An Essay on the Nature and Immuntability of Truth: In Opposition to Sophistry and ScepticismW. & J. Deas, 1807 - 371 pagina's |
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An Essay on the Nature and Immuntability of Truth: In Opposition to ... James Beattie (ll D ) Geen voorbeeld beschikbaar - 2020 |
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absurd acknowledge action admit Æneid affirm ambiguous appear argument Aristotle Atheist axiom believe body cause cerning certainty Cicero common sense conceive confutation conscious consequence contradict contrary conviction convinced disbelieve distinction doctrine doubt effect Epictetus equally Essay evidence of sense existence experience external faculties fallacious false falsehood favourable feel former free agent genius heart human nature HUME Hume's idea imagination infer instinctive intuitive judgment kind knowledge liberty lieve magnitude MALEBRANCHE mankind matter mean metaphysical metaphysician moral natural philosophy necessity never notions object observation ontology opinion perceive perception perhaps Peripatetics person philosophers Plutarch principles of common produce proof prove Pyrrho racter rational reader reason religion rience scepticism sect seems self-evident sensation sentiments sight Socrates sophism sophistry soul suppose testimony theory thing thor tion Treatise of Human true truth understanding universal virtue words writings Xenoph
Populaire passages
Pagina 49 - Thou sun, said I, fair light, And thou enlighten'd earth, so fresh and gay, Ye hills and dales, ye rivers, woods, and plains, And ye that live and move, fair creatures, tell, Tell, if ye saw, how came I thus, how here...
Pagina 83 - I thus, how here? Not of myself; by some great maker then, In goodness and in power pre-eminent; Tell me, how may I know him, how adore, 280 From whom I have that thus I move and live, And feel that I am happier than I know.
Pagina 86 - It will be sufficient to observe that our assurance in any argument of this kind is derived from no other principle than our observation of the veracity of human testimony, and of the usual conformity of facts to the reports of witnesses.
Pagina 171 - I may venture to affirm of the rest of mankind, that they are nothing but a bundle or collection of different perceptions, which succeed each other with an inconceivable rapidity, and are in a perpetual flux and movement.
Pagina 58 - This frame, compacted with transcendent skill, Of moving joints obedient to my will, Nurs'd from the fruitful glebe, like yonder tree, Waxes and wastes ; I call it mine, not me. New matter still the mould'ring mast sustains, The mansion chang'd, the tenant still remains ; And from the fleeting stream, repaired by food, Distinct, as is the swimmer from the flood.
Pagina 106 - The intense view of these manifold contradictions and imperfections in human reason has so wrought upon me, and heated my brain, that I am ready to reject all belief and reasoning, and can look upon no opinion even as more probable or likely than another.
Pagina 105 - I dine, I play a game of backgammon, I converse, and am merry with my friends; and when after three or four hours...
Pagina 225 - Know'st thou the' importance of a soul immortal : Behold this midnight glory: worlds on worlds! Amazing pomp; redouble this amaze! Ten thousand add; and twice ten thousand more; Then weigh the whole ; one soul outweighs them all, And calls the' astonishing magnificence Of unintelligent creation poor.
Pagina 229 - I sit with sad civility, I read With honest anguish, and an aching head; And drop at last, but in unwilling ears, This saving counsel, 'Keep your piece nine years.
Pagina 303 - Rocks, caves, lakes, fens, bogs, dens, and shades of death, A universe of death ; which God by curse Created evil, for evil only good ; Where all life dies, death lives, and nature breeds, Perverse, all monstrous, all prodigious things, Abominable, unutterable, and worse Than fables yet have feign'd, or fear conceived, Gorgons, and Hydras, and Chimeras dire.