HENRY G. BOHN'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. PART THE SECOND. SECTION THE FIRST, CONTAINING GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS, COMMENTARIES AND TRANSLATIONS. LONDON: HENRY G. BOHN, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 1850. 2593. e. (249 97 BOHN'S GENERAL CATALOGUE, Vol. I. price 78. half morocco, CONTAINS NATURAL HISTORY, in all its branches. BOOKS OF PRINTS, Picture Galleries, Sceneries, Pageants, Missals, Pictorial Architecture, Picturesque Voyages. ARCHITECTURE, Engineering, Hydraulics, Fortification, Mining, Machinery, Carpentry, Landscape-Gardening. NUMISMATA, Books on Coins, Medals, etc. HERALDRY, Genealogy, Family History, Knighthood. PHYSICS, including Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Mathematics, Manufactures, Astronomy, Meteorology, Astrology, Naval and Military Sciences, etc. METAPHYSICS, Moral Philosophy, Schoolmen, Visionaries, Free-thinkers, Mystics. LAW, Civil, Canon and Common; Treaties of Peace, etc. MEDICINE, Anatomy, Surgery, Physiology, Phrenology, Pharmacy, etc. LANGUAGE, comprehending Lexicons, Grammars, Prosody, Syntax, etc. and all Works in Dialects, or promotive of Etymology. ORIENTAL AND HEBREW LITERATURE; comprising chiefly Works in the Arabic, Persian, Sanscrit and Hebrew Languages. NORTHERN LITERATURE. Works on the History and Mythology of Scandinavia, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, etc. BIBLIOGRAPHY, Literary History and Biography, Reviews, Chalcography, etc. Reviews and Literary Periodicals. ENGLISH, IRISH AND SCOTTISH HISTORY, and Books by Early English Authors, in Foreign Languages. EARLY VOYAGES, TRAVELS, Maritime Discovery, Geographical Descriptions, Missionary Accounts, etc. in Foreign Languages. GAMES, SPORTS AND AMUSEMENTS, Hunting, Hawking, Fishing, Chess, Music, etc. in all Languages. GENERAL CATALOGUE. PART THE SECOND. GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS, Commentaries and Translations. As the present list of Classics comprises perhaps every edition of literary merit, a bibliographical recommendation might have been appended to almost every article; but this would have occupied more time and space than suitable to the occasion. The notes inserted are gleaned currente calamo, rather than with any plan. The reader who wishes to learn the merit of any of the numerous valuable editions, which are inserted without comment, is referred to the works of Dibdin, Moss, Engelmann, &c., all of which are described in the article Bibliography, pages 409 to 437 of the First Volume of the present Catalogue. ACHEUS. FRAGMENTA quæ supersunt, collecta et | ÆLIANUS. Idem, 18mo. red morocco, gilt edges, 10s 6d Gr. et Lat. recensuit Notis priorum et suis illustravit Boden, 8vo. neat, 68 Lips. 1796 Gr. et Lat. recensuit, notis selectis Salmasii aliorumque et suis illustravit Jacobs, 2 vols in 1, 8vo. (sells at £1. 5s) sd. 10s 6d ib. 1821 Idem, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. very neat in russia, gilt edges, Syston Park copy, 18s ib. 1821 Idem, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. CHARTA SCRIPT. bds. 13s ib. 1821 See Scriptores Erotici. ACHILLES TATIUS.-TRANSLATIONS. 10s 6d ÆGINETA.-TRANSLATION. OPERA OMNIA, Gr. et. Lat. cura et opera Gesneri, folio, old calf, 15s Tiguri, 1556 EDITIO PRINCEPS. It unites all the works of the three Ælians, and is said by Harwood to be "very correct and valuable, and of rare occurrence." Dibdin considers it "a very beautiful publication," and it may be added that it has been a desideratum in many eminent classical collections. OPERA, viz. De Natura Animalium libri XVIII. Gr. et Lat. Gronovii, 2 vols. Lond. 1744Varia Historia, Gr. et Lat. Gronovii, 2 vols. Lugd. Bat. 1731-together 4 vols. royal 4to. LARGE PAPER, fine copies, uniform in old russia extra, marbled edges, by Baumgarten, £4. 14s 6d VARIA HISTORIA, Libri XIV. Gr. et Lat. cum Idem, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. very neat in russia, Varia Historia, Gr. notis Perizonii integris, B |