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He was not only a gifted man in his writings, but also in his ministry, being pre-eminently successful in his devout Occupation. There was not one particle of bigotry in HERVEY's actions, thoughts, or writings. If he met with a Christian it was not his first question, as it is with some, "To what Church do you belong? are you a Churchman or a Dissenter ?" but rather, "What evidence have you of the new birth of an interest in the atoning blood of the Lord Jesus Christ?" This was the grand question; to party matters he did not stoop.

He taught the frailty of man, for he knew it was a humiliating truth. In one of the descriptions which his eloquent pen depicts so vividly (in the Meditations among the Tombs ") occurs a striking warning not to boast of to-morrow. A young man cut down by death in the prime of his life, as he was about to enter the matrimonial state, and was breathing such aspirations as these-"Yet a very little while, and I shall possess the utmost of my wishes," &c., but "the bridal festivity was turned into the funeral solemnity." "Oh, trust not in youth or strength," appeals the writer," or in anything mortal: for there is nothing certain, nothing to be depended on beneath the unchangeable God."

It appears almost necessary for us to expect that an evangelical writer or minister should have been given the character of an Antinomian. Strange that one so explicit as this good man In the hour of his approaching dissowas in his explanations of divine truth lution he is reported to have said, should be so accused. But he was far" Bonus textuaritus est bonus theologus from having such notions, such horrid perversion of the truth. The religion of the Antinomian is more detestable to the free-grace doctrine man than it is to the Puseyite and "moralist." It is well worthy of remark here, that HERVEY exerted all his powers in exploding the fallacious sentiments of the Antinomian, He studied to know himself, which, as SENECCA says, "is the hardest thing for a man to know;" felt his insufficiency as a fallen and sinful creature, and was led to trust in the all-sufficient merits of the Redeemer. The man who professes to understand most of the human heart, and does not bring this as a standard point, viz., his own utter weakness in spiritual matters, is ignorant of human nature, and its inward springs of action.

(a good textuary is a good divine); and that is the armour; the Word of God is the sword. Those texts are the weapons which I must use, when that subtle spirit-that arch adversary of mankind-comes to tempt and sift me in my last conflict." HERVEY! thou couldst not have been equipped with a better mail than an assurance of a blessed realization of eternal happiness in the last hour of conflict, when thy enemy assaulted thee. Thou wielded the weapons in thy life-time, in death thou found them thy only comfort; and now, having laid down thy full quiver, thou hast calmly entered into thy promised rest. Well may we wish that our last end may be like unto his. Northampton.

To the Editor of the Gospel Magazine.

E. L.

SIR,-In last month's Number of the "His bleeding body;" but the cross Gospel Magazine, page 435, col. 2, in the could not sanctify it: there can be article" B. V. M.," the writer has used the following words, "Upon the altar of the cross was He offering up to God His bleeding body."

I think the writer, in this sentence, has made a very serious mistake, and one that I find to be very prevalent; which is, calling, or speaking of the cross as the altar on which our great High Priest offered our sacrifice. We learn from His own lips (Matt. xxiii. 19), that the altar is greater than the gift, and sanctifieth it: the sacrifice was

found nothing but His Deity to do
that. And so I believe that on the
altar of His Godhead He offered His
humanity. In dealing with Romanists
I have found this distinction important.
I feel that there is a great need to be
accurate in our phraseology, especially
on so important a subject; and there-
fore, though reluctant, to act the part
of a critic, I cannot forbear at this
time, and am, my dear brother, in the
best of bonds,
J. D.

Clashmore, Ireland.

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THE church of God are called according Now was the time for the Lord to to His purpose. "There are many devices in a man's heart, but the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand." "A man's heart deviseth his way, but the Lord directeth his steps." "The wrath of man shall praise Him, and the remainder of wrath He will restrain.”

The foregoing scriptures are beautifully exemplified in an instance which has been afforded us within the last two years, and which I shall now briefly relate.

appear. To his astonishment, the people whom he had despised and hated, especially one of them, in his affliction were his greatest friends. He suffered himself to be led to that house of prayer he had in his ignorance vowed never to enter; and then the Word of the Lord found him out. It was fixed as an arrow in his soul. The Lord's servant was addressing the people on the words of Paul-"That I may win Christ and be found in Him." That was the first T. G. was a son of parents who have word he heard with power in the heart; for many years been lovers of Jesus, and and from that time he diligently attended humble, but sincere followers of the the means; and gradually his mind was Lamb. He grew up an enemy to the enlightened, and the sorrows of his heart cross of Christ, and very early broke rose up as a flood. The knees that had away from the house of God, to which never been bent in the worship of God, he had been accustomed to go with his now yielded to the deep necessity felt; parents, and ran into all kinds of wick- the mouth that had been more accusedness, to the great grief of his mother, tomed to the oath or profane jest, now whose prayers for her undutiful son sent forth cries to the God of salvation, were constant. Amongst other instances to Jesus, for mercy; and in due time he of his determined opposition to the found mercy. While sitting in his people of God, it is said that he made a house, literally sitting in darkness, the Vow never to enter the chapel where his Lord arose upon his soul with a glorious parents worshipped. But God, who had light, and the voice of the Lord was thoughts of love and mercy towards this heard speaking peace to his poor,troubled wanderer, took means, peculiarly His heart. Soon after he was constrained to own, to bring down the pride of his come forth and confess Christ, by a public heart, and destroy its enniity. As he profession of His name; and some time was engaged one day in his usual em- after that, by a mysterious movement ployment-farming work-he found, to of Providence, a way was opened for his dismay, that his sight failed him; him to live (rent free) in a house adjoinalthough a young man, he was growing ing the chapel, under the same roof. blind. The affliction increased upon Thus his purposes were cut off, and the him rapidly, and soon he was obliged to Lord's purposes of love and mercy give up his employment and fall back toward him were established. For two upon his club. Still his affliction in-years he has adorned the doctrine of creased; and, notwithstanding all his efforts to ward off the blow, he found his sight entirely gone. Here was a strong man brought down to the weakness and helplessness of a child; a naturally robust constitution reduced to a state of infirmity, by the course of medicine he underwent to cure his eyes.

THE Holy Ghost continues to show us something new in the Saviour; something attracting in His love; something efficacious in His blood; some

Christ by a daily testimony, to all who
will hear him, of his salvation. He is
entirely dependent on the parish, and
the charity of the brotherhood, being
wholly unable to provide for himself,
his wife, and his child.
Blackmore, Essex.

W. T.

thing delightful in His doctrines; something attractive in His invitations.Moody.

To the Editor of the Gospel Magazine.

MY DEAR SIR,-On reading that portion of the Gospel Magazine for July, "A Father's Gift; or, a Thorn in the Flesh," I felt very much disposed to write as there suggested; but on reading the letter from J. K. Hailsham," in the August Number, I came to a decision, because the portions of Scripture mentioned in that (I trust I may say they) belong to me. I hope, therefore, you will excuse the liberty I thus take in writing to you. I would first acknowledge that I have frequently profited from reading the Gospel Magazine: sometimes in the way of encouragement, sometimes of strength, comfort, and sweet communion.

went to the Psalms; at last I came to the 31st Psalm, and these words"Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am in trouble: mine eye is consumed with grief, yea, my soul and my belly. For my life is spent with grief, and my years with sighing my strength faileth because of my iniquity, and my bones are consumed,"

were attended with power, especially, "My strength faileth because of mine iniquity." They seemed to live: it was not merely printed paper, but living words. I saw then where Í was, and was enabled to pour out my soul for pardon. After this I again sank lower than ever. The Magazine, for March, 1857, again came in, and One time, after having enjoyed much described my state in the piece "Trust of the Lord's presence, I fell into a-May I?" But says one, and said I fearful state of mind, cold, dead, and you have not touched my case. Morerebellious; I thought I had never over, it seems useless to attempt to open prayed a real prayer, and resolved never it. It is so complicated, so peculiar, to attempt it again. Just about then, &c., &c. If I had been speaking to the words came to my mind, "In all you, Sir, you could not more accurately thy ways acknowledge Him, and He have described my state. In the cal shall direct thy steps." While looking lous, indifferent state, there described, for them in the Bible I came to other I had (previously to reading that) been passages, which were attended with up to the house of God, where I am power to reprove and to teach : "Be a member. My dear pastor took for careful for nothing, but in everything, his text, Luke xi. 13. He showed with prayer and thanksgiving, make how none would rightly ask for the known thy requests unto God." "Be Holy Spirlt, but those whom the Spirit not rash with thy mouth, and let not had taught to feel their need of Him. thy heart be hasty to utter anything He spoke of adoption, &c., and was led before God," &c. A day or two after to take me up so sweetly that I was I read that piece in the Gospel Maga- glad to go and weep before the Lord, zine for February, 1857, "Why should with feelings I cannot describe; what I fear?" Towards the close of that with the blessing at chapel, and the piece, I again met with the words, blessing of that piece, "Trust-May I?" In all thy ways," &c., and the words, I was quite raised up for a short time. "Prayer, simple, earnest, persevering Soon after this I was somewhat exercised prayer, and a waiting, watchful spirit, concerning a temporal matter, and havfor an answer, is the only advice we ing risen early one morning, I opened can offer." The whole of the piece was my Bible at the 24th of Genesis. It very blessed, but the words I have opened up to me in such a way that I quoted were especially encouraging, felt sure the Lord would grant the and not only then but many times since. desire of my heart. I sensibly felt the Also, "Words for the Weak and Lord's presence; I was refreshed and Weary," in the same month, was a help strengthened. I felt that He was my to me; but I was sunk so low that I God, and that he would never leave me. felt afraid to take comfort from any- This was on March 20th, 1857, and the thing, but I was constrained again to Lord has not yet granted me the temthrow myself before the Lord and weep poral mercy I was then praying for, so from very misery. I went to Job, I'that on reading J. R.'s letter it quite

encouraged me to think that the Lord | port to me (I do not mean merely conwould appear for me yet. It has been cerning this temporal grant I was confirmed to me several times, that the speaking off, for I think I had more Lord would appear to me in this mat-than one cross, or one cross made up of ter, but I have doubted and despaired many), and I have since then realised of it. This has made me rebel most the truth of those remarks; it was the fearfully, and these rebellions have made Number for December, 1858, "Himself me question whether I was born of God. hath done it;" that piece I found I felt that I was like king Saul and particularly sweet. I must now hastily Judas, and that I was given over to a notice how I came by the other two reprobate mind. It was, indeed, a passages, and hope you will excuse me complicated case, one trial acted upon for trespassing so much on your valuable another, and Satan acted upon all, so time. Though surrounded with every that I felt at times, if I could go raving comfort and many friends, yet I was in mad, it would be a relief to me. I was a very desponding state, and full of tempted for a long time to commit forebodings. One day, while looking for suicide. I thought (or Satan said) hell a marginal reference in my Bible, my will be my portion, die when I will, and eye fell upon the words, "Thou shalt I may as well die at once and know the not go forth with haste nor go by worst. Another way in which Satan flight, for the Lord shall go before thee, handled this was: you think the Lord and the God of Israel shall be your will appear for you in this matter; you rereward." These words were attended find He does not and will not grant it, with power, and abode with me some so you must have been deceiving your- time; still I feared to say decidedly that self (for if He had promised to appear they were applied (I like to be cautious He could not fail), and if you are de- and not take things for granted; indeed, ceived in this, you are deceived in all; I cannot), until a little while after they your religion is vain, and you will be were confirmed to me while reading Mr. lost at last. But I have been kept Huntington's remarks in "Light Shining cleaving to the truth through all, and I in Darkness," or, "He that believeth feel now that if I am deceived in that shall not make haste." Some time after point, the Lord has suffered it to try this, being a little more comfortable, I my faith, and if I perish I will perish at went up one week evening to the lecture. His feet; but, if he should grant it My pastor, in the course of his sermon, after all this time, I must say His time quoted the words, "He that goeth is the best time. For, by withholding forth weeping, bearing precious seed, it, he has brought me to a deeper shall doubtless come again rejoicing, knowledge of the deceitfulness of my bringing his sheaves with him." heart, and to know and desire to know spoke of being distressed and tired, yet, more of the riches of His grace. in the midst of all, the seed of truth You must think, Sir, under these cir- abode in our hearts, and, therefore, we cumstances, how anxiously I read the should come again with sheaves of conpieces on "Is it from the Lord ?" and Isolation. I do not remember any more must say (though the other pieces were good, yet they were not quite to the purpose) I was very much comforted and edified by your remarks, which were to the purpose. In the November Number, 1858, "A Word to the Wise," was very much blessed to me. I knew what it was to feel, as there described, "to wait His decision, to do or not to do, as He should think fit." The writer says, "If you are brought here deliverance is not far off." This was so encouraging to me. This reminds me of one of your pieces where you write in a similar strain, and which was a very great sup


of the sermon, but that was my portion. I was so nicely taken up. One Sunday morning, a little while after, he again referred to that passage, and enlarged upon it. He said the word seed was in the plural in the original-seeds; so precious faith was one seed. Prayer, praise, love, every sigh of our hearts after God, were seeds; and then the harvest was very certain-shall doubtless come again, &c. I felt I had those precious seeds in my heart, and a hope sprung up that consolation, was waiting for me. What a sweet passage that is where it says, "The Lord waiteth that

He may be gracious." It is as though the Lord said, Poor soul, the time is fixed when I am to bestow my comforts on you, so I am waiting to give as much as you are waiting to receive. I must now conclude, hoping, dear sir, you may

be kept faithful, and made increasingly
useful, and abundantly blessed in your
own soul; while I remain,
Yours respectfully and affectionately,
A. Z.


To the Editor of the Gospel Magazine.

BELOVED EDITOR,-If my previous to these revivals in the north of Ireletter upon this subject did no further land." good than drawing from you those most truthful and valuable remarks you were induced to make, I am amply repaid for any amount of trouble and time which it has cost me. And now, according to promise, in taking up my pen to resume the subject, I must confess I do so with rather less doubting upon my mind as to the genuineness of the work, since I have had the testimony of a dear man of God, a minister of the gospel in this parish, who has himself been to Belfast and neighbourhood, and returned stating that, without contradiction, God is doing a marvellous work among the poor, deluded Roman Catholics. Let us add to this testimony several more that are before us, which, from all I hear, may be depended upon.

Look, for instance, at the statement of that well-known man of God, Mr. GRANT, the Editor of the Morning Advertiser. He says that he had "for some time past felt a very earnest desire to form a correct opinion as to the nature and extent of the religious revivals which had been going on for some months in the north of Ireland; and with this view he gladly embraced the earliest opportunity which presented itself of paying a personal visit to the principal scenes of the movement, to see with his own eyes, and hear with his own ears the real facts of the case." The result of this visit is made known in the pamphlet now before us; wherein he says," Never, in all my life, was I more convinced of anything than of this that this movement is the work of the Holy Spirit. Let me also repeat the expression of my full belief, that, taken altogether, the history of the Christian Church contains no parallel

Mr. SCOTT, the City of London Chamberlain, says, "I have visited a large portion of the province of Ulster, which comprises nine counties, and I found the awakening' more or less everywhere. It manifests itself in a very general solemnity of feeling and deportment, particularly in the house of God, whence all levity, trifling, formality, and inattention appear to have been banished; a very wide-spread conviction that good is to be obtained by attendance upon religious services. The apparent results upon society are undoubted and most gratifying; drunkenness, the besetting sin of the district, is in some places abolished, in others greatly abated."

And again, the Rev. C. SCaver, Incumbent of St. John's, Belfast, writes as follows to the British Messenger:

"The result of all my investigations and observations is this

"1. That there has been plainly an outpouring of the Holy Ghost in answer to prayer.

2. That this has not been in the usual way of human agency, but that it has been the direct work of the Spirit of God.

"3. That physical manifestations have accompanied it, but not being necessarily connected with it, the number of those seriously impressed being far more than those physically affected,

"4. That its tendency is to unite in closer bonds the members of all Evangelical churches.

5. That it has pervaded all classes of society.

"6. That the abiding fruits of the Spirit have been manifested in the altered lives and conduct of those under

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