

Folio. 172 plates.
Plumier's figures consist of little more than outlines, but being as large as
nature, and well drawn by himself, produce a fine effect. Many hundred
of his drawings remain still unpublished in the library of the Jardin des
Plantes at Paris. Copies of many of these were obtained by the Earl
of Bute, which afterwards passed into the hands of Sir Joseph Banks.
Boerhaave had previously obtained copies of above 500, most of which
were published by Burmann, in 1755-60. In 1824 the compiler of this
work met with copies of about 500, very well executed, and a мs. volume
of descriptions, which are now in the possession of A. B. Lambert, Esq.
Vice President of the Linnæan Society.

8 *THORMODI TORFÆI, historia Vinlandiæ antiquæ seu partis
Americæ septentrionalis.

Small 8vo.


A rare book (republished in 1715,) showing that the northern nations had a knowledge of the American continent prior to the discoveries of Columbus.


1 A JOURNAL OF TRAVELS from New Hampshire to Caratuck, on the continent of North America, by George Keith, A.M. late Missionary from the Society for the propagation of the gospel in foreign parts, and now rector of Edburton, in Sussex. Quarto, pp. 96. London.

This work contains little more than an account of the sermons preached by the author at the different places through which he travelled. George Keith is the same person who some years before defended the Quakers against Increase and Cotton Mather, but afterwards turned against the Quakers himself, and became a Baptist.

2 AN ACCOUNT of the Society for propagating the Gospel in foreign parts, established by the royal charter of King William III. With their proceedings and success, and hopes of continual progress under the happy reign of Queen Anne. Quarto, pp. 97. London.

3 HISTOIRE DE LA DECOUVERTE et de la conquète du Perou, traduite de l'Espagnol d'Augustin de Zarate par S. D. C. 12mo. 2 vols.

Paris. Zarate's history of the discovery and conquest of Peru was first printed in Spanish at Antwerp in 1555, in small octavo, afterwards in 1577 at Seville, in folio, and in Barcia's Historiadores in 1749. It was translated into English by T. Nicholas, and printed in 1581, in small quarto, black letter. "Zarate's history, whether we attend to its matter or composition, is a

book of considerable merit, as he had opportunities to be well informed, 1706. and seems to have been inquisitive with respect to the manners and transactions of the Peruvians; great credit is due to his testimony." Robertson.


1 A NEW DESCRIPTION of that fertile and pleasant province of
Carolina with a brief account of its discovery, settling, and
the Government thereof to this time. With several remarkable
passages of Divine Providence during my time.
Archdale, late governour of the same.
Quarto, p. 40.

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Gov. Archdale introduced the cultivation of rice into Carolina.

By John


2 MEMORIAL of the present deplorable state of New England under Joseph Dudley, esq.

[blocks in formation]

Boston, N. E.

3 A MODEST ENQUIRY into the grounds and occasions of a late

pamphlet, intituled, A Memorial of the present deplorable state of New England. By a disinterested hand. London. Quarto, p. 30.

Contains the foregoing memorial, and the defence of Gov. Dudley. 4* THE HUMBLE SUBMISSION of several kings, princes, generals, &c. to the crown of England, lately presented to Sir Nath. Johnson, the present governor of Carolina under her Majesty Queen Ann. London.


In the British Museum.

5 A VOYAGE ROUND THe world. Containing an account of Captain Dampier's expedition into the South Seas in the ship St. George, in the year 1703 and 1704. With his various adventures, engagements, &c. and a particular and exact description of several islands in the Atlantick Ocean, the Brazilian coast, the passage round Cape Horn, and the coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico. Together with the author's voyage from Amapalla, on the west coast of Mexico, to East. India. His passing by three unknown islands, and through a new discovered streight near the coast of New Guinea. His arrival at Amboyna. With a large description of that and


other spice islands; as also of Batavia, the Cape of Good Hope, &c. their rivers, harbours, plants, animals, inhabitants, &c. With divers maps, draughts, figures, plants, and animals. By William Funnell, mate to Captain Dampier. London. 8vo.

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"Funnell arrived in England before Captain Dampier, and seized on the opportunity to compose a relation of the voyage, a task for which he was ill qualified, and which he performed with disadvantage to the public. Funnell's narrative was published in 1707 by Knapton the bookseller, who being the publisher of three volumes of the voyages of Dampier, drawn up from his own manuscript journals, should have distinguished the difference, and not have obtruded Funnel's narrative into the same collection; but he was tempted by the favourable reception of the former volumes. The public were thus punished with a fourth volume to Dampier's Voyages, which contains not a word of Dampier's writing, but much that he disapproved. Funnell's narrative must now be allowed to retain its rank as fourth volume of Dampier's Voyages, as no other authentic account of that voyage has appeared, or can be expected to appear. The volume, however, would be better naturalized if it were made to include the following work." 6 *CAPT. DAMPIER'S VINDICATION of his voyage in the ship St. George; with some small observations for the present on Mr. Funnell's chimerical relation. London.

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In this vindication, which does not occupy more than a single sheet, Dampier points out several misrepresentations made by Funnell, and accuses him of having pirated from charts and papers with which he had been intrusted, but of which, Dampier says, he afterwards rendered a very slender account, pretending that some of them were lost." Burney. 7 *AN ANSWER TO CAPT. DAMPIER'S Vindication of his voyage to the South Seas in the ship St. George; with particular observations on his ungenerous, false, and barbarous usage to his ship's crew. By John Welbe, midshipman on board

Capt. Dampier's ship.

Quarto, pp. 8.


8 A VOYAGE TO THE ISLANDS Madeira, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica, with the natural history of the herbs and trees, four-footed beasts, fishes, birds, insects, reptiles, &c. of the last of those islands; to which is prefixed an introduction, wherein is an account of the inhabitants, air, waters, diseases, trade, &c. of that place, with some relations concerning the neighbouring continent and islands of America. Illustrated with the figures of the things described,

which have not been heretofore engraved, in large copper-plates 1707.
as big as the life. By Hans Sloane, M. D., &c. In two
volumes." Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall
be increased." Dan. xii. 4.

Folio, 2 vols. 276 plates.

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The second volume of this great and important work was not published
until 1725. There are some copies with the plates coloured, but they
are of great rarity, and bring high prices when offered for sale.

9 HISTOIRE DE LA VIRGINIE, contenant, I. L'Histoire du premier
Entablissement dans la Virginie & de son Gouvernement
jusques à present.-11. Les productions naturelles & les
commoditez du Païs avant que les Anglois y negociassent &
l'ameliorassent.-11. La Religion, les Loix, & les Coutumes
des Indiens naturels, tant dans la Guerre, que dans la Paix.—
IV. L'Etat present du Païs, tant à l'egard de la Police, que
de l'Amelioration du Païs. Par un Auteur Natif & habitant
du Païs. Traduite de l'Anglois. Enrichie de Figures.

A translation of No. 1 of 1705.


10 HISTOIRE DE LA CONQUETE des Isles Moluques par les Es-
pagnoles, par les Portugais, & par les Hollandois. Traduite.
de l'Espagnol d'Argensola.
12mo. 3 vols.

The original work was first printed at Madrid in 1609. Translated into
English by Capt. John Stevens in 1708.

11 HISTOIRE UNIVERSELLE des Voyages faits par mer et par terre,
dans l'ancien et le nouveau monde.

Par M. Duperrier, avec




An English translation appeared in 1708, republished with a new title in



1 THE DEPLORABLE STATE of New England by reason of a covetous and treacherous Governour, and pusillanimous Counsellors. With a vindication of the Hon. Mr. Higginson, Mr. Mason, and several other gentlemen, from the scandalous and wicked accusation of the votes ordered by them to be published in their Boston News-letter. To which is added an account of



the shameful miscarriage of the late expedition against Port Royal. 8vo. pp. 39.

This pamphlet is said to be by the Rev. John Higginson of Salem, then aged 92: but the dedication is signed A. H., probably Alex. Holmes, one of the petitioners. It is written with great warmth, and lays open the disputes which existed between Governor Dudley and some leading characters in New England, who opposed his designs, which were to get rid of the charter, and make the government completely arbitrary.-North Am. Rev. III. p. 305.

2 THE BRITISH EMPIRE in America; containing the history of the discovery, settlement, progress, and present state of all the British Colonies on the Continent and islands of America, &c. With curious maps of the several places, done from the newest surveys, by Herman Moll, Geographer.

8vo. 2 vols. pp. 800.


The dedication to this work is signed by J. Oldmixon ; but it is often attributed to Herman Moll, who prepared the maps, from his name appearing on the title. It was reprinted in 1741, with considerable additions. 3 SOME PROPOSALS towards promoting the propagation of the Gospel in our American Plantations. Humbly offered in a letter to Mr. Nelson, &c. London.

Quarto, pp. 30.

Bib. Am. Prim.

accounts of Discoveries and Conquests in all parts of the
World. None of them ever before printed in English; being
now first translated from the Spanish, Italian, French, Dutch,
Portuguese, and other languages. Adorned with cuts.
the month of December, 1708. To be continued monthly.



Capt. John Stevens, translated most of the works in this collection, which generally goes under his name. It was published in numbers, and some copies were printed on fine large paper. This first volume contains:Argensola's Discovery and Conquest of the Molucco Islands.-Lawson's New Voyage to Carolina.-Cieza's Seventeen Years' Travels in Peru. Each with separate title, index, &c. The second volume was published

in 1710.

5 THE DISCOVERY AND CONQUEST of the Molucco and Philippine islands; containing their history, ancient and modern, natural and political; their description, product, religion, govern

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