CONTENTS. Statement of the condition and needs of the library. Historical sketch of the llbrary 197764 PAGE. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. OFFICE OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN, DES MOINES, July 1, 1885. } TO HIS EXCELLENCY, BUREN R. SHERMAN, Governor of Iowa: SIR-If the following report of this department seem unusually voluminous, it is because the past biennial term has been somewhat eventful and important in the history of the Library. The Twentieth General Assembly convened on the 14th day of January, 1884. On the 19th of the same month (which was Saturday) we commenced the removal of the books to the elegant quarters designed for them in the new Capitol; on the 28th they were all in place the law permanently, the general temporarily-and ready for use, the transference having having occupied eight days. But at no time, so far as I am aware, during the removal; were members of the Legislature denied access to the books desired for examination. The main floor and one gallery only were shelved, which necessitated a second moving of the general library after the completion of the remaining galleries. Considerable inconvenience and delay in cataloguing and permanent arrangement has been occasioned by the necessary joint occupancy of the Library with the workmen engaged in finishing the interior. The books in the general library have been arranged by classesMr. F. B. Perkins' classification, used in the San Francisco Public Library, with modifications to suit our needs, having been adopted. Upon our removal to the new room, the following "Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Iowa State Library," were adopted by the Board of Trustees: 1. The Library shall be kept open every day except Sundays and the legal holidays. During the sessions of the General Assembly and the win |