
Tickell with him as an assistant in his official duties; and on h state in 1717, he made his friend Under Secretary. Upon the d Tickell edited his Collected Works, and prefixed to them an 1 his patron, of pre-eminent beauty and pathos. In 1725, Ticke the Lords Justices of Ireland, and the following year he married He held his official appointment until his death, which took 1740. Beside the pieces already noticed, he wrote some "Ver tation of the Prophesy of Nereus," "Kensington Garden," and "Colin and Lucy." He was also (nominally) the author of a Book of the "Iliad," published in opposition to Pope's, and "Guardian." He was an elegant, if not a powerful, writer; an but moderate; spirited in his conversation, and of a kind and aff

AMBROSE PHILIPS was descended from a respectable family in I at St. John's College, Cambridge, he published his "Six Pastora popular; and, it is supposed caused some little jealousy to Pope. T ever it might approach the true Doric, was, unluckily, very apt for 1 and Pope exerted all his wit and irony to hold them up to ridicule: effectually in the "Guardian." The attack greatly irritated Phi revenge in insult, by suspending a rod over the seat which Pope Button's Coffee-house. Pope failed not to retaliate; and, in the Satires, describes Philips as

"The Bard whom pilfer'd Pastorals renown,
Who turns a Persian Tale for half-a-crown,
Just writes to make his barrenness appear,

And strains, from hard-bound brains, eight lines a yea

And Swift fixed upon him the nickname of "Namby-pamby," in allusio short-line verses. Upon Philips leaving the University, he became ir son and Steele, and he printed, in the "Tatler," a "Poetical Letter fr a piece of sterling merit, which extorted praise even from Pope. this period his circumstances were rather precarious, since he underto translation of the "Persian Tales," from the French, at (it is said) His Tragedy, "The Distressed Mother," (partly a translation of h maque," brought him into much notice: Steele had highly extolled tator" (No. 290) before it appeared; and Addison afterward (in No. Roger de Coverley to its representation. Philips produced two other 1 Briton," and "Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester," which excited little at now forgotten. Although from his zealous support of the Whigs, he anticipating a suitable reward upon the accession of George I, and ha disappointed by obtaining merely the insignificant situations of Justice of Commissioner of Lotteries, he did not relax in his exertions, but commen thinker," in which he had, for one of his co-adjutors, Dr. Boulter, the parish church in Southwark. This circumstance established his fortune. on his elevation to the see of Armagh, took his former associate with him his Secretary, and obtained for him a seat in the House of Commons. I appointed Secretary to the Lord Chancellor, and in 1733 he became a Jud rogative Court. Philips continued in Ireland until 1748, when desirous o remainder of his days in England, he purchased an annuity of £400, an London. He had just completed a republication of his Poems, when he wa paralysis, and died June 18, 1749, in his seventy-eighth year. Philips have been a worthy man, but ludicrously solemn in his demeanor, and in his conversation. Of his productions, the "Winter Scene," above "Hymn to Venus," and the "Fragment of Sappho," are, perhaps, all tha sidered above mediocrity.

LAURENCE EUSDEN, son of Dr. Eusden, Rector of Spalsworth, Yorkshire, v at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he took orders, and was appointed. Lord Willoughby de Broke. He gained the patronage of Lord Halifax, Version of his Lordship's Poem "On the Battle of the Boyne," and he been anxious to prove himself worthy of it. He contributed to both the and the "Guardian," wrote some verses in commendation of Addison's "


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Tewas educated at Eton school, and elected
en orders, he was appointed Chaplain to
Zellow of Eton College, and Rector of St.
sen Lecturer of St. Dunstan's, Fleet-street,

s of literary leisure, he resigned his living
smail rectory near Eton, where he engage
es. From this he was unexpectedly called,
→ee of St. Asaph; and, on the accession of

Liberty, and the Protestant Religion, was
17. During his whole career, his labors were
are noticed in the Biographia Britannica,
in all of which are displayed profound
ericism, and extensive acquaintance with
When his friends, the Whigs, went out of
ake of the measures of the Tories, by publishing
robation of their conduct; and in 1712 he
Deaths of Queen Mary, the Duke of Gloucester,
Anne's) Accession, with a Preface."
h much approbation, and were not assailable;
The House of Commons, to be burnt by the common


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made the Work more popular: Steele printed the Bishop remarked,conveyed about 14,000 of herwise never have seen or heard of it." This tions by Steele, form No. 384:-"The paper might come out precisely at the hour of the ht be left for deliberating about serving it up eetwood died at Tottenham, in 1723, aged 67. Es various merits entitle him to the character of a 2. he did honor to his station, by his dignified and necessitous he was a generous benefactor, and Ty charitable design. To the interest of Civil and attached. He was modest, humble, uncensorious, at the same time possessed a degree of cool and to exhibit on proper occasions; and, to crown the -- innocence of life, integrity of heart, and sanctity of



at Melton Mowbray, of which parish his father wa es very zealously at Cambrid, he returned to his and afterward master, of the school there, which be Eving taken his degree of Master of Arts, and obtained The officiated as curate at Melton; until an uncontro!!

* Boctu**.


able desire for celebrity induced him to visit the metropolis. In London he pub some Translations from Pliny, Vertot, and Montfaucon; and was presented by th of Macclesfield with a Benefice of £80 a year. He also had a Lectureship in the acquired much popularity as a preacher; assisted Dr. Burscough, afterward Bish Limerick, in his duties; and became Chaplain to Lord Molesworth. Disappoin some expectations which he had formed of advancement, he threw up his benefic lectureship, and opened an Oratory in Portsmouth-street, Lincoln's Inn Fields; on Sundays (according to his own account) he preached on Theology, and on W days on all other Sciences; his audience paying one shilling each for admission orations soon degenerated into ribaldry, buffoonery, and blasphemy, and he resor the meanest and most fraudulent expedients to obtain a maintenance. On one oce it is said, he collected a numerous congregation of Shoemakers, by advertising th would show them how to make a pair of shoes in a few minutes; and this he cutting off the tops of a pair of boots. Hogarth caricatured him; and the cele George Alexander Steevens was a constant visitor at his chapel for the purpose c ing him annoyance. Pope has "damned him to everlasting fame" in his "Dun

"Imbrown'd with native bronze, lo! Henley stands,
Tuning his voice and balancing his hands.

How fluent nonsense trickles from his tongue!
How sweet the periods; neither said nor sung!
Still break the benches, Henley! with thy strain,
While Sherlock, Hare, and Gibson preach in vain.
Oh! great restorer of the good old Stage,
Preacher at once, and Zany of the Age!
Oh! worthy thou of Egypt's wise abodes!
A decent PRIEST, where MONKEYS were the Gods."

He died October 14, 1756, an object of universal contempt. The promise of hi days quickly faded: while at Melton, he wrote a poem entitled "Esther," and menced what he termed his "Universal Grammar:" of which he completed te guages, with a "proper introduction to every tongue." While at Cambridge two Letters to the "Spectator;" and, toward the close of his career, was autho political paper of the most venal and worthless character, called "The Hyp Doct

JAMES HEYWOOD was a wholesale Linen-draper on Fish-street Hill, and a man o respectability in the city of London. He paid the customary fine of £500 upon ing the office of Alderman of Aldgate Ward, to which he was elected; and, lived in the enjoyment of his faculties and health until his ninetieth year, died house in Austin Friars, in July, 1776.

Mr. Heywood was in the early part of his life a great politician, and contra habit, singularly inconvenient to persons in discourse with him, for which he is memorated with much humor by Steele, in the "Guardian."

"There is a silly habit among many of our minor orators, who display their eloc in the several Coffee-houses, to the no small annoyance of considerable numbers Majesty's spruce and loving subjects: and that is a humor they have got of tv off your buttons. These ingenious gentlemen are not able to advance three word they have got fast hold of one of your buttons; but as soon as they have pre such an excellent handle for discourse, they will indeed proceed with great tion. I know not how well some may have escaped, but for my part I have ofte with them to my cost; having, I believe, within these three years last past been a out of several dozens, insomuch as I have for some time ordered my Tailor to bri home with every suit a dozen, at least, of spare ones, to supply the place of su from time to time are detached, as a help to discourse, by the vehement gent before mentioned. I remember, upon the news of Dunkirk's being delivere our hands, a brisk little fellow, a politician and an able engineer, had got into the dle of Button's Coffee-house, and was fortifying Graveling for the service of the Christian King with all imaginable expedition. The work was carried on with success that, in less than a quarter of an hour's time, he had made it almost impr ble; and, in the opinion of several worthy citizens who had gathered around, f strong both by sea and land as Dunkirk ever could pretend to be. I happened, ever, unadvisedly, to attack some of his outworks, upon which, to show his grea likewise in the offensive part, he immediately made an assault upon one of my bu and carried it in less than two minutes, notwithstanding I made as handsome a de as was possible. He had likewise invested a second, and would certainly have master of that too in a very little time, had he not been diverted from this enterprise by the arrival of a courier, who brought advice that his presence was absolutely necessary in the disposal of a beaver; upon which he raised the siege, and, indeed, retreated with precipitation."

It was Mr. Heywood himself, that (having conquered this silly habit), in after years, pointed out his own identity with Steele's Politician.

ISAAC WATTS was born at Southampton, on July 17, 1674. At a very early age he began to study the Latin and Greek Languages, to which he afterward added Hebrew; and had acquired a very competent knowledge of them by the time he attained his sixteenth year. In 1690 he was placed at the academy of the Rev. Thomas Rowe, in London; and in 1693 he joined the communion of the Independents, of which sect his preceptor was a minister. Having completed his studies, he devoted two years under his father's roof, to preparation for the sacred duties of the pastoral charge; and, at the expiration of that period, he accepted an invitation from Sir John Hartopp, to become the domestic tutor of his son. He lived with Sir John five years, during which he perfected himself in Biblical learning; and in the last year, 1698, preached for the first time, on his birth-day. Shortly after, he was appointed assistant to the Rev. Dr. Chauncey; and on the Doctor's death in 1701-2, became his successor. He had scarcely entered upon his new office, when he was attacked by a severe illness, which incapacitated him for some years. He recovered, however, sufficiently to resume the duties of his charge; in which he evinced the greatest assiduity and solicitude until a second time he was afflicted with a fever so violent that he never entirely overcame the effects of it. At this period he met with the true Samaritan in Sir Thomas Abney, who took him into his house, and exerted himself indefatigably to restore his health. In this he succeeded; and though Sir Thomas lived but eight years to enjoy the society of his illustrious friend, Dr. Watts became for the remainder of his life the inmate of that hospitable family; where, for thirty-six years, he received every demonstration of affection, esteem, and veneration.

In 1716, Dr. Watts returned to the duties of his ministry, which had been performed during his absence by Mr. Samuel Price, as joint pastor. In 1728 he received, totally unsolicited and unexpected, the degree of Doctor in Divinity, from the Universities of Edinburgh and Aberdeen.

He continued to officiate in his congregation, until disabled by increasing infirmity; he then wished to resign his appointment, but was not permitted to do so; his flock insisted upon his continuing to receive the accustomed salary, and at the same time paid another minister to act in his stead. Dr. Watts died on the 25th of November, 1748, aged 74.

The virtues and piety of Dr. Watts are strongly reflected in his writings, and spread over them an imperishable luster. As a Theologian and a Philosopher, he is inferior to none; as a Poet, he is spirited and elegant; but all distinctions, perhaps, ought to give way before that to which he has a primeval claim, and which is so freely awarded him by Dr. Johnson :

"For children, he condescended to lay aside the Scholar, the Philosopher, and the Wit, to write little poems of devotion, and systems of instruction, adapted to their wants and capacities, from the dawn of reason, through its gradations of advance in the morning of life. Every man acquainted with the common principles of human action will look with veneration on the writer who is at one time combating Locke, and at another making a catechism for children in their fourth year. A voluntary descent from the dignity of Science is, perhaps, the hardest lesson that humility can teach."

JOHN WEAVER was a Dancing master, and author of "An Essay toward a History of Dancing; in which the whole Art, and its various excellencies, are in some measure explained. Containing the several sorts of Dancing, antique and modern, serious, scenical, grotesque, etc. With the use of it as an exercise, qualification, diversion, etc.," 12mo. In a letter printed in the "Spectator," No. 334, he advertises his intention of publishing this Work, which appeared before the close of the year. Steele spoke approvingly of the Book in the "Spectator," No. 466, and certainly not undeservedly, if it be written with the same ease and spirit as his Letter.

RICHARD PARKER was the friend and fellow-collegian of Steele, at Merton College. He took his degree of M. A. in 1697, and was esteemed a very accomplished scholar.

It is said that Edmund Smith submitted his Translation of Longinus, to his judgn from his exact critical knowledge of the Greek Tongue. Mr. Parker was presente his College to the Vicarage of Embleton, in Northumberland, which he held to a advanced age: it would appear, however, from his Letter in "Spectator," No. that his tastes were very dissimilar to those of the country gentlemen around him.

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PETER ANTHONY MOTTEUX was born at Rouen in 1600. On the revocation of Edict of Nantz, he came to England, and lived for some time with his relative, Paul D nique, Esq. Unlike the generality of his countrymen, he attained so perfect a knowle of the English Language, both in its idiom and its colloquial expression, that his Tran tions of Don Quixote," and "The Works of Rabelais," have been esteemed, the mer equal to any before or since; and the latter, "one of the most perfect specim of the art of Translation." He also translated several plays, which were acted success; wrote Prologues and Epilogues; and a Poem "On Tea," dedicated to Spectator. At length, deeming Trade a more lucrative pursuit than Literature, opened an East India Warehouse in Leadenhall-street; and obtained an appointmen the Post-office. His Letter to the Spectator (in No. 288) relates to this change in avocations, and is an advertisement of the articles in which he dealt.-He soon placed in easy circumstances, married an amiable woman, and became the father family but these blessings were insufficient to deter him from vicious habits. He found dead on the morning of the 9th of February, 1717-18, at a brothel near Temple I not without suspicions that he had been murdered by the wretches who surrounded b

BROME, D.D., was the author of Spectator, No. 302. It is supposed that Emilia who is there described, was "the mother of Mrs. Ascham, of Connington, C bridgeshire," and the wife of Dr. Brome. This latter supposition is founded upon, a in some measure, borne out by, her husband being termed "Bromius." If such the fact, we learn that Brome had been originally a man, gay, thoughtless, and extra gant; and that he owed to the virtues and discreet conduct of his wife, the preservat of his paternal estate, as well as of his moral character.

FRANCHAM was a resident at Norwich, and wrote "Spectator" No. 520, up his wife's death. We have no further particulars regarding him; and it is a pity, the paper in question is of extreme beauty, simplicity, and tenderness.

MR. DUNLOP was Greek Professor in the University of Glasgow, and joined w Mr. Montgomery, in writing No. 524. Mr. Dunlop published a Greek Grammar some repute.

MR. MONTGOMERY was a Merchant of high respectability, and, we are told, “traded Sweden, and his business carrying him there, it is said that in consequence of somethi between him and Queen Christina, he was obliged to leave the kingdom abruptly. T event was supposed to have affected his intellect, much in the same manner as Sir Rog de Coverley is represented to have been injured by his passion for the beautiful widow

MISS SHEPHEARD, and her sister, MRS. PERRY, were descended from Sir Fleetwo Shepheard. The former wrote two letters in the "Spectator," one signed Parthenia, in N 140, the other Leonora, in No. 163: and the latter, one in No. 92, reminding Addison a promise he had made, to recommend a select library for the improvement of the fair se

ROBERT HARPER was a Conveyancer of Lincoln's Inn: he wrote the letter in N 480, signed M.D. The original draught, communicated by the Rev. Mr. Harper, the British Museum, shows that Steele made many alterations in this Letter befo printing it.

GOLDING. We have no particulars relative to the life and character of M Golding; but to him is attributed the first Letter in No. 250 of the "Spectator."

GILBERT BUDGELL, the second brother of Eustace Budgell, was the author of th verses at the close of No. 591: it is probable that the paper itself is the production o his brother Eustace.

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