3195 Locke's Paraphrafe and Notes on the Epiftles of St. Paul, boards, 78 ба 1794 196 Lardner's Works, with his Life by Kippis, 11 vol. large paper, boards, 51 58 5197 Lemoine's Treatife on Miracles, 3s 6d 5198 Letfome's Preacher's Affiftant, 38 $199 Another Copy, new and very neat, 45 1788 1747 5200 Lavington's (Bifhop) Comparifon of the Enthufiafm of Metho difts and Papifts, 2 vol. Es 1752 5201 Leland's View of the Deiftical Writers, 3 vol. very neatly half bound, 18s 1754 5202 Another Edition, with an Appendix by Brown, 2 vol. new and neat, 14s 1797 5203 Lindley's View of the State of the Unitarian Doctrine from the Reformation to our Times, 1783--Lindley's Sequel to his Apology for refigning his Vicarage, 1776-Lindley's Sermon ou the opening of the Chapel in Effex-ftreet, 1778-Lindley's Two Differtations, 1779-Lindfey's Examination of Robinson's Plea for the Divinity of Chrift, 1785-3 vol. very neat, 10s 6d 5204 Lindfey on Chriftian Idolatry, fewd, 28 5205 Lindfey's View of the State of the Unitarian Doctrine from the 1792 Reformation, boards, 38 5206 Leland on the Divine Authority of the Old and New Teftament, half bound, Is 6d 1783 1739 5207 Law on the Theory of Religion, 58 1774 5208 Lives of the Apostles, cuts, is 6d 1696 5209 La Serre's Mirror, which flatters not, Is 6d 1639 5210 Locke on the Reasonableness of Chriftianity, and his Vindication, 1695 2 vol. 3s 5211 Locke's Reply to Obfervations on his Effay on the Human Underftanding, and Anfwer to the Bishop of Worcester, 2 vol. 38 1697 5212 Milner's Detection of Ecclefiaftical Democracy, half bound, 25 1793 5213 Madox's Vindication of the Church of England against Neal, 2 vol. 4s 1740 5214 Middleton's Letter from Rome, 2s 5215 Morgan on Free Agency, Moral Government, and Divine Providence, 2s 1742 1741 5216 Moheim's Ecclefiaftical History, by Macláine, 6 vol. new and very neat, 21 25 1790 5217 New Teftament, interleaved with MS notes of various authors; fome are Markland's, many Fortin's 1757 5218 Nelson's Companion for the Festivals and Fafts, new and neat, 6s 1795 5219 Neal's Hiftory of the Puritans, 4 vol. half bound, il 4s 5220 Newton's (Sir I.) Letters on the 1 of John v. 7, and on that of I Timothy iii. 16, fewed, is 6d 1732 1754 5221 Newcombe's Hiftorical View of the English Biblical Translations, boards, 5s 1792 5222 Nye's 5222 Nye's Explication of the Divine Unity, the Trinity, and Incar nation, is 6d 1715 5223 Necker on the Importance of Religious Opinions, new and neat, 5224 Newton's (Bp.) Works, 6 vol. new and neat, il 48 5225 1788 1787 on the Prophecies, 2 vol. new and very neat, 148 1793 5226 Paley's View of the Evidences of Christianity, 2 vol. new and very neat, 14s 1796 5227 Paley's Hore Paulinæ, new and very neat, 78 1796 vol. 9s 1782 5229 Priestley's Inftitutes of Natural and Revealed Religion, 2 5230 Another Copy, 2 vol. new and neat, 12s 5231 Priestley's Hiftory of the Chriftian Church, 2 vol. very neat, 128 1790 vol. 8s 1782 1782 boards, 16s 5232 Another Copy, 2 vol. new and neat, 16s 5233 Priestley's Hiftory of Early Opinions concerning Chrift, 4 vol. 5234 Another Copy, 4 vol. new and neat, il 48 5235 Priestley's (a Collection of) Theological Tracts, 2 vol. new and neat, 18s 1774 5236 Priestley's Difcourfes on the Evidences of Revealed Religion, and Difcourfes at Philadelphia, z vol. new and neat, 145 1794-96 5237 Prieftley's Correspondence with Price on the Doctrines of Materialism, new and neat, 78 1787 1778 5238 Priestley's Letters to a Philofophical Unbeliever, 2 vol. in 1, new and neat, 8s 5239 Priestley's Answer to Paine's Age of Reason, 1796 Prieftley on the Increase of Infidelity, 1796-Priestley's Letters to the Jews, 1787-Priestley on the Refurrection, 1791- -new and neat, 108 5240 Priestley's Defences of Unitarianifm, 3 vol. in 1, new and neat, 108 1788, &c. 5241 Priestley's Hiftory of the Sufferings of Lewis de Marolles and Ifaac Le Fevre, 1788-Priestley's Familiar Letters to the Inhabitants of Birmingham, 1790-new and neat, 98 5242 Priestley's Forms of Prayer for Unitarians, 1783-Priestley's Sermon on the Slave Trade, 1788-Prieftley's Sermon on the Death of Price, 1791-Priestley on Forgivenefs of Injuries, 1791Priestley's Faft Sermon, 1793-Priestley's Faft Sermon, 1794Priestley's Farewell Sermon, 1794, new and neat, 108 5243 Priestley's Appeal to the Public on the Subject of the Birmingham Riots, 2 vol. in 1, new and neat, 8s 1792 5244 Pluralities Indefenfible, 2s 6d 5245 Prideaux's Connection of the Old and New Teftament, 3 vol. 10s 6d 1745 1718 5246 Another Copy, 4 vol. cuts, half bound, 14s 5247 Peters's Critical Differtation on Job, 58 5248 Parfons's Chriftian Directory, 28 1727 5249 Another Copy, 28 1735 5250 Pyle's Paraphrafe on the Revelation, 43 1735 5251 Pearfon's Expofition of the Creed, 2 vol. boards, 11s 6d 1797 5252 Price's Four Differtations, 38 6d 1767 5253 Revelation of St. John confidered, boards, 6s 1787 5254 Another Copy, new and neat, 78 1787 5255 Ridley's Letters to the Author of the Confeffional, 2s 6d 1768 5256 Rogers's Vindication of the Civil Eftablishment of Religion, 28 1728 5257 Randolph's View of Chrift's Miniftry, 2 vol. Ios 5258 Another Copy, 2 vol. new and neat, 148 1784 1784 5259 Ray on the Creation, Deluge, and Future Conflagration of the World, 38 6d 1732 5260 Rymer on Revealed Religion, 28 5261 Richardfon's Vindication of the Canon of the New Teftament, is 1723 1701 5262 Sykes on the Credibility of Miracles and Revelation, new and neat, 38 1742 5263 Secker's (Archbp.) Works, 12 vol. very neat, 31 1770 5264 Another Copy, 12 vol. new and neat, 31 128 1790 5265 Secker's Lectures on the Catechism, 2 vol. new and neat, 12s 1790 5272 Stillingfleet (Bp.) on the Duties and Rights of the Parochial 5274 Stebbing on Prayer and Religious Duties, Is 6d 1702 1750 1739 5275 Smith's Detection of the Errors of the Church of Rome, 28 6d 5276 Sharpe's Defence of Chriftianity, large paper, 38 5277 Smallbrooke's (Bp.) Vindication of the Miracles of Chrift, 2 vol. 4s 1729 5278 Sillery on Religion as the Bafis of Happiness and true Philofophy, 2 vol. very neat, 6s 1787 1735 5279 Scougal on the Nature and Excellency of Christianity, 28 5280 St. George on the Bleffings of Christian Philofophy, 28 1737 5281 Taylor on the Nature of the Grand Apoftacy, 2 vol.fewed, 5s 1781 5282 Travell's Paraphrafe on the Pfalms, new and neat, 9s 5283 Thomas à Kempis on the Imitation of Chrift, by Stanhope, 3s 1759 5284 Toland's Chriftianity not mysterious, 28 5285 Taylor (Jeremy) on the State of Man, Is 6d 5286 Townfon's Difcourfes on the Four Gospels, half bound, 6s 5287 Warburton (Bp.) Supplement to his Works, boards, 6s 1788 5288 Warburton's Alliance between Church and State, fine paper, 38 5289 Watfon's (Bp.) Collection of Theological Tracts, 6 vol. new and 1794 neat, il 4s 5290 Another Copy, 6 vol. large paper, in boards, 11 78 5291 Wilberforce's Practical View of Christianity, new and neat, 8s 1797 5292 Welt on the Refurrection, 38 1794 1747 5293 Another Copy, 38 1749 5294 Wogan on the Leffons appointed by the Church of England, 4 vol. 168 1754 5295 Another Copy, 4 vol. new and neat, il 18 1764 5296 Worthington on Man's Redemption, 2s 6d 1743 5297 Ward on Several Paffages of Scripture, 28 1761 5298 Wakefield's Tranflatios of the New Teftament, 2 vol. new and very neat, 16s 1795 5299 Whitaker on the Origin of Arianifm, half bound, 58 1791 5300 Another Copy, new and neat, 6s 1791 5301 Wall's Critical Notes on the Old and New Testament, 3 vol. 6s 1734, & 1730 5302 Wilkins (Bp.) on the Principles and Dnties of Natural Religion, 5305 Waterland on the Doctrine of the Eucharift, 28 5306 Waterland on the Doctrine of the Trinity, 28 1704 1710 1674 1737 1734 5307 Waterland's Vindication of Christ's Divinity, 2 vol. 58 1719 5308 Wake's Tranflation of the Epiftles of the Apoftolical Fathers, 28 5309 Wall's Hiftory of Infant Baptifm, 4 vol. 48 1710 1705 5310 Wollafton's Delineation of the Religion of Nature, with a Tranflation of the Notes, 38 6d 5311 Another Copy, 4s 1750 1759 5312 Woolton's 6 Difcourfes on the Miracles of Chrift, 1728, &c.— Sherlock's Tryal of the Witneffes of the Refurrection of Jefus, 1729, 78 6d 5313 Warburtou's Divine Legation of Mofes, 5 vol. beft edition, very neat, il 118 6d 1766 1745 5314 Whilton's Primitive New Teftament, bound in ruffia, 48 5315 Whifton's Primitive Chriftianity revived, 4 vol. 10s. 5316 Whifton's Collection of Authentic Records belonging to the Old 1711 and New Teftament, 2 vol., 58 1727 5317 Whifton's Sacred History of the Old and New Testament, 6 vol. half bound, 18s 1745 5318 Whilton's Effay towards reftoring the true Text of the Old Tef 5322 Whitby's Reply to Waterland's Objections, 1720, &c.-Whitby's Laft Thoughts, 1727-Whitby's Diffuafive from enquiring into the Doctrine of the Trinity, 1714, 28 5323 Whitby's Difcourfes on five Theological Points, is 6d 1712 5324 Whitby 1705 5324 Whitby on the Chriftian Revelation, Is 6d 5325 Abernethy's, 2 vol. half bound, ruffia backs, 58 5326 Atterbury's (Lewis) 2 vol. 4s 1746 1743 5327 Atterbury's (Francis) and Pofthumous Works, 4 vol. 10s 1735 SERMON S. 5328 Altham's, 2 vol. 45 5331 Apthorp's on Prophecy, 2 vol. 6s 1732 1751 17 1786 5332 Boucher (13) on the Caufes and Confequences of the Ame rican Revolution, new and very neat, 108 5339 Balguy's, 2 vol. 75 1797 1780 1766 1791 1791 1777 1760 5340 Bampton Lecture (Collection of the) from 1780 to 1794 in clufive, 16 vol. new and elegantly bound, 61 6s 5341 Barclay's, fewed, 2s 6d 1777 5342 Batty's (26) on various Subjects, 2 vol. in 1, 38 5352 Bulkley's, and on Public Occafions, 2 vol. 5s 5357 Burton's (Hezekiah), 2 vol. portrait, 38 5358 Burton's (John), 2 vol. half bound, uncut, 78 1684 5369 Clarke's, 10 vol. and his 18 Sermons, 11 vol. very neat, il15s |