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THE purchasers of D. Hume's History of England having been long desirous of a continuation; the proprietor of Dr. Smollett's History (being in possession of a copy with the author's last corrections) has been induced to reprint that work from the Revolution, where Hume's History ends, to the death of George II. in the year 1760.

To make this work more acceptable, the Sections, and other Divisions, are given in a manner correspondent with those observed by Hume; so that any gentleman possessed of the latter, may take up his History at the Revolution, where Hume breaks off, and find a regular. connexion in this complete History given by Smollett.

In the latter part only of this work has the present editor found it necessary to make any alterations. The war before the last had its source in America, and thereby drew forth our settlements there into consequence. This, with the loss of most of those settlements since to Great Britain, had brought with it so many changes, that what was found politics and good sense then, is now totally deranged: even facts themselves are become

changed, and the very state of the two countries has undergone a metamorphosis which was impossible to be foreseen by the shrewdest politician. To assist the views of so eminent a writer as Smollett, as well as to gratify the expectations of the judicious reader, a few, very few, alterations have been made on those heads. To have proceeded farther would have been a kind of sacrilege, and no less a fraud upon the original author, than upon the public.





L. State of the nation immediately after the Revolution. II. Account of the new Ministry. III. The Convention converted into a Parliament. § IV. Mutiny in the army. V. The Coronation, and abolition of hearth money. VI. The Commons vote a sum of money to indemnify the Dutch. favour of the Dissenters.

VII. William's efforts in VIII. Act for a toleration.

§ IX. Violent disputes about the bill for a comprehension. X. The Commons address the King to summon a convocation of the clergy. XI. Settlement of the revenue. § XII. The King takes umbrage at the proceedings of the Whig party. XIII. Heats and animosities about the bill of indemnity recommended by the King. § XIV. Birth of the Duke of Gloucester. XV. Affairs of the continent. XVI. War declared against France.

XVII. Proceedings in the Convention of Scotland, of which the Duke of Hamilton is chosen president. XVIII. Letters to the Convention from King William and King James. XIX. They recognise the authority of King William. XX. They vote the crown vacant, and pass an act of Settlement in favour of William and Mary. XXI. They appoint commissioners to make a tender of the crown to William, who receives it on the conditions they propose. XXII. Enumeration of their grievances. The Convention is declared a Parliament, and the Duke of Hamilton King's commissioner. XXIII. VOL. I.


Prelacy abolished in that kingdom. The Scots dissatisfied with the King's conduct. § XXIV. Violent disputes in the Scottish Parliament. § XXV. Which is adjourned. A remonstrance presented to the King.

XXVI. The castle of Edinburgh besieged and taken. § XXVII. The troops of King William defeated at Killycrankie. XXVIII. King James cordially received by the French King. § XXIX. Tyrconnel temporizes with King William. XXX. James arrives in Ireland. § XXXI. Issues five proclamations at Dublin. XXXII. Siege of Londonderry. XXXIII. The inhabitants defend themselves with surprising courage and perseverance. XXXIV. Cruelty of Rosene, the French general. XXXV. The Place is relieved by Kirke. § XXXVI. The Inniskilliners defeat and take General Maccarty. XXXVII. Meeting of the Irish Parlia ment. XXXVIII. They repeal the act of settlement. § XXXIX. Pass an act of attainder against absentees. § XL. James coins base money. The Protestants of Ireland cruelly oppressed. XLI. Their churches are seized by the Catholics, and they are forbid to assemble on pain of death. XLII. Admiral Herbert worsted by the French fleet, in an engagement near Bantry bay.

XLIII. Divers sentences, and attainders reversed in parliament. XLIV. Inquiry into the cause of miscarriages in Ireland. XLV. Bills passed in this session of parliament.

§ I. THE constitution of England had now assumed a new aspect. The maxim of hereditary, indefeasible right was at length renounced by a free parliament. The power of the crown was acknowledged to flow from no other fountain than that of a contract with the people. Allegiance and protection were declared reciprocal ties depending upon each other. The representatives of the nation made a regular claim of rights in behalf of their constituents; and William III. ascended the throne in consequence of an express capitulation with the people. Yet, on this occasion, the zeal of the parliament towards their deliverer seems to have overshot their attachment to their own liberty and privileges: or at least they neglected the

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