[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Murray, John, 1-at Charterhouse, ib.-Edinburgh University, 2 friends, 2, 4, 10, 24-geological studies, 2, 4, 16-at the Theatrical Fand dinner, 3-inspects prehistoric foot-prints of animals, 4business career, 5, 21-Handbooks, 5, 17-travels abroad, 6, 21-attends scientific meetings, 7-marriage, ib.-relations with Prince Metternich, 8-with J. W. Croker, ib.-memorandum on Varna and the Dobrudja, 10-friendship with Dr Schliemann, 11-with Mr Gladstone, 11, 20-publication of Darwin's works, 12-Hon. Treasurer to the Bishop of London's Fund, ib.-gift of speaking, 13-friendship with Dr Livingstone and Paul Du Chaillu, ib.-publication of the Prince Consort's speeches, 14relations with Sir W. Smith, 15

'Scepticism in Geology,' 16house at Wimbledon, 17-library, 18-fondness for walking, ib.member of the Philobiblon Society, 19-faithful attendant, J. Mills, ib.-meeting with J. Bright, 20-failure of 'The Academy, 22characteristics, 23-religious views, 24-generosity, 25.

Murray, John, John Murray III,' 1. Murray, Mrs, marriage, 7-charm of her personality, 8.


Nations, A League of, 207-views of writers, 207-209-meaning of the term, 209-promotion of peace, 210-objects of the League, 211,

226-machinery, 211-prohibition of war, 212-establishment of an International Court or Tribunal, 213-provision for arbitration, 214 -members of the Court to be appointed, 215-Conference or Council of the Powers, 216, 226the moratorium, 217-case of the want of unanimity of members of the Council, 218-the disobedient State, ib.-enforcement of obedi ence, 219-Freedom of the Seas, 221 -character of the provisions of the Treaty, 222, 227-result of an international force, 222-effect on disarmament, 223-acts of war,' ib. -objections to a League of Peace, 224-226.

Nations, A League of, II. La Société des Nations et l'opinion Française, 228-le plan de reconstitution territoriale de Jean Lhomme, 229-un autre projet de M. Demont, 230M. Gaston Moch, 231-Le Comité d'étude et de propagande pour l'Etat-Pax,' 232le president et les membres de l'Association française pour la Société des Nations,' 233-les principes, 234-236-la situation de la Suisse, 237-la procédure à suivre, ib.

Newman, Sir George, member of the Committee on Alcohol, 63 note. Nichols, J., member of the Literary Club, 285.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][graphic][subsumed][merged small]


city of Jerusalem, 327—problem of
sanitation, ib.-the Wailing Wall,
328 the old and the new Yishub,
329-the land problem, 330–332.

Parkes, Dr E. A., 'On the Issue of a
Spirit Ration during the Ashanti
Campaign of 1874,' 70.

Petre, M. D., Democracy at the
Cross-Roads,' 517.

Phillimore, Lord, 'A League of
Nations,' 207.

Plotinus, The Mysticism of, 479
-obscurity, ib.-two aims of his
teaching, 480-influence of Ammo-
nius and Plato, 481-the Enneads,
482-the Triad, 483-meaning of
the word Nous, ib.-the Soul or
Life, 484-486-doctrine of man,
486 views on beauty, 487-con-
sciousness, 488-love, ib.-ecstasy,
489-St Augustine's charge against
the Enneads, 490-spiritual life
a system of self-culture, 491-
Christian mystics, his disciples,
492-works of Victorinus and St
Augustine, 493-creation of a Neo-
platonic theology, ib.-popularity
of the Dionysian writings, 494-
works of Richard of St Victor,
495-philosophy of Eckhart, 496.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

uintero, The Plays of the
Brothers Álvarez, 409-form of
their drama, 410-'El Ojito De-
recho,' 412-'El Patinillo,' ib.-
'Las Flores,' 413-415-'El Cente
nario,' 415-417-treatment of the
life of the middle-classes. 418-El
Amor que Pasa,' 419-'Puebla de
las Mujeres,' 420-'Las de Cain,'
421-Los Leales,' 422-'El Patio,'
423-Pepita Reyes,' and 'Nena
Teruel,' and other plays, 424-
Doña Clarines,' ib.- Mundo,
Mundillo,' 425-La Dicha Ajena'
and Malvaloca,' ib.-genial opti-
mism, 426-428-naturalism, 428-
limitations, ib.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Roland, Mme, 'Appel à l'impartiale
Posterité,' extract from, 288.
Rothschild, The House of, 430-
transactions of Mayer Amschel,
431-Nathan Rothschild, 432-
agent in London, ib.-financial
transactions, 433-the 'Napoleon
of Finance,' 434-advances to con-
tinental States in the war with
France, 435-loan to Prussia, ib.—
relations with Gentz, 436-loan to
Brazil, 437-house in Paris, ib.-
death, 438-sons, ib.-Baron Lionel
Rothschild, 439-financial trans-
actions, 440-the first Lord Roth-
schild and his two brothers, ib.-
hospitalities, 442.

Rowntree, B. Seebohm, 'The Human
Needs of Labour,' 518.

Royal Literary Fund, The
Founder of the, 273. See Wil-

Royds, Rev. T. F., 'Modern Bee-
Keeping,' 498.

Ruhleben Camp, 396- Debating
Society and Concerts, ib.-plays,
397-Camp School, ib.-pictures,
398-Arts and Science Union, ib.-
games, 399-Horticultural Society,
ib.- barbed-wire disease, 400
overcrowding and hunger, ib.
system of self-government, 401-
acts of cruelty, 401, 403-406-cha-
racteristics of the Englishman, 402,
406 the German, 402-407 - the
'Skilly' riots, 405-lack of humour,

Rumania, scheme of Church reform,

Ruppin, Dr A., 'Syria: An Economic
Survey,' extract from, 331.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Seas, The Freedom of the, 184-
meaning of freedom, ib.-views of
Prof. F. Stier Somlo, 185, 186-
proposed imposition of restrictions,
189-establishment of flat rates for
the carriage of cargoes, ib.-in
time of war, 190-object of mari-
time war, 191-destruction of a
fleet, ib.-occupation of the sea,
192 abolition of the right of
capture, 192-196-right of con-
traband seizure, 194-Declaration
of Paris, 197-the Freedom of the
Seas as regards neutrals, 198-201
-increase of the oversea trade of
neutral countries, 200-Declaration
of London, 201-the League of
Nations, 202-Pres. Wilson's views,
ib.- result of reduction of the
British navy, 204-German inter-
pretations of the term, 205.

Serbia, reform of the Church, 119.

Shaw, W. A., The Currency Note in
Relation to Banking and the Ex-
changes,' 97.

Sherrington, Prof. C. S., member of
the Committee on Alcohol, 64 note.

Shipley, Dr, on the symptoms of
Microsporidiosis, 504.

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Smith, Adam,

The Wealth of

Nations,' 282-meeting with Wil-
liams, ib.

Smith, Sir William, friendship with
J. Murray III, 15.

Soley, Prof., The Navy in the Civil
War,' 199 note.

Somlo, Prof. F. Stier, Die Freiheit
der Meere und das Völkerrecht,'
extracts from, 185, 186, 188, 202
Spain, The Empire of, 345-Prof.
Merriman's 'The Rise of the
Spanish Empire in the Old World
and the New,' 345-347 et seq.-
conflict between union and auto-
nomy, 346-Cave of Covadonga,
347-history of Castile, 348-origins
of Aragon, ib.-conquest of the
Canaries, 349-the Catalan Com-
pany, 350-W. Miller's 'The Latins
in the Levant,' ib.-I. L. Plunket's
'Isabel of Castile,' 351-reign of
Ferdinand and Isabella, 352-355-
discovery of America, 355-con-
quests in North Africa and Italy,
356-the Inquisition, 357.

Steele, Dr John, The I-Li or Book
of Etiquette and Ceremonial,'
translated by, 296, 313.

Sullivan, W. C., member of the Com-
mittee on Alcohol, 64 note.
Survivals, The Interpretation of,
445-meaning of the word folk-
lore, 445-448-Sir J. Frazer's 'Folk-
Lore in the Old Testament,' 446-
beliefs of the Jews, 448-habits of
society, 449-results of his re-
searches, 450-classification under
three heads, 451-legend, 451-455-
creation of man, 451-453-the fall
of man, 453-Babel and the Flood,
454-religion, 455-458-sacredness
to stones, 455-the sound of bells,
456-Keepers of the Threshold, 457
-legal institutions, 458-460.


Temple, C. L., 'Native Races and
their Rulers,' 477.

Temple, Rev. W., 'Life and Liberty
for the Church of England,' 333.
Thyssen, Herr A., hostility to Eng-
land,' 89.

Tobacco, influence on the nervous
system, 66.

[ocr errors][merged small]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors][merged small]

Turkey, surrender, 253.


Underhill, Evelyn, 'The Mysticism
of Plotinus,' 479.

Jnited States, Presidential Dicta-
torship in the, 127-powers of the
President, 127, 136-138, 142-com-
plicated system of the Constitution,
128—increased authority of the
Chief Executive, 129-Pres. Wil-
son's criticism of the Constitution,
ib.-authority over the Congress,
131-Selective Draft Act, ib.
legislative measures passed by
Congress, 132-its responsibility,
133-comparison of conditions in
1861 and 1917, 134-conscription
law, 136-Food Control Bill, 137–
control of transportation, ib.-irre-
sponsibility of the President, 138
-duties of Mr Wilson, 139-re-
luctance to delegate power, 140—
opposition to the creation of a
'Committee on the Conduct of the
War,' 141-the Bill of Feb. 6, 1918,
142-proposed presence of members
of the Cabinet in Congress, 143—
control of foreign affairs, 144-147
-policy of Mr Wilson during the
war, 146-148.

topias Unlimited, 510-B. Rus-
sell's Roads to Freedom,' 511-514
-G. D. H. Coles, 'Labour in the
Commonwealth,' 514-517-M. D.
Petre's Democracy at the Cross-
Roads,' 517-B. S. Rowntree's

The Human Needs of Labour,'
518-H. Withers's 'Poverty and
Waste,' 519-F. J. C. Hearnshaw's
Democracy at the Crossways,'
520-522-B. Russell's 'Principles
of Social Reconstruction,' 522-G.
Cannan's monograph on
dom,' 523.


enna, The Revolution in, 263-
ufferings of the middle-class, 264
-character of the Austrian-Ger-
nan, 265-dissolution of Parlia-
nent, ib.-result of the accession

of Emperor Carl, 266 - Brest-
Litovsk peace, 267 - terms of
peace, 268-a federal state, ib.-
policy of Prof. Lammasch and
Count Andrassy, 269-provision of
a constitution for German Austria,
270-conditions of the armistice,
271-abdication of the Emperor,
272-proclaimed a republic, ib.


Wace, Rev. H., Dean of Canterbury,
'A Scientific Decision on Alcohol,'

Wallas, Graham, 'Human Nature in
Politics,' 447.

Walston, Sir Charles, 'The Next
War,' 209.

War, The End of the, 252-result
of the surrender of Bulgaria, ib.—
surrender of Turkey, 253-military
operations in Italy, 253-255-on
the western front, 255-261 — re-
treat of the German army, 258-261
-uncertain cause of the failure,


Whittaker, Thomas, 'The Neopla-
tonists,' 480.

William II, German Emperor, flight,

Williams, David, birth, 273—at the
Dissenting Academy, ib.-ordina-
tion, 274-at Frome, Exeter and
Highgate, ib.-literary composi-
tions, 275-Deistic tendencies, ib.

'Essays on Public Worship,' 276
-system of education, ib.-death
of his wife, 277-meeting with B.
Franklin, 278- - member of the
Thirteen Club, ib.- Liturgy on
the Universal Principles of Re-
ligion and Morality,' 279-project
for establishing a literary fund,
280-287-lectures, 281-portrait,
ib.-meeting with Adam Smith,
282-with Pitt, Fox and Burke,
283-members of the new Club,
285-characteristics, 286-history
of Monmouthshire, 287, 289 — in
Paris, 287-289-history of the
Fund, 290-ill-health, 290, 293-
administration of the Fund, 293—
death and inscription on his tomb,

[ocr errors]

Wilson, President Woodrow, criti-
cism on the American Constitu-
tion, 129-extract from 'Constitu-
tional Government in the United
States,' 130, 145, 148-authority
over Congress, 131-powers of
administration, 136-138, 142
position of irresponsibility, 138-
various duties, 139-reluctance to
delegate power, 140-opposition
to the creation of a 'Committee
on the Conduct of the War,' 141-
control of foreign affairs, 144-146
-policy during the war, 146-148-
on freedom of the seas, 202.

Withers, Hartley, Poverty and
Waste,' 519.

Woolf, L. S., 'International Govern-
ment,' 219.

Wright, Herbert G., The Revolu-
tion in Finland: Its Causes and
Results,' 149.


Zionist movement, character, 326.


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