of Jupiter; as, indeed, there was scarce any crime erected this immense theater. Is not this more that might not be countenanced by those notions than an intimation of our immortality? Man, who, of the deity, which prevailed among the common when considered as on his probation for a happy people in the heathen world. Revealed religion | existence hereafter, is the most remarkable instance sets forth a proper object for imitation in that Being who is the pattern, as well as the source, of all spiritual perfection. While we remain in this life we are subject to innumerable temptations, which, if listened to, will make us deviate from reason and goodness, the only things wherein we can imitate the Supreme Being. In the next life we meet with nothing to excite our inclinations that doth not deserve them. I shall therefore dismiss my reader with this maxim, viz: "Our happiness in this world proceeds from the suppression of our desires, but in the next world from the gratification of them." No. 635.] MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1714. Sentio te sedem hominum ac domum contemplari; quæ si tibi parva (ut est) ita videtur, hæc cœlestia semper spectato; illa humana contemnito. CICERO SOmn. Scip. I perceive you contemplate the seat and habitation of men; which if it appears as little to you as it really is, fix your eyes perpetually upon heavenly objects, and despise earthly. THE following essay comes from the ingenious author of the letter upon novelty, printed in a late Spectator; the notions are drawn from the Platonic way of thinking; but as they contribute to raise the mind, and may inspire noble sentiments of our own future grandeur and happiness, I think it well deserves to be presented to the public: "If the universe be the creature of an intelligent mind, this mind could have no immediate regard to himself in producing it. He needed not to make trial of his omnipotence to be informed what effects were within its reach; the world, as existing in his eternal idea, was then as beautiful as now it is drawn forth into being; and in the immense abyss of his essence are contained far brighter scenes than will be ever set forth to view; it being impossible that the great author of nature should bound his own power by giving existence to a system of creatures so perfect that he cannot improve upon it by any other exertions of his almighty will. Between finite and infinite there is an unmeasurable interval not to be filled up in endless ages; for which reason the most excellent of all God's works must be equally short of what his power is able to produce as the most imperfect, and may be exceeded with the same ease. of divine wisdom; if we cut him off from all relation to eternity, is the most wonderful and unac countable composition in the whole creation. He hath capacities to lodge a much greater variety of knowledge than he will be ever master of, and an unsatisfied curiosity to tread the secret paths of nature and providence; but with this, his or gans, in their present structure, are rather fitted to serve the necessities of a vile body, than to minister to his understanding; and from the little spot to which he is chained, he can frame but wandering guesses concerning the innumerable worlds of light that encompass him; which, though in themselves of a prodigious bigness, do but just glimmer in the remote spaces of the heavens; and when, with a great deal of time and pains, he hath labored a little way up the steep ascent of truth, and beholds with pity the groveling multitude beneath, in a moment his foot slides, and he tumbles down headlong into the grave. "Thinking on this, I am obliged to believe, in justice to the Creator of the world, that there is another state when man shall be better situated for contemplation, or rather have it in his power to remove from object to object, and from world to world; and be accommodated with senses and other helps, for making the quickest and most amazing discoveries. How doth such a genius as-Sir Isaac Newton, from amid the darkness that involves human understanding, break forth and appear like one of another species! ! The vast machine we inhabit lies open to him; he seems not unacquainted with the general laws that govern it; and while with the transport of a philosopher he beholds and admires the glorious work, he is capable of paying at once a more devout and more rational homage to his Maker. But, alas! how narrow is the prospect even of such a mind! And how obscure to the compass that is taken in by the ken of an angel, or of a soul but newly escaped from its imprisonment in the body! For my part, I freely indulge my soul in the confidence of its future grandeur; it pleases me to think that I, who know so small a portion of the works of the Crea tor, and with slow and painful steps creep up and down on the surface of this globe, shall ere long shoot away with the swiftness of imagination, trace out the hidden springs of nature's operations, be able to keep pace with the heavenly bodies in the rapidity of their career, be a spectator of the long chain of events in the natural and moral worlds, visit the several apartments of crea tion, know how they are furnished and how inhabited, comprehend the order, and measure the magnitudes and distance of those orbs, which to us seem disposed without any regular design, and set all in the same circle; observe the dependence of the parts of each system, and (if our minds are big enough to grasp the theory) of the several systems upon one another, from whence results the harmony of the universe. In eternity a great deal may be done of this kind. I find it of use to cherish this generous ambition; for beside the se cret refreshment it diffuses through my soul. it engages me in an endeavor to improve my facul ties, as well as to exercise them conformably to the rank I now hold among reasonable beings, and the hope I have of being once advanced to a more ex "This thought hath made some imagine (what it must be confessed is not impossible), that the unfathomed space is ever teeming with new births, the younger still inheriting a greater perfection than the elder. But, as this doth not fall within my present view, I shall content myself with taking notice that the consideration now mentioned proves undeniably, that the ideal worlds in the divine understanding yield a prospect incomparably more ample, various, and delightful, than any created world can do, and that therefore, as it is not to be supposed that God should make a world merely of inanimate matter, however diversified, or inhabited only by creatures of no higher an order than brutes, so the end for which he designed his reasonable offspring is the contemplation of his works, the enjoyment of himself, and in both to be happy; having, to this purpose, endowed them with corresponding faculties and desires. He can have no greater pleasure from a bare re- alted station. view of his works than from the survey of his own "The other, and that the ultimate end of man. ideas; but we may be assured that he is well pleased in the satisfaction derived to beings capable of it, and for whose inment he hath is the enjoyment of God, beyond which he cannot form a wish. Dim at best are the conceptions we have of the Supreme Being, who, as it were, keeps his creatures in suspense, neither discovering nor hiding himself; by which means, the libertine hath a handle to dispute his existence, while the most are content to speak him fair, but in their hearts prefer every trifling satisfaction to the favor of their Maker, and ridicule the good man for the singularity of his choice. Will there not a time come when the Freethinker shall see his impious schemes overturned, and be made a convert to the truths he hates? when deluded mortals shall be convinced of the folly of their pursuits; and the few wise who followed the guidance of Heaven, and, scorning the blandishments of sense, and the sordid bribery of the world, aspired to a celestial abode, shall stand possessed of their utmost wish in the vision of the Creator? Here the mind heaves a thought now and then toward him, and hath some transient glances of his presence; when, in the instant it thinks itself to have the fastest hold, the object eludes its expectations, and it falls back tired and baffled to the ground. Doubtless, there is some more perfect way of conversing with heavenly beings. Are not spirits capable of mutual intelligence, unless immersed in bodies, or by their intervention? Must superior natures depend on inferior for the main privileges of sociable beings, that of conversing with and knowing each other? What would they have done had matter never been created? I suppose, not have lived in eternal sol itude. As incorporeal substances are of a nobler order, so be sure their manner of intercourse is answerably more expedite and intimate. This method of communication we call intellectual vision, as somewhat analogous to the sense of seeing, which is the medium of our acquaintance with this visible world. And in some such way can God make himself the object of immediate intuition to the blessed; and as he can, it is not improbable that he will, always condescending, in the circumstances of doing it, to the weakness and proportion of finite minds. His works but faintly reflect the image of his perfections; it is a secondhand knowledge; to have a just idea of him it may be necessary that we see him as he is. But what is that? It is something that never entered into the heart of man to conceive; yet, what we can easily conceive, will be a fountain of unspeakable, of everlasting rapture. All created glories will fade and die away in his presence. Perhaps it will be my happiness to compare the world with the fair exemplar of it in the Divine mind; perhaps, to view the original plan of those wise designs that have been executing in a long succession of ages. Thus employed in finding out his works, and contemplating their Author, how shall I fall prostrate and adoring, my body swallowed up in the immensity of matter, my mind in the infinitude of his perfections!" the Marriage of Will Honeycomb. 530 Bishop of St. Asaph's Preface to his Ser- the new Sect of Loungers........ 54 Blessing of Being born an Englishman... the Sweaters... 179 BALLAD of the Children in the Wood.... 85 425 240 69 230 377 324 mons... 384 135 92 332 Bruyere's Character of an Absent Man...... 77 9 A cheerful Temper... Address to those who have jealous Husbands. Advantages from Christianity.. of an air of Importance in making Caution to the Fair Sex... 400 454 Celinda's Letter on Female Jealousy. 178 51 of Levity over grave Behavior in Character of Acasto... 386 of seeking the Protection of the 354 of the Sexes associating... of the Spectator's Taciturnity... Adventure of M. Pontignan.. 90 of the Idols.. 73 Adventures of a Servant.... NO. Dancing... 422 recommended.. 506 Dangerous influence of the Month of May. 100 of the Month of May escaped. 395 114 Dapperwit's Question... 534 33 Death and Character of Dick Estcourt.. 517 65 Decency of Behavior... Decorating Churches with Evergreens. 476 144 Defense and Happiness of a Married Life.. 75 294 30 128 372 Different Characters in a Tour through the 217 Metropolis..... 454 Characters of Callisthenes, Acetus, and Minu- tius..... of Erastus, Lætitia, Tawdry, and ..... of Harry Jersett and Varilas. of Laertes and Irus.. of Lætitia and Daphne.... of Sir Fopling Flutter, Dorimant of Tom Puzzle and Will Dry. of Vocifer and Ignotus.. Charity schools.... Cheerfulness preferable to Mirth. Claim of Cambridge to the Origin of the Ugly Clarinda's Journal of a Week... Club of Lovers established at Oxford.. of She-romps.. Coffee-house Conversation.. Commendations of the Spectator. Comparative Advantages of Public and Private Complaint against a Coxcomb.. of Starers. of Thomas Kimbow. Complaints of Rachel Welladay against the Complexions.. Complimentary Letter to the Spectator.... Compliments.. Condition of Servants.. Conduct of the Lions at the Opera. Connection between Prudence and Good For- tune... Consolation.. on the Death of a parent.. .100, 143 the Long Robe... Conversation with the Fair Sex.. Coquettish Milk-maid... Correspondence between Amoret, a Jilt, and Philander.. of Gabriel Bullock and Mrs. M. Clark.. Country Breeding... Dances... Court of Inquisition on Maids and Bachelors. ...300, 470 Contemplation of the Character of our Saviour 356 on Paradise Lost, 267, 273, 279, 285, 291, Criticisms. on the Spectator.. Critique on the Ballad of Chevy Chase.....70, 74 Equestrian Lady. Cruelty of a French Captain.. of Parents.... of Parents in the Affair of Marriage.. 181 Cure for a bad Husband..... D. to his Coquette Mistress... Essay on Dreams... on Friendship. on Wit.... 252 547 12 204 Excess of Anxiety about Health... Essays on the Pleasures of the Imagination 411 |