NO. NO. Exercise of the Fan..... of the Snuff-box....... Exhibition of Pictures.. FABLE of a Drop in the Ocean..... False Delicacy...... Hopes... Wit and Humor.. Wit and Mechanic Poetry.. Fame.... difficult to be obtained. sistance Farewell Paper and Acknowledgments of As- Fashions in Dress, how imitated in the Country 129 Indelicacies in Plays. Female Beauty. Fate of Writings... Dress... Education. 102 Impertinent Acquaintance... 24 138 Impertinent Conversation to Women in Busi- 155 255 Inconstancy of Friendship. 300 Inconveniences of Poverty. 150 555 Increase of Beggars. 430 51 with a Gang of Gipsies........ 81 Introduction of French Phrases in the History 95 of the War-Specimen in a Letter........ 165 194 Journal of a Citizen... 449 Italian Recitative... 607 .. 435 Inkle and Yarico.. 11 265 Inquisitive Disposition. 228 128 Instinct in Animals. 120, 121 252 Interview of the Spectator and Sir Roger 130 317 29 89 KING Latinus.. 53 GENEALOGY of Humor. 35 Letter on the Absence of Lovers-Remedies |