
the 'statutory' restrictions, 4
K. Vyasa Rao's 'Future Gov
ment of India,' 416-relat
between the British and In
Governments, 417-developme
resources, 418-reception of
Report, 419-421.

India a Nation, Is? 422-clai
unity, ib.-number of langua
423-statistics of education,
426-universal language, 49
'Western educated section,' 4
position of the Brahmans, 4
number and characteristics,
caste system, 430-extension
communal representation, 431.
Italy, The Ideals and Aspirati
of, 131-England, 132-Germa
132-134-France, 134-Italy, i
religious fervour of the races,
138 A Maria,' ib.-' A Dio,'
-'L'Altare,' 137-continuity
the historical appeal, 138-in
affection for the patria bella,
-political union, 140-vision
the future, 141-value of the A
atic, 142-the poets D'Annu
and Sem Benelli, 143.

Italy, military operations agai
Austria, 246-248.


Jerusalem, The Latin Kingd
of, 111-extent, 112-history,
-battle of Gaza, ib.-entry of

[ocr errors]

Crusaders, 114-mode of elect-
ing rulers, ib.-character of the
Sovereigns, 115-construction of
society, ib.-four independent
states, 116-four baronies, 117—
female influence, 118-cause of the
disaster of Hattin, ib.-case of
Renaud de Châtillon, 119-import-
ance of the middle class, ib.-
character of the Poulains, 120-
mixture of races, 121-the Syrians
and Armenians, 123-Moslems, ib.
Jews, 124-slaves, ib.-Knights
of St John, 125-Templars, ib.-
a fruitful land, 126-civilisation,
127-literature, ib.-architecture,
128-Cyprus, 129-Greece, ib.

rdan, W. G., 'Religion in Song, or
Studies in the Psalter,' 1, 19, 20.

lian, Emperor, influence on Am-
mianus, 50-characteristics, 51-
attitude towards literature, 52–
system of religion, 53.


Enny, C. S., 'Outlines of Criminal
Law,' extract from, 357.

Ew Gardens, organisation, 458.
rkpatrick, A. F., Commentary on
the Psalms,' 13.

ttel, Rudolf, 'Commentary on the
Psalms,' 4, 13.


bour Party, report on reconstruc-
ion, 206.

kester, Sir E. Ray, 'Sir Joseph
Hooker,' 453.

sing, Robert, views on the war,

tin Historians, The Last of the,
-the history of Ammianus, 39
-his birth, 40-use of the Latin
nguage, ib.-impressions of
Come, 41-views of Christianity,
-faith in the permanence and
Ower of the Roman Empire, ib.—
count of the Gothic invasion of
race, 43-in the Protectores
omestici,' 44-military career, ib.
-character of his lectures, 45-

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Levant, The English in the, 257—
development of trade, 258-260-
efforts of private individuals, 260
-right to trade granted to W.
Harborne, 261-negotiations with
Turkey, 262-264-Levant Com-
pany, 264-amalgamated with the
Venetian Company, 265-grant of
a perpetual charter, 266-arrival
of Harborne at Constantinople, 267

-difficulties of his position, 268-
271-E. Barton appointed Ambas-
sador, 272-275-H. Lello, 275-278
-growth of piracy in the Medi-
terranean, 278.

Lords, A Tame House of, 433-
Second Chamber Conference, ib.-
four functions, 434-qualifications
of members, ib.-relations with the
House of Commons, 435-revision
of Bills, 436-appointment of a
Committee or Free Conference,
437, 446-election of members, 438
-rejection of five alternative
plans, ib.-the grouping plan, 440
-division of Great Britain into
thirteen areas, ib.-selection of
candidates, 441-443- election
81 peers, 443-445-secret debates
of the Free Conference, 446-plan
of Compromise, ib.-House of Lords
point of view, 447-its possession
of real power, 449-result of the
system of Conferences, 450-452-
responsibility of Ministers, 451.


Luna, Señor Roso de, 'La Humani-
dad y los Césares,' 184.

Lyall, Sir Alfred, on the policy of
constitutional government in
India, 403.

Lyell, Sir Charles, 'The Principles
of Geology,' 453.

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