
When thou art laid upon a Bed of Sickness, and art fretful and uneafy at fuch Confinement; and art much out of humour, that thou haft not the Liberty to range abroad into the World, to follow thy Business and thy Pleafures, as in time of Health; Then confider, that this restraint is intended for thy Good. It is to fecure thy Innocence, and keep thee from Sin.

For, if now thou wert abroad. in the World, and didst enjoy thy former health and vigour, poffibly the Devil hath provided fuch a Temptation for thee, at this very time, as would certainly prevail, and might occafion thy Eternal Ruin.

But God in his great Mercy, by this Sickness, withdraws thee from the Temptation; and as it were, hides thee out of the way, till the occafion is removed.


And thus the Sickness of thy Body, may be the Saving of thy Soul. Bear it therefore Patiently and Thankfully.

4. The Fourth Benefit of
Sickness. 1


His Sicknefs and Pain, doth wean you from this World.

We are exprefly commanded; Not to love the World, neither the things that are in the World. I John 2. 15. Not to fet our affeEtions on things on the Earth. Col. 3.2. Not to lay up for our felves treafures on the Earth. Matth. 6. 19. But are plainly Admonished, that it is our Duty, To be crucified to the World. Gal. 6. 14. And to converfe as Strangers and Pilgrims on the earth. Heb. II. 13.

But this we find to be à diffi

cult Task.

For we think this

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lower World, this Globe of Earth which we now inhabit, to be a very fine delightful Place. (Not that it is really fo in it felf, for it is but a dark Prifon, if compared with those vaft Regions of Light and Splendor which are above;) but I fay, we do fancy it is a very pleasant Place, because as yet we have never feen a better: And I must pertinently add, we are not yet qualified for a better.

The truth is, we are fo paffionately fond of this World, that we have flender inclination to provide for the next.

Though we are as fure, That there are Things Eternal, as that there are Things Temporal; That there are Spiritual Joys in the other World, as that there arẻ Senfual Satisfactions in this; yet thefe Spiritual Joys, because future and at a diffance, do but Ettle affect us..


But the Things of this World, and the Objects of Senfe, are fo agreeable to our flefly Natures; they are fo fuited to the Frame and Temper of our Earthly Bodies, that they make great Impreflion upon us.

For, God having defigned us to Sojourn for a while in this lower World, hath not only made us capable to relish its Enjoyments, but hath alfo made them neceffary for the fupport and continuance of our frail decaying Natures.

Whilft we are in this World, there must be Eating and Drinking, Marrying, and giving in Marriage. But in the other World, into which we must shortly remove, there will be no occafion for any of thefe Things.

Since therefore in the other World, we must live to all Eteraity without thefe fenfual Satiffactions, let us learn to mode


rate our Defires of them; and in fome fenfe whilft we are in the Body, to live without it.

But this, I fay,whilst in Health and Vigor, we find to be a very difficult Work. And therefore to aflift us in our Duty, and to enable us to despise the Charms and Dalliance of this flattering World, God is pleafed (as an inftance of his tender Care over us) to take us into his School, the School of Affliction ;; there by gentle Difcipline to teach us this great Leffon, of being morrified to the World.

And in order to our improvement, he ufually proceeds in this Method.

If he doth not take this World from us, (by depriving us of our greatest Comforts) he then takes us from this World, even whilft we are in it: By embit tering it to us; and by making us uncapable to relish its Enjoy




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