C.-TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH. 1. Πρὸς τῷ ποταμῷ κώμη ᾠκεῖτο, ἀπέχουσα τοῦ ποταμοῦ παρασάγγην. (5) Κλεάρχης 2. Πᾶσαι αὗται αἱ γυναῖκες σοφώτεραι ἡμῖν ἔσονται τῶν παρὰ Κλεάρχῳ ὄντων. 3. Ἐγὼ δὲ ὑμῶν τὸν οἴκαδε βουλόμενον ἀποπορεύεσθαι τοῖς οἴκοι ζηλωτὸν ποιήσω. (8) 4. Τῶν δὲ βαρβάρων φόβος πολὺς καὶ ἄλλοις ἐγένετο καὶ ἡ Κίλισσα ἔφυγεν ἐκ τῆς ἁμάξης καὶ οἱ ἐκ τῆς ἀγορᾶς καταλιπόντες τὰ ὤνια ἔφυγον· οἱ δὲ Ἕλληνες σὺν γέλωτι ἐπὶ τὰς σκηνὰς ἦλθον.—Explain the case of βαρβάρων. (15) 5. Ἰδὼν δὲ Κῦρον ἀπὸ τοῦ Ἑλληνικοῦ Ξενοφῶν ̓Αθηναῖος, πελάσας ὥστε συναντῆσαι ἤρετο εἴ τι παραγγέλλοι· ὁ δ ̓ ἐπιστήσας εἶπε καὶ λέγειν ἐκέλευσε πᾶσιν ὅτι τὰ ἱερὰ καλά. ταῦτα δὲ τῷ Ξενοφῶντι λέγων θορύβου ἤκουσε, καὶ ἤρετο τίς ὁ θόρυβος εἴη. ὁ δὲ Κλέαρχος εἶπεν ὅτι σύνθημα παρέρχεται δεύτερον ἤδη διὰ τῶν τάξεων. καὶ ἐθαύμασε Κῦρος τις παραγγέλλει, καὶ ἤρετο ὅ τι εἴη τὸ σύνθημα. ὁ δ ̓ ἀπο εκρίνατο· Ζεὺς Σωτὴρ καὶ Νίκη. ὁ δὲ Κῦρος ἀκούσας· ̓Αλλὰ δέχομαί τε, ἔφη, καὶ τοῦτο ἔστω. ταῦτα δ ̓ εἰπὼν εἰς τὴν αὑτοῦ χώραν ἀπήλαυνεν. (35) COUNCIL OF HIGHER EDUCATION, NEWFOUNDLAND. GENERAL ELEMENTARY SCIENCE (Intermediate Grade). Monday, June 17th, 1912.-Afternoon, 2.30 to 4.30. 1. How would you determine the density of a large heap of gravel? (15) 2. Describe the methods you would employ to verify the fundamental points of a thermometer, and sketch the apparatus you would use. (15) 3. What do you understand by the expression latent heat of evaporation of water? Suggest an experiment which would give an approximate value for this quantity. (20) 4. Give a detailed account of the changes which occur when a sample of red-lead is strongly ignited in a hard glass tube. (15) 5. Compare the physical and chemical properties of quicklime and chalk, and give an account of the method employed to make mortar. (20) 6. You are provided with solutions of sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid. How would you proceed to prepare a sample of pure colourless common salt? (15) CHEMISTRY (Intermediate Grade). Monday, June 17th, 1912.- Afternoon, 2.30 to 4.30. Sections A and B are alternative, and no Candidate may attempt questions in more than one Section. SECTION A (ON SYLLABUS A). A 1. Describe an experiment which has for its object the measurement of the volume of a gas evolved from a solid under known conditions. Make a sketch of the apparatus employed. (30) A 2. How would you prepare from concentrated nitric acid samples of nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, and oxygen respectively? State briefly how you would distinguish between these gases. (40) A 3. Make lists of gases which are heavier and lighter than air respectively, and describe one method of determining the density of a gas relatively to air. (30) A 4. From what sources can carbon be obtained, and how? Name as many varieties of carbon as possible, and give some idea of the degree of purity of each. (30) A 5. What are the general laws governing the solubility in water of gases, liquids, and solids respectively? Give examples illustrating these laws. (30) A 6. For what practical purposes is oil of vitriol used, and what part does the acid play in each case? (40) SECTION B (ON SYLLABUS B). B1. What experiments would you make to find out if muddy water contains dissolved matter? (15) B 2. Explain in detail how you would proceed to make a solution of oil of vitriol with its own weight of water, and the observations you would make during the process. (15) B 3. Certain substances when ignited in the air increase in weight, while others similarly heated lose weight. Give examples of each kind, and state in all cases to what the increase or loss in weight is due. (20) B4. Describe experiments which show the nature of the changes which occur during the rusting of iron. (15) B 5. Explain in detail how you would carry out the "Florence Flask experiment for the combustion of phosphorus. What results would you obtain, and what conclusions would you draw from these results? (15) B 6. What materials would you use to prepare a sample of aquafortis ? Sketch the apparatus you would employ, and describe the process. (20) NAVIGATION (Intermediate Grade). Monday, June 17th, 1912. Morning, 10 to 12. No books or tables to be used by candidates. Work neatly. 1. From the logarithms given, obtain log 28, log 27.1, L sin (when sin = 4), and the number of figures in 713. (18) 2. What points of the compass are midway between N.E. and E., S. and S.S.E., N.W. and W.N. W., S. W. and S.S. W., respectively? Express the angular distance between E.b.N. and N.E. 3 E. in points, and that between S.E.b. E. and E.N.E. in degrees. (10) 3. Find the difference of latitude and longitude between Halifax and Land's End. Given: 4. Draw diagrams, and from them write down (a) The variation when the compass error is 9° W. and the deviation is 10° E; (b) The deviation when the compass error is 17° E. and the variation is 21° E. (8) 5. Find the true courses, correct to the nearest degree, corresponding to— 6. If a ship had sailed from longitude 178° 39′ E. due East, till her difference of longitude was 283 miles, what was her longitude? (6) 7. Determine the true course on which a ship sailed, between N. and W., if her departure was 175 miles and her difference of latitude 128 miles; also the distance sailed, correct to the nearest mile. 8. What is a traverse table? How is it constructed and used? LOGARITHMS. (16) (12) COUNCIL OF HIGHER EDUCATION, NEWFOUNDLAND. AGRICULTURE (Intermediate Grade). Wednesday, June 19th, 1912. Afternoon, 3 to 5. Work neatly. 1. If you were given charge of a farm of 150 acres, one-third pasture and the remainder ploughed land, what crops would you grow in the latter? How should these crops be arranged in rotation? What acreage of each would you grow? (16) 2. In the case of any one of the crops mentioned in your answer to Question 1, explain fully the methods of cultivation which you would adopt. You should describe the cultivation from the time you begin to prepare the soil until the crop has been harvested. (20) 3. In the case of any crop referred to in Question 1, except that to which you have alluded in Question 2, state what purchased manures might be profitably applied. How much per acre would the manures cost? (15) 4. Describe the disease of potatoes known as Wart Disease or Black Scab. How should affected crops be dealt with ? (15) 5. How should a farm horse be fed in winter (a) when idle, (b) when hard worked? (16) 6. A farmer who has about 20 gallons of skim milk available daily wishes to use it in feeding pigs. He buys pigs when newly weaned and sells them fat. How many young pigs should he buy? What foods should he give in addition to milk? How long should it take to fatten pigs which are intended for bacon production ? (18) |