
7874 Nomeffeii Parnaffus, 38

7875 Nicols de Literis Inventis, Is 6d

Mog. 1629 Lond. 1711

Brun. 1785

7876 Pilarz' et Moravetz, Moraviæ Hiftoria Politica et Ecclefiaftica,

2 vol. 8s

7877 Petavii Rationarium Temporum, ad noftra ufque Tempora con

tinuatum, 4s

7878 Aliud Exemplar, 2 vol. half bound, 8s
7879 Parker de Rebus fui Temporis, large paper, 38
7880 Poetarum Scotorum Mufæ Sacræ, 2 vol. portraits,

7881 Polignac, Anti-Lucretius, five de Deo et Natura,
bound in morocco, gilt leaves, 1l is

7882 Aliud Exemplar, 2 vol. in 1, 93

L. Bat. 1710 ib. 1745 Lond. 1726

10s 6d

Edinb. 1739 2 vol. elegantly Par. 1747 ib. 1747 Citreorum, Ven. 1761 Lond. 1716

7883 Pontani Poema de Hortis Hefperidum, five de Cultu
Lat. & Ital. 28 6d

7884 Philipps, Hiftoria Philofophica de Atheismo, is 6d
7885 Pufendorf de Statu Imperii Germanici, curâ Gundlingi, 28

Col. 1706

7886 Pufendorf de Officio Hominis et Civis, curâ Johnson, zs 6d

Lond. 1737

ib. 1757

7887 Aliud Exemplar, 38 7888 Palairet, Obfervationes Philologico-Criticæ in Sacros Fœderis Libros, balf bound, 5s

7889 Aliud Exemplar, in vellum, 6s

L. Bat. 1752 ib.

1752 Lipf. 1768

7890 Phila Carmina Græca, curâ Wernsdorfii, 6s 7891 Parr, Præfatio ad Bellendenum, portraits, elegantly bound in morocco, gilt leaves, 10s 6d

Lond. 1788

7892 Quinque illuftrium Poetarum, A. Panormitæ, J. Secundi, &c. Lufus in Venerem, large paper, elegantly bound in vellum, gilt leaves, il is

Par. 1791

7893 Reimari de Vita et Scriptis J. A. Fabricii Commentarius, 3s 6d

Hamb. 1737 Tr. Bat. 1715

7894 Relandi Fafti Confulares, 2s 7895 Ruggle, Ignoramus, Comoedia, curante Hawkins, very neat, 8s

Lond. 1787 Oxon. 1772 L. Bat. 1749

7896 Robinson, Index in Longinum, &c. 2s 7897 Ruhnkenius in Homerum et Hefiodum, 38 6d 7898 Synopfis compendiaria Grotii de Jure Belli et Pacis-Clarkii de Dei Exiftentia-et Lockii de Intellectu Humano-28 6d

Cantab. 1751

7899 Selchow, Elementa Antiquitatum Juris Romanorum Publici et

Got. 1758

7900 Stephanorum Hiftoria, Vitas ipforum ac Libros complectens,

Privati, 58

2 vol. Il 11s 6d

7901 Serveti Opera, boards, 158

Lond. 1709

7902 Strada Prolufiones Academicæ, large paper, very neat in vellum,

10s 6d

Oxon. 1745

7903 Aliud Exemplar, large paper, red morocco, gilt leaves, Il is ib. 1745 7904 Simlerus de Republica Helvetiorum, very neat, in vellum,

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

7905 Struvii Juris Prudentia Feudalis ex Jure Germanico, &c. 48

Iene, 1732

7906 Struvii Bibliotheca Hiftorica, 2 vol. very neat, in vellum, 128


ib. 1740

7907 Scharfenberg, Animadverfiones in Vetus Teftamentum, neat, 6s

Lipf. 1766 Ant. 1600 Lond. 1793

7908 Scaligeri Epiftolæ et Orationes, 28
7909 Tweddell, Prolufiones Juveniles, boards, 58
7910 Trillerii Obferv. in varios Græcos et Latinos Auctores, 2s 6d

7911 Titii Specimen Juris Publici Romano-Germanici,
vellum, 5s

7912 Thura, Idea Hiftoriæ Litterariæ Danorum, 38

Franc. 1742

very neat, in Lipf. 1717 Hamb. 1723

7913 Tolandi Adeifidæmon, five Livius à Superftitione vindicatus, large

paper, very neat, 158

Hag.Com. 1709
Cant. 1741

7914 Tunftall, Epiftolæ ad Middleton. 28 7915 Valla in Ciceronis Partitiones Commentaria, R. Steph. 1535Boetii in Topica Ciceronis Commentaria, R. Steph. 1535-gilt leaves, 55

7916 Vidæ Opera, Annotationes adjecit Triftram, 3 vol. 155

Oxon. 1722

7917 Vidæ Opera, 4 vol. in 3, elegantly bound in morocco, gilt leaves, 21 28 7918 Vida de Arte Poetica, 28 Od

7919 Vandeporanus de Philofophorum Doctrina, 2s 6d
7920 Vitrarii Inftitutiones Juris Naturæ et Gentium, 58
7921 Veith, Bibliotheca Auguftana, complectens Notitias
Scriptis Eruditorum Auguftan. 8 vol, boards, 11 48

7922 Wolfii Monumenta Typographica, 2 vol. 98
7923 Ware, Antiquitates Hibernicæ, 28

ib. 1723 ib. 1769

L. Bat. 1734 de Vita et Aug. 1785 Hamb. 1740 1654

7924 Lives of Painters, in Dutch, 3 vol. with the fine beads engraved by Houbraken and others, 11 16s

Amft. 1718

Mathematics, Arts and Sciences.



7925 THE

HE Artift's Repofitory and Drawing-Magazine, 4 vol. many cuts, half bound, 18s

7926 Avifon on Mufical Expreffion, with a Letter on the Mufic of the


Ancients, by Dr. Jortin, 2s 6d


7927 Adams on the Globes, with a Variety of Problems, cuts, 35 6d 1769 7928 Atwood's Analysis of a Courfe of Lectures on Natural Philofophy,

fered, 38


7929 Bettefworth's Syftem of Naval Mathematics, boards, 2s 6d 7930 Bell on Military First Principles, is 6d



7931 Baker on Microscopes, 2 vol. many cuts, new and neat, 148 7932 Baker, The Microscope made Easy, cuts, 38



7933 Another Copy, cuts, 38


7934 Baker's

7934 Baker's Employment for the Microfcope, cuts, 39

7935 Bonnycastle's Elements of Geometry, new and neat, Cs



7936 Bonnycastle's Introduction to Aftronomy, cuts, new and neat, 58




7937 Blome's Essay on Heraldry, plates coloured, 28 7938 Beckford's Thoughts on Hare and Fox-Hunting, cuts, boards, 93 1796 7939 Brydfon's Summary View of Heraldry in Reference to the Ufages of Chivalry and the general Oeconomy of the Feudal System, with an Appendix refpecting fuch Diftinctions of Rank as have place in the British Conftitution, new and very neat, 128 1795 7940 Bradley's British Housewife; or, The Cook and Gardener's Companion, 2 vol. cuts, 58

7941 Bancroft's Experimental Researches concerning the Philosophy of

Permanent Colours, vol. 1, boards, 4s


7942 Burnet's Theory of the Earth, 2 vol. many cuts, 5s 7943 Blunt's Farriery, 1s 6d



7944 Bartlet's Farriery, 28

7945 Barba on Metals, Is 6d



[blocks in formation]

7952 Clavering on the Construction and Building of Chimneys, cuts, half bound, 2s 6d


7953 Cunn's Treatife of the Sector, cuts, 28


7954 Clare on the Motion of Fluids, many cuts, 9s


7955 Clark on Shoeing and Diseases of the Feet of Horses, cuts, boards,



7956 Another Copy, half bound, 25 6d


7957 Clark on Prevention of Difeafes to Horses, half bound, 35


7958 De Moivre on Annuities for Lives, fewed, 1s 6d


7959 Another Edition, bound, 2s


7960 Derham's Aftro and Phyfico-Theology, 2 vol. cuts, s

[blocks in formation]

7964 Dollond's Directions for ufing Hadley's Quadrant, cuts, half bound, 28 7965 Dunn on the Theory and Practice of the Longitude at Sea, cuts, 38

7966 Dunn on the Ufe of the Universal Planifpheres, 2s 6d 7967 Da Vinci's Treatife on Painting, with his Life, cuts, new

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7969 Douglas's Plan for Recruiting and Improving the British Army,

[blocks in formation]

7972 Euclid, by Whiston, 28 6d

Infantry, elegantly bound, 4s

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7973 Euclid, by D'Chales, 2s 6d

7974 Euclid, by Simíon, new and neat, 78

7975 The Elaboratory, or Secrets of Modern Chemistry, 38

1714 1748



7976 Elements of Military Arrangement and Difcipline of the British



7978 Epitome of Military Difcipline, and Treatife on Military Finance, Is Ed


7979 Ferguson's Lectures on Mechanics, Hydroftatics, &c. cuts, 4s 1760 7980 Ferguson's Select Mechanical Exercifes, half bound, cuts, 38 6d 1773 7981 Another Copy, 4s


7982 Fergufon's Tables and Tracts relative to Arts and Sciences, cuts, 38


7983 Ferguson's Aftronomy, many cuts, very neat, 78 1984 Another Edition, new and neat, 9s



7985 Fergufon's Introduction to Aftronomy, for Young Gentlemen and

[blocks in formation]

7988 Franklin's Philofophical and Mifcellaneous Papers, cuts, fewed,

28 ба

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1787 1688

7990 Foulis's Catalogue of Pictures of the most admired Masters, with

[blocks in formation]

7993 Gilpin on Picturefque Beauty, Travel, and Landfcape, fine plates,

boards, 78 6d


7994 Another Edition, elegantly bound in morocco, gilt leaves, 18s 7995 Gilpin's Effay on Prints, 28



7996 Another Edition, ferved, is 6d


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a new


7998 Another Copy, bound, new and neat, 6s
1999 Gordon's Univerfal Accountant and Complete Merchant,


2 vol.



8000 Gregory, the Economy of Nature explained and illustrated, 3 vol.

[blocks in formation]

8003 Graham's Account of Ancient and Modern Painters, 2s

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8005 Gregory's Practical Geometry, culs, 28


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8007 Hooper's Rational Recreations, 4 vol. cuts, half bound, 16s
8008 Another Edition, 4 vol. new and neat, 1l 4s
80c9 Handmaid to the Arts, 2 vol. 10s 6d




8010 Another Copy, 2 vol. new and very neat, 14s 8011 Hutton's Arithmetic,.3s



8012 Hutton's

[blocks in formation]

8015 Home's Experiments on Bleaching, fewed, 7s 6d


8015 Heltham's Lectures in Natural Philofophy, by Robinson, 48 1743

8017 Another Copy, very neat, 55


8018 Hammond's Algebra, 3s


[blocks in formation]

8023 Hale's Statical Effays and Experiments, 2 vol. cuts, 4s 1731

fons Deaf and Dumb, is 6d

8025 Huygen's Celestial Worlds difcovered, 18 6d. So26 Halfpenny's Practical Architecture, cuts, is 6d 8027 Hardy's Arithmetic, Is 6d

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8024 Holder's Elements of Speech, with an Appendix concerning Per




8032 Kent's Grammar of Heraldry, 28 8033 Keill's and Maupertuis's Examination of Burnet's Theory of the


Earth, cuts, very neat, 38


8034 Keill's Introduction to Aftronomy, many cuts, 28 6d


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[blocks in formation]

8038 Lochée's Elements of Field Fortification, cuts, very neat, 4s 1783

[blocks in formation]

8043 Leibnitz's Papers which paffed between himself and Dr. Clarke,

[ocr errors][merged small]

8044 Lovett on Æther and Electrical Fire, interleaved, 28


8045 Another Edition, 28


8046 La Cointe's Science of Military Pofts, cuts, 25


8047 Laurence's Duty and Office of a Land-Steward, cuts, 45


8048 Lewis's Hiftory of the Origin and Progrefs of Printing, 5s


8049 Law on Money and Trade, 28


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8051 Muffchenbroek's Elements of Natural Philosophy, by Colfon, cuts,

2 vol. boards, 5s


8052 Monk (Duke of Albemarle), Obfervations upon Military and

Political Affairs, cuts, boards, 6s

8053 Maclaurin's Algebra, 4s

Nn 2

1796 1746

So54 Maclaurin’s

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