| Richard Hooker - 1793 - 528 pagina’s
...the Minifter bade him ceafe wondering and lock the Cburch-door : To whom he replied, Pray take you the keys and lock me out, I will never come more into this Church ; for all men will fay my Mafter Hooker was a good man, and a good fcholar, and I am fure it was not ufed to be thus in... | |
 | Izaak Walton, Thomas Zouch - 1796 - 640 pagina’s
...that church, •which under God hath been long the ornament and fupport of the Proteilant religion. " I will never come more into this church ; for all men will fay my Mafter " Hooker was a good man and a good fcholar, and I am fure it was not " ufed to be thus... | |
 | Izaak Walton - 1805 - 440 pagina’s
...minifter bade him " ceafe wondering, and " lock the church-door:" to whom he rereplied, " Pray take you the keys, and " lock me out : I will never come more " into this church ; for all men will fay, " my mafter Hooker was a good man, and " a good fcholar ; and I am fure it was " not ufed to be... | |
 | Izaak Walton - 1805 - 422 pagina’s
...minifter bade him " ceafe wondering, and " lock the church-door:" to whom he rereplied, " Pray take you the keys, and " lock me out : I will never come more " into this church ; for all men will fay, " my mafter Hooker was a good man, and " a good fcholar ; and I am fure it was " not ufed to be... | |
 | 1810 - 594 pagina’s
...minister bad him " cease wondering, and lock the church-door;" to whom he replied, " Pray take you the keys, and lock me out: I will never come more...say died immediately, but within a few days after. But let us leave this grateful clerk in his quiet grave, and return to Mr. Hooker himself, continuing... | |
 | Izaak Walton, Thomas Zouch - 1817 - 822 pagina’s
...religion. " my Master Hooker was a good man and a good w bcholar, and I ant sure it wa.s not um.il to IK* thus "in his days:" And report says the old man went...presently home and died ; I do not say died immediately, hut within a few days after Hut let us leave this grateful elerk in his quiet gra\e, and return to... | |
 | 1818 - 586 pagina’s
...minister bad him " cease wondering, and lock the church-door ;" to whom he replied, " Pray take you the keys, and lock me out : I will never come more...do not say died immediately, but within a few days aftefr. But Jet us leave this grateful clerk in his quiet grave, and return to Mr. Hooker himself,... | |
 | Richard Hooker, Izaak Walton - 1821 - 380 pagina’s
...minister bade him " cease wondering, and lock the church-door:" to whom he replied, " Pray take you the keys, and lock me out : I will never come more...days :" and report says, the old man went presently borne and died ; I do not say died immediately, but within a few days after. But let us leave this... | |
 | Richard Hooker - 1822 - 376 pagina’s
...minister bade him" cease wondering, and lock the church-door;" to whom he replied, " Pray take you the keys, and lock me out: I will never come more...say died immediately, but within a few days after. But let us leave this grateful clerk in his quiet grave, and return to His holy Mr. Hooker himself,... | |
 | Izaak Walton - 1824 - 422 pagina’s
...minister bade him " cease wonder" ing, and lock the church-door:" to whom he replied, " Pray take you the keys, and lock me out: I will never " come more...say died immediately, but within a few days after. But let us leave this grateful clerk in his quiet grave, and return to Mr. Hooker himself, continuing... | |
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