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Irish Church Bill in the House of Peers-Debate on the second reading-
Speeches of Earl Grey, the Earl of Roden, the Bishop of Exeter, Lord
Plunkett, Earl of Mansfield, Earl of Eldon, Bishop of London, Arch-
bishop of Canterbury, Duke of Wellington, Lord Chancellor-Proceed-
ings in the Committee-Amendment as to the Application of the
Revenues of Suspended Benefices carried against Ministers-The Bill
passes-Irish Tithes-Bill for collecting the Arrears of Tithes. [112
The Budget-Mr. Attwood's Motion to inquire into the existing Distress
-Motion in favour of the Agricultural Interest-Repeal of one-half of
the Malt Tax carried against Ministers-The Vote rescinded, by coupling
the Malt Tax with the House and Window Duty-Motions for the
Repeal of the House and Window Duty-Popular Movements in
consequence of the Votes on these Motions-Motions against Military
and Naval Sinecures-Against Pensions-Small Majorities in favour of
Military Flogging and the Impressment of Seamen.
BANK OF ENGLAND CHARTER-Government Plan for its Renewal-
Motion for delaying it till next Session lost-Debate on the Resolution
making Bank of England notes a legal tender-Debate on the Remune-
ration to be granted to the Bank-Bill brought in and passed.-EAST
INDIA COMPANY Government Plan for the continuance of the
Company-Resolutions agreed to and concurred in by the Lords-Bill
brought in and passed. [165
Resolutions proposed by Government for the Abolition of Slavery in
the West Indies-Debate on the Resolution to convert the Service
of the Negro into a Compulsory Apprenticeship for a limited time-
Changes in, and Debate on, the Compensation to be given to the
Planters-Bill brought in-Division on the subject of Apprenticeships
-the periods of Apprenticeship reduced.-Factory Bill, Debate on-
Motion for a Commission to collect Evidence-Motion of Ministers to
refer the Bill to a Select Committee, lost-Motion of Ministers to extend
the Hours of Working, carried-The Corn Laws.
Resolutions against Bribery - Proceedings on the Petitions from
Liverpool - Warwick - Stafford - Hertford - Londonderry - Carrick-
fergus-Newry-Debate on Mr. Grote's Motion for Vote by Ballot-
Debate on Mr. Tennyson's Motion to shorten the duration of
Parliaments-Motions regarding the Reform Act-Motion to confiscate
Church Property-Bill to remove the Civil Disabilities of the Jews-
FRANCE.-Sessions of the Chambers-King's Speech-Discussions re-
garding the Duchess of Berri-Announcement of her Private Marriage
-She is allowed to leave France-Prosecutions of her Adherents-
Disputes between the Chambers regarding the Abolition of the Law
respecting the Anniversary of the execution of Louis XVI.-Bill
for Regulating the Establishment of Military Law - Chamber of
Deputies refuses a. Grant for fortifying Paris-The Budget-Trial
of a Journal before the Chamber of Deputies for a Libel-Society of
the Rights of Man-Trial and Acquittal of its Members-Foreign
SPAIN. State of the Country on the King's Recovery-Dissensions in
the Ministry-Policy of M. Zea-The Queen's Party expelled from
the Cabinet-Convocation of the Cortes to recognize the Title of the
Infanta-Declaration of Don Carlos-Death of the King-His Will-
Measures of the Queen Regent-Insurrection of the Carlists in the
Northern Provinces-Disarming of the Royalist Volunteers-Defeats
of the Insurgents. PORTUGAL.-Military Operations round Oporto-
Admiral Sartorius threatens to carry off the Fleet, and imprisons the
Officer sent to arrest him-He is succeeded in the command by Admiral
Napier-Expedition from Oporto into the Algarves-The Algarves
declare for the Queen-Capture of Don Miguel's Fleet by Admiral
Napier-The Duke of Terceira advances against Lisbon-Defeats the
Miguelite Army covering Lisbon Lisbon evacuated by the Miguelites
-The Inhabitants proclaim the Queen, and her Army takes possession
-Unsuccessful Attack of the Miguelites on Oporto-They raise the
Siege, and march against Lisbon-Military Operations before Lisbon-
Don Miguel retreats to Santarem-Defeat of a Body of the Queen's
Troops The Cape Verde Islands declare for the Queen - Political
Proceedings of the Government.
HOLLAND AND BELGIUM.-Effects of the Siege of the Citadel of Antwerp
-Proposed Preliminary Convention-Objections and Counter-Proposal
of Holland-New Proposals of the two Courts-Preliminary Convention
executed-Renewal of the Negotiations for a Definitive Treaty-
Difficulties connected with the Cession of Luxemburg-The Negotia-
tions suspended-Convention between Holland and Belgium-Dissolu-
tion of the Belgian Chambers-Speech of the King at opening the
Session-Distress of the Belgian Manufacturers.
GERMANY.-State of Political Feeling-Motion made in the States of
Wirtemberg against the Resolutions of the Diet-The King requests
it not to be discussed-The Deputies vote the interference of the King
a breach of privilege, and resolve to proceed-The Chambers are
dissolved-Manifesto of the King-Meeting of the new Chamber- Dissolution of the Chambers of Hesse Cassel-Disputes between the
Government of Hesse Darmstadt and the Chambers regarding the
Decrees of the Diet-Discussions regarding the same Decrees in the
Chambers of Baden-The Government prohibits the printing of a
Motion against them-Debate on this Prohibition-Weimar-Riots in
Frankfort and at Neustadt-Trial of Dr. Liebenpfeiffer for the Ham-
bach festival. SWITZERLAND.-Dissensions in Basle and Schwytz-
Some of the Cantons form themselves into a separate Diet-Proceedings
of the General Diet-Military Disturbances in Basle and Schwytz-The
Diet divides Basle into two Cantons-Neufchatel
ITALY-Conspiracy against the King of Naples-Conspiracy in Piedmont
-Papal States. GREECE. - Proclamation of King Otho-Application
for repayment of the Greek Loans. TURKEY.-Advance of Ibrahim
Pacha-The Grand Vizier routed at Koniah-Envoys sent to Alexandria
to obtain an Armistice-Turkey applies to Russia for assistance-Sus-
pension of Hostilities-Terms of Peace proposed to the Pacha of Egypt
-He rejects them-A Russian Army lands at Scutari-The Sultan
concedes all the demands of the Pacha Ibrahim re-passes Mount
Taurus-Dependence of Turkey on Russia
UNITED STATES-Dissensions as to the Tariff Law-Proceedings of South
Carolina-Message of the President on the subject-The new Tariff
Law proposed by the Government-Mr. Clay's Tariff Law-Compromise
between the adverse parties--Close of the Session of Congress-Hostility
of the President to the Bank of the United States-Withdrawal of the
public deposits from that establishment. BRAZIL. -Insurrection in the
province of Minas-Revolt at Bahia-Message of the Regency to Con-
gress regarding the return of Don Pedro. BUENOS AYRES.-Partial
Insurrections-Dispute with England regarding the Falkland Isles.
COLOMBIA. Peace concluded between New Grenada and the Equator -
Conspiracy at Bogota-Colombian debt. MEXICO. The hostile generals
unite-the garrison of Mexico declares in their favour, and against the
government-Santanna elected President-Rebellion of the Pronunci-
ados-Military operations-Suppression of the Rebellion-Texas. [294
Public General Acts
Public Acts, Local and Personal 280
inquire into the state of
Municipal Corporations in
England, Wales, and Ireland 337
Report of the Select Committee
on Agriculture
II. Foreign. - Correspondence
with his Majesty's Ambas-
sador at Paris, and Com-
munications from the French
Ambassador in London, in
1830, relative to the French
Expedition against Algiers 354
289 Great Britain and Buenos Ayres.
-Correspondence relative to
the Occupation of the Mal-
vinas by Great Britain
Holland and Belgium.-Pro-
ject of Convention between
Holland on the one part and
France and Great Britain on
the other part
Speech of the King of Wirtem-
berg at the Opening of Ses-
sion of the Chambers, 15th
January, 1833
299 Message of the President of the
United States to Congress
308 Anecdotes and Letters of Cap-
tain Blackwood, and Lord
314 Memoir of August Lafontaine 442
Old Bailey.-George Fursey.-
Calthorpe Street Murder 319
Account of the Attempt at In-
surrection at Modena in 1831 447
By Sir W. Somerville, Bart. 500
The Female Convict Ship. By
Thomas Haynes Bayley
The Alexander Column, St.