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Is 6d 1673 8425 Davy's Letters upon Subjects of Literature, 2 vol. boards, 98 1787 8426 Dodley's Fugitive Pieces, 2 vol. new and neat, 8s 8427 De Pauw's Philofophical Differtations on the Egyptians and Chinefe, 2 vol. boards, 10s 1771 1795 8428 D'Argenfon's (Marquis) Effays, Civil, Moral, Literary, and Political, boards, 38 1789 8429 D'Ifraeli's Mifcellanies, or Literary Recreations, boards, 75 1796 8430 Another Copy, new and neat, 8s 1796 8431 Difcourfe of Drinking Healths, fhewing the great Evil of this Cuftom, 2s 1716 8432 Davies's Dramatic Mifcellanies, 3 vol. very neat, 15s 8433 De Lolme's History of the Flagellants, half bound, 38 1784 1785 8434 De Lambert (Marchionefs) on Friendship and Old Age, boards, 2s 1780 8435 Defoe's Effay upon Projects, 2s 6d 1697 8436 Elegant Extracts, in Profe, 2 vol. new and gilt, very neat, 16s 1794 8437 Another Copy, 2 vol. in 1, new and neat, 148 8438 European Magazine 1789 to 1796 inclufive, 16 vol. many cuts, half bound, 41 1794 1795 8440 Effays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion, 28 6d 1751 8439 Euler's (Baron) Letters to a German Princess on Phyfics and Philofophy, 2 vol. boards, 128 844: Edin 8444 Another Edition, elegantly bound, 8s 1793 8445 Fitzofborne's (Melmoth) Letters on several Subjects, 5s 1784 8446 Another Copy, very neat, 75 1785 8447 Genlis (Countefs de), Theatre of Education, 4 vol. 16s 8448 Another Copy, 4 vol. new and very neat, 18s 1781 1781 8449 Grey's Notes on Shakspeare, 2 vol. 4s 1754 8450 Gisborne's Principles of Moral Philofophy, new and neat, 5s 1790 8451 Gisborne's Enquiry into the Duties of Men in the Higher and Middle Claffes, 2 vol. boards, 128 1795 8452 Another Copy, 2 vol. new and very neat, 14s 1795 8453 Gisborne on the Duties of Men, and of the Female Sex, 3 vol. in boards, 18s 1795 8454 Gregory's Effays, Hiftorical and Moral, boards, 4s 1788 8455 Geddes on the Writing of the Antients, particularly Plato, 3s 1748 8456 Godwin's Enquirer; Reflections on Education, Manners and 1797 1797 1797 Literature; boards, 78 8457 Guardian, with Notes, 2 vol, boards, 14s 8458 Another Copy, 2 vol. new and very neat, 168 8459 Grofe's Olio; being a Collection of Bon Mots, Epigrams, Epitaphs, &c. chiefly original; new and neat, 78 1793 8460 Horley's Account of Debates in the Royal Society, and Various Tracts by Baron Maferes, 4s 1784, &c. 8461 Hartley on the Human Mind, with Effays relating to the Subject of it by Priestley, very neat, 6s 1775 $462 Hoadley's Original and Inftitution of Church Government, is 6d 1710 8463 Hurd's Letters on Chivalry, Romance, and Foreign Travel, 2s 1762 8464 Harris's Three Treatifes on Art, Mufic, Painting, Poetry, and Happiness, boards, 28 8465 Another Copy, bound, 2s 6d 1744 1744 8466 Harris's Philofophical Arrangements, cuts, boards, 78 8467 Harris's Philological Inquiries, 2 vol. cuts, boards, 8s 8472 Hayley's Effay on Old Maids, 3 vol. new and very neat, 12s 1793 8473 Another Copy, 3 vol. 10s 6d 1793 84 8474 Howell's Familiar Letters, 2s 6d 1705 8475 Home's Elements of Criticism, 2 vol. very neat, 128 1785 8476 Another Copy, 2 vol. new and very neat, 14s 1785 8477 Home's Sketches of the Hiftory of Man, 4 vol. new and very neat, il 8s 1788 $478 Home on Education and Culture of the Heart, 3s 6d 8479 Another Copy, 48 1781 1781 8489 Hill's 1767 1785 8480 Hill's (A.) 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Works, with the Life of the Author, 4 vol. 188 17.0 8589 Temple's |